Free Sample Eviction Notice

A Notice to Quit is sometimes known as an Eviction Notice. It is used when notifying a tenant that they have committed a violation of their lease and are being evicted. This notice will serve as an official eviction notice and sets out the date the tenant must move out of the premises.

Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.





You are hereby given an eviction notice and notice to vacate, on or before              , ___    , the premises and appurtenances owned by ___________________________of the City of   , in the County of ______________________, ________________ (State), which premises are now occupied by you.

The reason for this eviction notice is:

          Your failure to pay rent due and in arrears when demanded.

A demand to pay rent was served upon you on                  , 200         and you have refused and neglected to pay rent due for the period                                                          , 200    , to                                  , 200    .

          Substantial damage done to the premises as follows:


          Your failure to comply with a material term of the lease as follows:


          For other good cause as follows:


Dated:                               , 200                                                                                             

(Landlord/Agent Name)




(City, State, Zip Code)




I hereby certify that on the                                 day of                       , 200      , at              am/pm I gave in hand to/left at the abode of                                                                                        , above named, a true copy of the above original notice.





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