Free Supplement - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 4
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,044 Words, 7,043 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 790.92 pts

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Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS Document 147 Filed 11/07/2005 Page1 0f4 `

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For Motor Homes Manufactured by subsidiaries of Fleetwood Enterprises, incr., · g
_ sold in the United States and Canada
COVERAGE PROVIDED antenna control, etc ) will be performed by the { I
E t h _ I d_ h dealer during the 512.:90 days of warranty cox- _ ;
’our new mo er orne mc u mg t e structure, ma _ - . - t ; i
_ _ _ _ un ge Thereafter, such adjustments are the e , E
p1mF"bmg" h°;**“g énd ;ii?m€a€1SgSg€mg’ au Yésponsibility of the owner as normal mainte-
EPP ‘?°‘;’S an _°q“‘P`“‘ [‘;d‘“S B Y [1** { nance unless required as a direct result or repair tj
manu ac urer, IS warran un er norma use o OI. Inc me t Of E dcfécma an unda mir IQ
be free from manufacturing defects in material Wzmgmy mm P 5 fi
or workmanship Appearance imperfections, or i
damage ge paint, graphics, exterior materials, O; If` a problem occurs which the owner believes is {IJ
upholstery tha: may have occurred prior mg Covered by this warranty, the owner shall con--
delivery are normally corrected during the tact the selling dealer, or the Fieetwood Service E ‘
in5per;ti0.n process; at the manufacturing plan; gy Center, givirig Sufficient i¤f°G{mEi€iO!'t IO resolve ‘
at the dealership ‘ the matter The owner shali deliver the motor Q?]
hom t Lh d ale or the He twood Service iii
T-he warranty extends to the first retail purchaser Cam`; Cfccjtmi {O; Wanamv EEWECS
and his transfereefs) and begins on the date of { i
originai retail deiiverj: or the date the motor ’ _
home is Erst placed imo service as a rental, DEALER S OBUGATIONS
Cgwimglfml Oigcmgnwatcii um (ww-:h€*“‘?I' _ By agreement with the manufacturer, the dealer Ei:
FCLWTS 1‘SF)‘d__ E ‘mI‘3;`{:` cxmlds fm the {O1"' - is obligated to maintain the motor heme prior to J
°v"¤g pcm) b` ° retail sale, to perform a detailed predelivery J
1 For all defects (otlaer than structural`} the inspection and to repair or replace any parts
warranty extends tor a period or one year necessary ro correct defects in rnaterial or work- ;n
from such date or until the unit has rea:eived manship E2
15,000 total miles of use as determined by ;
the mileage shown on the odometer
(whichever occurs iirst) WHEN THE DEALER DOES NOT Gt
2 Forstructurai defects, 3 years; srmcturai i _
. · gtefetzts are limited ro the foilowing; roof _ if thetieaier is unable or unwilling Lo resolve a ‘ _L -
structure, sub-floor structure, exterior- problem which the owner is convinced is cov-- _j_; ‘
walls, interiorwalis and.cei1ing5i cred-by the warranty; the owner should contact
,- , _ _ _ the.P1 x idS ’ C ce-·-ath. cLd~~ ` i
Warren nouceof defects must be given no the listed Z; Yrhzgnexirgggi Egg P;.w&d_;;€ [Ebb at .
`_ (1 f ~-~ ` 1·¤»· nr •- ` _ _ _ _ _ - {
seélindg ..ea}e1 orhmanutacrture. iarer titan ten Hcetwcod Scrum Came? Wm] a dcsmpmn m FL E
( I days a re: t e expirauon o e vtammty wming ofthe problem and mcmpts made IO
‘ pcm) t resolve it'. if i
OWNER S OBUGAHONS MANur=Ac‘runea’s oeuemoms if i e
The Qwm-3 is rggpggsltiic gn BOTH;} maimci Upon receipt of notice of a claim, where the _
gmgigg S;-gvc gig; 4;:;; S ’:f‘?'”‘§"’" dealer was unable or unwilling to resolve the E r
a ; er; r j men s suc as . - - ;
. . . _ _ } _ problem, the Fleetwood Service Center will . t
giglgstmciwttg thi: mmm BMFHOE; dciig repair or replace any parts necessary to correct 5
regu H Of pmssum ca Hm mc €S’ defects in material or workmanship or wil} take _ z
other appropriate action as may be required e i
M 2 oeeoee g
Case 2:O4—cv—OO161—ROS Document 147 Filed j1/O7{2gé{g_ _j’ag§££>ij___ 5;; ;

Wa rra nty
—-——i·i~—·"··— ···—·—T-‘—·r· g
WHAT IS NOT COVERED BY 6 Transportation to and from dealer or `
THIS WARRANTY iileeturood Serstice Center loca-tion, loss of
time, inconvenience, commercial loss, loss
TM5 Warmntl does nm col": of use, towing charges, bus fares, vehicle
1 the aaremanve chassis system (including rental. incidental charges Such as telephone
the chassis and ante train), nies and banal--- calls or hotel bills, or other lncttitmtal or
ies, which are covered by the sepapare wai-- consequential damages
;;“Y‘“ Of me ”ii’°°“"'*" “"3·‘i““°‘“’F’“ 0* same states do not allow nie exclusion Oi limi-
. _ cw mmpcncn S tation of` incidental or consequential damages,
2 Defntts €¤l1$·‘?d ll? UF T€l¤[€d mi so the above limitation or exclusion may not
a Abuse, misuse, negligence or accident; appl}! F0 )'0l1»
bt F¤il¤l`€ {G COYHPIY with l¤S¤'¤¤ll0ll5 €0¤· This warranty gives you specific legal rights, .
lftlllcd lll thc 0w**·‘?"il I”f0l'l'¤¤¢w¤ and you may also have other rights which
P¤€'k¢¥8€L vary from state to state. -
C ggiiréuop Oi mcdmcamn O the mmm The manufacturer is not responsible for any
_ `_€’ _ _ undertaking, representation or warranty
Cl E¤Vlft>¤¤lt‘>llltli €¤lldlll0¤S (Still, hill, made by any dealer or other person beyond
Chcmlcak ln the *]im0=*Ph€I"?»?[C l those expressly set forth in this warranty. `
3. Normal deterioration due to wear or expo- . _ . ._ =
. . . . . . For Customer Service assistance, contact: 3
sure, such as fading ot iabncs or drapes, {
carpet wear; etc. Fleetwood Owner Relations j
4 Normal maintenance and service items, _RtO·; Bm: $933
such as light bulbs. fuses wiper blades. Rnersidcl CA 92517 i
lubricants, etc (800) 322'8216 _
5 Motor homes on which the odometer read- `
ing has been altered
O1-2 l
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Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 147

Filed 11/07/2005

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Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 147

Filed 11/07/2005

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Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 147

Filed 11/07/2005

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Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 147

Filed 11/07/2005

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