Free Statement - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 1,235.0 kB
Pages: 45
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 10,500 Words, 61,916 Characters
Page Size: 622 x 765 pts

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Timothy A,S d mLo Frank E.Ptsrt lli ]r.

ku & T'iscitetli
A LegdPnvreaMmd M Ocitreou zeta Swm ugwn Building 9'15 Euclid Avauu. Cevduud, Ohl* 44115 Tcl.ulma. (2111141-asap Fss (176) 241-2701

Otto oxud:
Carter R. Dodge Mama A. EWA taut

B.MaB spItmd1l

December Vt4 EACSMILE ' 602-393-0331 CORP Management Services, L.P. 10210 N. 42 nd Street Suite 216 Phoenix, Arizona 05028 Attention: tviary Rydberge/Billing Dept. RE; CO.RF Licensing Dear Ms, Rydberge:



L, J

Enclosed hereviith please find a statement for services rendered from November 27, 2001 through December 4, 2001 Date Description



Time Total
a .S 0hrs 175.00 .50hrs 175.00 2.6hrs 910.00
2.8hrs 980.00


Prepare offer ltr- to Howard Richards
Begin preparation of memo re: side ltr. agreement

FEP $350. PEP $350.

11/27/01 11/27101
11128/01 11/28/01

Deeds research re: Arizona partnership law

CRD $350CRI] $350.

Internet search re:

international trust resources, review downloads TAS F+ $350. 2500.00 ,60hrs 210.00

Travel for meetings in Phoenix DiscussionwPTAS about

ROSS - 001

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various files. review email ,from H. Richard Telephone discussion will Richard, call to Hilary Hellman 11128/01 Review Hall $ Edmunds settlement does and notes. Call xtall, call Edmunds 11128/01 FEP $350. .50hrs 175.00

FEP $350. .20hrs 70.00 Telephone call from Karl Edmunds-spoke re: Settlement and he needs more
Cash and no. marketing effort

11128/01 Long te1ephone discussion w/ FEE $350. 1.2hrs 420.00 Hilary Hellman re: various files and ss^ y 11129101 Conclude drafting of memo CRD $350. 5.8brs 2030.00 FEP 5350. 2.9hrs 1015.00 11/29/01 Review of Howard a geements wlclient, Teicpone call from Hall re: Trailbalaers. Call to Jamie CORE re: Hall Call from Bastida call from ii. Richard re: time frame. Call Woodcock & Guenther About several files- Prepare fax for the Bastida settlement Call back to Hari re: discussion wlSamie. Call back Woodcock & Guenther re: Matheson. Call back from B. Richard. Reviewing various faxes and Mails 11.129101 S oke wITAS re: Richard & PEP $350. 1.lhrs 385.00 Matheson and make ehmwes To Richard settlement Richard File: Draft settlement agreement 11/29/01 meeting in Phoenix wlciienfs TAS 2500.00 FEP $350. .4Ohrs 140.00 _ 11130/01 Telephone call from­ spoke several telephone calls to clients, TAS and CORE clients FEP $350. .4Obrs 140.00 11130/01 Telephone call from Mr. Collin 1'IcT3ale-spoke 11130/01 Telephone call from Mr. Beal!-spoke 11130/01 Telephone call from Ms. Hellman 11130/01 Telephone call from Mr. McHale-spoke FEE' $350. .30hrs 105.00 FEP $350. 1.3hrs 455.00 FEP $350. .20hrs 70.00

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Meeting wiclients in PS oegth



11/30/01 Supplemental research and review for memo supplement 12/01101 Travel home for Phoenix review documents 12/02/01

CRD $350. 4.6hrs 1610.00 TAS 2500.00

and draft of Maniktahla responses To A.G. complamt

FEP 5350. 4.0hrs 1400.00 FEP $350. .80hrs 280.,00

12103/01 Conf, call se/Ross & Woodcock, TAS & FEP

12/03/01 Meeting w/TAS & Wanda FEP 5350. .60hrs 210..00 to review numerous files TAS 5350. 4,.8hrs 16Si0.00 12/03/01 Phone cant w/Ross & PEP; phone cont, w/ Ross Woodcock & FW'P re: Goldfarb Side agreement. Meeting w/FEP Re: case assignments & disposition authority_ Review documents-hr. from Attorney Towler ton Re: Lorin Brandon. Prepare and send responses Telephone conf. w/ Mike Nibbler; Telephone scant W/Myra Diamond; Telephone cent w/Relnhart FEP 5350, .t0hrs 245.00 12/03/01 Call from M. Richard re: call Howard. Call from it Richard re: need to discuss New lease situation. Meet WIT.AS re: side agreement, Call w/Ross re: side agreement Review Rr. from Richard re: FEP 5350. .310hrs 105.,00 1213101 new tenant. Call to H. Richard. Howard called back re: letter. Told Hun to proceed FEP 5350. 2.2hrs 770.00 12103/01 Review file Maniktabala that TAS brought back from AZ continue draftmo Mam'ktahla case memo and A.G. responses TAS $350. -3.6hrs 1260.00 Meeting w/FEP; prepare 11104/01 telephone coat wiTowlerton 1214101 Complete Maniktahala response; cont. wITAS re: FEP 5350. 5,,Ohrs 1750.00

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Shimlko & Pisciteili
runoihy . Shimkn Fmk L?lettat Jr.

a LcgIPmrcadmWA chdoa
2017 Rnnnn2mn Weis 925 Ea:GI Mime Cleveland, Ohio 441U



OtCuonsdi Cum. RAndte Thomm .L ncdcnucc


December 5, 2001 VIA F'ACSMrTi 602-393-0331 CORP Management Services, L.P. 10210 M. 'm22" Street Suite 216 Phoenix, Arizona 85028 Attention: Mary Rydberge/Billing Dept.
RE: CORP Licensing


Dear Ms. Rydberge: Enclosed herewith please find a statement for services rendered from November 27, 2001 through December 4, 2001 Date Description 11/27/01 11127/01 11127/01. 11/28/01 11128/01 11)28/01 Prepare offerltr_ to Howard Richards 1D Rate Time Total .SOhrs 175.00
.50hrs 175.00

FEP $350.

Begin preparation of memo FEP £350. re: side hr. agreement CRD S350. Lexis research re: Arizona partnership law CRD $350, Internet search re: international trust resources, review downloads TAS Travel for meetings in Phoenix FEP S350. Discussion w/TAS about

2.6hrs 910.00 2.8hrs 980.00 2500.00 . .60hrs 210.00

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various files; review email .from E Richard Telephone discussion will. Richard, call to Hilary Hellman 11/28101 Review Ball S Edmunds settlement docs and notes. Call Hail, call Edmunds PEP $350. .50hrs 175.00

11128/01 Telephone cull from Marl FEP $350. .2 O1trs 70.00 2 Edmimds-spoke re: Settlement and he needs more Cash and no marketing effort 11/28/01 Long telephone discussion w/ FEP $350. Hilary Hellman re: various files and Issues. 1.2hrs 420.00

11/29/01 Conclude drafting of memo CRD 5350. 5.8hrs 2030.00 FEP $350. 2.9hrs 1015.00 11129101 Review of Howard agreemeats w/client Telephone call from Hall re: Trailbaizers. Call to Jamie CORP re: Ball, Call from Bastida call from H. Richard re: time frame. Call Woodcock & Guenther About several files. Prepare fax for the Bastida settlement Call back to Hall re: discussion w/3amie. Call back Woodcock & Guenther re: Matheson. Call back from H. Richard. Reviewing various faxes and emalls 11129/01 Spoke w/TAS re: Richard & FEP $350. 1.1hrs 385.00 Matheson and make changes To Richard settlement Richard File: Draft settlement agreement 11/29/01 meeting in Phoenix wldients TAS 11130/01 2500.00

FEP $350. .40hrs 140.00 _ Telephone call from­ spoke several telephone calls to clients, TAS and CORF clients FEP $350. .40hrs 140.00 FEP $350. .30hrs 105.00 FEP $350. '1.3hrs 455.00 YEP $350. .20hrs 70.00

11130/01 Telephone call from Mr. Coflm McHale-spoke 11130/01 Tel hone call from Mr. Beat-spoke 11130/01 Telephone call from Ms. Hellman 11130101 Tele phone call from Mr. MefIale-spoke

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11130101 11/30/01 12101/01 12/02/01 12103/01 13/03/01 12/03/01

Meeting w./clients in Phoenix Supplemental research and review for memo supplement Travel home for Phoenix review documents Review and draft of Fvlaniktahla responses To AS. complaint Cont call w/Ross & Woodcocks, TAS & FEP Meetingw/TAS & Wanda to review numerous fates



CRD $350. 4.6hrs 1610.00 TAS 2500.00

FEP $350. 4.0hrs 140,0.00 FEP 5350. .IiOhrs 280..00 FEP 5350. .GOhrs 210.00

TAS 5350. 4..8hrs 16810.00 Phone calif w'Ross & PEP; phone conf. wI Ross, Woodcock & Goldfarb Side agreement. Meeting WEEP Re: case assig3nments & disposition authority. Review documents-hr. from Attorney Towlerton Re: Lorin Brandon. Prepare and send responses Telephone cant w/ Mike Nibbler; Telephone (cont.. W/Myra Diamond; Telephone cant w/Reinhart FE? $350. .7'Ohrs 245.00 12/03/01 Call froze M. Richard re: call Howard. Cali from H. Richard re: need to discuss New lease situation. Meet W/T'AS re: side agreement, Call w/Ross re: side agreement 12/3/01 Review Itr, from Richard re: FEP $350. .2iOhrs 105 4,00 newstenant. Call to H. Richard. Howard called back re: letter. Told Him to proceed FEP $350. 2.3hrs 770.00 12/03/01 Review Me Manildabala that TAS braumht back from AZ continue draft= Maniktahla case memo andA.G. responses TAS $350..3..6hrs 12610.00 12/04/01 Meeting w/FEP; prepare telephone conf. w/Towlerton 1214/01 Complete Maniktahala response; cold. w/TAS re: FEP 5350. 5,.0brs 1750.00

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XPENSES 1214/01 Travel and lodge expenses; TAS Phoenix meeiin November 28--Iieeember 01, 2001 Total hrs. Total fees Total expenses

various waiters, call from Beall . telephone discussion wlHiIary Ihemman 3294.04

47.9hrs 26,765.00 3,294.04 TOTAL DUE: 530,590.04

Terms of Payment: Due Upon Receipt Interest at 1 Ye per month on unpaid balance Tax LD #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust Wire transfer to IOLTA Account #30900060204 Routing #241071759.
Telephone no. 216-206-6000.

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Shimko & Piscitelli
Taaaekra. Shtnlm

Firma. Placinr, SrO= avan : Omar IL Dodge Mamma. llama

A Lgal Praf.oleml avohdao

925 'Enact Mew. ga+elmd Old. 41119


. Telapkom

(716) 241-2702


December 12, 2001 VIA FACSMLLE 602-393-0331 CORE Mana^gemeat Services, L.P. 10210 N. #2 Street Suite 216 Phoenix, Arizona 85028 Mtenuon: Mary Rydberge/Billing Dept.
RE_ CORE Licensing

Dear Ms_ Rydberge: Enclosed herewith please End a statement for services rendered Erom December 5, 2001 through December 11, 2001 Rate Time Total ID Date Description 12/05101
B Telephone dis cussion

FEY 5350_

.2.0hrs 70.00

TAS Travel to Phoenix; meeting 12/05/01
w/Guenther, Ross & Woo&caclt

Meeting w/Ross, Guenther & Woodcock Draft and research memo re; international trust Add'l research re: international trust memo
wlMr. Davis; discussion w/ TAS re: Mr. Davis

TAS CRA $350. CRD $350.

2,500.00 4.5brs 1,575.00 3.9hrs . 1,365.00 .60hrs 210.00

12/06/01 12107/01 12107/01

Review Blue's Itr. Discussion FEP 5350. w/TAS re: Beall; discussion

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TAS 12/07/01 ' Travel from Phoenix; 2,500+00 review file, draft documents, letters of termination to Daniels, Unger and Tran. Review novas Of client meeting of 12/5&612001 12108101 Dram a documents-memos TAS $350. 4.6hrs 1,610.00 on clients' Insitruction re: Beall, Mangai ji, Yeprentian, Davis & Edmunds. E-mail to Mangalji W/counterpraposa] 12/09/01 Continue draft memo re: int'1 trusts CRD $350. 4.2hrs 1,470.00

L1109/01 Drafting documents-memos TAS $350. 2.7hrs. 945.00 re: client instructions: Grainger, Bobutsack, Wi17irtmsl Greoc. Prenarre counterproposal To Robert Cole's lawyer; Kaufman. Prepare response to Alan Baskin Re: Cary Edgar. Prepare ltr to NadelL Prepare Itr to Towlerton re: Brandon 12/10/01 drafting documents-Nibler, TAS $350. 45hrs 1,575.00 Wear & Fast (loan documents And release. Telephone cond. W/Davis. Telephone cont. w/Ross. Prepare memo to Ross re: Recommendations on Davis CRD $350. 2.4hrs 840.00 12/10/01 Conclude, edit and revise memo it mt'l trust FEP $350. 3.3hrs 1,155.00 Telephone calll to Dr. 12/10/01 Guenther re: Edmunds; Telephone call] from Tim re: same; Two telephone call front Edmunds Meeting w/TA.S to review things To do on various files. Telephone call To Beall tele ]hone call to Ross left Message ` ^ CORF re: Beall. Telephone Call toWoodcocic-left message re: Beall Telephone call] to Mr. Guenther-left message Telephone calk to Beall, telephone call From Becky Cary-spoke Virgil Smith file TAS $350. 6.6hrs 2,310.00 12/11/01 Prepare opinion-Asset Protection(Parrt 2); Drafting Documents-Fast promissory Note And Release; lNibler Promissory Note & Release; Gordon Wear Promissory

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Note and release; ltrs to Fast, Wear & Nibler; Telephone cont w/Aarii. Telephone conf. w/Woodcoci& Guenther; tele phone conf. w/Davis Telephone conf. w/James; Teleliphone cont w/Mangalji and Her counsel. Telephone call to office re: LB FEP 5350. .40hrs 140.00 lame. Telephone call to Paul Woodcock re: Beall. Telephone Call to Maine: LB Lane. Call to CORF re: Artigue retainer

EXPENSES 12/11/01 Travel and lodge expenses; 'WAS 1,574.00 Phoenix meeting December 5 -- 7, 2001 3i7.9brs Total hrs. 520,765.00._ Total fees 1,574.00 Total expenses TOTAL DUE: $22,339.00

Terms of Payment: Due Upon Receipt Interest at I % Va per mnnitt on unpaid balance Tax 1.D #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Wire transfer to IOLTA Account 430900060204 Routing #241071759.

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Shimko & Pise'ste9Iii
Thpth7A aki.La Tmkt flsa:lelt Sr. Scta1 Profeviand A66Odaf7od 1010 nurttonkaXidIdxe SOS tII g W.l mn. Clevdnd. OWn 441ti _ Tekpbane (11$73314]00

Fos (216) 2114702

O(Comm] : Carte raDadae Thom A. Ildrttnan

reM^il a Fba®

December 19, 2001 VIA FACSMILZ

CORP Management Services, L.P. 10210N. #2"d Street Suite 216 Phoenut, Arizona 85028 Attention: Mary RydbargelBilling Dept R': DORFLkensing Dear Ms. Rydberge:

12 7i

Enclosed herewith please tied a statement for services rendered frcm Derreluber 12, 2001 through December 18, 2001



II] Rate Time Total

FEB $350. 4.4hrs 1,540.06 12112/01 Telecon£ wiTAS rm Kibler, Blue Bohnsack, Edmunds Sr Beall call to Artigue Re: E.B Lane, call to Ross re: Ariieue letter, email to 1VBlly re: I+ontaine call. Letter to Beal Call to Nibler-left message. Call to Wear-kit message. Spokew/Fast about loan, 15k & no requirement of security. Telephone call to Mr. Ednmundsleft message. Telephone call to Wear-telephone call to Bohnsack-no a sorer. Draft letter to Bohnsack. Draft letter to Edmunds. Call from Nibler. Call to Ross re: Nibler (Ross authorized 30k now 25k on 145-02) review Blue contract and write letter to Blue. Review Edmunds lease. 2 telephone calls to Edmunds. 12/12/01 Research international trust law. CRD $350. 6.Sbrs, 2,380.00

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CRD $350. 5.Shrs 2,030.00 12/13/01 : Research asset protection trust; begin memo draft. TAS $350. 4.7hrs 1,645.00 12/13/01 Drafting documentsredraft notes and releases for Fast, Wear and Nibler; telephone conference wIFEP MG, DR and PW re: Beall, Brandon, Bohnsacit, Co Davis, Dimond, Edmunds, Fast Nibler, Unger andYepremian. Telephone Conference w/Fast; telephone conference se/James; Drafting documents-note and release for Bohnsacly Telephone conference w/Fast advising that he and Nibler are no longer looking for a loan, because they do not want to sign a release. FEP $350. 2.Ohrs 700.00 12/13/01 Telephone conference w/ TAS-, Guenther Woodcock AndRoss .re: an files. Telephone call Edmunds-left message. Telephone call to Woodcockspoke telephone call from Ma /Ross secretary-spoke re: Ron Fontaine. Spoke w/Fontaine. Spoke to Paul and Mary about Fontaine matter. CRD $350. 6.4hrs 2,240.00 12/14/01 Research fraudulent conveyance law. TAS $350. 1.8hrs 630.00 12/14/01 Letter from Kaufman and proposal complaint. telephone cont w/Ross do Joe Brill reviewing counterproposal from Derek Pfaff, attorney for S. Mangolji. Telephone conf. w/Kaufman. CRD $350. 7.2hrs 27520.00 12/15/01 Additional research and draft re: memo trust. TAS $350. 5.S1irs 1,925.00 12/15/01 Coe complaint; Prepare opinion-re: Coe comlaintre: Coe complaint; fax memo to Ross. CRD $350. 3.7hrs 1,295.00 12/16/01 Additional research and drafting. TAS $350. 4.0hrs 1,400.00 12116101 Telephone conf, wfMG, DR, PW and JB re: Coe's Demand for refund for Refund and threat of lawsuit; Prepare response to Kaufman re; Coe; Prepare response to Giovanni Rascitti re: Farone. PEP $350. .30hrs 105.00 12117/01 Call from Edmunds and

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. second letter re: offer.

12/18/01 Call from Edmunds. Going FEP $350. 3.2hrs 1120.00 to accept our deal and will call me with the exact rent amount. Edmunds called w/S4,324.62 is the base with 25 cents per sq. ft. cam. The total monthly rent is 55,218.62. Call to client re: when can they pay the 5125,000. Ross to call back Conference w/TAS re: various cases. Conference call with TAS, Ross and Woodcock Review Blue con-tract and email offer. Draft letter to Blue. Review Edmunds lease and draft letter to Edmunds. 12/18/01 Reviewing email re: Ron TAS 5350.3.0hrs Fontaine; and email from Derek Pfaff re; Mangalji; and email from Nibler re: discussion w/Ross and terms of the note and release; telephone cont w/Ross and Woodcock re: Mangalji, Maier, Bahnsack, Coe, Farone, Davis and Beuall; Telephone Cont w/Sultana Mangalji. Totallus. Total fees 58.Shis $20,580.00 TOTAL DUE: 520,580.00 Terms of Payment: Due Upon Receipt Interest at 1 A % per month on unpaid balance Tax 1.D #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Wire transfer to IOLTA Account #30900060204 Routing #241071759. 1,050.00

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Shimieo & Piscitefi
Preferslonal Association _ .

TlmolbTd. SLlmko

6116) 24 I-8300

Fronk P(sdhW Of Canard: Coney Dodge Thomas h1. Hat. Mani D. Baker Frank A. Monoone

2610 Ilondnglna Build Wit 925 Eu old Mecum G9wolanb Ohl), .14115

(316) 241-2712

[email protected] ton. cum

December 27, 2001 VIAFACSMILB 602-393-0331 CORP Management Services, L.P. 10210 N. Old Street Suite 216 Phoenix, Arizona 85028 Attention: Mary Rydberge/Billing Dept. RE; CORFLicensing Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find our statement for services rendered fiiiin December 19, 2001 through December 25, 2001




Rate Time Total 2,345.00

TAS 350 6.7 12/19/01 Research law of Arizona on change of venue and forum selection clauses; Drafting Documents -- Motion to Change Venue Motion for admission pro Hac vice; Two telephone Conferences with Dick Ross And Paul Woodcock; Tepphone conference with Mike Barbarita;Telephone Conference with Cameron Artigue re: Motion for change of venue and motion for admission pro hac vice. 2.1 CD 350 Review Coe Complaint 1.2/19/01 Research RICO cause Of action elements


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Date 12/20101


ID Rate Time Total TAS 350 4.50 1,575.00

Drafting documents -- ' Answer; Affidavit of Dick Ross for Weisberg Change of Motion 12/20/01 Discussion with Tim re; Coe, Edmunds, Blue. TeL Call from Edmunds re: Making two payments. Review Blue emails_ Draft Releases for Blue. Draft Release for Edmunds. ReSearch confidentiality and non-disparagement issues. Draft letter to Edmunds. Draft email to Blue. Telephone call to Ross. Telephone Call to Woodcock -- received authority to make $125,000 payment on 12127 and two payments to Edmunds. Telephone call to Edmunds re: received draft of release and ok to make two payments. Review and respond to email from PowellBlue. 12/20/01 Research Fraudulent Con veyance law 12/21/01 Review daily faxes. Prepare Johnson Ranch documents, prepare Jane Abbott letter, review Ron Fontaine matter, review Grainger file and email to Wanda re thins we need. TeL Call to Karl Edmunds. Review and finalize Powell Blue file. Sent another email to blue re wiring instructions. Tel Call from S. Mangagi. Tel. Cont With TAR re S. Mangalji and other CORP matters. Finalize draft of Johnson RanchNote and Release. Draft letter to Johnson Ranch Research Fraudulent Con12/21/01 veyance law 12/22/01 Additional research and draft of memo re: fraudulent conveyance

FEP 350



CD 350 }''EP 350

6.1 4.7

2,135.00 1,645.00

CD 350 -6.0 CD 350 7.0

2,100.00 2,450.00

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Date 12/23/01

Descripiv Additional research and draft of memo re: fraudulent conveyance

1D Rate Time Total CD 350 62 2,170.00

Total hrs. Total fees

47.0hrs $16, 450.D0 TOTAL DUE: 516,450.00

Terms of Paytiaent: Due Upon Receipt Interest at 1 V2 % per month on unpaid balance Tax LD #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Rank & Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Wire transfer to IOLTA Account #30900060204 Routing #241071759.

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Sliimko & Piscitelli
Tlmoihr A. Shim10

Of Camel: Calor Dodge Thomas A. Protcrnas,

Atoaol Prnrosslonp1ARwen cton 2010 Efootimin Malin 92511aclkl Macao Ctwdand, Ohio 41115

Telephone (216)241-8300 khs (110241-1702 F.-11100 [email protected]

January 2, 2002 VIA FACBMILE 602.393-0331 CORF Management Services, L.P. 10210 N. .2ne Street Suite 216 Phoennc, Arizona 85028 Attention: Mary Rydberge/Billing Dept

RE: CORELicensing
Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find our statement fOT services rendered from December 26, 2001 through January 1, 2002.

Date Description 12/26101 Research Cook Islands trust law. 12127/01 Add'l Cook Island research. Reviewing e-mails and 12/27/01 faxes; telephone cont w/ Ros,; review Asset Protection memo (Lt. 4). Re-fax affidavit of Ross re: Weisberg. 12/28/01 Search re: comparison re: off-shore trust 12129/01 Research Grand Cayman trust law. 12/29101 Drafting documents - Coe Rescission Agreement and Mutual Release and memo To Kaufman noting some of

117 Rate Time Total CRD S350. 4.lhrs 1,435.00 CRD $350. 3.3hrs 1,155.00 TAS $350. 1.9hrs 665.00

CR0 $350. 5.2hrs 1,520.00 CRD S350. 3.0hrs . 1,050.00 TAS S350. 3.Thrs 1,295.00

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Description the changes.



Time Total


Drafting documents -- Management agreement for Sultana Mangaaji.

TAS S350.

5.2hrs 1,820.00

Total hrs.
Total fees

26.4hrs $9,240.00 TOTAL DUE: $9,240.00

ment: Terms of Payment: Due Upon Receipt Interest at l-% % per month on unpaid balance Tax 1.D #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Wire transfer to TOLTA Account #30900060204 Routing #241071759.

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Shimko & Piscitelli
'nmoUq.L Shank* Freak P6d tali Of Consult Carter Dodge Thaws A. Heffernan A rwpol Praformal .Ivvodadea ]DIB Hrmth tan EuiW4k 9252arad Avarua Cleveland, Chiu 4415 'telephone (116) 341.&310 Fns (316) Z41-2101

-Mail .IIYeltzercuuuroar

Jam: my 9, 2002
ACSMILE V 480-212-4004

CORF Management Services, L,P. 10210'. #2" Street Suite 216 Phenix, Arizona 85028 Attention: Mary Rydberge/Billing Dept.
R& CORP Licensing

Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find our statement for services rendered from January 2, 2002 through January 8, 2002

ID Rate Time Total Description Date TAS 5350. 4,5hrs 1575.00 01/02/02 Telephone conference w/ Man ji re: Amendment To Consulting Agreement; Rescission Agreement faxed to David Kaufman re: Robert Coe; Telephone cunt w/Rcinhart; Telephone conference wlGuenther re: Lou Farone & Nick Reinhart; telephone coat w/Edmunds; telephone cont w(Woodcock re: Reinhart & Edmunds; drafting documents - General Release & . Promissory Note for N'ickReinhart , Drafting documents -- Response to Farone's awyer's letter; Telephone coat w/Kaufman re: Robert Coe. TAS $350. .30hrs 105.00 01103/02 Telephone conf. w/David Kaufman. Telephone cent wl Woodcock; Telephone cont. wl Edmunds and Reinhart. TAS $350- 1,5hrs , 525,00 Telephone cant wl 01/04/02 Eric James re: pavruent Due in February. Telephone

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ID Rate

Ti me Total

conf. w/lVIanggalji; Telephone conf. w/Waodcock re: Coe, Blue, Edmunds, Mangal i & Dimond; Telephone calif. wIManQaliI and her attorney Derek aff; telephone cont. w/Kaufman re: Robert Coe. 01106/02 Drafting documents -- revision of Amendment to Consulting Agreement for Sultana Mangalji. TAS $350. 4hrs 14100.00

TAS $350. 3.3hrs 1155.00 01/07/02 Drafting documents-- fax to erek Pfaff, Esq. re: Niangaiji; prepare and fax status report for today's teleconference to Ross. Telephone call to Ross. Telephone coat wlGiovanm Ruscitii re: settlement demand from Famine; tole hone cone w/MG, DR, and M.

Total hrs. Total fees

13.6hrs 54,760.00 TOTAL DUE: 34,760.00

Terms of Payment: Due Upon Receipt Interest at 1 A 'Ye per month on unpaid balance Tax LD #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Wire transfer to IOLTA Account #30900060204 Routing #241071759.

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Shiwko & Piscitelli
ratnev A. Sleeks
}v.zk'Idlefi orCmmri: Carer Doan. Theme A.8eatrma ?rotnriaml .Vaacanon aloaBml4k+g 20108 925 Euclid Anne Clonbmd, Olga 44115 Tdaplma. G16)Z4143® Ear 01G) 241-2702 E491aa 6PI.I.Wismmwameom

January 16, 2002 VIA FACS)MU,iFy 430-212-4004 CORP Management Services, L.P. 10210 N. 42nd Street Suite 216 Phoenix, Arizona 85028 Attention: Mary RydbergelBtlling Dept
RE: CORF Deeming

Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find our statement for services rendered from January 9, 2002 through January 15, 2002,

01109/02 01110/02 01/10102

Research re: Grand Cayman Trust regime. Research re: Cook Islands Trust.

ID Rate Time Total
CRY) ·,x350. 2.8brs 980.00

CBD $550. 3.0hrs 1050.00

Telephone conference w/David TM $350. 4.8hrs 1680.00 Kaufman, Drafting documentsmemo to client re: Kaufman's most recent position and recommendations; reviewing documentsmemo from attorney Pfaff re: Mangalji aeneewent; drafting documents-letter to Derek Pfaff re: intention to withdraw offer; drafting Documents-response to Bruce Davis request for reimbursement of expenses; drafting documentsresponse to demand for reihnd by Giovanni Rusciti, attorney for Lou Inrone.; Telephone cont w/Pfaft; Telephone coat wlRoss re: Mangajli & Robert Coe. Draft memo CRD S350. 4.2hrs 1470.00


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Date 01111/02


ID Rate Time Total 3.0hrs 1050.00

Drafting documents-response to TAS $350. letter from defense in E.H. Lane; Telephone cont. w/Woodcock & BnD; Telephone cont. w/Kaufman; Drafting documents-letter to Kaufman; reviewing documents-email and fazes from Brill Reviewing-Mara Dimond file; prepare opinion-summary of Mara Dimond Me and recommendations-fax to Joel Brill. Been research of trade secret issues. TAS M50.




01113/02 01/13/02

PEP 5350.

2.Ohrs 3-Mrs

700.00 595.00

TAS 9350. Reviewing Grainger file; Yepremain file; Drafting documentsletter to Grainger; research Arizona law re: employee theft of intellectual property. Begin research of trade secret issues. Continue research of trade secret issues.
Conclude draft memo

01/14/02 01114/02 01/14/02

PEP $350. CRD $350.

3.0hrs 5.01rs 3.0hrs

2050.00 1750.00 1050.00

TAS $350. Reviewing Attorney Barry Dale letter re;Yepremian; Jane Abbot letter re: Yepremian; Promissory Note from Patricia Peterson; email from Mark Richards; drafting documents letter to Jane Abbot rejecting demand; Telephone cons: wlBrill & Ross; reviewing letter from Kaufman; Telephone cant et/ 31w Sullivan re: LB. Lane-case settled at $9,000.00; drafting documents-memo to Joel Briili & Dick Ross re E.B. Lane; memo to Cameron Artigue re: F.B. Lane.


TAS $350. 3.2hrs 1120.00 Drafting documents-Release & settlement agreement for L.B. Lane v. CLS; Telephone coat wlWoodcaek; Telephone cont. w/Bn7! & Woodcock; Telephone cont. w/Artigue; Telephone Cont w/Marty Cooper, Brill & Woodcock Re: contact by Sunrise and disparaging comments; Prepare faxes to Sullivan and Artigue re: E.B. Lane settlement; prepare opinion-last Installment re: asset

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B) Rate Time Total

REP $350. 5,0brs 1750.00 Review additional research re: trade secret Issues. Draft opinion letter.

Total hrs. Total fees

45.10hrs TOTAL DUE: $15,785.00 $15,785.00

Terms of Payment: Due Upon Receipt Interest at 1 S Ye per month on unpaid balance Tax LD #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank 8s Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000, Wire transfer to IOLTA Account #30900060204 Routing #241071759.

ROSS - 023
Case 2:04-cv-00078-FJM Document 193-5 Filed 03/31/2008 Page 23 of 45

3himko & Piscitelli
T1motra. Sldmho arm* ?Warn
O[Caomeh Steed 'nredo,w1aocirdoa T eh-ph sue

2010 Em1 tonantdhaa 97SYnIW Avow* Clcnclnd Ohio 44115

Otto.node g Menus A. Ekttcmsn

8167 Z4141306 YM (fl) 211.3702 E-Mal S 'LAW(a]lanetconcoln ,

January 23, 2002 VIAFACSIMILE 4S0-212 . 4004 CQRF Management Services,.L.P. 7212 East Indian School Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Attention: Mary Rydberge/Baling Dept RE: CORFLicensurg Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find our statement for services rendered Lout January 16, 2002 through January 22, 2002. Date 01/16/02 Description Discussionw/PEP re: trade secrets research. Review of Coe file; Review of Yepremian's lawyer letter, Barry J Dale; Telephone conference *Fred Ritchie re: Yeprerdarr_



ID Rate Time Total
TAS $350. 1.4hrr 490.00


FEP Discussionw/TAS re Trade Secret Research; Yepremian, Coe and Made and Howard Richards Matters. Additional research and complete Trade secret memo. Discussionw/TAS re: legal malpractice case against SS Se D. Telephone conference w/ It Reed referred from Rees; Telephone conference w/Rnss. Telephone ooafrrence w/ Kaufman; Drafting Dacumeatsmemo to BnlVRnss re: payment to Coe; Telephone conference w/ Ross and Brill re: Coe, Yepremian, MangaSi and E.P. Lane; Telephone Conference *Sullivan re: Amendment of lane Release and FEP TAS




01/17/02 01/17/02

$350. $350.

_40hrs .30hrs

140.00 105.00




5 50.



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Descri.ptio· Settlement Agreement; Telephone Conference w/Ross re: siatmre pages for Coe and a g wiring instructions; prepare fax to Brill and Ross re: B.B. Tate and wire ttaosfer.

ID Rate Time Total


Drafting docuuments-Response to Atty. Dale's letter re: Ycpremian; mooch A.R.C.P. 68 m: Weisberg; draft to Weisberg 's o9ar of judgment; Draft defendants' offer of judgment, Drafting documents; ;memo to Ball re: Davie, Mangalji, Coe. Telephone conference w/Brill and FEP re: Davis, Manga*i, Rubenstein, Coe, Bohnsactc, Faircloth,Yepremian, Weisberg, ER Lane, Mark Richards, Beall, Parar:adlc, Leaser and Winston; reviewing documents fax from Brill re: Rubenstein; Telephone conference wfBrill Re: R4m:M :in issues. Begin legal research and memo on legal malpractice ' claim, Telephone cont, w1Brill re: several files; addidonal research and aalize legal malpractice memo_

TAS $350.


1190.00 .

01120102 01/22102

TAS S350. TAS $350.

1.31m 455.00 1.9brs 665.00


PEP 5350.



Total his. Total fees

203hrs $7,105.00 TOTAL DUE: $7,105.00

Terms of Payment Due Upon Receipt Interest at 1 Ys % per month on unpaid balance Tax I.I7 #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Wire transfer to TOLTA Account 030900060204 Routing 0241071759.

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Shimko & Piscitelli
Meal Ai Mamie r ca plsciteal OrCowtscL Carer%O dge news A. Ham= A Lewd to&,Ionµ,la+osle,ioe 7010311rorinston 0aa4era 925 Euclid Avows C7evalwd, Olds 4111$ 7919phoev 7·16)241.3:1100 Fax MCI 241-1702 R..Htaa SPLAWiatsealcom.con

January 30, 2002 d VIA FAC5IYWJ 480-212-4004 CORP Management Services, L.P. 7272 East Indian Scboil Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 35251 Atteotioo: Mary Ry.dbergelBilling


RE.' CORE Licensing

Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find ow statement for services rendered from January 23, 2002 through January 29, 2002.

Date 1123/02




Time 3.6hrs


TAS $350. Drafting doenmewre-ftnatversion of Mang-4i Amendment and latter to Pfaff reviewing-email from Sultana; drafting documents: letter To Artigee re; Motion for change of venue aid prohac vice in Weisberg ease. Draft interrogatories and RIP to Weisberg. Letter to Oseran re: deposition ofbis client. Fax to Axtigae re: depositions; Dmflfng Documents interrogatories, Request for Production And Rule 26A Disclosure statement re: Weisberg. Additional research on !egal rtralpractice memo. Telephone call wlSberri Ledner. MP FEP $350. $350. $350.

!123/02 1/25/02 1125102

1.0brs SOhrs 3.9brs

350.00 E75.00 1365.00

TAS Telephone conference wlEmily Hemphill, counsel for Mara Dimond; prepare memo of Telephone conference to Joel Brill; Telephone conference w/Mfck Oueuther re: Weisberg.


TAS 650, Reviewing documents meat by Shandy for We 26.1 disclosure Statement; farrherpreparadoa of 26.1. Statement. Reviewing B. Davis file; preparation ' TAS of letter and release; Cornpletc interrogatories -to Weisberg; fax $350.






ROSS - 026

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ID Rate Time Total

to Artiij Review Carole file; prepare memo re: Ceroke10 Joel Brill; Review r Al Davies lo; prepare gam Joel Brill re: Al Davies and Mangal_t Review James F'airclath file; prepare letter to A. Campbell Gibson, Esc. and memo to gill re: Faircloth. 1/28/02 3,4brs Reviewing faxes from CORE; telephone TAS S550. ceo&rence w/loet Brill and PEP; m: Ledger, on site inspection fees paid to CORE owners, projections, seminar content, Licensing fe° levels, Retention of Economist to fee levels; Tdephooe conference w/Joha Burke, PhD, Economist. Review faxes firora Cameron P.ttigue Re: Weisberg; telephone conferc gce w/PauL Woodcock Re: Lecher, asset protection sonnies, minimizing Participation in Seminars, creation of employment Agreements. FEP 53$0. Revise legal malpractice letter, telephone call from Sherri 1edner, review Lather's proposal, Discussion w/1'im re: Lednar's p mposttl, telephone conference w/Brill re: several issues. Call to Better Business Bureau ro: Itdanilaabla. FEP $350. 4Ahrs L190.00



1/28032 1129102

.20lus 3.8brs

70.00 1330.00

TAS $350. Drafting documents-final version o f Rnle 26.1 Statement; Leiner, Parafindr, yePremian, Dimond, Winston, Prepare letter to Brill re: Washers nrie 26.1 statement; prepare letter to Anise re: rule 26.1 statement and p roductioo of document . Prepare teal version of interrogatories to Weisberg for Ming; prepare letter to Weisberg's lawyer re: interrogatories and dapoettions. FEP Review Manildhata comp laint with better business bureau and draft respnnse. Fax letter re: additional time to BBB. $350.




Total hrs. Total fees

29brs 510,150.00 TOTAL DUE: 510,:50.00

Terms of Payment; Due Upon Receipt Interest at L 'h % per math on unpaid balance Tax I.D 434-1629912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Brink & Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Wire txa,sibr to p OLTA Account t130900060204 Routing 0241071'759. Pb

ROSS - 027 Case 2:04-cv-00078-FJM Document 193-5 Filed 03/31/2008 Page 27 of 45

, Thvoily

ahimko &
A. Shwa.,

Telephant 21402etR3eo Fu 010 24147 a2 8 .W.a SPL#w amraaneom

FrnakPhaimllr OCCbumeh Canner Dodge Thamm.l, H.Ranma

A. tepaPrnnsnonol Asada cisa solo nmninelan mm'Idhmg SZS Aacfi& Aveeae ClereHnd, Ohio delri

Febnrazy 6, 2002 PACSMILE 480-212-4004

CORF Management Services, L .P. 7272 East Indian School Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Attention: Mary Rydberge/Bffiing Dept RE: CORE Licensing Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find. our statement for services rendered from January 30, 2002 through February 5, 2002.

01/20102 01130/02

Call from litter business bureau: re: Manikdrala and other complaint Telephone conference w! Woodcock re: Matheson, Telephone conference wlMary Rydberge xe: Matheson Telephone conference w/Ruscitti re: Lou Faroae; Telephone cod. wl Derek Pfaff re: Sultana Mangabjl; Telephone conference w/Reinbart Review contracts provided from client re: Sherri Lathier Telephone coaferwce w/Ruscitti re: t iFarone


Rate Time
$350. $350. .40brrs .50bra

140.00 70.00


' TM




02/01102 02101/02 02102/02


$350. 8350. $35I1

L.Obrs .20hrs 3,7hrs

350.00 70.00 1295.00

TAS Reviewing Pfaff's at re: Sultana Maugalji; prepare response; Reviewing Grainger file area CORF; Review Yepremiaa Lease agreement Review fixes between Mara Dimond and Joe Brill; prepare Response to Mara's faxes- Review Faircloth file and prepare a response to bis Lawyer's letter. Research Arians law re: Puffery vs. misrepresentation for memo Re: seminar guidelines

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ID Rate Time Total
3.1hrs 1085.00

TAS 5350. Reviewing letter from Oseraare: ` depositions and request for discovery materiaL Research AZ law re: discoverability of Financial Infbrmmion Prepare a response to Osman re: depositions and document request. Prepare agenda far weeklytelecanfcrcnee wl Bull. Telephone confereace w/ Ross re: Cary Edgar; Telephone conference w/Derek Pfaff FEF Draft letter to Sherri Ledner, draft letter to BBB re: additional complaint Review ManikOtula matter re: the BBB Complaint $350.


LOhrs 350.00


$350. Review letter from Geoffrey TM Davextport telephone conference w/ Mac Gibson-counsel for James Faircloth; telephone conference w/ Reinhart telephone conference vassal Brill, Ross and Woodcock reweek agenda; Telephone eonfhreacc w/Pfefffre: Sultana Mangalji; Telephone conference with. Mac Davis to: Lanes Faireloth; Correspondence w/David Ashoff

42brs 1470.00

Total his. Total fees

143hrs :R5,005 .00 TOTAL. DUE: $5,005.00

Terms of Payment: Due Upon Receipt krterea at 1 i4 % per month on unpaid balance Tax ID *34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to; Metro Savings Bank & Trust. Telephone no. 2L6-206-6000. Wire tram-Me toIOLTAAccount 30900060204 Routing *241071759.

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Shirnko & Piseitelli
Tlmdbr,l. Shbnl Penh Plseann x A Isael Yeoreaxiotml Association 1010'Huethgsnn Tcicpboge R191211- 1130D


Or Cowed:
Carter Dodge Mann 41.13ofte aeon

715 Eared Avenue Clarehnd, Ohio 44115

bhs 0,162-11 .2752



February 13, 2002 VIA FAC$MJL 480 . 212-4004 CORP Management Services, L.P. 7272 East Indian School Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Attention: Mary Rydberge/BiUatg Dept. RE: CORR Licensing Dear Ms, Rydberge: Below, please find our statement for services rendered from February 6, 2Q02 through February 12, 2002.



ID Rate 'T'ime , Total
2 2hrs 770.00

TAS $350. Telephone conference w/David Ashoff; fax to Ross w/Manikthala Response to BBB; Telephone conference W/Rsinhart; preparation of response to Weisberg's lawyer re: Depositions on March 10th -- 12ih.; Telephone =femme With Joel Brill and Moss re: Davenport, Reinhart, Ledner, Ashoff, Mangalji and MPntkthnla TM $350. Review compliantfrom Latta Brandon to Arizona Artorney General. Tele ilione conference wfgoss and Brill Re: Lorin Brandon TM $350, Reviewing documents; Bums from. Joel Brill; letter from Dhnond ' s lawyer; Drafted response to Dimund's lawyer. Telephone conference wlBruce Davis; Telephone eminence se/Mary Rydberge Re! Mara Dimtmd's payweuts; Telephne Conference w/Dimond's lawyer, Emily Hemphill; Telephone conference se/Brill we Mara Dimond And telephone =Thrones w/Mick Gue Cher le: Ashnff TM $350. Review Note and Release to David Asbof prepare letter to David Ashoff w/Note and release. Neview Geoffrey Davenport letter.





4,0hrs 1400.00




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- e


` Prepare memo to Brill re: Davenport; prepare xesoonse to Fairclorh's lawyer with memo to )B; Prepare response to Farone'a lawyer with memo to 113; review new projections 02/11102 Telephone conference wlDavid TAS Ashtf, Does not want to sign personally. Review letter front Weisberg's lawyer Re: financial records. Prepare e. msponso To Weinberg's lawyer; Telephone conference W/Sheri Ladner; telephone conference w/ Brill re: Ashoa Farone, Dimond and Davenport; telephone conference w/Ouenther Re: Ashoff Telephone conference w/Ernily TM Hemphill, Marrs Diraond 'slawyer; Telephone conference w,David Ashoff. Review letter for FaIrchath's lawyer. Prepare Reponseto Faircloth'a lawyer Thal hrs. Total fees TOTAL DUE: Teens of Payment Due Upon Receipt Interest at 1'34 %per month onnmpaid balance Tax I.D.434-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Beak & Trust. Telephone no. 216-2064000. Wire transfer to IOLTA Account 430900060204 Routing #241071759. 5350. 3.91us 1365.00





15.7brs $5,495.00 $5,495.O0

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3himko & Pisciteili
Tlmn'Ly A. eh(ml:o FruOaPrvclreel OfCm:welt Cater ThwnnA, Hefrcnun A

Leer Pmfavinnuldwoa adan 2010 Himnegwn Boadhee
936 Euclid Avenue

(216) 11-87 0 0 Per (216) 241 .2702 11-1na SPL.1174g^¢,nelcon .ann,

Ceveland. Ohlo 44119


February 20, 2002 VIA FACSMILE 480-212-4004 CORP Management Services,. L.P. 7212 East Indian School Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Attention: Mary Rydberge/Billing Dept.
RE: C012F Licensing

Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find our statement for services rendered from February 13, 2002 through February 19, 2002. Date 02/(4/02 Description ID Rate Time Total 4.8bxs L680.00

TAS $350. Telephone conference w/Dimond'a lawyer; Telephone conference w/ Famue's lawyer; Redraft note and Release for Asehoff w/memo to Brill; Telephone conference w/Ross, Woodcock end Brill re: Led ger Drafting documents -- Response to Sherri Ledger wlfaa to Brill; Reply to Request from Weisberg's attorney; Review letter am Disuarrd's lawyer, Review request for production from Weisberg; Review a-malls re: Bobby Howell and Torn Bleau. Telephone call from Woodcock re: Wants to lmow why TAS requested That CORP pay Reinhart another $12,500. FEP $350.




TAS $350. Telephone conference w/Farone' 8 02/15/02 lawyer re: new proposal; telephone conference wiBrill and Ross le: Fame, Lecher, ASChog Winston, Blear, Howell and Weisberg: letter To Cary RAga Telephone conference w/Shcrri Ledger re: making new proposal.



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JD Rate Time Total

TAS $350 4.7has 1645.00 Mailing documents - Changes = to Note and Release to David Asc1or fat to Joel suggesting middies changes in notes CLS is presently using; Response to Mara Dimond's lawyer; Draft Rescission Agraar act for Dimond. TAS $350. 5.0hrs 1750.00 Drafteda Release and Amenckneat to the Management Agreement and sent it to Mara Dimond's lawyer. Prepare response to Fwzna's lawyer re last offer. Telephone call with David Ascbofe Telephone call with Robert Media counsel for L.B. Lana re: dismissal entry. Review Weisberg Request For Production of documents. Prepare Draft Res pans lo Weisberg's Request for Production Prepare flax to Cameron Antigua re: Draft of Responses to RPP and bearing on motion for change ofvenue. Telephone conference with heal Mil; TAS 5550. 2.Slms S75.00 Telephone ooaf@reace with Sherri Ladner, Research AZ law re: ex parse contacts with Croy Edgar, Hillary Hellman, Glenn Nadelf, and Steve Sugar, Later to Osman re no ex pane contact with Cary Edgar or any other fanner officer of CLSICMS. Prepare a memorandum to Joel Brill re this issue. Total hrs. 21.11trs $7,385.00 TOTAL DUE: $7,385.00



Total fees

Terms of Payment Due Open Receipt Interest at 1 ! % per month on tmpoid balance Tax 1.D 434-1623912. Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust. Telephone no. 2162064000, Wire transfer to IOLTA Account #30900060204 Routing4241071759.

ROSS - 033

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Shimko & Piscitelli
Telephone (216) 241-8100 A l ogal 8[aneetonat .Warlarlon 214013webglon Spading 925 tread Meson Qeeeland.Ottio 44115 Fes (136)3414152 E-Moil sPLAwg ' aeteoc..wm rhs

March 6, 2002 VIA FACSO'I1I.E 480-213-4004 CORF Management Services, L.P. 7212 East Indian School Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Attention: Mary Rydberge/Bdling Dept

RE C0AFLicensing
Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find our statement for services rendered from February 20, 2002 through, March 5, 2002.



ID Rate Time Total
5350. 1.21us 420.00

Miscellanea review of file ' TAS materials; telephone conference . w/Fatoae's lawyer re: terms of payment. Telephone conference w/Weisberg's lawyer re: depositions. Fax to Magna TO: upcoming hearing in Weisberg and use of his offices far Depositions. Prepare draft of memo re: response to Brandon 's BBB complaint Prepare response to Brandon's BBB complaint rant. TAS TAS

02123/02 02124102 03101/02

$350. $950. $350.

2.5hrs 1.6hrs .60hrs

815.00 560.00 21(100

TAS Telephone conference wlBrill and Ross re: Mara Dimond and advance; telephone confereneew/Dimond's lawyer, telephone conference se/Ross re: Profit transaction. Prepare notes on Profit oxnsaction; Further draft on Brandon BBB memo. Review changes in draft lima Mara Dimond's lawyer. Prepare Memo to Brill re: changes; Prepare Response to Farone's lawyer it most TAS TAS

03/02102 03/03102

$350. $350.

1.8hrs 4.4brs

630.00 1540.00

ROSS - 034

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Recent proposal. Prepare fax to Mary s Rydbsrge re: ecpeuses associated wI Weisberg; prepare fax to Fred Ritchie Re: btnldout coats for far-Mies. Review Document production from Weisberg. Organize and index exhibits in Weisberg,

ID Rate Time Total


TAS 5350. Final review and Trananutiea of documents re: bimond, Femme and Weisberg; telephone coaference with Sherri Lederer; review Court order in Weisberg; granting changeof venue. Prepare fax to Joel Brill re: depositions; Prepare tax to Weisberg's lawyer re: depositions; Review fax, from Sherri Locher, prepare tor to Brill m Labor. Review fait from lefty Abel re: Yepremiaas. Prepare response to Jeffrey Abel -with copies to Joel W and Dale Bany, Esq. Review N;bler faxes. Prepare response to Joel Brill. Prepare fax to bide Ross re: G&B statement for services; Review Changes to Ascho$'s Promissory Note and Agreement. TAS 5350. Dow nloading (Iles - faxing various correspondence; telephone confrence w/Btill re: Yeprernian, Nibicr, Dimond, Ledace, Sroka, Ceroke, Duff, Davenport, Grows and Furlong Review faxes front Stole; Quake, Dorf, Davenport and Chasse Telephone conference w/Brill and Mary Fox re: Nibler/Havde, Wear and Fast and with Dick Ross, Mick Guenther and Paul Woodcock re: tesmim:flan ofNibled Howie. Respond to Sherri Lederer; Respond To Gregg Anderson re: Duff Respond to Emily Hemphill re: Dimond. Telephone Conference w/Mary Rydberge re; Mara Dimond and Weisberg




6,9hrs 2415.00

Total 's.
Total fees

21.4hrs $8,435.00 TOTAL DUE: $8,435.00

Terms of Payment: Due Upon Receipt Interest at I A °Ye per month an unpaid balance Tat LD #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trost. Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Wire transtbr to lOLTA Monet 00900060204 Routing 4241091159.

ROSS - D35

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Shimko & Piscitelli

(216)211 .8309

rtstian A. kpl PraraiIooat A 2ale ZwaWgmn awIdine 925 Ethel Avant Clerelnd, OhIO 14116

Pn (216) 241-2793

E-Mail SPLAWrJrfneCOncun

March 14, 2002 VIA FACSMILE 480-212-4004 CGRFManagemont Services, L.P. 7272 East Indian School Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Attention: Mary BydbergeBillingDept '
RE: COR.F Licensing

Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find our statement for services rendered from Murch 6, 2002 through, March 12, 2002· Date 03/06/02 Description ID Rate Time Total "1.6hrs 2345.00

TAS $35D. Prepare Notice of Deposition and letter-to Weisberg's atty re: upcoming , depositions. Telephone conference wlGmss; prepared a rescission agreement and a release for Marc Gross; prepares a Interne Davenport with offer of rescission. Prepare a letter to Robert Furlong re: rescission. Prepares Rescission Agreement and General Release for Furlong. Prepared letter m Robert Ceroke re_ terms of rescission. Download files to efftce. Telephone conference w/Teny Stoke; Telephone conference w! Dick Ross re: executive and field representatives bonus plan structure. Prepare final draft of Response to Brandon's Complaint To AZ Attorney General. Prepare final draft ofResponses to Brandon's complaint to the AZ attorney General. Review Faces from CORF. Telephone Conference w/Gross; telephone call w/Brandon; Review Bleau General TAS $350.


7.>lrs 2485.00


TAS 8350.



ROSS - 036

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Descripti. Release faxed by Gig Laurent Wyvill. Fax to Joel Brill, O13i and Terry Sroka re: request far wire transfe, review of Stoke, Gross, Furlong, Duffand Ceroke Ales sent overnight.






Final preparation ofresponses to Latta Brandon's BBB complain;, Download Ale to office to send to BBB; Telephone conference wSSeymour Sacks re: Mark Gross.






TAS RavtewofFotthanLoan. and Security Agreement; 2 Telephone Conference w/Dick Ross re: Cary Edgar form 1099 Sue and Ford= and Sherri Ledaer; Telephone conference w/Seymour Sacks ntty far Marc Gross. Review of faxes from CI.S.




Total hrs. Total fees

28. Ibis $9,335.00 TOTAL DUE: $9,$35.00

,. Terse of Payment: Due UponReceipt Interest at 1 4 % per month oa unpaid balance Tax LD #34-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Tease Telephone no. 216-2064000. Wire transfer to IOLTA Account #30900060204 Routing #241071739.


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Shimko & Piscitelli
Trlephone (216)241-000 -A LARrty,orncionalemselaeon 200 HanehjGmauR4NR 927 Fsca& Manua Clevdaad, Ohl* 44115 PRa (256)241.2903 E iVIw7 Spt.,1W(g1rnm(

March 20, 2002 VIA FACSMILt 480-213-4004 CORP Management Services, LP. 7272 East Indian Seherdl Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Attention: Mary Rydberge/Billing Dept. `11 J1



RE; CORP Licensing
Dear Ms. Rydberge: Below, please find our statement for services rendered from March 13, 2002 Through, March 19, 2002. Date 03/14/02


ID Rate Time

Total 1260.00

TAS S350, Telephone conference et/Sam Birnbaum re: Edgar and ll'ellman. Telephone conference w/Brill; telephone Conference w/Rnscitri re: Fame; Telephone call with Rave re: Edgar andHellman And solicitation to Men Croop M.D.; Telephone conference w/Rnasall Re: Ceroke. Download files; Telephone conference w/SheS Leiner; Review of fixes from Chris Jaynes; Robert Furlong; and Con N1helaee; Telephone conversation wlChris Jayne re: Purchase of Brandon facility. Telephone Conversation wlSam Birnbaum re: Contacting Edgar and Iialimmt; Telephone call from Robert Rrug re: Stoke. TAS 5350. Review fax from Stoles; telephone call from Russ, Edgar and Hellman W-2 statements. Review Pathan notes Md security agreements. Review agreetnarts from Furlong Review employment contracts and confidenriatity contracts. Draft changes to Employment contracts and csxlfidcntiality contracts. TM S350.


1.2hrs 420.00


3.5hrs 1250.00

ROSS - 038
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Date 03/18/02


LD Rate

r 'me Total

TAS 5350, Memo to Brill re.: Ceroke, Sraka and Brandon; Telephone Confiscate w/Bri11 and Woodcock. Telephone conferenca a/Ross re Edgar and Ancillary Care Solutions; Download Ancillary Care Solutions wed site. Prepare response to Brandon demand letter; Telephone conference w/Jaynce; Tele pphone conference w/Woodconk re: Jaynes. Review Letter from Hemphill re: Mara Dimond-Verify all documents arc signed and delivered and money Transfer arranged, Telephone call to Oseran re: Weisberg to reschedule depositions. Fazio Fred Ritchie re: Weisberg building costs. Draft response to Brandon fax of Marsh 12'. TAS 5350, Review Furlong Agreement Draft memo to Brill re: Furlong Agreement and payment scheduled. Draft memo to Will re: Davcnporl Draft response to Davenport's demand of March 12, 2002 Telephone call w/Seymour Sacks re: Gross; Redraft -Rescission Agreement and Release re: Gross. Pax to Furlong to Expect payment; fax to Robert Krug, Attorney for Stoke; Bergstrom attorney for Jaynes re: contract w/B randon; Telephone call to Brill and Ross re: Davenport, Gross, Furlong, Stela and Amendments to Field Reps Contracts. 19.3hrs




7.lhrs 2485.00

Total hrs. CURRENT FEES: PREVIOUS BALANCE: TOTAL DUE: Terms of Payment Due Upon Receipt Interest at t % per month on unpaid balance Tax TM 184-1623912 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Win transfer to IOLTA Account #30900060204 Routing R2410711$9.

$6,755.00 S9,835,00 $16,590.00


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Shimlw & Piscitelli
Ural.% (116) 141-a900 ALeg etV ofl5t7epdAYOrfotlon 2D10 Ermfinaoa BOW'S 92S Euothl Memo Ovidone, Ode 44115 Fu: Ta16}2+t1-2702

[email protected] Wow. corn

March 28, 2002 VIA.FACSMILE 480-212-4004 CORE Management Services, LP. 7212 East Indian School Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 55251 Attention- Mary Rydberg/Billing Dept. RE CORE Licensing Dear Ma Rydberg: Below, please find our staterneot for services rendered from March 20, 2002 through, March 26, 2002.



ID Rate Time Total
2.7hrs 945.+00

TM 5350. Telephone conferee= w/ Rustled re: Famine; telephone conference w/Woedcock; telephone conference w/Ross; Prepare response to Rust :it accepting offer. Review Purchase Agreement between hypes and Brandon; Telephone conference w/Beck re: transferability of CORE License. Final touches re: employment agreement and confidentiality agreement Telephone call to Aim Risacher ra; new draft' of employment and confidentiality egrtcments left voice mail.


5.Shrs 20301.00 TAS $350. Telephone cottfoteaee w/Ross re: employment contacts; relax does to Ross; review Davenport the to respond to BBB complaint; telephone conference w/1Crng, arty for Smite; .· telephone conference w/Ross re: Srolra_ Fie^)lxeFmpleymenc,'.greemeat and Confidentiality Agreement; Telephone conference w/Rrtscitti :et Femme settlement Telephone; Telephone ceafesence a^'PW re: Sealer; Conference w/Massey re: Johnson Ranch; Telephone conference w/Ill re: Johnson Ranch.

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ID Rate



TAS 97450, Review faxes of the day; Review Davenport file from CLS; Response To Davenport BBB complain; Review Pax and release from Gigi re: Nikolaev, Prepare response to Gigi re: Nikolacv Release; Telephone conferee=w/PW rc FurloagfParone. Telephone cont6renee With Zimmerman re: Brandon vestibule Equipment. Review fax from Bergstrom Re: Jaynes, Telephone call en/Back re: Jaynes. Telephone to Lea Dadliag arty for 'area re: Back and transferability of CORE License. Three (3) Telephone conference w/Porthan; Telephone conference w/Brill re: Jaynes and Brandon; telephone conference w/Rass re: Nathan; Telephone conference w/Porthan; Preparation of Rescission Agreement and General Release far Axone. Fax doeumenis to Giovanni Ruscitti. Prepared response to Russell Rnssi, ' TAS $350, arty for Robert Cemke. TAS $350. Prepare Itr to Massey re: Johnson Ranch and structure of financing Between CLS and Johnsen Ranch. fake changes to Director's agreement To create VP agreements. Emailedthe Files to Brill; Review purchase agreement Between Jaynes and Brandon; Pax copies to Brill Telephone conferencevu'Btill re; Bant axo; Prepared responses to Brandon re: Demand for damages. Telephone conference w/Ross. Telephone conference w/Btill re: Doodaro. TAS $350.

73brs 2625.00

03123102 03124102

,80hrs 280.00 3.3brs I L55.00


2.0hrs 700.00


. Telephone conference wlBimhaum TAS 5350. re: Edgar's operation; Telephone conference vr/Brill re: Birnbaum and =ampere agreements 'w/clients for new products and Howell contract. Research motion SI Weiss; Teleplrooe Conference m7/Jaynes re: finnnriag before Friday. 24.0hrs

1.9hrs 665.00

Total hrs. CURRENT FEES: PAST BALANCE: PAYMENTS: TOTAL DUE: Terms of Payment Due Upon Receipt Interest at 1 %: % per month on unpaid balance Tar I.D 43 4-1623 9 12

$8,400.00 S 1659000 $16590.00 $840Q00

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Shimlw & Pisciteili
Tdwhuw (218241-%300 --

3e10 nNlding 925 Eland Wee nu. gerelend, 0146 44116 t314) 241-2103 Fti[911 SPLAW( 14lie com.enm

April 3, 2002 VIAFACSMTLE 480,2124004 CDLU Management Services, L.P. 7272 East Indian School Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Attention: Mary Rydberg/Billing Dept.

RE: CORE Licensing
Dear Ms. Rydberg: Below, please find our statement for services rendered from March 28, 2002 through, April 2, 2002,





Time 3,9hrs

Total 1365.00

TAS $350. Telephone conference w/Brif re: Jaynes & Rubenstein. Review Jaynes financials. Telephone conference wl Bergstrom atty for Jaynes. Review fax from Rubenstein. Telephone conference w(Cudin, Maes, Brill, Dondero and Clairman. Prepared Memo to Brill re: Dondcm taleennierence. Telephone conference w/Brill & Woodcock re: Bondero & Jaynes. Review f+nenrieJs from Jaynes. Telephone conference w/J3ergetrom. Prepared memo to Brill ra: laynes commitments. Telephone call to Artigue re: Modem for Summary judgment in Weisberg. Telephone conference w/Artlgue re: timing of Motion for Summary judgment. Research issues re Medan fen Summary Judgment re: Weisberg; Prepare memorandum re: law on rescission. TM $350










TAS $350, Review weekend faxes; Telephone conference wlRoss re; Executive Agreements and bonus agreements; Review Brill's proposed employment areemem; draft comments.



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to Ross re: Brili's draft emptoyment agreement; Draft proposal changes to Brill's drafk employment agreement aadDraftExecutive Boma Plan.

1D Rate '..,me Total


TAS $330. Prepared draft of Executive Bonus Plan; Telephone call w/Ross ro: Breakfast meeting w/Edgar and review memo from Ross re: threats marls at the meeting. Telephone conferencew/8rill re: Ladner and GttedsL Telephone conference w,Lednor re: report From Edgar that she is conducting a conference call organize a lawsuit Teephone conference wlRoss re: executive bonus plan, 19.2hrs



Total hrs. CURRENT FEES: PAST BALANCE: PAYMENTS: TOTAL DUE: Terms of Payment: Due Upon Receipt Interest at 1 Yr %per month on unpaid balance Tax ID R34-1623912 'Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000, Wire transfer to 1OLTA Account #30900060204 Routing 0241071759.

$6,720,00 $8,900.00 S--0-515,120.00

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Shimko & Piscitelli
Toleehone 1216) I4t-800D ALe2WPmRSYnml Asaodaaan 2O10nwdaatel avildinl( Sze Eoalld Avenue Clefalmd, O14a14115 F>as tz16) Z41-1701

s.m e

April 12, 2002

CORP Management Services, L.P. 7272 East Indian School Road, Suite 540 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Attention: Mary Rydberg/Sllling Dept. RE CORE Licensing Dear Ms. Rydberg: Below, please find our statement for services rendered from April 3, 2002 through, April 9, 2002. Date 413/02 Description Telephone conference w/ RRass re Cary Edger. Tel. Conference w/ R Ross, P Woodcock, M. Guenther, D. Goldfarb, re Cary Edgar And Sheri Ledncr
Tel. Calf. W/P.


Time 125hrs

Rate $350.

Total 437.50






Woodcock and R Ross Re Sheri Leiner; Tel. Cont. WIT Brill & R Ross re Sheri Ledner, Ghodsi, Beall, drafted Letter to Cary algae's Lawyer and slatted draft Of Complaint vs. Edgar 413102 Completed dra*ofCornplaint; Review correspondence From Client in Brandon Weisberg, Srolra Draft response to Stoke., Draft responseto BBB in TAS 6.ihrs $350. 2,275.00






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Brandon; Draft response to Brandon; Draft respease to Oscrmt in Weisberg; 4/7102 418/02 Tel. Cone WWoodcock TeL Cont. VI/Ross Tot Cont. W/7 Brill TeL Conf W/R Boss Re Cary Edgar Tel. Calf. W/Wgodcock Tel cont W/! Brill TAS TAS Stirs lbrs 5350. $350: 175.00 350.00

419/02 Total hrs.


.25hrs 17Shrs



CURRENT FEES: PAST BALANCE: PAYMENTS: TOTAL DUE: Terms of Payment Dua Upon Receipt Interest at 1',6 %per month on unpaid balance Tae I.D 03 4-162 39 12 Please Wire Transfer to: Metro Savings Bank & Trust. Telephone no. 216-206-6000. Wire transfer to IOLTA Account 430400060204 Rooting x2 410 7 17 5 9.

$6,125.00 515,120.00 $15,120.00 $6,125.00

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