Free Memorandum - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 192.6 kB
Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,843 Words, 9,916 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 2:OO—cv-00663-HRH Document 755-3 Filed O4/17/2006 Page1 0f3

4 'jtiled and Unbilled Recap Of Time Detail - [13546.0001 USAA - Patent Infringement of Method for Scanning] Page 1
Client:13546 - Ingram Book Group, Inc. 04/14/2006 2:02:20 PM

&F1`t* Ie » 2 4 4 W 44 I- ~» ·44- 44 . I- to- et tt _s 4. 4 ~»: 4 t 4 ·ato._·I·»rIII.I4~gs se goal. ·¢..~vr~ at, — -r··r· 44 t~ ·~ Jrsn . ~
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01/20/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey m Revlew lntemet for status of Symbol 13546.0001USAA 2396574
02/01/2003 lnvoios=71:sz7as can 109.50 litigation.
01/21/2003 I 00817 ITerry K. Qualey 0.30 109.50 Call to counsel for Symbol and team status and 13546.0001US/XA @2396581
02/01/2003 Ilrlvoice=7132738 0.30 109.50 expectations; email to David Roland and Linda _ _ I
44 44 4 aaeae aeeaaeee 4 4 eeee 4 44 4 4 4 4444 44 444 ¤t¤t<¤h-5444445444 44444 44 rrrrr" 4 _1
0218/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey 1.20 438.00 Review status, letter from Mr. Morelll and 13546.0001 USAA I2425446
03/O1/2003 |lnvoloo=71a5z05 4 1.20 4sa.00 oiott ono oult auditors letter; search
tmemst tm Svmhht t¤¤=~ttt¤h ¤h that amt _
__ valldlty of Lemelson position; teleconference
Dmttt Rt>t¤hf .
jj_X[t¤m¤t=¤ht¤tt¤t4 I
03/06/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey @ 146.00 Internet search for latest information and 13546.0001USAA I2432870
04/01/200s Inv0Ice=7137936 @ 146.00 positioning on Symbol Teonnologios sult and I
<>th¤r matters ¤tt¤¤tth¤ th¤ t¤m¤t¤¤h h¤r¤¤ — P¤t¤¤lS¤ h¤t¤S Oh he exams- _Q
04/18/2003 00817 Teny K. Qualey 0.80 292.00 Read article on Iaches and estoppel; note facts 13546.0001 USAA 2465375
05/01/2003 _ lnvolce=7140985 0.80 292.00 for and result of defense of Ingram Books; I
__ I Ilntemet search; review grant of reexams and I I
_ I Imake list of patents in suit; email to David · I
I Roland and Linda DICKSH. I I
04/21/2003 I 00817 [Terry K. Qualey 0.80 292.00 Review requests for reexam on Lemelson Patents; I13546.0001USAA 2465288
05/01/2003 lnvoice=7140985 I 0.80 292.00 work on status list to understand risks ln I I
I | I preparation for dealing with decision in Symbol I _
04/22/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey I 0.60 219.00|Continued work on relationship of Lemelson bar 13546.0001 USAA 2465293
05/01/2003 lnvolce=7140985 I 0.60| 219.00 coding patents and issues In PTO reexaminations I
I I I and Symbol litigation; prepare memo; conference I
_ _ Jim Larson on disclaimers; note hols needed to I I
I I I Iestablish for Laches defense. I I
05/21/2003 00817 ITerry K. Qualey 0.30I 109.50 lntemet search for developments and copy I13546.0001USAA I2481614
06/01/2003 Ilnvoice=7143666 I 0.30I 109.50Iportion of post trial briefs. I I
I I . I I
05/22/2003 I 00817 Terry K. Qualey 0.70 255.50 Copy remainder of Symbol brief, review portion, 13546.0001USAA I2481622
06/01/2003 Ilnvoice=7143666 0.70I 255.50IemaiI to David Roland and Linda Dickert on I
05/23/2003 I 00817 Terry K. Qualey 0.80 292.00IComplete reading of Symbol's brief on all _13546.0001USAA 2481627
¤t>tt>tt2tt¤¤ thv¤t¤€=¢t·t¤¤6¤ ¤4¤¤
06/02/2003 00817 ITerry K. Qualey I 0.30I 109.50 Search internet for further briefing or other 13546.0001USAA 2493609
07/01/2003 I 'lnvolce=7146309 I 0.30I 109.50Iactivity; review decisions granting I I
` Ireexamination of patents expiring after April
120 ¤2¢ ¢¤tt t¤ $¤¤h¤S· Dempsey fm hhtihhg I
06/04/2003 | 00817 ITerry K. Qualey I 0.40| 146.00ISearch for briefing schedule in Symbol 13546.0001USAA I2493619
07/01/2003 I Ilnvoice=7146309 I 0.40| 146.00ITechnologies v. Lemelson and call to local I
.¤¤¤hs¤t t¤ 5% it they ¤¤h hm ¤¤t= I I
I _ teleconference David Roland on status of case. I
06/11/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey E 146.00 Review critique of Fed Cir prosecution Iaches 13546.0001USAA 2493661
07/01/2003 lnvoice=7146309 0.40 146.00 decision; search for Lemelson brief hled May _ I
I | 16 ; call to local EITTI for update on Lemelson
ihhtif ¤v¤tt¤hititv4 .
06/14/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey 0.30 109.50 Receive Lemelson brief on all Issues; review 13546.0001USAA I2493672
07/01/2003 I Inv0ice=7146309 I 0.30I 109.50|summary and consider advice to client. I I
l I
07/21/2003 I 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 1.00 325.00 In telephone conference with local counsel for 13546.0001USAA I2526119
08/01/2003 I lnvoice=7149472 1.00 325.00 update on litigation; in updating Symbol case;
In t¤tt¤t t¤ ¤tt¤ht °*P'aI"I"'9 status ¤t bttlh I .
its vast-> amt Svm¤¤t me-
08/19/2003 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli E 162.50 Check SIBUJS of action by Lemelson; check I13546.0001USAA I2539240
09/01/2003 _lnvoioo=7151a24 0.50 symbol, dren letters. I
10/21/2003 00800 _Anthony R. Zeuli 0.30 102.00 Telephone call to local counsel about status of I13546.0001USAA 2578177
Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH Document 755-3 Filed O4/17/2006 Page 2 of 3

· Jttlerj and Unbilled Recap Of Time Detail- [13546.0001USAA - Patent Infringement of Method for Scanning] Page 2
Client:13546 - Ingram Book Group, Inc. 04/14/2006 2:02:20 PM
2 T 1 I; » **5 she? . I .. _ f I r. rw§eT$h‘Is= K . . ’ ..

11/01/2003 lnvoice=7157347 I 0.30_ 102.00 case: check with website and letter to client. . ,
11 .
11/19/2003 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli I 0.50 170.00 Telephone conference with local counsel I13546.0001USAA 2595062
12/01/2003 I lnvoice=7159740 0.50I 170.00 regarding status of case against Lemelson; I _
I I check website and letter to cllent regarding
: I ::::: few :::: :5 env :5: e rr :::: H Ieee :::::::: we :same;::"·:::·" M Weneeee: e I I I: I W I
01/05/2004 I 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli I 1.30, 442.00 Analyze Symbol opinion and judgment and discuss 13546.0001USAA 2637502 `
02/01/2004 I Involce=7164780 I 1.30, 442.00 same (email) with client; letter to cllent. I
01/20/2004 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli I 0.30, 102.00 Contact local counsel and letter to client. ,13546.0001USAA 2634471
02/01/2004 |nvolce=7164780 I 0.30, 102.00 ' I
02/26/2004 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 0.50I 170.00 Letters to cllent about stay. I I13546.0001USAA 2660274

09/13/2005 I 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 0.30I 106.50 Letter reporting CAFC decision in Symbol. I13546.0001USAA 3033174
10/01/2005 I Inv0ice=7229351 I 0.30, 106.50, I I
12/30/2005 I 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli I 1.00, 390.00IAnaIyze answer in view of Lemelson and advise ,13546.0001USAA _3095018
01/01/2000 | |I¤v¤Ice=v2sma I 1.00I 000.00
O1/122006 I 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 0.30I 117.00 Work regarding plaintiffs motion to dismiss. 13546.0001USAA I3099153
02/01/2006 I lnvoice=7241520 I 0.soI 117.00} I _
01/16/2006 I 00800 IAnthony R. Zeuli I 0.50| 195.00 Analyze 5 new pleadings including including 13546.0001USAA ,3107891
02/01/2006 _ lnvoice=7241520 0.soI 195.00 Sysmax's motion to join for fees. _
01/31/2006 00800 ,Anthony R. Zeuli I 0.30I 117.00 Advise client regarding whether to Ioin Sytemax 13546.0001 USAA 3110774
02/01/2006 lnvoice=7241520 I 0.30I 117.00 ln fee request.
02/08/2006 I 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli _ 0.30I 117.00 Update client regarding order of dismiss and 13546.0001 USAA I3117077
03/01/2006 I Ilnvoice=7244287 0.30 117.00 request for feeslcosts.
02/09/2006 I 00455 Melissa A. Wisher 0.25 35.00 Review of local mles regarding lillng of ,13546.0001USAA I3120228
03/01/2006 I lnvoice=7244287 I 0.25I 35.00IMotlon for Fees and Costs per A. Zeuli. I
02/16/2006 00455 Melissa A. Wisher I 0.75I 105.00 Compilation of Summary of Fees in support of I13546.0001USAA I3127968
03/01/2006 lnvoice=7244287 I 0.75I 105.00 Motion for Fees per A. Zeuli. ,
O2/17/2006 I 00455 Melissa A. Wisher 0.10, 14.00 Confer with A. Zeuli regarding tiling of Motion 13546.0001 USAA |3128046
03/01/2006 I lnvoice=7244287 0.10; 14.00 for Fees and Costs. I
02/21/2006 _ 00455 IMelissa A. Wisher I 0.70, 98.00 Preparation of Motion for Fees for tiling per 13546.0001 USAA I3128235
03/01/2006 I lnvoice=7244287 I 0.70, 98.00 Anthony Zeuli. ` I
02/21/2006 00800 IAmhony R. Zeuli I 1.00I 390.00 File motion for fees and costs. 13546.0001USAA I3123841
03/01/2000 I·¤v<>I0e=72··4207 I 1.00I 000-00
04/09/2006 I 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli _ 1.00I 390.00IDraft brief in support of attomey fees. 13546.0001 USAA I3149916
04/10/2006 00455 Melissa A. Wisher I 1.75 245.00 Preparation of Motion for Attorneys Fees per 13546.0001 USAA 3151643
A- 2000 j
04/11/2006 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 0.30 117.00 Writing brief ln support of fees. 13546.0001USAA 3150379
04/12/2006 00455 Melissa A. Wisher I 0.25I 35.00 Continued preparation of documentation In 13546.0001US/XA I3151645
supponormoitonfsrees. 1
04/13/2006 I 00455 IMelissa A. Wisher 1.25_ 175.00 Finalizing Motion for Attomey Fees documents 13546.0001USAA _3151647
I0 $00000 0* M0¤I¤¤ I0rA¤0r¤ev Fees ver A· _-
Zeuli 1
I IUNBILLED TOTALS: WOR _ 4.55I 962.00 5 records
_UNBlLLED TOTALS: BILL: 4.55 962.00 I
IBILLED TOTALS: WORK: | 17.50 5,932.00 32 records I
= ¤·LLe¤ Term 000 I 0.50 5.032-00
IGRAND TOTALS: WORK:I 22.05 6,894.00 37 records
GRAND TOTALS: BILL: I 22.05I 6,894.00 ,
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Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH

Document 755-3

Filed 04/17/2006

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Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH

Document 755-3

Filed 04/17/2006

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Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH

Document 755-3

Filed 04/17/2006

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