Free Motion to Reduce Sentence - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 88.4 kB
Pages: 3
Date: April 7, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 744 Words, 4,908 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 792 pts

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Preview Motion to Reduce Sentence - District Court of Arizona
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IN Tm: UNITED s·m·r.¤:s ms _, _E§UEL?Tiij‘E°§§PUw
D he Fox rm-: n STRICT or Anxzonm. ““"`t""‘*"°”" ‘—
uuxmn STATES 01-* AMERICA q castuao. CRQ4- Engg- Pax- FIM
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l ( 28 U.s.c. B 2255 ).
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GMES NMI, The Defendant, ydgggk. @C1A§ ?¤M0 , in Proese,
" Respectfully requesting this Honorable Court, -a` time reduction on grounds
of the following issues; Heuoraudumpf Pointe end Authorities establish
this motion factual hplc. ‘ -
.1. Defendant is presently lncnrcemted at C.C.A.lF.C.C. Florence, --
Ar:I.zo¤a,»~85232. Amt moe ee betmeeferred to B.0.P. - -· 4
_ `2. Defendant plead galley to $g»,_;A-jan x‘?7.=\·§Q;,)Q_\QCPQCE‘.`; ) , .
_ -\-Nw.,-b¤¢=.¤—¤ ]LL_;c.M. {>»\a.¤5,_ 9 g;E,_,,;` c {Egg .
3. The defendmtwes sentenced to 5Q months.
The defendant is seeking relief to the following; D
1. Equalrightsl rx-bte¢¢16¤. 1, vz, vu ma nv Amuawm. A person
6h0¤].d not be diecrl.n1nnt,ed_reggrd1ess of race, religion, color 0I'
nationality. etc;
2. A, U.S.A. citizen is entitled to (one} year reduction of
sentence through e drug program during his incarceretion,
PEHIION FOR 0 Print or Type Legibly
Relief Sopght. (Check one) e g g; · y ‘ or = D
t><1 1*:11 D ` Sente¤ce o¤1y‘ i } tc e £ $¤¤°°°°°
[ l Remission of Hue Only l [ I
D) THE DI813cItC¤®’!'mDIStlI¤r¤0\IRIOFARI¤t|!A.
`e” ` `l l Case 2:04-cr-00765-FJIVI Document 93 Filed O4/O7/2006 Page1 0f3

W} Nh ’ Reg. No.; *4 o Ccmlrinwd in tlw |·`l.ORENCE-CORRl·Z{Z'l`l()|~1M_
n‘E'l`I·ZN'1`l{)N ni!-2N’|‘m<,_ lu zzr-{-king A r~mmm»1;¤z wu ot ::<·uu—m···, ::=.¤=··» than hl.
wm; imma on _ uml hzpec t~Zmti;1l 3(‘(`lII`lL}' No.__
{li num n llnitvd St:1L<·:= Citixen, indicaatu Country of CiLi:w:1:4?r?_—-—*
é Mzfx C0 _M___a_%__WL+_ _r__*____
Petitioner was convicted on a Plea
in the Unit*e1i’§i;a;es lDist;r_i_c1; com;r·o·f gg éhjgl t D0c.N0.# _ __
of the crime of; QBQQNB xgliégi. -§•\g§“—-QN;.
Involving the following circumstances; po§;D¢' RN
E;PggMer~1"1' &NQ was $,;,¤;c..u;•u<2=» 4509 Eg $!€gQL.. $£= L.. QLAEES gggwn QAD _
.z€'<-E*~*T'--Y mmnyveb geo gy-:»<·.c.¤ _
and was sentenced on Nggeglg 7 ? to imprisonment for Q
. N*><>¤·“·x5 audlor pay a { 1 Fine [` ]] restitu-
tion of $ andlor probation for ·
{ ] [ ]re¤t1tuti.ou[]1.has[ lhasnotbeenpaid.
n is $ . p .
a P¢¤‘£¤i¤¤¤¤=¤‘ mi *¤¤-·- f
releaeed froreonfineaent on `
o - andhioapp1icatiouforparo1e¤s[-]gta¤ted[Ide¤i¤ed.€¤•}·D¤eh¤s¤¤t
beensuhuitbed, fortbe£actthati.11ega1aIie¤sdonot}p1e11fyforparo1e
early release dates. `
at Judgeaeut was tffirned on . A petition for allritl
of Certiorari [ 1 was [ ] was not.:.; eoughtfron the Supren Court. and
[ lgrantcd [ 1 Denied on . Petitioner [ 1 did
[ ldid not Challenge his conviction or sentence under 23 iJ.S.C. 2255-
(Provide citations to court opinions, if {mmm.

Petitiouefs criminal record, other than the instant offense, i¤ N pf°1‘1°‘*
Petitioner respectfully prays that he be granted cleneney for the followln;
reasons. l _
Case 2:04-cr-00765-FJIVI Document 93 Filed O4/O7/2006 Page2bf3

I f _

The- s;L;1l.(emcnLs CU1‘|[{liII(Yd hc¤‘e·in ill`? lxuv in the hvril uf my k|1m,,;|,_`d},(_- um
belief, and 1 understand that any lI\i.SSLilLCIl\CI1L&§ of material incl. conuli
herein may subject mc to criminal prosecution and/or casuc adverse acgj
i t on my peti—ti§i*‘-’for engecutive Clemency. _ {_ __
‘ ¢
Respectfully Submitted this ; * R day 0f_________%_?___

Signature of Petitioner.
Subscribed and Sworn before me on this i day of
` ° Pulbic Rotary;
_ C¤¤m.·E;pixes Date.
Case 2:04-cr-00765-FJIVI Document 93 Filed O4/O7/2006 Page30T3

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