Free Memorandum - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 224.5 kB
Pages: 4
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 2,014 Words, 10,620 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 2:OO—cv-00663-HRH Document 756-3 Filed O4/17/2006 Page1 0f4

·-“"`Billed‘and Unbilled Recap Of Time Detail- [O1183.0154USZA - Lemelson Medical, Education & Research] Page 1
Client:01183 - Nash-Finch Company 04/14/2006 2:09:08 PM
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as I
01/20/2003 I 00817 Teny K. Qualey 0.30 109.50 Review internet for status of Symbol I01183.0154USZA 2396576
02/15/2003 I Invoice=7133865 0.30 109.50 litigation.
. I
I01/21/2003 I 00817 Terry K. Qualey 0.30 109.50 Call to counsel for Symbol and team status and 01183.0154USZ/X 2396585
02/15/2003 I , lnvoice=7133865 expectations; email to Kirstin LeBre.
02/18/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey 0.60 219.00 Search internet for Symbol position on trial O1183.0154USZA 2425448
04/01/2003 _ lnvoice=7137637 0.60 E and validity of Lemelson position; letter to I
_ i ij I -
03/06/2003 00817 Teny K. Qualey 0.40 146.00 intemet search for latest information and 01183.0154USZA 2432872
04/01/2003 _ lnv0ice=7137637 0.40 146.00Ipositloning on Symbol Technologies sult and _ I
- Ieiiiei meiiere eiieeiiiie the Lemeieee bei eeee I _
patents: notes on re exams. | I
I , I
03/24/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey I 0.30I 109.50 VMX from Kirstin LeBre on status and VMX to I01183.0154USZA _2455100 _}
05/01/2003 I lnvoice=7140703 0.30} 109.50 her. I I
03/28/2003 I 00817 ITerry K. Qualey I 0.30 109.50IReview financial models during settlement I01183.0154USZA 2455107
05/01/2003 lnvoice=7140703 0.30 109.50 discussions and VMX to Kirstin LeBre on status I
eiie veeeiiiie eiiieeiiiee- . I
04/04/2003 I 00817 ITerry K. Qualey 0.30I 109.50 VMX from Kirstin LeBre; review spreadsheets on I01183.0154USZA I2455121
05/01/2003 I lnvoice=7140703 0.30 109.50 possible settlements; teleconference Kirstin on I
04/18/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey 0.80 292.00 Read article on Iaches and estoppel; note facts 01183.0154USZA I2465374 I
05/01/2003 lnvoice=7140703 I 0.80 292.00 for and result of defense for Nash Flnsch; I I
iiiieiiiei eeerew review Qieiii ei iee¤e¤ie eiie I I
I I I I Imake list of status of patents in suit; email I
I I Ito Kristin LeBre. I I
. 04/21/2003 00817 ITerry K. Qualey I 0.80} 292.00|Review requests for reexam on Lemelson Patents; O11B3.0154USZA *2465287
05/01/2003 I IInII¤I¤a=·r14070z I 0.a0 2s2.00|w¤II< OD status of list td understand l°I$k$ in
Ipreparation for dealing with decision in Symbol I
04/22/2003 00817 ITerry K. Qualey I 0.60 219.00·Continued work on relationship of Lemelson bar |01183.0154USZA I2465292
05/01/2003 I lnvoice=7140703 0.60 219.00 coding patents and issues in PTO reexaminations I I
I _ I Iand Symbol litigation; prepare memo; conference I I
I I I I.lim Larson on disclaimers; note facts needed to I
I I I Iestablish for Laches defense. I I
05/21/2003 I 00817 |Terry K. Qualey I 0.30 109.50Ilnternet search for developments and copy I011aa.01s4uszA I2481613
07/01/2003 I Ilnvoice=7146054 0.17I 62.05Iportion of post trial briefs. I
05/222003 I 00817 Terry K. Qualey I 0.70 255.50ICopy remainder of Symbol brief, review portion, I01183.0154USZA I2481621
07/01/2003 lnvoice=7146054 I 0.40 146.00Iemai| to Kirstin LeBre on status. I I
05/23/2003 00817 Terry K. Qualey I 0.80} 292.00ICompIete reading of Symbol's briefon all 01 1B3.0154USZA I2481626
07/01/2003 I lnvoice=7146054 0.46 167.90Iissues I
I I . I I I
06/02/2003 00817 _Terry K. Qualey I 0.40 146.00ISearch intemet for further briefing or other I01183.0154USZA I2493608 I
07/01/2003 lnvoice=7146054 _ 0.23I 83.95Iactivity; review decisions granting I
I I reexamination of patents expiring after April I
I I20 02, call to Squires, Dempsey for briefing I I
eeiieeeie- . I
06/04/2003 I 00817 ITeny K. Qualey I 0.30I 109.50 Search for briefing schedule in Symbol O1183.0154USZA I2493618
07/01/2003 I lnvoice=7146054 I 0.17I 62.05 Technologies v. Lemelson and call to local
I I I counsel to see if they can find out. I
05/11/2003 _ 00817 Terry K. Qualey I 0.40; 146.00 Review crltique of Fed Cir prosecution Iaches 01183.0154USZA 2493660
07/01/2003 Ilnvoice=7146054 I 0.23I 84.00 decision; search for Lemelson brief filed May
16 ; call to local firm for update on Lemelson I I
brief availability. I
I . I
06/14/2003 | 00817 ITerry K. Qualey I 0.30} 109.50 Receive Lemelson brief on all Issues; review 01183.0154USZA 2493671
07/01/2003 I Ilnvoice=7146054 0.17I 62.05Isummary and consider advice to client. I I
07/21/2003 I 00800 IAnthony R. Zeuli I 1.00 325.00 In telephone conference with local counsel for I011aa.01s4uszA ,2526120 I
08/01/2003 I IInvoice=7149245 I 1.00 325.00 update on litigation; in updating Symbol case; _
I _ in letter to client explaining status of both I I
Iiie eeee eee Sviiibel eeee . I
Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH Document 756-3 Filed O4/17/2006 Page 2 of 4

~" Billed·and Unbilled Recap Of Time Detail -[01183.0154USZA - Lemelson Medical, Education & Research] Page 2
Client:O1183 - Nash-Finch Company 04/14/2006 2:09:08 PM
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08/19/2003 00800 1Anthony R. Zeull 0.50 162.50 Check status of action by Lemelson; check 01183.0154USZ.A 12539238
09/01/2003 ; lnvoice=7151617 0.50 162.50 symbol, draft letters.
10/21/2003 } 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 0.30 102.00 Telephone call lo local counsel about status of O1 183.0154USZA ;2578178
*11/D1/2003'[ rrea s eaeae lnvoIce=7157130 V - --*e F-- -*rr*a 0:so s '"F102.00 ease; eneek w1111—we1>s11e and lenerto etient. A A -
11/19/2003 } 00800 Anthony R. Zeull 0.50 170.00 Telephone conference with local counsel 01183.0154USZA 2595031
1201/2003 lnvoice=7159548 0.50} 170.00 regarding status of case against Lemelson; 1
check website and letter to client regarding 1
1 1 `
01/05/2004 1 00800 Anthony R. Zeull 1.30; 442.00 Analyze Symbol opinion and judgment and discuss 01183.0154USZA 2637501
02/01/2004 V Invoi¤e=7164544 1.30 442.00 same (email) with client; letter to client. 1
01/20/2004 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 0.30; 102.00 Contact local counsel and letterto client. 01183.0154USZA ;2634472
02/01/2004 } |lnvolce=7164544 0.30; 102.00
02/26/2004 } 00800 Anthony R. Zeull _ 0.50 170.00 Letters to client about stay. 01183.0154USZA 2660275
¤¤/01/2004 I ¤¤v¤¤¤¤=¤¤r=+¤¤ 1 ¤-5¤ 170-¤¤
09/13/2005 00800 |Anth0ny R. Zeull 0.30 106.50 Letter reporting CAFC decision in Symbol. 101 183.0154USZA ,3033173
10/01/2005 }lnvoice=7229145 } 0.30} 106.50}
12/29/2005 } 00800 1Anthony R. Zeuli 2.00 780.00 Analyze Lenelson's motion to dismiss and advise 01183.0154USZA }309425t
01/01/2006 ; }lnvoice=7238273 2.00 780.00}cIlent. 1
12/30/2005 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 1.00; 390.00;Analyze answer in view of Lemelson and advise O1183.0154USZA 13095023
01/01/2006 |nvoice=7238273 1.00} 390.00 client. 1
01/12/2006 00800 }Anth0ny R. Zeuli 0.40} 156.00;Work regarding plaintiffs motion to dismiss. O1 183.0154USZA 13099150
02/01/2006 }|nv0ice=724‘l359 1 0.401 1ss.00 *
D1/13/2006 00800 Anthony R. Zeull ; 0.50} 195.00 Obtain email list of all defense counsel to 01183.0154USZA 13099165
mt/2006 ·¤1¤¤¤e=r¤41¤5¤ ‘ ¤·5¤1 1¤5·¤<>
01/16/2006 1 00800 }Anthony R. Zeull } 0.50} 195.00 Analyze 5 new pleadings including including }01183.0154USZA 13107887
02/01/2006 }lnvoice=7241359 0.50 195.00 Sysmax‘s motion to join for fees. i }
01/31/2006 } 00800 }Anthony R. Zeuli 0.30 117.00}Advise client regarding whether to join Sytemax |01183.0154USZA 131 10766
02/01/2006 } }lnvoice=7241359 0.30} 117.00in fee request. 1 - 1
i . 1 1
02/08/2006 } 00800 §An1hony R. Zeull } 0.30 117.00;Update client regarding order of dismiss and 101 183.0154USZA 3117073
03/01/2006 } 1lnvoice=7244142 0.30 117.00 request for fees/costs. 1 V
02/09/2006 00455 Melissa A. Wisher 0.25 35.00 Review oflocal n.1Ies regarding tiling of 01183.0154USZ/X 13120184
03/01/2006 1 lnv0ice=7244142 1 0.25 as.00 11/1811811 rm Fees and costs perA. Zeuli.
02/16/2006 } 00455 ;Melissa A Wisher 2.00 280.00 Compilation of Summary of Fees in support of O1 183.0154USZA 13127915
03/01/2006 1 lI'tV0lC€=72/$4142 2.00 280.00 M0[lOl’l ter Fees per A. Zeuli.
02/17/2006 00455 }Melissa A. Wisher 0.10 14.00 Confer with A. Zeull regarding tiling of Motion _ 01183.0154USZ/-\ 13128016
03/01/2006 lnvoice=7244142 1 0.10 14.00 rer Fees and costs.
02/21/2006 00455 Melissa A. Wisher 0.70; 98.00 Preparation of Motion for Fees for filing per 011B3.0154USZA 13128208
03/01/2006 } lnvoice=7244142 0.70 98.00_Anthony Zeull.
02/21/2006 _ 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 1.00 390.00;FiIe motion for fees and costs. 01183.0154USZA 13123838
03/01/2006 } |nvoice=7244142 1.00 390.00 } }
l 1
04/03/2006 } 00800 }Anlhony R. Zeuli 0.30, 117.00}Prepare attorney fees and costs tiling. 01183.0154USZA 13149913
[ l
1 1 I 1
04/09/2006 00800 Anthony R. Zeull 1.00 390.00 Draft brief in support of attorney fees. 011B3.0154USZA 13149914
04/11/2006 00800 Anthony R. Zeuli 0.30 117.00 Writing brief in support of fees. 01183.0154USZA 13150376
04/14/2006 _ 00455 'Mellssa A. Wisher 3.25 455.00 Dratting of documents in support of Motion for O1183.0154USZA 3151651
»*~¤¤r¤¤1 Fm per A Zeull- 1
} UNBILLED TOTALS: WOR _ 4.8·5' 1,079.00 4 records }
| |uNe1L1.Eo TOTALS: BILL: 1 4.115 1,079.001
BlLLED TOTALS: WORK: , 21.65 7,230.50}37 records 1
1 }BlLLED TOTALS; BILL: } 20.28} 6,730.50} 1
Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH Document 756-3 Filed O4/17/2006 Page 3 of 4

" ’BilIed*and Unbilled Recap Of Time Detail- [01183.0‘l54USZA - Lemelson Medical, Education & Research] . Page 3
Client:O1183 - Nash-Finch Company 04/14/2006 2:09:08 PM
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GRAND ToTAl.s; wom, a, 41 mmm;
1 GRAND T<>TALS= ¤·LL= 25-13 7.¤¤¤-5=>
Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH Document 756-3 Filed O4/17/2006 Page 4 of 4

Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH

Document 756-3

Filed 04/17/2006

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Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH

Document 756-3

Filed 04/17/2006

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Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH

Document 756-3

Filed 04/17/2006

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Case 2:00-cv-00663-HRH

Document 756-3

Filed 04/17/2006

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