Free Residential Rental Application

Residential Rental Applications are used when a landlord wishes to select a reliable and reputable tenant. This application sets out requested information regarding the applicant, their rental history, their employment history and their credit references.

Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.

Residential Rental Application
Application Date: _________

Landlord/Property Manager:                          _______________________________

(Name and Title)

Landlord/Property Manager Address:                        _____________________________________                                                                                              (No., Street, City, State, Zip)

Rental Property Address:                               _____________________________________

(No., Street, City, State, Zip)

Applicant Information:

______________________________________        ________________________

(First, Middle, Last)                                                    (Maiden Name – if applicable)


D.O.B.: _______________________                                                SSN: ________________________

Present Address:         _________________________________      _______________________

(No., Street, City, State & Zip)                      Move In/Move Out Date

Martial Status: ______

Spouse Information:

______________________________________        ________________________

(First, Middle, Last)                                                    (Maiden Name – if applicable)

D.O.B.: _______________________                                                SSN: ________________________

Present Address:         _________________________________      _______________________

(If different than           (No., Street, City, State & Zip)                      Move In/Move Out Date


Emergency Contact Information:

_________________________________      ______________

(Name and Contact information)                    (Relationship)

Dependent Information:

No. of children living with you? _____

Name: ______________________                 Relationship: ____________  Age: _____

Residential History:

Previous Address 1:    _________________________________      _______________________

(No., Street, City, State & Zip)                      Move In/Move Out Date

Name of Property Manager or Landlord: ____________      Contact No.: __________________

Reason for Moving: ____________________________________________________________

Applicant Employment Information:

Name of Present Employer:                _______________________________________________

Address of Present Employer:            _______________________________________________

(No., Street, City, State & Zip)

Position/Title:  _________________              Salary: __________ per  __ month __  year

Dates of Employment: _____________________________

Spouse  Employment Information:

Name of Present Employer:                _______________________________________________

Address of Present Employer:            _______________________________________________

(No., Street, City, State & Zip)

Position/Title:  _________________              Salary: __________ per  __ month __  year

Dates of Employment: _____________________________

Other Sources of Income:

Source                                                            Amount

___________________                      _______

Financial Information:

Name & Address of Bank or Credit Union                Account No.                           Balance

____________________________           ____________              ______

Personal References:

Name              Address                      Phone No.                  Relationship               Years Known


Pet Information:

How many pets do you own? ______

Species: _________ Breed: _______             Weight: ________      House-Broken: ________


Applicant’s Signature/Date

The forms on this site are provided "As-Is." By using these forms you agree that you are using them at your own risk. Most of the free forms are not prepared by an attorney and may need substantial modification. Additional disclaimers can be found in our Terms of Use.