Free Petition to Revoke Probation/Release - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Date: January 11, 2008
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State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
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Preview Petition to Revoke Probation/Release - District Court of Arizona
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United States v. Jason Dean San Diego Docket No. CR02-958-1-PHX-SRB
Petition to Revoke Supervised Release
COMES NOW PROBATION OFFICER Edward Martin Jr. presenting an official report on Jason Dean San Diego who
following revocation of supervised release was committed to the Bureau of Prisons on June 22, 2007, by the Honorable Susan
r R. Bolton presiding in the District Court of Arizona. A 29 month period of supervised release was imposed, and supenrision
commenced upon the offenders discharge from imprisonment on October 19, 2007. In addition to the general terms and .
conditions adopted by the court, the offender was ordered to- comply with the following special conditions:
1. You shall participate as instructed by the probation officer in a program of substance abuse treatment which may
include testing for substance abuse. You shall contribute to the cost of treatment in an amount to be determined by
the probation officer.
l 2. You shall submit your person, property (including but not limited to computer, electronic devices, and storage media),
residence, office, or vehicle to a search conducted by a probation officer, at a reasonable time and in a reasonable
as manner.
3. You shall attend a sex offender treatment program as approved by the probation officer. Treatment may include
physiological testing such as plethysmography and ABE!. Assessment. You shall abide bythe policies and procedures
ofthe program. You shall contribute tothe cost of treatment in an amount to be determined by the probation officer.
4. You shall reside in a residence approved, in advance, by the probation officer. Any changes in the residence must be
_ pre-approved by the probation officer.
H 5. You shall not possess, view, or othenrvise use material depicting sexually explicit conduct as defined in 18 U.S.C. §
2256. You shall not possess, view, or othenrvise use any other material that is sexually stimulating or sexually oriented
deemed to be inappropriate by the probation officer. You will submit any records requested by the probation officer
to verify your compliance with this condition. You shall not enter any location where the primary function is to provide
these prohibited materials.
6. You shall register with all state and tribal sex offender agencies in any state where you reside, are employed, carry on
a vocation, or are a student, as directed by the probation officer.
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U.S.A. v. Jason Dean San Die, 0
Docket No. CRO2—958-1-PHX-SRB
December 19, 2007
7. You shall not be in the company of or have contact with children under the age of 18 without prior approval ofthe
probation officer. Contact includes, but is not limited to, letters, communication devices, audio orvlsual devices, visits,
or communication through a third party. You shall immediately report any contact to the probation officer.
f 8. You shall not directly or indirectly contact the victim or the victlm’s tamily without prior approval ofthe probation officer.
Indirect contact includes, but is not limited to, letters, communication devices, audio orvisual devices, orcommunication
through a third party. You shall immediately report any contact to the probation officer.
9. You are restricted from engaging in any occupation, business, or profession where you have access to children under
the age of 18, without prior approval ofthe probation officer. Acceptable employment shall include a stable, verifiable
work location and the probation officer must be granted access to your work site. .
10. You shall maintain an appropriate appearance at all times which includes the wearing of undergarments, and
appropriate outer clothing in the home or places where another person may reasonably expect to view you.
11. You shall not possess or use a computer with access to any “on-line computer senrice" at any location (including place
of employment) without the prior approval of the probation officer. This includes any Intemet Senrice Provider, bulletin
board system or any other public or private network or e-mail system.
12. You shall not utilize any sex-related adult telephone numbers. The probation officer will verify compliance through the
submission of personal or business telephone records.
13. You shall participate in a mental health program as directed by the probation officer which may include taking ·
- prescribed medication. You shall contribute to the cost of treatment in an amount to be detemtined by the probation
` officer.
14. You shall reside and participate in a residential re-entry center for up to 180 days, unless discharged earlier by the
probation officer.
15. You shall abstain from all use of alcohol or alcoholic beverages.
Jason Dean San Diego was convicted of CIR Sexual Abuse of a Minor, a Class C Felony.
A. Violation of Special Condition Number 14: "You shall reside and participate in a residential re-entry center for up
to 180 days, unless discharged earlier by the probation offlcer."This is a Grade C violation §?B1.1(a)(3).
On December 18, 2007, this officer was notified San Diego was being unsuccessfully discharged from DISMAS
Charities residential re-entry center. San Diego is alleged to have made threatening statements to other residents and
staff. Due to a perceived risk to the public safety, San Diego was unsuccessfully discharged by the facility director.
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Page 3,
U.S./X. v. Jason Dean San Die, O
Docket No. CR02-958-1·PHX—SRB
December 19, 2007
ln conformance with the provision of 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct
to the best of my knowledge. Based on the information presented that the offender has violated conditions of supervision, I
am petitioning the Court to issue a warrant.
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Edward J. Mart Jr., Date
Senior U.S. Pro ation Officer
O Reviewed by
49*-/{ l g ,l msi dl
David J. Ouellette Date
Supervisory U.S. Probation Officer
Revi ed by l
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e Hu tewa Date
Assistant U.S. Attomey
I find there is probable cause to believe the offender has violated conditions of supenrision, supported by the above affirmation
giv r penalty of perjury. The Court orders the issuance of a warrant. Considered and ordered this 2 day of
, 20gi and ordered filed and made a part ofthe records in the above case.
Q 521
The Honorable Susan R. olton, g fjgym
U.S. District Judge E g eg rcjj
ca {fr ei
Defense Counsel: Z':
99 T
John Stephen Johnson $9 1
10030 W McDowell Rd r E:
Ste 150-420 D
Avondale, AZ 85323 J AN
623-478-0233 1 0 2008
, F’H0ENl><. Arrrzolvn
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