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SNELL & WILMER EXHIBIT LIST 501. 502. 503. August 29, 1998 "Visitalk Action Items" Presentation. (FENS2645-0000001524). September 13, 1998 Class A Stock Offering. (FENS26450000001484). September 15, 1998 "Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement." (FENS26450000001471). 504. September 21, 1998 "Preferred Class A Stock" term sheet. (FENS26450000001483). 505. Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors in Lieu of Special Meeting, dated September 18, 1998 regarding Mark Cardwell as a member. (VT8257). 506. Written Consent in Lieu of Joint Special Meeting of the Board of Directors and Shareholders, dated September 12, 1998 regarding the 1998 Stock Option Plan. (VT8167-8168). 507. Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors in Lieu of Special Meeting regarding the authorization of a "finders fee," dated as of September 12, 1998. (VT8166). 508. Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors in Lieu of Special Meeting regarding the issuance of the Founders Warrants, dated as of September 12, 1998. (VT8163-8165). 509. Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors in Lieu of Special Meeting regarding the designation of Series A 7% non-cumulative convertible preferred stock. (VT8160-8162). 510. Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors in Lieu of Organizational Meeting, dated September 4, 1998. (VT8126-8129). 511. Joint Unanimous Consent dated September 11, 1998. (SW019670-19671).

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Written Consent in Lieu of Joint Special Meeting of the Board of Directors and Shareholders dated September 12, 1998. (SW019672-73).


Minutes from Special Stockholders Meeting December 2, 1998. (SW01967419684).

514. 515.

By-Laws of, Inc. (SW020377-20390). Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors in Lieu of Special Meeting dated October 28, 1998. (SW020428-20431).


Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors in Lieu of Special Meeting dated as of October 28, 1998. (SW020432).

517. 518. 519.

Employment Agreement between Visitalk and Mark Cardwell. (VT011414-11415). New Employee Information Sheet dated September 15, 1998. (VT11719-11727). Stock Certificate from Mark Cardwell dated September 15, 1998. (SW0024282431).

520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525.

September 17, 1998 Press Release. (VT4491). September 3, 1998 Press Release. (VT4490). advertising brochure. (SW000477-479). September 25, 1998 Rothwell e-mail. (Rothwell No. 19). "Term Sheet for Stock Purchase" for Series B Preferred Stock. (VT005164-5167). October 12, 1998 "Schedule of Warrants and Financing Exhibit." (VT01855918576).

526. 527. 528.

Document dated November 30, 1998 from Joe Richardson to Peter Thimmesch. November 30, 1998 "Notice of Election to Purchase Shares." November 30, 1998 draft letter from Peter Thimmesch to the "Holders of Series A Preferred Stock" (Richardson Exhibit 15).

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E-mail and attachments thereto from Peter Thimmesch to Staci Weatherford dated November 10, 1998.


Letter dated November 11, 1998 to Shareholders from Peter Thimmesch (Richardson Exhibit 17).

531. 532.

Minutes from Special Stockholders Meeting held December 2, 1998., Inc. Shareholder Rights Agreement dated November 1, 1998. (VT008924-8945).

533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540.

October 30, 1998 Bryan Cave correspondence. (VT21888-21890). "Documents produced by Bryan Cave." (VT009186-9586). March 18, 1999 "Confidential Information Statement." (VT004574-4644). Corporate Minute Book. (VT8442-8601). Board of Director Meeting Minute Binder. (VT8610-8658). Minute Book. (VT8659-8798). Minute book dated 4-3-2000. (VT8659-8664). February 24, 1999 e-mail to Peter Thimmesch from Cindy Thimmesch re: "Addition of Shares for Employee Options."

541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547.

July 20, 1999 Office Memorandum regarding securities law concerns. (SW003581). July 22, 1999 Advisory Board Agenda. (VT3652-3658). June 17, 1999 hand-written notes titled "Visitalk Meeting." (SW000559-560). July 1, 1999 letter from Richard Mallery to Stephen Best. (SW017848-17849). July 15, 1999 letter from Snell & Wilmer to Stephen Best. Office Memorandum dated July 14, 1999. (SW005351-5354). July 14, 1999 Memorandum to Mike Donahey from Robert Hayward. (SW0053555357).

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Memorandum dated July 14, 1999 to, Inc. from Snell & Wilmer. (SW002315-2318).

549. 550. 551. 552.

Document dated July 28, 1999. (SW003425-3430). August 11, 1999 e-mail from Peter Thimmesch to Stephen Best. "Outline of Likely Tax Consequences" document. (SWDS0573-0574)., Inc. Corporate Retreat Agenda and related documents. (SWDS01490154).


October 18, 1999 Memorandum to the Members of the Board of Directors and Officers of, Inc. (SW001149-1160).

554. 555.

Memorandum to, Inc. dated October 18, 1999. (SW1162-1165). Memorandum to Members of the Board of Directors of, Inc. dated October 18, 1999. (SW001167-1171).


Memorandum to, Inc. from Snell & Wilmer dated October 18, 1999 regarding SEC reporting and compliance requirements. (SW001135-1147).


October 18, 1999 Memorandum from Mike Donahey to Charles Pulaski. (SW18192).

558. 559.

October 28, 1999 e-mail from Stephen Best to Richard Mallery. (SWDS0206). November 2, 1999 memorandum from Michael Donahey to Visitalks Board of Directors. (VT007141-7152).


November 19, 1999 memo from Michael Donahey re: Founders Warrants. (SWDS0028-0030).


November 22, 1999 memorandum from Mike Donahey to Stephen Best. (SWDS0145).


November 24, 1999 Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors. (VT008361-8366).

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563. 564. 565.

November 29, 1999 letter to Susan Cole from Alan Kaplan. (VT005441). December 2, 1999 "Release of Claims" of Susan Cole (VT5442-5444). E-Mail from Mike Donahey to Cardwell, Thimmesch, ODonnell, Hirschberg, and Kaplan regarding Cardwell Release. (SW025416).

566. 567.

December 13, 1999 "Release of claims" of Mark Cardwell. (VT12168-12173). January 1, 2001 "Statement of Financial Affairs of" (Schweigert No. 2).


February 15, 2001 Business and Industry Monthly Operating Report filed in Visitalk Bankruptcy.


January 7, 2003 Business and Industry Monthly Operating Report filed in Visitalk Bankruptcy.


December 13, 1999 letter from Visitalk to Allen and Catherine Adler, and attachments. (VT005638-5640).


Facsimile and attached documents from Ray Gaston to Bob Hayward dated December 1, 1999. (SWDS0816-831).


December 13, 1999 "Updated Confidential Information Statement." (VT01990919973).

573. 574. 575.

December 24, 1999 office memorandum. (SW003371). December 27, 1999 Shareholders Special Meeting Packet. (SW004805-4848). March 20, 2000 e-mail from Cindy Thimmesch to David Weiss re: "Founders Warrants," and attachments thereto.


December 29, 1999 e-mail from Ray Gaston to Peter Thimmesch. (FENS26450000001821).


January 16, 1999 e-mail from Ray Gaston to Peter Thimmesch. (FENS26450000002339).

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578. 579.

Action by Unanimous Written Consent dated October 1, 1999. (SW010050-52). October 27, 1999 letter to Stephen Best from Snell & Wilmer and attachments. (SW011006-11014).


Facsimile and attachments dated October 4, 1999 from Stephen Best to Snell & Wilmer. (SW011440-11443).


December 10, 1999 letter from Snell & Wilmer to Ernst & Young. (SW016202211).


Action by Unanimous Written Consent dated December 27, 1999. (SW019652656).

583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588.

Office Memorandum dated December 10, 1999. (SW003382). Hand-written Notes. (Pulaski No. 5). Hand-written Notes. (Pulaski No. 6). Attorney Notes. (Pulaski No. 8). "Notes to file." (Pulaski No. 14). E-mail from Mark Cardwell to Allan Kaplan dated October 14, 1999. (FENS29450000030451).

589. 590.

January 21, 2000 letter from Janet Lord to Stephen Best. February 1, 2000 Letter to Mark Cardwell from Stephen Best. (VT01141611417).

591. 592.

February 2, 2000 letter from Fennemore Craig. (SW002276-2278). February 1, 2000 Fax from Marsha Smith to Mike Donahey, and attached Novacare documents. (SW006221-6236).

593. 594.

March 21, 2000 letter from Stephen Stodghill. (VT011446-1455). April 27, 2000 letter and attachments from Snell & Wilmer to Janet Lord. (SW005875-5880).

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595. 596.

February 28, 2000 Memorandum from Shirley Nagy to Mike Donahey May 10, 2000 "Settlement, Separation and Release Agreement." (SW000279293).

597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606.

E-mail from Cindy Thimmesch dated March 17, 1999. (FENS2645-0000002575). E-mail dated March 29, 1999. (FENS2645-0000004966). Visitalk Trial Balance Sheets. (Gaston Exhibits 10, 11, 12, 13). Internet Communications Portal Patent Application. (SW000615-674). Undated Ernst & Young Presentations Materials. (SW001094-1118). Press Release dated June 22, 1998. (SW000530-552). Press Release dated June 22, 1998. (SW000547-549). April 1999 Visit and Evaluation. (SW005830-5850). October 9, 1998 Press Release. (VT4489). Goldman Sachs and Wit Soundview "information sheet" (Exhibit 52 to Gaston Deposition).

607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616.

December 29, 1998 "Too excited" e-mail from Ray Gaston Wall Street Journal article dated September 23, 1999. (SW000496). September 23, 1999 Wall Street Journal article. (SW000497-499). July 14, 1999 Lexis-Nexis news results re: (SW00502-532). Goldman Sachs Information Sheet. (SW016833-16837). October 21, 1998 Business Plan Summary. (FENS26450000017620). Venture Capital Condensed Plan dated August 31, 1998. (FENS26450000001523). Undated Business Plan Development V. 10. (Kuhns No. 4). Strategic Partnerships Report dated September 23, 1999. (FENS26450000030015). August 17, 1999 e-mail to Lisa Erdman from Debra Kuhns. (FENS26450000005470).

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617. 618. 619. 620.

May 3, 2000 e-mail from Ann Price re: 1,000,000 members. April 10, 2000 letter to Ernst & Young from Snell & Wilmer. (SW000100-102). "Fee Based Services" Business Plan. (Gaston Exhibit 15). E-mail from Ray Gaston, and attachments thereto, Ray "Cash Flow Schedule" dated April 8, 1999. (FENS2645-0000003881) (Gaston Exhibit 17).

621. 622.

Audited Financial Statements for Period Ended January 2, 1999. (EY000232-245). March 10, 2000 Letter from Goldman, Sachs & Co. to Peter Thimmesch. (EY000775-781).

623. 624.

Board Minutes dated February 21, 2000. (SW002266-2269). March 10, 2000 letter from Snell & Wilmer to Sean Griffiths and attachments. (SW025425-25436).


February 14, 2000 Facsimile and attachments to Mike Donahey and Sean Griffiths. (SW016800-16819).


November 8, 1999 "Due Diligence Request for, Inc." from Cooley Godward, and attachments thereto. (Gaston No. 36).


Ernst & Young Audited Financial Statements for the period ending January 2, 1999. (SW2611-2629).

628. 629. 630. 631.

April 18, 2000 letter from Mike Donahey to Ernst & Young. (SW5360). Action by Unanimous Written Consent dated May 2, 2000. (SW008002-3). June 20, 2000 Series F Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement. (Rothwell No. 3). July 11, 2000 Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors. (VT0086178620).

632. 633.

July 21, 2000 letter from Dickstein Shapiro to Stephen Best. (VT017942-17955). August 2, 2000 e-mail from Ray Gaston regarding "Value of Founders Warrants." (FENS26450000097828).

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August 2, 2000 document titled "Factors Involved In Valuing Founders Warrants."

635. 636. 637.

July 25, 2000 Peter Thimmesch e-mail. (FENS2645-0000042136). Office Memorandum dated August 7, 2000. (SW003225). E-mail and attachments from Ray Gaston to Mike Donahey dated August 3, 2000. (SW017414-17418).

638. 639. 640. 641.

August 8, 2000 "Confidential Information Statement." (VT009091-9130). September 1, 2000 e-mail to Peter Bexelius. (FENS26450000083951). September 1, 2000 e-mail from James Marzola. (FENS26450000083956). September 11, 2000 e-mail from Michael Cooney to Joe Frost. (FENS26450000020972).


Memorandum from David Hinnant to E. B. McLindon dated October 13, 2000. (SW003469-3470).

643. 644.

October 31, 2000 e-mail from Stephen Best to the Directors and Michael Cooney. October 31, 2000 e-mail from Michael ODonnell to Stephen Best, et. al., re:

645. 646.

Document titled "Rescission Offer." (VT022060-22109). October 25, 2000 e-mail to Stephen Best from Ray Gaston. (FENS26450000043878).


October 25, 2000 e-mail from Ray Gaston to Stephen Best. (FENS26450000043881).


October 26, 2000 e-mail to Mike Donahey from Ray Gaston. (FENS26450000044035).


October 26, 2000 e-mail from Ray Gaston to Stephen Best. (FENS26450000044122).

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E-mail to Ray Gaston from Scott MacDonald dated November 8, 2000. (FENS2645-000083777).

651. 652. 653. 654.

Draft Rescission Offer. (VT022060-22109). Hand-written notes. (SWDS0394-395). November 7, 2000 Promissory Note. (VT002568-2569). Undated document entitled "Responses to Questions for Our ,,Kick the Tires at Visitalk Crew." (VT018620-18623).


November 21, 2000 Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors. (FENS2645000005560).

656. 657.

Second Joint Plan of Reorganization dated June 22, 2004. Disclosure Statement dated June 22, 2004, in Support of the Proposed Second Joint Plan or Reorganization.

658. 659.

Order Clarifying Article XII of the Confirmed Plan. E-mail from Stephen Best dated May 30, 2000 regarding "Arthur Andersen bill." (FENS2645-0000075648).

660. 661. 662.

Undated document titled "Rescission Billing." (SW005418-5419). March 20, 2000 office memorandum. (SW003307). April 18, 2000 letter to Stephen Best from Mike Donahey, and attachments thereto. (SW003283-3286).


E-mail and attachments from Todd Weiss to Stephen Best regarding promissory note. (SW00166-169).


November 10, 2000 e-mail and attachments from Ray Gaston to Michael Donahey. (SW025719-25731).

665. 666.

April 17, 2000 letter to Randall Noe from David Weiss. (VT017822-VT17892). May 2, 2000 letter to Michael ODonnell from David Weiss. (SWDS1143).
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May 5, 2000 letter to Peter Thimmesch and Michael ODonnell from David Weiss. (SWDS1140-1142).


"Agreement for Gift, Sale and Assignment of Founders Warrants" dated April 3, 2000 (Weiss Exhibit 18).


E-mail and attachment to Michael Cooney from Ray Gaston regarding "Value of Founders Warrants." (Weiss Exhibit 20).

670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688.

September 13, 1999 letter to Stephen Best from Ben Welsh. (SW005017-5021). June 10, 1999 letter from Richard Mack to Visitalk. (SW004601-4607). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated August 19, 1999. (VT006746). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated 11-24-99. (VT006594-6610). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated January 21, 2000. (VT6894-6895). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated December 21, 1999. (SWDS1491-1501). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated December 21, 1999. (VT5997-6005). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated February 28, 2000. (SWDS1408-1417). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated April 26, 2000. (SWDS1380-1407). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated April 26, 2000. (VT6896-6897). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated May 23, 2000. (SWDS1369-1378). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated June 27, 2000. (SWDS1356-1367). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated August 9, 2000. (VT6359-6367). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated September 18, 2000. (SWDS1331-1338). November 30, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT5997-60005). December 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6006-6008). January 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6009-6010). February 29, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6011). November 30, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6012-6023).
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689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713.

Snell & Wilmer December 31, 1999 Invoice. (VT6024-6032). January 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6033-6042). March 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6056-6068). April 30, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6069-6078). May 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6079-6090). December 31, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6091-6095). November 30, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6096-6016). December 31, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6107-6119). January 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6120-6127). February 29, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6128-6130). March 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6131-6134). April 30, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6135-6137). May 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6138-6139). June 30, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6141). November 30, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6142-6156). November 30, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6157-6177). November 30, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6178-6188). December 31, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6189-6193). January 31, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6194-6197). February 29, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6198-6199). March 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6200-6201). December 31, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6202-6214). January 31, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6236-6245). April 30, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6246-6255). November 30, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6256-6267).
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714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738.

December 31, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6266-6276). February 29, 2000 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6277-6289). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated October 17, 2000. (SWDS1323-1329). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated November 7, 2000. (SWDS1313-1321). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated November 24, 1999. (VT006406-6411). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated November 24, 1999. (VT006396-6405). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated December 21, 1999. (VT006157-6159). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated January 21, 2000. (VT006024-6032). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated July 31, 1999. (VT6678-6679). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated August 19, 1999. (VT6741-6742). August 19, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT006746-6756). September 14, 1999 Snell & Wilmer Invoice. (VT6713-6714). Snell & Wilmer Invoice dated September 14, 1999. (VT006717-6722). Engagement letter and attached documents. (Jenkins No. 4). Jenkins file, account memoranda. (Jenkins No. 5). Draft Report of Renee Jenkins. (Jenkins No. 6). Visitalk Trial Balance Sheets. (Jenkins No. 7). Communications between Renee Jenkins and Tiffany & Bosco. (Jenkins No. 9). Print-out from (Lemon No. 1). Exhibits C to Boyd Lemon Report of December 5, 2006. (Lemon Exhibit No. 2C). October 2, 2006 Memorandum. (Lemon No. 3). Invoices of Boyd Lemon. Schaffer document dated "11-29/30-06." "Draft" Boyd Lemon opinion dated March 6, 2007. December 22, 2000 e-mail from Rick Rothwell and attachment. (Lemon No. 6).
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739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763.

Undated Schaffer correspondence. (Lemon No. 11). September 8, 2006 e-mail. (Lemon No. 41). March 2, 2007 e-mail. (Lemon No. 42). November 30, 2006 e-mail. (Lemon No. 43). Excerpt from "Securities Lawyers Desk Book." (Lemon No. 46). April 28, 2000 Rothwell e-mail. (Lemon No. 36). July 2000 Corporate Business Plan. (ODonnell No. 39). Visitalk Investor File re Rick Rothwell. (Rothwell No. 1). November 4, 2000 Rick Rothwell e-mail. (Rothwell No. 13). November 6, 2000 Rothwell e-mail. (Rothwell No. 14). November 5, 2000 Rothwell e-mail. (Rothwell No. 15). String of e-mails dated December 1, 2000. (Rothwell No. 17). October 31, 2000 Rothwell e-mail. (Rothwell No. 18). December 30, 2000 "Investor Letter" from Rick Rothwell. December 20, 2000 "Investor Letter" from Rick Rothwell. February 15, 2001 Business Monthly Operating Report for Visitalk. August 15, 2000 Draft Memorandum (FENS 26450000037307) Report of Scott Theobald, March 26, 2007. Excerpt from "The Law of Negligence in Arizona," § 12.03. Excerpt from "The Law Governing Lawyers," § 52(1). Excerpts from the Treatise Legal Malpractice, §§ 18.2 and 18.3. Sections 501 and 502 of Regulation D. Rule 10b-9. Plaintiffs Response to Snell & Wilmers Request for Admissions. Plaintiffs Response to Snell & Wilmers First Set of Non-Uniform Interrogatories.
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764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773.

Plaintiffs Response to Snell & Wilmers Request for Production of Documents. March 16, 2007 Report of Gary L. Stuart. ER1.7. ER1.13. March 5, 2007 Report of David Weekly Working Papers of David Weekly March 6, 2007 Report of Michael Tucker Working Papers of Michael Tucker December 30, 2004 print-out of website. Current print-out of website.

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