Free Statement - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 257.5 kB
Pages: 4
Date: August 19, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 787 Words, 5,204 Characters
Page Size: 610.56 x 789.12 pts

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univ./licazrzcruaii comcaee _
December 6, QOO2
Tvlr. Colaill
Colaill:5 Bnildizig Specialties, Inc.
3825 E. Ann Street
Phoenix, S50$C=
Deer Mike,
Tliie letter shall recorximi our agreement for QC Ccnsroicizion Products, LLC.
Ciiereinefier relerred To as °“QC") to provide QC Colorlecb. integral Colors and CBS
Synthetic iron Oxide Pigmcnks exclusively to Cordlls Building Specialties, Incl
·Qhereinai”rer referred to “Coliille”), begnolng December SW7 2002 and conrmuizig iiwr ei
pefjod often Yeari.
The state of Arizona.
QC will continue to provide exclusive support and product sales io Cohills in
developnicnt of the nweqket for QC ColorTecli lniegral Colors and CBS Synrlienc Iron
Oxide Pigmenrs ilirouglioui the state of Arizona. Pricing for CBS Synthetic lron Oxide
Pigzncnts shall be according to the attached Exhibit A. Pricing for QC Colorlech
kitegral Colors shall be according to the attached Exhibit B.
QC shall provide Coliille primary support for the balance cf’d·»e QC Construction
Products manufactured Imc o concrete coloring and l:e>:tin%ng syeienie.
Pricing for ubc QC Conenrucrion Products concrete colonng System shall. be according to
the attached Exhibit C price list with the fo llowing price discounts applying:
» QC Cuxes end QC Sealere at Exliibii C list price less 5%
— QC Release Powders at Exhibit C list price lees 13% O
» other QC Products listed on Exhibit C et Exliibit C list prices less lO%
. . 1
Case 2.03-cv-01997-ROS Document 104 Filed O9/26/2005 Page)

Payment terms are uet 60 days. Price inoreasee can only occur once pei: year ori
lg ofwch year, beginning January l, ZOO4 and must he accompanied by 60—dajy· prior
written uotice iiroui QC Coustrucuou Products to Cohills. l
QC Construction Products wid prepay all freight for QC ColorTe:h hutegiral Colors, QC Q
Colorleeh-E lntegral Colors aud CES Syritheuc lrorl Grade Pigmeots for purchased. or C
cooeigoed orders of 24,000 pounds or greater. l
C All other orders will he POB Madera, CA ria Colulls request carrier All applicable QC l
COIl_S`Cl`l1ClClOD Prooucta freight discounts he applied. ‘
Colitdls ahall purchase from QC lOO% of their requirements for all synthetic hou oxide
pigmerita and QC Colorleoh Pigrieguts products.
Cohills Shall continue their beat efforts to purchase 1%% of their requirement; for the
full of QC Coustzuotiou Products concrete coloriug aud texturtog systems as outlined
ori the attached e;d1ihits C D, miles; auoonrer oorupetirig product is speeied aod
cannot he switched overt
Cohills shall use its best eforts as the exclusive distributor of CES Synthetic lrou Oxide
Pigmcuts and QC Colorlcoh loteg-l Color and primary dietrihutor of QC Construction
Produets coloring aud teztturmg systems iu the State ofémzoma.
Mike please indicate your agreement hy signing both originals and retumiug one to my
attention C
Agreed: _A
L- Russell Ingersoll Nike Cohill
Pmsidcnt Cohille Building Specialties, ln cz. _
, Aitaczhmermi Exhibit A [Pricing for CES Synthetic lrou Oxide Pigtnemfil
Exhibit B {Pricing for QC ColorTecb Integral Color)
Exhibit C [Pricing 1"or_ QC Coloring and Texmring systems, lee; stated discounts)
case 2:03-cv—O1997-ROS Document 104 Fi|edlO9/26/2005 P%%%OgOg?4

CBS Smthetic {mm Oxide Piggems
r_* _ Produc? 1 5 Price per pound
ces 1:10 :1 ___ »_4_1
CBS mem 1_ _____é1
5082 __ #1 .711 A W1
cee ;mM__ 1
F ce§??64 _ lc [Qi 1_
‘ clée 420 , 1 { *_ 1
M, Q @'5§-§6;@3_H*“.Mc...i*.. .. -- FL .
cc Cggiiiw Mw 1 1

c___.,.~_“___ 1 ._,, M. ’
EBS 653
1 eee _ Mig; 1
ces em/e _ ‘
A cess em 1

__H___ ces 2574 1 _____
_ ces zese __j4 _ _
1 cee ejcec ,___ _
CE§M€775L We ~
‘ cee ZZZVFM
ces, S20 .74 _ _
ces; TZOQJQ1 .73
1 ces 3253X _ I
` 1353 A1
· All QC Celcffech Pigmmems will be packaged 51; 251b. djsh¤1eg;ratimg beg;
Case 2:03-cv-01997-ROS Document V1 O4 Filed O9/26/2005 PagPeOgOg19 23

GC C0I0rTech Pigments
V Product - F5 Erme per pound ___
All Standard CC Colors cxcsmt COIG .73 3
l—"""—~—T~ 4 l
. L.L— 1 O A A0) |
L*_ __.m_..__;._*m________l_.l.._____l
~· All QC C0ll©1·T@c,l1 Pigmcmts will bc: Ap&c_kslgad in 25llm disi;m;·g;·axing bags.
¤ Above pricing does not mcludc blue amd grcscm calms;
i . O if
Case 2:03-cv-01997-ROS Document O4 Fnled O9/26/2005 Pa@% QQ9?

Case 2:03-cv-01997-ROS

Document 104

Filed 09/26/2005

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