Free Waiver of Service Executed - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 102.7 kB
Pages: 2
Date: January 13, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,232 Words, 7,807 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 792 pts

Download Waiver of Service Executed - District Court of Arizona ( 102.7 kB)

Preview Waiver of Service Executed - District Court of Arizona
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Umted. States Marshals Servnce on the {averse of me rm. .» RR
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CORA MILES, e . R ummoii§fCom `1`ai“f1‘t‘ ‘
Stella Ponce , Secu1‘j.ty_“Ch:IQef f"IEI1oy» CCA Detention Center p "
I ADDRESS (Street orRFD, Apu-wanna., can sae mmpcm) I . _ ‘ `
AT 1Y05 E. Hanna Rd., Eloy Detent:I.on Center Adra. Eloy, AZ 85231-9512
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I hereby certify and retum that I [I have personally se legal evidence of service. I] have eiceeuted as shownin "Rematrks". described M _ _
on the individual, company. corporation. etc., at lhehddress . • n above oron the individual, company, corporation, etc., shown? address inserted below, "
lj I hereby cenify and return that I am unable to locate the individual. company, corporation? etc'., nanntitabove (Sec remarks below) I 5 - _ _
Name and title of individual served (if not shown- above) ' A person of suitable age and dis-
- - _ 4 I;] cretion then residing inthe giefendanfs
_ ‘ _ _ · . usual place of abode.
Address (complete only ifdifllbrcnt than shown above)- __ · Datecf `~ =·~ ’ - 'Hmc il " ND
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` . I - _ - Signa of .S.MarshaIorDeputyr
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Service Fee . Total Mileage Charges Rarwarding Fee T0f8]:ClTl8|`gCS Advuneebepqsits Amountrmved In U.S. Marshalor _` Amountof Refund A _
(including endeavors) _ _ ·“.“’ pm V
REMARKS: _ V l K _ . " _ ‘- TK
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TO; Carlos Arthur Powell (Charles) .
L Ste 1 1 6. Ponc G ; , gclmowledgereoeipli,gf;}/G1111iEQ$l=}€St
(DEFENDANTNAME) ~ >*'*·'*-·= `“ ‘
that I waive service of summons in the action of Cai!]-OS Arthur P¤we1 1 V - Cora Mile E F st · sl • -*
(carriou or ncnom
. . ··- ]_ - - . . . .
which IS case number CV 0 3 1 8 9 PHX JAT 1n the United States District Court
(oocrozr NUMBER)
for the District of ARI ZONA .
I have also received a copy of the complaint in the action, two copies of this instrmnent, and a means ~
by which I can return the signed waiver to you without cost to me.
I agree to save the cost of service of a summons and an additional copy ofthe complaint in this lawsuit
by not requiring that I (or the entity on whose behalf I am acting) be served with judicial process in the
_ manner provided by Rule 4.
- I (or the entity on whose behalf I am acting) will retain all defenses or objections to the lawsuit or to the
jurisdiction or venue of the court except for objections based on a defect in the summons or in the service
of the summons.
I understand that a judgment may be entered against me (or the party on whose behalf I am acting) if an
. . . . T 6 mg
answer or motion under Rule 12 is not served upon you within 60 days after ,
(DATE naouasr was sam)
or within 90 days after that date if the request was sent outside the United States.
[2 —g,£—0J
(DATE) isromroiuaj
Name: S j ,;‘EE··;[g_ Z0 gg; _ j
As\ ofggI%Qi}'!%§
(oo rows oar ANT)
Duty to Avoid Unnecessary Costs of Service of Summons
Rule 4 ofthe Federal Rules of Civil Procedurerequires certain parties to cooperate in saving urmecessarycosts of service ofthe summons and
complaint. A defendant located in the United States who, being notified of an action and asked by a plaintiff located in the United States to
waive service of summons, fhils to do so will be required to bear the cost of such service unless good cause be shown for its failure to sign and return
the waiver.
It is not good cause for a failure to waive service that a party believes that the complaint is unfounded, or that the action has been brought in
an improper place or in a court that lacks jurisdiction over the subject matter ofthe action or over its person or property. A party who waives service
ofthe summons retains all defenses and objections (except anyrelating to the summons or to the service ofthe summons), and may later object to
the jurisdiction ofthe court or to the place where the action has been brought.
A defendantwho waives service must within the time specified on the waiver form serve on the plaintiffs attomey (or unrepresented plaintiff)
a response to the complaint and must also file a signed copy ofthe response with the court. lfthe answer or motion is not served within tl1is time,
a default judgment may be taken against that defendant. By waiving service, a defendant is allowed more time to answer than if the summons had
been actually served when thc request for waiver of service was received.
Case 2:03-cv-01819-JAT Document 163 Filed 01/11/2006 Page 2 of 2

Case 2:03-cv-01819-JAT

Document 163

Filed 01/11/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01819-JAT

Document 163

Filed 01/11/2006

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