Free Motion to Amend/Correct - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 1
Date: November 20, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 241 Words, 1,347 Characters
Page Size: 640.8 x 801.36 pts

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9. In tho fall of 1988, I was sont to tho Pima County Jail to tostify in
court in Pima County on hohalf of an i.n.mato chargotl with assaulting a DOC
ofticor. Tho prosocutor askod mo if I was afraid to tostify. I indicatod that I was,
to which sho askod mo if I was afraid of tho othor iarnatos. I said “no," that my
foar was of DOC officials, including thoso sitting alongsido of hor at tho counsol’s
tahlo. l oxplainod that I was at tho lowost sooinity loyol that a porson with my
conviction could havo, that I had numorous priyilogos, but that I know it could all
ho takon away hy DOC officials in rotaliation for my truthful tostimony. Tho
inmatcs was acquittod on tho hasis ot` my tostimony.
It]. I hayo family mornhors who aro of Hispanic horitago. I harbor no ill-
will to any othor individual hasod upon thoir raco, and havo do not, and havo not,
holongod to any group that advanoos such conoopts.
Furthor Afliatit saith not.
DATED Q day of Octohor, 2006.
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ark E. Hampton H _-
SUB-SCRIBED AND ST-WORN TG hoforo rno by Mark E. Hampton this day
of _P, 2{l·ll6.
My Commission oxpiros:
CQ - 5 r 0 7
osrrctat as
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Case 2:03-cv-01706-NVW Document 75-9 Filed 11/22/2006 Page 1 of 1

Case 2:03-cv-01706-NVW

Document 75-9

Filed 11/22/2006

Page 1 of 1