Free Reply in Support of Motion - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Date: November 20, 2006
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Category: District Court of Arizona
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t(H) whether th ma* was registered under the Act of March 3, 1881,or the Act of February 20, 1905, or on the princrparre$sier. t(2) In an action brought under this subsection,the owner ot the famous mark shall be entitled only to injunctive relief as st forlh in section 34 unless the person qgainst whom the iniunction rcputationor is souqhtwillfully intendedio trade on the owner-s ro cau;edilution;f the fsmousmark. Tf suchwillful intint is proven, the owner of the famous mark shall also be ntitled to the rcmedies set forth in sections35(a) and 36, subject to ih disc.etion of the court and the DrinciDles ofouitv. und.r l(3r The ownirship by a persoirof a valid reFstraLron the Act of March 3, 1881, or the Act of February 20, 1905, or on the principal register shall be a completebar to an action against that person, with respect to that ma*, thai is brought by anothr person under the cormon Iaw or a statute of a State and that seeksto prevent dilution of the distinctivenessof a ma.k, label, or form of advertisement. t(4) The followins shall not b actionableunder this section: t(A) Fair use of a famous mark by another person in compamtive commercial advertising or promotion to identify the competins soodsor setrices of the omer of the famous mark. use [/Br Noncommercral of a mark. I(C) A1l forms of news reportine and news commentary.l (c) DtLU\toN Bv BLURRIN1;DrLUroN Bv TARNTSHMENT:-(1) INJUNCTVEEELtEF.--Subject to the principles of equitr, the ouner of a famous mo.rh that is d.istinctiue, inherentlr or through acquied. distinctiven$s, sha be entitled to an injunction aEainst another person who, at anr time after the ouner's natk has becone fanow, connenc^ use of d mtk or trdde nane in comnerce that is likely to cdusedilution by bLurrine ot d.ilution by tarnishnent of the fanous natk, regardlessof the prcsence absence actual or likeLr c.nfusion, of competi. ot of tion, or of actudl econonicinjury. (2) DEFINIrtoNs.lA) For putposes of (1), a nath is fanous if it is uidely recognired br the general con. sunins public of the United States as d designation of source of the soods or setuices of the mark's ouner. In d.etetminins whether d mdrh po$essesthe rcquisite d.egree recognition, the of court mal considetaU reLeuant factors, incLudingthe foLlouins: O The d,urdtion, ertent, dnd eeosnphic rcach of aduer tisins dnd publicitJ of the nafi, uhether ad.ueftised. or pubticizedbr the owner or third parties. (ii) The amount, oolume, and geographic extent of sdLes af soods ot seruies the maft. ftii) The ertent ofactual recognitionof the ndrk. B) For purpases of paras.aph (1), "dilution t'r blu ins" is association arising from the simildritr between marh or trad.e d ndne and a fanous na* that impairs the distinctiueness of the fanous mark. In d.etermininguhether a mark or trade name is likelJ to causedilution br blurring, the caurt ma! aU releuant factots, includins the followins: 6) The desree of sitnilarity between the marh or trcde ndme dnd the fdnous marh.

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l3 (ii) The dpgrceof inhercnt ot acquired distinctiueness of the famous narh. (iii) The ertent to trhi.chthe awnet of the fanous ndrh use is enqaeingin substantialy exclusiue of the ma*. (iu) The deqrceof rccocnitionof the fanous math. (u) Whether the user of the marh ar trade nane in' to with the famous marh. tend.ed c.eate.'n association (Di) An! actuaLassociationbetueen the mark or trade name and the famous na*. (C) Por purposes of paracraph (1), "dilution br tarnishment" is a.ssociation atisinE ftom the similaritr between a mark or trade name and. a fdnous mark that harms the rep utation of the fdnous ma*. (3) ExcLusroNs.-The foUouing shaU not be actionable as dilution br bluning or dilution b! tarnishment under this sub' (A) Fab use of a fanous narh by onothe. person in comparutiuecommercialaduertisinEor promotion to identif! the competins E@ds or seroices of the ouner af the fa@) Fat useof a fatnous nath br dnotherpercon,other than as a desisnation X source for the person's goods or seroices,includinE for purposes of identiliins dnd parodling, criticizing, or commentinE upon the fdnous mark ownet ot the good.s services the fanous narh owner. ot of (C) AII forns of news reportins and neus commentary. (1) ADDIt1NAL REMEDTES.-IL dn action brought unde. thb subsection, ouEr of the famous mafi shall be entitled the onlr to injuuti'e rcIief as set forth in section31, ercept that, (N the person aeainst uhom the injunction is sought did not use in connerce, prior to the date of the enactment of the Tradenarh Dilution ReuisionAct of 2005, the ma* or ttude name thdt is likely to causedilution by blurrine or d.ilution b! tarnishnlent,and. B) in a claim arbins under this subsection(i) by rearcn of d.ilution by blurrinE, the person aeainst whon the injunction is souEht willfully intendedto trade on the recognitionof the famous narh, (ii) by reasonof dilution I'r tarnishment, the per son asainst uhon the injunction is sought tlillfuu! intendedto harm the rcputation of the famous matk, the ouner of the famous ma* shaLlalso be entitled to the ren. edies setforth in sections 35(a) and. 36, subjectto the discretion of the court and the principl^ ofequitr. (5) OwNERsEIpoF vALtD REcIsrE-4TtoN coMpLETE BARTo A Ac' oN.-The ownership by a percon of a ualid registration under the Act of March 3, 1881, or the Act of Februar! 20, 1905,or on the principal reeisterunder this Act shdU be a conplete ba. to an actian against that person, uith respectto that nnrk, that is bbught br anotherperson under the commonlau or a statute of a State and. that seehsto prcuent d.ilutian br blurring or d.ilution br tarnishment, ar that assertsanr claim

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t4 or or of dctual or lihely d.amage harm to the d,istinctiueness rcp' utation of a na*, lobel, or forn of ad,uertisenent. (B)(i) In determinine whether a person has a bad faith intent described under subpaEsraph (A), a court may consider fadors such as, but not limited to-

* (dxrxA) * *

(r)* * *

(IX) the extent to which the mark incoryoratedin the person's domain name reeistration is or is not distinctive and famous within the meanins of subsection[(cxl) of section 43]

TITLE X_CONSTRUCIION AND DEFINITIONS SEc. 45. In the constructionof this Act. unless the contrarv is ptainl) Eppsrenr fron the contextThe United States includes and embraces all tIritory which is under its ju sdiction and contrcl. The word "commerce" means all commerce which may lawfully be regulated by Congress. tThe term "dilution" means the lesseningof the capacity of a famous mark to identify and distinguish goodsor Eervices, regardless ofthe presence absence or of[(r) competition between the owner of the famous mark and other Daities. or mistake, or dception.l t(2) tikelihoodof connrsion,

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2OO5 HousD oF REPRESENaATIVES, CoMMI'trEE TfiE JuDrclARY, oN Washington, DC. The Committe met, pursuant to notice, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 2141. Ra\burn House Ofrce BuiLdine.Hon. F. James Sensenjr. brenncr. lChairmanorthe Commitr;elpresidrnc Chairman SENSENBRENNER. Committee will be in order. A The working quorum is p.esent comprisedeniirely of Members of the majority party. So mther than doing a mtiEcation of minority Com mittee assignments, since therc is no one here to mak a motion to do that, we will now go to the next item on the agenda which is rhp sdoprion S. 167. of ihe 'Family EnrFnainmFnt d;d Copynghr Act ol 2005. and lhe Chair recognize.the gentlemen from Texas. Mr. Smith, the Chairman of t6e Subcom;ittee on Courts, the Intemet. and Inrellecrual ProDenv a motion. for Mr. SMnH.Mr. Chaiman. i a"l( unan)mous consen! rhat we consider the following bills en bloc: S. 16?, H.R. 683, H.R. 1036, H.R. 1037,H.R. 1038.

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Chairman SENSENBBENNEB. about House Concunent Reso How Mr. SMITH.It's my understanding, Chairman, that needs to be considered seDaratelv. Chairman SENSE\iBRENNER. Okay. Without objection,the 5 bills mentionedbv the senueman from Texas will be considercden bloc. and the Ch;ir reioenizes the gentleman from Texas to explai; Mr. SMITII. I'11 try to be brief, Mr. Chairman. The ffrst bill, S. 167 really consistsof three previous bills that thie Committe has approvedand that passedthe House last year. The fiIst one is the Family Movie Act, and I think Membem will recall that that simply sives parents the risht to determine what theh children see when they rent or buy a movie video. The secondpart of this particular bill is the Art Act which creates new penalties for those who camcordmovis in public theaters and who wrllfully rnfnngecopyrightlaw by d.stnbutingcopiesof Drereleased worh. moviesor otheMise. The Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2005 simply, basically pfttcts trademarks in a better \r'av and also makes sure that Deople cannot infrinse lrademarksas easily as rhey do now. lt ;lso iloes a goodjob oltryins ro keep us out 6fcourt r; dctemine some of lhe ambisuities ofthat oadicularsubiect. ThF I$o iechnical coneition bills sre"jusrthat, rechnical corrpctions of rhe SarelliteViewer, Home Viewer Mo!'re Act, and rhp technical conections, in addition to th satellite coffections are technical corections ofthe CARP bill, which we approvedlast yar and which Dassed House. ihe The lsrbrll rn the en bloc package. Mr. Chairman,rs your brll, rhe Multrdisrricr Lrtrgatron Relrorarion of2005.and I ;lt yetd Act to you to make any commentson that. And that would be the quick summarv of the 6ve bills en bioc. tThe bill, H.R. 683. foilo;sj

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loer'rc.NcR'ss H.R.683
To uFtr{l th TrelerM& Alt of 1916 rvith Eipat ortrdrlnDcrt. to iihtior by bluanta

FEsal]rlnr 2oo5 9, ML Srtras of Te$e nllRtuceil rlE followins {ld.]r rtrs rderrcd to tlF biui CoDntt@or tlt Jtrdirir4

To dm,)ndihc Tradcnark Act of t94ij sith rcspccttr) .tilution by bluning or tanrishDent. 1 Bc it ctlodcd ba the SeMtc a\d Hallse of Rc,prcseirtaStflt.'! ol Ane,iur in Oonlle's u$emblad,

2 tiws oJth. Uijetl

3 sEcrIoN r. aHotT rllt E. 4 (a) SEoRr Trrr,E.-This Act Inay be citcd as the

5 "Tr,ademArk Dihtior Rpvision of 2005". l,ot 6 (l)) RFERE)icEs.-Any rcfercnccin this Act to thc

7 Tladenalk Aot of 1946 shall be A r,efercnce the Act to 8 cntitled "An Aet to pru\idc fbr thr registrdtir)n and t)rot0c9 ti I of trademflrks use(lin comtt1erce, cauy orrtthe t)roto l0 \isions of certair intcmdtionalconrcntions, and fbr othcr

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Julv 5, 1946 (15 tt.SO 1051 et I l)rt)oses",dl)l)role(t 2 seq.) 3 SEC. ,. 4 5 DILUTTON BY BLITBRINCi DILVTION BY TAANIIIIMENI. Section43 ofthe TradeDurkAct of 1946 (15 ILS.O.

6 1125) is flnended1 8 9 (1) br'$trildDg subsection ard irBerting the (c) folloring: "(c) Du,('TroN ar Br,uRRrNoj Drr,rrroN ay

l0 T,|nNIslllrENT.11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "(1) INruNcrnr r.Er,rrF.-Subject to the priu('iplcsof cquitv, the ou.nerof a famouslnsrk tlut is diltinctive, inherently or through acquired distine tile ess, sh{ll be entitldl to an iDjunction $gninst another persron Nho! at anl tinle sfter the on1ler's mark hds beconefhmous,commences of I mr'rk use or trade nam in conunercas a desienationof soun,eof the person's soodsor sewicesthnt is likeLl' to ause dilution by bluring or dilution by

ttrmishmort, rcHArdlc$s th( tresenlc or dhscn(xr of of actual or likelv conftsion, of competition, or of actudl L{onomic i$urj'. "\2) DEFNIrroNs.-(A) For purposes parADf grrlt]x {r), r mrrk in frrnous if it is ridoll nrognizedbv the gtnelnl con$ulins prblic ('f the I'nite{t

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18 3

States a$ a desigrdtion of source of the elnxls or whethseMcesof the mer*'s t'q.rler.In determiniDg the requisitedegrceof recogrrer a Dmrk posse$es tion, the co rt may considerall reletant fhctors, iDcludins the following: "(i) The (turation, extent, nDil geo$'aphic rcach of adlertishs aDd publicit)' of the mdrk, nhthel adveltisedor publicizedby the o1llter or tlird parties. "(ii) Th a'norlnt,\'ohme, and sogrnphic extent of sales of goods or senices offercit Luder the mArk. "(iii) The extent of actual rccognitii)nof

2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 l0

t2 l3 t4 15 l6 t7 18 19 20 2l 22

"(B) For purposesof paragraph (1), '(lihrtnrn by blur:rinc' is associatiounrising frum the similtritl between a desi$atbn of Borucand a famous mark thst impdils the distinctiveDessof the famous n'Idrk. In detemining \ihether a desi$ation of source is likely to cause dilutior by blurrirs, tlrc court rtrr), consnlerall relerani thetoro,im{rling the "(i) TIte rlegt e of similadty betuceDthe desi$ation of sourcean{l the fanous mark. "(ii) The dcsrce ot inhoront ,,r rr(luirod


dir*inctiveDess the fauons Dark. of

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19 4

1 2

"(iii) Th extent to lvhich the o\l]rel ol the farnous nark is engaging in substnnti&Iy exclusiveuse of the nal'k. "(i\, Th deelr of recogrit n of the fh-

5 6 7 8 9 10
"(v) lvhether the user of the desipation of with source iDteDded create sn a$sociation to the fhmousmtllk. "(vi) Any actual associatbn beh\en the desigllatioD sourceand the fAnnnNmark. of "(C) For pruloses of parasraph (l), 'rliluti,.rn

t2 13 t4

Lr. tftrnishment' b association ari$ing from the sinilarity betweena desiemtion of sour.ceand a tamotls mdrk thnt hAms thc rcputntionof the fAmousma*. "(3) DxcLuBIoNs.-The folowing shall not be bction.ble l's rlilution bl. bluning or (lilutior b) tarnishmentunder this subsectiDn: "{A) }'air ure of d tumous mdrk l)y rnother personin comparative connnercial adver-

16 11 l8

20 2l 22

tisiDs r)r tn)moti(,n n) idontifv thr com|oting goo(Lc senice8 Df the owner Df the tamDus or

"(B) NoDeommercial of a {tenignation trsc

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"(C) All forms of ness rePo$iDgaDd news

2 3 4 5
6 1 8 9 RE!IEDrES.-In aD actior) "(4) A-DDITIoNAI, brorqht unrle1'thi't subsection, t]re o\aner of the famous mark shall be ertitled oub' to iqiunctn rchef that, ifAs set forth in seetion34, e.xcept "(A) the person sgBinst whom the iqluDction is sought did not use a nArk or trade nanle that iN likelv to causdilutbn by hlurring or dilrtion by tarnishment as o desigmtion of sorRre in commeflreprior to the date of the enaetment of the Trademark Dilution R:dsiott Att of 2005, and "(B) ir r claim tuisins under this

10 1l t2 13 l5
l6 11 18 l9 20 2l 22

l,v "(i) l)\ relsonof rlilulnnr |lurtiDF. the personagainst n{lom tlre injundion is sought $illffiny intendcd to trade oD the recognition of th farDoN mark, or "(ii) by l.P$s0D of dilution by

tamishuent, the persor againstwho r the irtNcti(,n i$ sousht NilltuIr intrnd(t t,) tra(le on the rpntation of thc f:rmous


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t I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll 12 13 14 t5 16 l? 13 19 thc owDerof tha fanrcusna.L slHll rlso be crritle{l to tho rernedics lblth in secrions3j(a) enrl t6, ser subjert to the dis{fttion of the court an.l the p ciplesof eqrdty. "(5) O!'NEnsr p oF lAr-rD liltGrsrnATlo)i A coypr,ETE BAn ro AcrroN,-The orrellhip l,y a -

person of a ralid regi'{tatioD under the Act of March 3, 1881, or the Acr of Febmarv 20, 1905, or on the principal register Luder tl s Acr slralt be a .ompletebAr to an action rgainst thflr peNon, \\,irh respect to that Dlark, that ic broughr b), another pelton [nder thc comlmn law or ll statxte of a State and that seeksto prclnt (lilutio4 by btrning or dilurior by tAmishmehr, rhar Asrefts.n1, cl:im or of acttlalor likely da lage or harn to the .tistindiveDessor repuhrrionof tl nlnrk, tHl,el,or f,ormof adIertisement.',i and (2) iD subsecrioD (d)(1)(B)(i)(lX), bI sr.riking "(e)(1)of seciiD .13,' and inselring,,(,),,.

20 gEc. g. coNFoRrtl|tc AMENDMENTS. 2l (a) trd,lrrs RD(llsr&tBl,E oN ,rIrE pRl\qpA, 2(1) r,f thc Tra{lcnark RE{r

22 rsrljtt.-SHtir)

-{ct of 194{i (15

23 rr.S ('. 1059(f))is aurcnde.l24 (l) lr"strikiry thc last two scn,u!,cs; {Do

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22 7 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 12 13 (2) addins at the end the following: "A lndr

\vhn'h,vhen used as a desigrationof soulat'or thc applicant's sgods or senicas, \ould be likeb to causedilutiDnby bluning or dilution by tarnishmeut under sectioD 43(e),may be rehrsed rugistrationor \, pruBuantto a procding breusht under section13. A rcgistration for a lrrark which, when used as a desigrntion of sornce fbr thc rgistlmt's goods or seraices, \oukl be likely to (ause (lilutior bv blurTins ol dillrtion by tnrrishment under secinln43(c), lntrv pursuant to a proceecling be caDceled br{,ughtunder either sction14 or section24." (b) OpposrrroN.-Section 13(a) of the Tradenark l,he firtt

14 A(t of 1946 (15 LI.S.C.10630t) is rmcnded

15 serteuce $trikins "as a re$rlt of dilution" and insertins b)' 16 "the resistrntionof nDymrrk which,s[en userlN a de'17 igratioit of $olrnrefor the alplicant's goo(lsor sewices, l8 rvouhl he likdv to c{usc dilution by hlurring ,)r l9 tarnishmeut". 20 ((, CANcEr,r,AIIoN.-Sc( of tho Tn(tcmark 11

21 Act of 1941i(1; ILS.C. 1064) is amended, the llldit(T ir 22 t)nicotlins l,druslrph (l)23 24 (l) b)'strikiDg ", indt(lins as a rcs, t of (lilF tioD uDdersoctn,n4i](c),"i rlnd

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23 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (2) insertng "(A) fu \\'hich ihe ftIstructivc nse date is sfter the date on which ihc petitionet's mark becamelauous and which, rlrn lsed as a designatior of soutce for the registrant's goods or \'oul(l be like\y to causedillrtioll bv blurri g serwices, or dilution by tarnishmentunder section 43(c), or (B) on sroundsother that1(lilution bI' blurrilg or dilution bv tnnishment" after "FebnA4' 20, 1l)05". (l) MAins FoR TrlE,REGlsrER.-

of 10 The secondsentenee section94 of the TMdemalk Act ll of 1946 (15 U.S.C. 1092) is anendcd to reail as foll !s:

12 "Whcneyerany pclaonl,elie\esthat stlt,hpersonis or sill 13 be daDlaged the rcgishatbn of a r|ark oD the suppleby l4 mentrl rfgistPr15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 "(1) fbr \rti.h thc eilertivc filins ,htc is lt1.f the dxtc on 1\'hichsuch pelson's nxrrk belxrrne firmons an(l \lieh, when used as a dcsignationof

soune for thc les ilant's goodsor setdres, muld be likeb'to carisedilution by blurriry oI dilution by tamishm{xrtuDders,ttn,n 4il(c), of otber than,lilutnD br lrhrrdns "\2J on sL{)un.lli or (lihrti,D bv tunishm(Dt,

23 snch pemon ruay at any iiDe, q)on |a)'rnent of thr tre24 serib,{l ttro.rDdtho 6lins of a l)etiti(,nstatirB thc gn'lllrd

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24 I I tl n rl .U ,f, rl )t)l v n) thf D r!,tor t,) (rui el str,l r rrsj sl rr

2 ti ,trL'.. 3 ((!) IIEF I^ .. Ir()N s. S (,l n)r + 5 ,1 tl rr TQ,L,rtrnrk ,\f1 Si' l l l T) i srrul l rl l ,\ srri hi rs rl r| l , fi '

:l i )fl 1 1 1 (;(l 5 l i

re l 5 | l ;1 i t)n l rti L rg ,i rl i l trti t)r"

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25 The Chairman SENSENBRENNER. Chair passeson this. Without objection,aU Members may place opening statements in en the record on each ofthe bills beins considered bloc at this time. Hearine no objection,so orderd. [The prepared etatementof Mr. Berman fol]owsl
L PR'PANEDSTACMEM Of'IHE EONOESLE EOWAND BNRM{\, A REPRESENIA'flE RNKNC MIMBNR, SUBtN CoNcREssFROMTHE STAE OF CdIFOFNL\, ^ID ON COMMNAEE COMAS. EE IMERNE'T.AXD INTELLEMUI PROP'RTY Mr. Chaiman, thank you for schedulinsthis mark'up of II.R 633, The Trade dark Dilution Revision Act of 2005. Nine years citer p6islge ol the Fderal Trademark Dilution Act [FTDA], I belivo w hav with this bill com full circle in .suring the dilution act rellcts the o.igi!,l inten jon of Coqress. Tradma.k lov does dot involve typical intellectual property r*hts. It does not emandt lrom th Patent ard Coplright Claueeof lhe Colslitution, but .ather fmm t!! Conmerce Clalse. Rather tha! p.otclionof proprty righis, the pimary policy .arionale lor treditionll l.adenark taw rests on a policy ol pretecting consude.s i.oni and doepijon 'risrake i. Protectionagainst trudsmr.L dilutian seems, someways,mo.e akiD to p.op.i, p.oieclion than consum. pratection.Tlus, any anti dilutio! legi6lqtion 6hould b Ahe goal n$t b 10 prolct only the nost famous carfully and nanowly cralted, rradnlrhs f.on subsequent us$ tlat blur tho disiinctiveness tle na.k or 1arof nEh or dispa.aseit. Lesislatior should efrdi. ltun expa ins ihe poiertral ofcre' righl. in p+etuity for tradenarld. Diluiion should onc asain be used spar aii.g ingly as an "extraordiDary" remedy, otr that requires a sicllifiert showing ol famc. this bill nano$ the appli@tion of dilution by l,khlening the de6niiion of what is necessary to be cosidred a famous mark. The bitl elininats fame for a niche narkt and lbts facto.r DMssary for a dilution by bluring clain. With thes changes, it is ou. hope that th dilution renedy will be $ed in the ra& circunsiance and nDt as the attnative pleading. In addition, this bill chases the standardofdilurion fmn 'actual' to 'likelihood" ofdilution, This bill add.esses the classicview of dilution by blurins, that tbe injury caus.d by dilution is ih gradml dihinutidn or whitrling away at the value ol the famous na.k, o., as thosewho hav bnvictims oldilution descnbe, 'death bJ a ihousand cu13" where jnju.y is used by the cumllative efct of ma.y snaU acts ofdilution. Th lan8ldgc in ihe bill now sqna.eswith what Congrsshad i.itially intended I apprecistthe expressd need to imposea maro l^ioni srandard A ]l]rllhodd ofdilutioD" standard no lons. rquires the senior usr io wart uniil inlury occurc befor brinn^g tuit. Howevr, nost importanily, an anendment was adopted in Subsmmiitee ro add&$ t! Fir6t Amndment and fr speech issues that were raised at tne heanrs. The ACLU yoiced concems abolt th possibility that cntics colld be stifled by th threat of dn injunction tor nee lihelihood of tdrishment. Furthnor, they we.e concemd with the balanc betwn th ddk of hadenark holders and th First Anendn.t. ACLU joind with INTA and fuPl,A in craftins a exemption f.on a dilution celse of action fo.parcdy, comnent and cnticism Finally, diner^t iniell.ctual p.op.riy dwners voi.ed di6agreement th hearins at resardins the desisnationof sourcelaquas in tle bill. Afier somnesoiiation be. twee. the parties,th conlict has benrsolved, ard both AIPLA and INTA suppo:1 lh bill I blievthis legslabionstnkes the delicate balancebetwe. protectionof property.ights and encouragemeni ofhrl1ly complition I urge ny coll.aeles ld slppo.t this bill with the amendmentand I yield back ihe balance olny iime Chairman SENSENBREN'IJER. Are therc anv amendmeDts to anv of

the bills? iNo response.l Chairman SENSENBRENNER. being no amndments,withThere out objection,the previousquestionis orderedon reportine the bills favombly and the vote on reportins these bills favorably wiU be taken when a reporting quorum is present.

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26 Withoul objechonthe order for the prcvious question is vitiated. amendmenion H.R.683, the Dilutron There is a Subcommittee Bi . Without objection, the Subcommittee amendmnt i3 agreed to. Hearins none, so ordered. IThe amendmentfollowgl

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Stdke all aftel tle enroting clAuseand iNert the folordns: I sEcrIoN 1. sEoRT Trtf,E. 2 (a) SnoNr Trrr,E.-This Act may be cited as the

3 "Trddcm$rk DihrtiontuviNionAot of 2005". 4 (b) RoFERENcES.-AIy rfbrence tl s Act to the in

5 Tradenark Act of 1946 shall be n Defcnenoe 1heA(t to 6 entitled"An Act to pnxide for the registration and protec7 in]lr oftrndemrrks usedin connlcRe,lo csny oui lIe p.o' 8 rini ls of certain interndtionalconvention$, Ii)r other an(l 9 pur1x,scs", appro\rd Julv 5, 191{j (15 tl.S.C. 1051 ot l0 seq.). II 12 13 AEC. 2. DILUIION TT TAnNrsm\@^r. Sccln,D oftho TftdrDnrk tut of 1146 (1; U.S.C. 13 BLURRINq DILI/NON BY

14 1195) is arunded15 16 (1) l)) stri[iry suhs(ti,)tr (c) aDil nNoftn)s thc fbllowiryl

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28 2 I "(c) D&('TroN Ei


Br,URnrNe;Du,uTroN By

2 TAn\'rs4uENr.3
4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

to "(1) INJUNcrnr REr,rEF.*Subject the prirreiples of equity, t,lle Dl\rler of a lamons mnrk tllat is distirctil, inhercntly or thrcugh acquired distiln!

tileness, shAll be entitled to ar nijnnctior AsAinst another persDn ntro, at an) tine after the o\\rrer's mark ha" beconefnmous,conmence$ of a nsrk r$ or tra(te name in conmerce that is lil
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29 3 t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

"(ii) Th aNount, \'olume,and sographic extent of sftls of eoods or senices offered under the mark. "(iii) The etlent of schul recogniti{rnof the mark. "(B) For purposesof pAragrAph(1), llilution by blurring' is associatiora.ising ff.oD the si laitr

bet[een A mArk or trAde nsme and A fai,ous nnrk that iq)sinr the distiDctivenessof the fanous Dark. In delerminirrg shethr a mrrk or Iradr nflrncix likely to caus rlilutior by blurdng, the court may roDsider All relevant fhctoN, includins the follorvins: "(i) Tlrc degreeof similarity betweenthe mArk or tftde nsme {nd the tumoul m$rk. "(ii) The degreeof inherent Dr ocquned

t2 13 t4

l6 11 l8 l9 20 2l 22

distnrtivencssof the frmous mnrk. "(iii) The :'1ent which the o\r'nelof the to ftmors m{rL iit cn$sins in subsldntinlv exclusivetls of thc mark. "(nJ The dc$te of ne&snition of thc tr-

"(v) U'Iether thc user of the Ina*


trade name intended io create an association


\ith thr: fi'nous mar*.

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30 4


behleen thc "(vi) Any adual association m$rk or tmde nflmenn(t the fanrcu$mark. of "((l) For l)L,rl)oseB l)drasraph (1), 'ililuti,)L) l{' rarnislmert' is associatid Alisirg fbm thc sinilarity behveen a nark or trade name and a thnrous ma* that hArnc the reputation of the faDrousmark. "(3) ExcLUsIoNs.-The foloring shal not be ActionAbl aE ditution bI bluning or dihtioD by tarnishnent under tlis $ubsectionl "(A) Fair rtse of a famous mhrk by another persor ir comparative connDercial adver-

2 3 4 5 6 'l 8 9 10

t2 t3 t4

tisins or promotion k, identifv the eompcting gtrodsor senic$ of the owner of the lan)ous

"(B) Fair use of a faDrors mark b). an-

l6 I7 l8 l9 20 2l 22

othcr peftor, otlrcr than .s s desisnationof sourLefor the pe$on's goods or sera,rces, inclt ins firr purposesof nlenrilvin!. rn,l prr. rl\ing, (iriticizing,or c(nlrlrlenting tl)on the fa, tni,u.rn'rk o$ner or tLe stlxls or scryiccs,)f

the famous n1ark oNner. "(C) All fi,rms of nsts rcjn)rtirH aDd ncNs

24 25

"(4) ADDITIoi",4r,BETIIDIES.-In aD ddii))r brorht undef this $ub$ectim,the owner of the fa-

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I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0

mous ark shal be entitlerloDlr"to ir\junctne relief As set forth tu section34, e.xcept thAt, if"(A) the per:s. dsainsl wh,'ur rhe iqux* pri.rr to tioD iir soughtdid not use in (Dmmerce, the date of the enaetment the TmdemarkDiof lution RevisionAot of 9005, the mark or tr^rLc nanu that is likeh,to cdusedilutir)Dbv bluflrrrg Dr djlutiur lry 1flnisLlDrcnl, and "(B) iu a clain adsins under this

"(i) by reasonof dilution bv blu.riis,

12 13 14

the pelson againstl\.hom the injulction is sousht \\illtulv inten(led to tm(le on the

re.usDiriuir.'1 fdmurhmhrk,,,r lhe "(ii) by neason of dilution lry

16 17 l8 19 20 21 22

tslttishn&nt, th{, persoD nglinst rvhonl the i4iunetion is sought nillftilb' intended to

harm the reputation of the f.mour mtlr'k, the owner of th famous mark shall also be cntitled to thc remeilicssei lbrth in secril)Ils 3;(d) rnd 3tj, subJect the discreti,r of the eouri and the prirt{} ciplesof e$rit:'. "(5) OTINERsgIpo!. \';!ID &EotsrRrrro\ A

24 25

oOllPtrETE BNl, To.\!l'lON,*Thc


hy r

person of a 1?hl regi!*r'ntion under the Act r)f

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12

Mrreh 3, 1881, or the Act of Felnury 20, 1905, or on the p ncipAl rcgister un.ler ihis Aet sllall be a courplete bar to an actior against that peNonJsitlr rc$pect to that mArk, that is bl.orlght b)' flnotlte! person under the cotultoll la$' or a ttatute of a State and thAt seeksto pre\'entdilution by bhuri g or (lilutidr by tdrnjshuelt, or that rsselts anl,ddnD of Acrualor likely damage harrn to the disl.irx'1ive' or nassor reputrtioD of a rMrk, labcl, or fbrm of a(l\'erliselnenl."iand (2) in subsection((l)(1)(B)(i)(D(), bI strikhs "(c)(1) of section43" and insertins "(c)".

13 sEc, g.coNFoBtc{c aMENDMENTS, 14 (a) I{.*xs REarsaR\BrE oN rHE PnrNcrparr Rl(1-

15 rsrEB.-Sectior 2(f) of the Tradenark Ad of 1946 (15 l6 1'.S.C.1052(f)) is aneDile(l17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 (1) bJ'stfiking the laj,t two sentencesj and (2) r(tdins nt tho md thc li'll(Mins: "A lln,rk rvhich {oul(t be likely to causedilntioD b}. bhuring or dilutn)n h:t'tanishnrent Dtutorsoctn,n13(r, nl v be rcfused rcgish.rtbn only pnrstant to a pmr(rrlins l trrsbtuu{lr' sr(tiLrr1l} /\ rfsisnrri,) fl)r a rnark 1\'li('ll \rurlrt Ir likeh to cnuse(lilutirrr bv hlunins or rliluti,'n hv t rishlrl('llt un(l,rr s(0tn,n

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