Free Template for a Lease Termination Form
Lease Termination Agreements are used to terminate a lease before its expiration date. This termination agreement is often used by mutual agreement of the parties and contains provisions regarding continuing lease obligations and any termination fees.
Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.
Lease Termination
Date: __________
Tenant: ___________________________________
Apartment: ________________________________
This letter is to information you that your lease agreement, executed on ___________ has been expired and shall terminate effectively on __________________.
You are to remove all your personal property out of the lease premises on or before ______________.
If you are unable to remove all your personal property on or before the specified date, please contact us for a possible extension. Any personal property left behind without proper arrangements for removal will be deemed as Landlord’s property and Landlord shall dispose such property without any liability from you.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
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