Free Declaration in Support - District Court of California - California

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Date: November 15, 2007
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Category: District Court of California
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Case 3:07-cv-04771-EDL

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RONALD J. TENPAS Acting Assistant Attorney General Environment and Natural Resources Division UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE JEAN E. WILLIAMS, Chief KRISTEN L. GUSTAFSON, Senior Trial Attorney Wildlife and Marine Resources Section GUILLERMO MONTERO, Trial Attorney Natural Resources Section Environment & Natural Resources Division UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Benjamin Franklin Station - P.O. Box 7369/ P.O. Box 663 Washington, D.C. 20044 (202) 305-0211 (tel.) / (202) 305-0443 (tel.) (202) 305-0275 (fax) / (202) 305-0274 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Counsel for Federal Defendants

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I, DARLENE KETTEN, Ph.D., declare as follows: 1. I am a marine biologist and neuroanatomist who has worked for over 20 years on

the anatomy, physiology and pathology of auditory systems and head and neck trauma. As detailed in my appended CV, I received a B.A. from Washington University (Biology and French, 1971), a M.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) (Biological Oceanography, 1979), and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University (jointly awarded in neuroanatomy, behavioral ecology, and experimental radiology, 1984). I currently hold full, joint appointments as a Senior Scientist in the Biology Department of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), as Assistant Professor in Otology and Laryngology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, and, for the current year (2007-2008), as a Senior Research Fellow in the Biophysics Division of the National Institutes of Health/National Institutes of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIH/NIDCD). 2. Following my doctoral training, I completed post-doctoral work in the Research

Laboratory of Electronics at M.I.T. (1985-86) and in the Eaton-Peabody Laboratory of Auditory Physiology of Massachusetts General Hospital (1985-1987). In the medical area, I have

completed courses and received formal accreditation certificates in Neuroradiology and Neuropathology, Forensics and Forensic Pathology, and Veterinary Pathology (1995-2004). In these courses, I received specialty training in underwater physiology and explosive trauma in addition to training in professional autopsy and necropsy procedures. I serve also as a lecturer on inner ear and head and neck imaging and diagnostic radiology for specialty training courses for the American Medical Association - Head and Neck Surgery Division. 3. I am a full member of the Radiological Society of North America, the Society of

Marine Mammalogy, the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, the Sigma Xi Research Honor Society, the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, and the Acoustical

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Society of America. 4. I was appointed as a Fellow of the Acoustical Society (2001) with a citation for

contributions to the understanding of underwater hearing and marine mammal auditory system biology. I am also an active member of the ASA Bioacoustics Technical Committee and have served on federal advisory boards and panels on hearing, bioacoustics, acoustic trauma, marine mammal acoustics, and ocean noise for the National Institutes of Health, National Institutes of Deafness and Communication Disorders, NIH Consensus Development Conferences, the National Academy of Sciences, the Marine Mammal Commission, and NOAA/NMFS. 5. My research is primarily in auditory system modeling of hearing abilities and

mechanisms of hearing loss, and I am a recognized expert in underwater hearing and explosive and acoustic trauma. As such, I have served as an expert witness and voting member for the United States of America (USA) on the NATO panel on Mediterranean strandings (Ketten 1998) and as an expert panel member for the German Government and European Union Commission panels for sound use in Antarctic waters (Ketten 2004). Of particular relevance to the above captioned litigation, I served as an alternate panel member for the recent Marine Mammal Commission FACA panel on Marine Mammals and Noise (2003-2006), was a voting panel member and co-author of the report for the Beaked Whale Workshop for NOAA and the Marine Mammal Commission (Cox et al. 2006), was a Section Leader and Investigatory Team prosecutor and co-author of the Puget Sound/Shoup Incident Report for NOAA/Northwest Fisheries (Norman et al. 2005), was the co-author of reports for the International Whaling Commission on beaked whale hearing and noise impacts (IWC 2004), and served on the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council expert panel on underwater noise and its effects (NRC 2003). To date, I have participated in over 200 necropsies on more than 50 species of marine mammals, as well as assisting with over 150 human autopsies and radiologic

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diagnostic procedures. I am the principal examiner requested by NOAA for head pathology and trauma analyses of beaked whales stranding in the Bahamas, Caribbean, and US East Coast waters for the last decade (Ketten 2005, Appendix 2). 6. I am an author of over 40 peer reviewed scientific publications, 14 book chapters,

and approximately 160 published abstracts or short communications, the majority of which deal specifically with marine mammal hearing and underwater sound. Clinically, I am the author of over 250 official case reports. The majority of these reports are assessments of pathologies related to hearing and head and neck trauma in marine mammals. In addition, as director of a research radiology facility, as documented on the website, I have provided reports on radiologic examinations in over 1000 cases covering over 150 species, most of which are marine organisms. 7. I have been asked to provide information on the necropsy procedures employed

and personnel involved in the exams of whales stranding in relation to sonar exercises as well as the scientific validity of the comments made by Plaintiffs and their declarants. 8. My curriculum vita is attached to this declaration as Exhibit B. The literature

cited in this declaration is attached as Exhibit A. The executive summary and formal reports for all beaked whale cases related to this declaration are appended as Appendix 2. 9. Between 1992 and the present, I have been the principal examiner for head and

neck trauma for 79 marine mammal cases, including all cases of whales and dolphins that died and were collected for examination in the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and Madeira with a suspicion of any acoustic impact from sonar or other sources between 1999 and the present. 10. Amongst these cases were the beaked whales and one dolphin which were

examined following their discovery between 15-17 March, 2000 on the northern Bahamian islands of Grand Bahama, Abaco, and surrounding cays. At the request of NMFS, in cooperation

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with the Bahamian government, I directed the head and neck assessment of these animals and conducted scanning, gross, and histologic analyses of the stranded animals that died. These exams were conducted in cooperation with Dr. Alan Bater, the chief Bahamian veterinarian in charge of the stranding response, who also participated in some of the examinations, and Dr. Ruth Ewing, a NMFS veterinary pathologist, who, like me, was requested by NMFS to provide expert examinations of these animals on site. Dr. Ewing examined the body cavities of the whole animals in tandem with my head examinations and also participated in the gross examinations of some of the specimens that were conducted post-scanning at my laboratory at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Additional personnel were present at the necropsies who were either resident in the Bahamas and requested to observe the proceedings or accompanied the NMFS team for the purpose of documenting the procedures. These people assisted in some of the cases by taking photographs or notes for myself or the other official examiners. They included Mr. Kenneth Balcomb, Dr. Douglas Nowacek, Ms. Diane Claridge, Ms. Nan Hauser, and Mr. Hoyt Peckham. Their respective participation is detailed in individual case reports in Appendix 2, but essentially they observed the necropsies and assisted with the filming, recording the necroscopists'observations, and labeling of samples of the whale specimens. Mr. Balcomb's declaration states that he "had the opportunity to examine four of the beaked whale specimens by necropsy." Balcomb Decl. ¶5. It would be inaccurate to interpret Mr. Balcomb's statement to mean that he performed any of the official necropsies or provided expert opinion on the pathology of the whales that stranded in the Bahamas. 11. A summary of the Bahamian case procedures is as follows:

Tissues from six whales were examined by gross dissection and computerized tomography. Exams of 3 animals consisted of gross dissections of heads in an advanced state of decomposition. A fourth head was dissected in a relatively fresh state on site in Abaco,

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Bahamas. The ears of this animal and two undissected heads, one in an intact animal, were examined with ultra-high resolution computerized tomography (UHR-CT scanning) at the MEEI Radiology Dept. under my direction and subsequently necropsied by myself with Dr. Ewing assisting at WHOI. These specimens consist of a delphinid (Stenella frontalis) and ziphiids from two genera (Ziphius cavirostris and Mesoplodon densirostris). Details of the finding are given in Appendix 2. The delphinid was judged by all examiners to be a coincidental stranding with severe malnutrition and underlying long term disease. Only the beaked whales exhibited any pathologies related to stranding following sonar exposures. 12. The primary difficulty in drawing any firm conclusion from these bodies and

tissues is the variable state of the cases and the complexity of the observed pathologies, which require careful, considered expert analyses. The major conclusion reached by consensus by myself and all other pathologists who worked on or were consulted about these cases was that the cause of death was the physical consequences of stranding, including hyperthermia, suffocation, and blood loss from external wounds from coral cuts, shark attack, etc. There were also unusual hemorrhages in the auditory and central nervous system which I reported and which subsequently have been reported by others in both mass and single strandings of beaked whales, notably those in the Canary Islands. This suite of hemorrhages has not however been found in any other case studies of non-beaked whale strandings that were reported prior or subsequent to the Bahamian cases. In fact, the exact mechanism involved in precipitating the stranding event and the physiology behind these hemorrhages has yet to be solved and is the subject of considerable research effort. The few facts that we have is that they are a common finding in the approximately 30 beaked whales that have stranded and died over the last 8 years in what may have been sonar related strandings. 13. Plaintiffs and their declarants Dr. Edward Parsons (¶8), Dr. Robin Baird (¶12),


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Dr. Linda Weilgart (¶9) suggest that animals exposed to sonar are dying, sinking, and going, therefore, undiscovered. There is nothing about whales of any species that suggests they can defy the physiology of death. To the contrary, there are many reasons to expect that they will not only float as do other mammals that die in water, but are even more prone to a rapid flotation. Their bodies contain substantial fats in the blubber layers which act both to provide buoyancy and to insulate the body, encouraging the retention of body heat and hastening the process of decay and its attendant gas production. Although it is possible that a whale could die at a depth at which the temperature is so cold that bacterial processes are slowed to a point that gases are produced more slowly than would result in flotation, we must consider the probability that any whale would be at that depth. 14. Taking as an example the Bahamian beaked whales, as a group at issue in the

cases discussed above, some, including Mr. Balcomb in his declaration (¶11), have argued that a lack of beaked whale sightings in the months following the stranding event indicate that the whales died at sea of from physical impacts and were never discovered. Two factors argue against this hypothesis. First, there is a very low probability of an animal dying at such a depth that it would not float and, therefore, secondly, there is no basis for the assumption that the majority of whales would sink. Bahamian beaked whales live in subtropical waters for which the sinking depth is extremely deep since the phenomenon depends upon the physical interactions of the ambient temperature and how rapidly the body will cool. While beaked whales are capable of very deep dives, they devote less than 5% of their dive time at substantial depths. Although multiple factors affect decay, the dominant one is temperature. As has long been established for human cadavers, refrigeration slows but does not deter the putrefactive processes. The break point temperature for body decay processes to slow to a point that would slow necrosis and gas production to delay a refloatation for more than a few days much less a

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week or more is <4 degrees C. This means that the animal would have to be in water at that temperature or lower, which in most of the oceans and especially temperate to tropical waters is unlikely to be encountered above 1000 m. Thus, if we consider the relatively little time that any whale may be at such an exceptional depth, combined with the probability of it suffering in that instant a mortal impact, dying, and chilling sufficiently quickly to sink and never float, the probability of this event is clearly extraordinarily small and on the order of a fraction of a percent. It is highly unlikely therefore that substantial numbers of any species are being impacted and sinking and that such mortalities are drastically underestimated, as Plaintiffs suggest. 15. The current necropsy findings argue most strongly for mechanism related

specifically to beaked whales and their behavior. To get at the cause, it is not productive to consider unproven claims that this is a general phenomenon in the absence of any evidence of injury to another species. It is equally unjustified to assume that events correlating beaked whale strandings with mid-frequency sonar (in combination with other factors such as sound ducting and repeated, multiple ship transits), indicate any similar risk to beaked whales or any other species from other sound sources or use of sonar, including SURTASS LFA sonar..

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1746, I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true 18 and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. 19 20 21 22 23 24

Executed this 15th day of November, 2007 in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

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EXHIBIT A--LITERATURE CITED: Committee on Potential Impacts of Ambient Noise in the Ocean on Marine Mammals (2003) Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals. National Research Council, 204 pages. Cox T.M., T.J. Ragen, A.J. Read, E. Vos, R.W. Baird, K. Balcomb, J. Barlow, J. Caldwell, T. Cranford, L. Crum, A. D'Amico, G. D'Spain, A. Fernández, J. Finneran, R. Gentry, W. Gerth, F. Gulland, J. Hildebrand, D. Houser, T. Hullar, P.D. Jepson, D. Ketten, C.D. MacLeod, P. Miller, S. Moore, D. Mountain, D. Palka, P. Ponganis, S. Rommel, T. Rowles, B. Taylor, P. Tyack, D. Wartzok, R. Gisiner, J. Mead, L. Benner. (2006) Understanding the Impacts of Anthropogenic Sound on Beaked Whales, Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, vol. 7(3), pp. 177-187. Evans, D.L and G. R. England (2001) Joint Interim Report Bahamas Marine Mammal Stranding Event of 15-16 March 2000. NOAA/NMFS/USN. 59 pp. International Whaling Commission (2004) Scientific Committee Report Annex K: Report of the Standing Working Group on Environmental Concerns, Marine Mammal Hearing and Evidence for Hearing Loss,Appendix 4 (pp 27-31). Ketten, D.R. (1998) Marine mammal Hearing and Acoustic Trauma: Basic Mechanisms, Marine Adaptations, and Beaked Whale Anomalies. In: Report of the Bioacoustics Panel, NATO/SACLANT, A. D'Amico and W. Verboom (eds.), pp. 2/21, 2/63-78. Ketten, D.R. (2000) Cetacean Ears. In: Hearing by Whales and Dolphins. W. Au, R. Fay, and A. Popper (eds.), SHAR Series for Auditory Research, Springer-Verlag, pp. 43-108. Ketten, D.R. (2005) Beaked Whale Necropsy Findings for Strandings in the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and Madeira, 1999-2002 , Woods Hole Oceanonographic Institution Technical Publication WHOI-2005-09. 36 pp. Norman, S.A., S. Raverty, B. McLellan, A. Pabst, D.R. Ketten, M. Fleetwood, J.K. Gaydos, B. Norberg, L. Barre, T. Cox, B. Hanson, and S. Jeffries (2005) Multidisciplinary Investigation of Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Stranded in Washington State from 2 May ­ 2 June 2003 Coinciding with the Mid-Range Sonar Exercises of the USS SHOUP. NOAA Northwest Fisheries. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWR-34. Spitz, W. U. (1993) Spitz and Fisher's Medicolegal Investigation of Death; Guidlines for the Application of Pathology to Crime Investigation. 3rd ed., Springfield: Charles C. Thomas pub., pp. 1-829.



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DARLENE R. KETTEN Biology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Room 201-205 Shiverick/ MS #36 Woods Hole, Mass. 02543 office: 508-289-2731 fax: 508-457-2028 email: [email protected] website: EDUCATION l971 B.A. Washington University Biology and French Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Biological Oceanography The Johns Hopkins University The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Neuroethology and Experimental Radiology Department of Otology & Laryngology Harvard Medical School Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 243 Charles St. Boston, Mass. 02114 office: 617-573-4083 email: [email protected]





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2002-present PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 2007 Senior Research Fellow (joint appt. with WHOI)

Biophysics Division, National Institutes of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health (NIDCD/NIH) Biology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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1985-1986 1987-1988 1988-1993 1993-present 1997-2002

Senior Scientist (joint appt. with Harvard Medical School) Associate Scientist (joint appt. with Harvard Medical School) Assistant Professor Research Director

Biology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Department of Otology and Laryngology Harvard Medical School Head and Neck Imaging Service Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Department of Otology and Laryngology Harvard Medical School Cochlear Implant Research Laboratory, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Eaton-Peabody Laboratory of Auditory Physiology Harvard Medical School Communications Biophysics Group, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 100}

Instructor Research Associate



Post-doctoral Fellow

Post-doctoral Fellow


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AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2007-2008 Senior Fellow, Auditory Biomechanics Section National Institutes of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health 2001-present Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America 2001-2004 Fellow, WHOI Ocean Life Institute 2000-2002 Featured Principal Investigator, Office of Naval Research 1998 Seaver Institute Research Award 1997 Mellon Foundation Independent Research Award 1983 Delta Omega Honor Society Presentation Award 1982-1984 NSF Sensory Systems Doctoral Dissertation Research Award 1982-1984 Predoctoral Fellowship, Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution 1982-1984 Dean's Fellowship, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions 1981, 1982 Achievement Reward for College Scientists; ARCS Foundation Fellow and Scholarship 1980-1984 NIH Honors Fellowship Award 1978 Sigma Xi Research Award PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 2004- present Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS) 1996- present Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 1982- present Acoustical Society of America, fellow (ASA) 1987- present Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) 1984- present Society for Marine Mammalogy 1987- present International Society for Stereology 1978- present Sigma Xi PROFESSIONAL COURSES/ACCREDIDATIONS 1995 Forensic Pathology AFIP/CME 2003 Neuroradiology/Neuropathology AFIP/CME 2004 Veterinary Pathology AFIP/CME 2005 Basic Pathology MIT-HST Program 2006 Adv. Forensic Pathology AFIP/CME RESEARCH INTERESTS Sensory mechanisms of aquatic organisms. Evolution of marine mammals. Three-dimensional functional modeling and biomedical imaging. NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL BOARDS, PANELS, AND COMMITTEES 2006-2007 NATO Intergovernmental Conference on The Effects of Sound in the Ocean on Marine Mammals Advisor, USN Integrated Coordinating Group Advisory Board, Acoustic Exposure Guidelines NOAA Fisheries Advisory Board, National Research Program on Sound Effects, CORE Advisory Panel, Behavioral Response Research Team (ONR-NOAA) Review Panel, Marine Mammal Commission International Workshop on Policy on Sound and Marine Mammals Advisory Panel, CORE, Development of Legislative Actions for a National Marine Mammal Research Program Panel Member and Speaker, Brazilian Government and International Geophysical Contractors Seminar on Seismic Impacts, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Advisory Expert Panel, NOAA-ONR Necropsy Protocol Standardization Committee DOSITS Underwater Acoustics Educational Site Review Board Advisory Panel, House of Representatives, Commerce Committee Advisory Panel, Congressman Gilchrest special session Advisory Panel, Senate Commerce Committee, Acoustic Impacts 110}




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2000-2005 2002 2003-2004

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1997-present 1999-2003 1998-1999

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1993 1992-1993 1991 1989-1990 1982-1983 1996-2003 1995-1996

Participant, Royal Navy Workshop on Underwater Impacts Advisory Panel, European Science Foundation and National Science Foundation Workshop on Underwater Sound Use Section leader and panel, Investigatory Team, NOAA/Northwest Fisheries, Puget Sound/Shoup Incident Report Advisory Board, Stellwagon Bank Sanctuary Panel, Beaked Whale Workshop, NOAA - Marine Mammal Commission Panel, Marine Mammal Commission International Workshop on Policy on Sound and Marine Mammals Subcommittee member and special lecturer, International Whaling Commission Panel Member, Offshore Oil and Gas Producers Workshop on Seismic Impacts, Halifax, N.S. Canada, Co-Chairman, ASA Policy on Effects of Sound, Acoustical Society of America Advisory Board, Acoustic Exposure Guidelines NOAA Fisheries Advisory Panel Alternate, Effects of Sound, Marine Mammal Commission, FACA panel Panel, Beaked Whales and Sound Effects Review Board, Marine Mammal Commission Chair, Biomedical Applications in Research, Acoustical Society of America Ocean Studies Board, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Panel member: Ambient Noise in the Oceans and Effects on Marine Mammals Panel member: ASA's Role in Marine Mammal Studies, Acoustical Society of America Panel member/Lecturer: Sound in the Oceans, Navy-USA Congressional Workshop Panel member; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: Antarctic Policies for Sound Use: Impact of Acoustics on Marine Organisms Northeast Consortium Advisory Board; Right Whale Research Review Panel, Northeast Consortium Advisory Board on Blast Trauma, NOAA Fisheries Review Panel, Acoustic Trauma in Beaked Whales, NOAA Environmental Impact Review Panel Member: Ship Shock Impact Assessment, DDG81 Organizing Committee, ASA Special Session: Evolution of Hearing and Sound Production, 137th Meeting, Acoustical Society of America, 2nd Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Berlin Executive Organizing Committee, Fourth International Conference on Biological Sonar, NSF-ONR, Algarve, Portugal Advisory Panel on Explosive Removal of Oil Platforms, Minerals Management Service (MMS) Expert Panel and Voting member for USA: Bioacoustics and Environmental Policy Board, NATO/SACLANT Panel Member: Low Frequency Sound Effects Advisory Panel and Workshop, Office of Naval Research Panel Member: NMFS Acoustics Guidelines Workshop Low Frequency Active Sonar, ONR Scientific Advisory Board Expert Panel Member: High Energy Seismic Systems Workshop Minerals Management Service Right Whales Advisory Panel: New England Aquarium Animal Bioacoustics Technical Committee member, Acoustical Society of America Review Panel Member: Sea Wolf Ship Shock Impact Assessment Sounds in the Sea Advisory Board Member, New England Aquarium Technical Specialty Group Member, Animal Bioacoustics, Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Ad hoc Panel Member, ATOC Advisory Board Blast Injury Advisory Panel; Committee on Hearing and Bioacoustics of the National Academy of Sciences (CHABA/NAS) Small Grants Program Review Board; NIH/NIDCD Low Frequency Sound in the Marine Environment; Office of Naval Research Workshop Advisory Board, Dolphin-Tuna Fisheries Acoustic Trauma Workshop, National Marine Fisheries Service/NOAA Cultural Affairs Committee, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions 120}


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Gilman Lectureship Selection Committee, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Board of Associates; Bermuda Biological Station

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FEDERAL TESTIMONY AND BRIEFINGS 2006-2007 Dept of Justice Declaration/Testimony, LFA (July 2007) Dept of Justice Declaration/Testimony, Hawaii Exercises (Sept. 2007) Dept of Justice Declaration/Testimony, California Exercises (Sept. 2007) AUTEC Stranding response briefing and site visit review (Jan. 2007) Briefing, ADM Roughhead, CFFC (July 2007) Briefings, Asst. Sec. of the Navy Aides, LCDR Keck, CAPT Brake (Feb 2007) Briefing, Deputy Director of the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, and Naval Oceanographic Office 2006 ( Oct 2006) Briefing, Strategic Studies Group on Thursday (Nov 2007). Briefing, CAPT Tattlebach CNMOC (Dec 2006) Briefing, Naval Oceanographic Command, CAPTs Brown and Cousins (Jan 2007) 2004-2005 Briefings, Asst. Sec. of the Navy, Donald Schregardus, Acoustic Impacts Testimony and Advisory Panel on MMPA, House Armed Services Committee Testimony on MMPA, Senate Armed Services Committee Briefing, DARPA Workshop on Underwater Acoustics Research Briefing, Swedish Navy, Panel on Underwater Explosions 2001-2003 Testimony and Panel, Congressional Workshop, US. Congress House-Senate joint staff Testimony, Commerce Committee Hearing on Sonar Effects, US House of Representatives Testimony and Panel, Congressional Hearing on LFA Sonar Effects, U.S. Congressional Commerce Committee Briefings, Sec. of the Navy, Asst. Sec. Navy, SECNAV Staff, LANTFLEET, Acoustic Impacts/Acoustic Trauma 2000 Briefing, Oceanographer of the Navy Briefing, Senator Kennedy Briefing, Commander Naval Operations WHOI ACTIVITIES Committees 2004 2001-2005 2001

2000 1999-2001

Liquid Jungle Laboratory Review Committee Gender Climate Assessment Advisory Committee Mary Sears Award Committee Ocean Life Institute Proposal Review Committee Comprehensive Exam Committee (Biology Department) Faculty Search Committee (Biology Department) Women's Committee

Lectures/Presentations 2007 Spain/Galicia, Minister of the Environment Seaver Institute Saudi Arabia Minister of Education/King Faisal Technical University Ocean Science Journalism Fellows MRF Tours (3) Aquavet Lectures and Practical Sessions 2006 Natl Univ. of Singapore Collaborative Research Facility Development 8th Wonder/MOU development Arctic Commission Knight Journalism Fellows MRF facilities tours for trustees and open houses (5) 2005 Ocean Science Journalism Fellows 2004 WHOI Trustees and Guests Breakfast Series Ocean Science Journalism Fellows Naval War College 2002 WHOI Trustees Dinner and Lecture DECLARATION OF DARLENE R. KETTEN Case No. 07-04771 EDL 130}

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1998-1999 1996-1998 2001 2000 1999 1998-2001 1998 1997-2000

Biology Department Seminar US Congressional Staff and ONR Visit/Briefing ONR Director Briefing and Tour Biology Department Seminar WHOI/MIT Joint Program Alumni Tour WHOI Summer Student Fellows Lecture and Laboratory Tour Knight Fellows Lecture WHOI Trustees Lecture WHOI Associates Day of Science Lecture Naval Command College Lecture

EDITORIAL BOARDS 1995-1999 Associate Editor, Journal of Marine Mammal Science JOURNAL REVIEWS Acta Otolaryngologica American Journal of Otology Biological Bulletin Journal of the European Cetacean Society Journal of Paleontology Journal of Marine Mammal Science Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Nature PROPOSAL REVIEWS National Science Foundation, Sensory Biology National Institutes of Health, National Institutes of Deafness and Communication Disorders (NIH/NIDCD) Northeast Consortium Swiss Science Foundation German Science Foundation DEFRA ESF EDUCATION Advisees/Committees (HMS = Harvard Medical School; HST = Harvard Sciences & Technology-MIT joint program) Dates Student Name Medical Research Fellows 1993-1995 Jan Vandevenne, M.D. 1995-1996 Amin Jalaludin, M.D. Role Research Fellow Project Advisor Research Fellow Project Advisor Student Affiliation Radiology, Mass. General Hospital research fellow, HMS Otolaryngology Current Position Radiologist, Brussels, Belgium Otolaryngologic surgeon, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Otolaryngologic surgeon, McGill Hospital, Montreal, Canada Otolaryngologic surgeon, Taiwan

Jaime Rappaport, M.D.

Research Fellow Project Advisor

research fellow, HMS Otolaryngology

Shiao Jiun-Yih, M.D.

22 23 24
Undergraduate 2005, 2006

Research Fellow Project Advisor

research fellow, HMS Otolaryngology

Maya Yamato


WHOI Summer Fellow

Matriculated MITWHOI joint program 140}


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1 2 3
1995-1997 Edward Baik, M.S. M.S. Students 1993-1995 Lek Mui, M.S. M.S. Thesis Advisor HST, Biomedical Imaging

2007 M.S. awarded, 1995 Macmillan Fellow, Oxford University, Ph.D. student, HST M.S. awarded, 1997 Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratories M.S. awarded 2001 Visiting Inv., WHOI Ph.D. awarded 2000, Postdoctoral Investigator, Sea Mammal Research Unit, St. Andrews University Ph.D. awarded 1999, Postdoctoral Researcher, Ecology and Systematics, Univ. of Helsinki Ph.D. awarded 2005, Postdoctoral student, Biology Dept. WHOI, 2006. Ph.D. awarded 2004, Post-doctoral investigator, Cornell University 2005-2006, Asst. Prof. Univ. Penn Ph.D. awarded 2004 Post-doctoral Fellow, Environmental Health, B.U. School of Public Health graduate student, MIT-WHOI joint program, post-doctoral fellow WHOI Post-doctoral fellow WHOI Ph.D. awarded 2007, Post doctoral fellow Brown Univ. graduate student, MIT-WHOI joint program Assistant Professor, Univ. of N. Carolina at Wilmington Research Associate, Virginia Institute of 150}

4 5 6 7 8
1999 Sirpa Nummela, Ph.D. 1998-2001 Ph.D. Students 1998-2000 Sarah Marsh, M.S.

M.S. Thesis Advisor M.S. Thesis Advisor Ph.D. Thesis Committee member

HST, Biomedical Imaging M.S. student, MIT, Biology MIT-WHOI joint program

Patrick Miller, Ph.D.

9 10
1999-2004 Jennifer Hammock

Ph.D. candidate, Official opponent, Ph.D. Univ. of Helsinki defense, thesis committee Ph.D. Thesis Advisor Ph.D. student, MIT-WHOI joint program Ph.D. student, Biology

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2000-2005 Joanna Wilson 2000-2006 Eric Montie 1999-2004 2000-2001 Stephanie Watwood Brenda Jensen 1999-2004 Susan Parks

Committee member, thesis subproject advisor Ph.D. Thesis Comm. member Chair, Ph.D. defense

Ph.D. student, Biology Ph.D. student, Biology

Academic Ph.D. student, Comm. member Biology

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2002-2006 Regina Campbell Malone Maya Yamato

Chair, Ph.D. Thesis proposal defense Academic Comm. member Ph.D. Thesis Advisor

Ph.D. student, Biology Ph.D. student, Biology Ph.D. student, MIT-WHOI joint program Postdoctoral Scholar Postdoctoral Investigator

2007- present

Postdoctoral Students 2001-2004 Heather Koopman, Ph.D. Research Advisor 2001-2004 Soraya Bartol, Ph.D. Research Advisor


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TEACHING Courses Taught 1974-1979 1981-1984 1982-1983 1987-1988 1996-1999 Guest Students 2004-2005 Jennifer Hammock Research Advisor Postdoctoral Investigator

Marine Sciences, Asst. Prof. Virginia Wesleyan University Research Scientist, FDA, Greenbelt, MD.

Yuki Iwashina, James Cook University, graduate student (2006-2007) Maya Yamato, Princeton University, summer fellow, senior honors thesis research (2005. 2006) Louise Brooks, University of California, graduate student (2004-2005) Susannah Prahl, Kiel University, Germany, graduate student (2000-present), Klaus Lucke, Kiel University, Germany, graduate student (1998-99, 2002-2005 Pedro Frazao Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal, senior honors research thesis (1999) Paco Olliverdes, Univ. of Texas, doctoral student (1999) Itamar Tsur D.V.M.; senior Ph.D. candidate, Biology, Univ. of Tel Aviv (2000) COLLABORATIONS Marine Mammal Research Craig, James; Naval Surface Weapons Center; blast trauma Dolphin, William, Ph.D., Boston University; marine mammal evoked potentials Fish, Frank, Ph.D., West Chester University; marine mammal propulsion Hubbard, Allyn, Ph.D., Boston University; marine mammal head Finite Element Models Jepson, Paul, Ph.D., London Zoo, marine mammal Pathology. McCall, Sherman; M.D., Armed Forces Inst. of Pathology; blast trauma Mountain, David, Ph.D., Boston University; inner and middle ear Finite Element Models Nachtigall, Paul, Ph.D., University of Hawaii; marine mammal evoked potentials Nweeia, Martin, D.O., Harvard Medical School, narwhals Seibert, Ursula, DVM, Kiel University, Germany, marine mammal cranial pathology Reidenberg, Joy, Ph.D., Mt. Sinai Hospital; blast trauma Sandberg, Glenn, M.D., Armed Forces Inst. of Pathology; blast trauma Invertebrates Cohen, Anne, Ph.D., WHOI; coral structure Lavery, Andone, Ph.D., WHOI; acoustic scattering models Fishes Edds-Walton, Peggy, Ph.D., Marine Biology Laboratories; fish hearing Popper, Arthur, Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland; fish hearing Potter, John, Ph.D., University of Singapore; ocean acoustics Webb, Jacqueline, Ph.D., University of Rhode Island fish anatomy and evolution Auditory Systems and Medical Imaging Chadwick, Richard, Ph.D., NIH, cochlear models and atomic force microscopy Eddington, Donald, Ph.D., MIT, Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary; cochlear implants Nadol, J.B. Jr., M.D., Harvard Medical School, Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary; inner ear implants, pathology Skinner, Margaret, Ph.D., Washington Univ. School of Medicine; cochlear implants Svirsky, Mario, Ph.D., Indiana University; cochlear implants Wall, Conrad, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School, vestibular systems and implants Guyot, Jean-Phillipe, M.D., Hopital Universitaire de Geneve, vestibular surgical approaches

Suffolk University, Embryology, Introductory Biology, Marine Biology Towson State University, Introductory Biology, Evolutionary Biology Goucher College, Animal Behaviour Harvard University, Comparative Physiology WHOI/MBL/BUMP, joint course: Biology of Marine Mammals 160}


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WHOI, Behavior of marine animals: Physiology of Perception

Visiting Faculty Appointments/Specialty Lectures 2005 Necropsy Workshop, Australian Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, Wildlife Impacts and Protection, Dept. of the Environment and Heritage, Hobart, Tasmania and Sydney, NSW, Australia. Lecturer NOAA Fisheries Lecture Series on Ocean Acoustics Lecturer In-service Radiology lectures, MEEI Lecturer Clinical Pathology Conferences, Department of Otology and Laryngology, Harvard Medical School, MEEI Lecturer Sensory Physiology, Marine Mammal Biology, Brandeis University Faculty Pauley Foundation Workshop, Univ. of Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Lecturer Animal Behaviour and Communications Workshop University of California at Davis Faculty Acoustical Society Short Course, Marine Mammal Bioacoustics Visiting Professor Institute of Biology, Odense Universitet, Denmark Lecturer Lowell Lecture Series; New England Aquarium Guest Lecturer Neurosciences Forum, Parmley Hearing Research Institute, University of Chicago Visiting Professor Acoustical Engineering/Biology, National University of Singapore Faculty Cochlear Implant Workshop, American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery Faculty Surgical Workshop; American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Lecturer Underwater Acoustics and Low Frequency Sonar: Naval War College Guest Lecturer Sensory Neurosciences Program, Zoology Department, University of Maryland Senior Faculty Marine Forensics Workshop; National Marine Fisheries Service and Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Senior Faculty Office of Naval Research Biosonar Workshop, University of California at Santa Cruz Instructor Temporal Bone Workshop, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Instructor Acoustical Society of America, Short Course in Marine Mammal Bioacoustics Lecturer NIH Consensus Development Conference, Cochlear Implants Section Instructor Course: Cochlear Implants: The Clinical Issues, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Visiting Scientist Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Guest Lecturer Neuroradiology Grand Rounds, Barnes Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine Guest Lecturer Neuroscience Colloquium: Howard Baker Lectures, Dept. of Psychology, Florida State University Faculty 3-D Reconstruction of Temporal Bones, Satellite Course, Amer. Acad. of Otol.-Head and Neck Surgery Senior Faculty In situ sectioning of cochlear implants, Satellite Course, Amer. Acad. of Otol.-Head and Neck Surgery Visiting Scientist Neurobiology, Shoals Marine Laboratory, Cornell University Research Associate Sensory Neurobiology Program, Syracuse University Lecturer/Prosector

2004 1989-present

1987- present 2001 2000 1999





1994 1993

1992 1991

Plenary/Keynote Lectures 1998 Ketten, D.R. Man-made noise in the oceans: Irrelevant or irreparable? Plenary lecture, World Marine Mammal Conference; joint meeting, European Cetacean Society and the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Monaco. DECLARATION OF DARLENE R. KETTEN Case No. 07-04771 EDL 170}

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Ketten, D.R. Marine mammal ears: An Anatomical perspective on underwater hearing. Plenary Lecture, Acoustical Society of America, joint with International Acoustical Society, Seattle, Washington. 2002 Ketten, D.R. Structure, function, and injury: Marine vs. air-adapted ears. Plenary Lecture, Workshop on Significance of Sound Waves in the Marine Environment. Universitaet Kiel, Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westkueste, Germany. 2003 Ketten, D.R. If You've Seen One Mammal Ear, Have You Really Seen Them All? Keynote Lecture, International Conference on Communication by Animals, Acoustical Society of America, College Park, MD 2004 Ketten, D.R. Science, Strandings, and Conservation. Keynote Lecture, Workshop on Australian and New Zealand Stranding Response Efforts, Australian Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, Wildlife Impacts and Protection, Dept. of the Environment and Heritage, Sydney, NSW, Australia. 2005 Ketten, D.R. How to See What Whales Hear: Anatomical and Mathematical Modeling of Underwater Hearing. NIH-NIDCD Special Lecture. 2006 Ketten,, D.R. Lessons from strandings: hearing, underwater sound, and hearing loss. Invited paper, Seismic Activity and the Marine Environment, Seminar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2006 Ketten,, D.R: Mitigation: new directions and dead ends Invited paper, Seismic Activity and the Marine Environment, Seminar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2007 Ketten, D.R. and S. Bartol-Moehn Hearing in Sea Turtles, Invited plenary paper The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Nyborg, Denmark 2007 Ketten, D.R. Underwater Ears and the Physiology of Impacts: Comparative Liability for Hearing Loss in Sea Turtles, Birds, and Mammals, Invited plenary paper The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Nyborg, Denmark


BIBLIOGRAPHY Refereed Journal Publications 1977 Bishop, J.K.B., J.M. Edmond, D.R. Ketten, M.P. Bacon, and W.B. Silker The chemistry, biology, and vertical flux of particulate matter from the upper 400 m. of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research, 24, pp. 511-548. 1978 Bishop, J.K.B., D.R. Ketten, and J.M. Edmond The chemistry, biology, and vertical flux of particulate matter from the upper 400 m. of the Cape Basin in the S.E. Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research, 25, pp. 1121-1161. 1979 Ketten, D.R. and J.M. Edmond Gametogenesis and calcification of planktonic Foraminifera. Nature, 278, pp. 546-548. 1980 Bishop, J.K.B., R.W. Collier, D.R. Ketten, and J.M. Edmond The chemistry, biology, and vertical flux of particulate matter from the upper 1500 m. of the Panama Basin. Deep-Sea Research, 27A, pp. 615640. 1989 Graybeal, A., J.J. Rosowski, D.R. Ketten, and A.W. Crompton Inner ear structure in Morganucodon, an Early Jurassic mammal. Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc. Lon., 96, pp. 107-117. 1990 Ketten, D.R. and D. Wartzok Three-dimensional reconstructions of the dolphin ear. In: Sensory Abilities of Cetaceans: Field and Laboratory Evidence, J. Thomas and R. Kastelein (eds.), Plenum Press, Proc. NATO ASI Ser. A, Life Sci., vol. 196 pp. 81-105. 1991 Zhexi, L. and D. R. Ketten CT Scanning and computerized reconstructions of the inner ear of multituberculate mammals. J. Vert. Paleont. , 11(2): 220-228. 1992 Ketten. D.R. The Marine mammal ear: Specializations for aquatic audition and echolocation. In: The Evolutionary Biology of Hearing, D. Webster, R. Fay, and A. Popper (eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 717750. 1993 Ketten, D.R., J. Lien, and S. Todd Blast injury in humpback whale ears: Evidence and implications. J. Acous. Soc. Am., Vol. 94, no. 3, pt. 2, pp. 1849-1850. 1993 Ketten, D.R. The Cetacean Ear: Form, frequency, and evolution. In: Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, J. Thomas, R. Kastelein, and A. Supin (eds.), Plenum Press, pp. 53-75. 1993 Ketten, D.R., D.K. Odell, and D.P. Domning Structure, function, and adaptation of the manatee ear. In: Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, J. Thomas, R. Kastelein, and A. Supin (eds.), Plenum Press, pp. 77-95. 1994 Nadol, J.B., Jr., Ketten, D.R., and B. Burgess Otopathology in a case of cochlear implantation, Laryngoscope, vol. 104, no. 3, pp. 299-303. 1994 Skinner, M., Ketten, D., Vannier, M., Gates, G., Yoffie, R., and Kalender, W. Determination of the DECLARATION OF DARLENE R. KETTEN Case No. 07-04771 EDL 180}

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position of Nucleus cochlear implant electrodes in the inner ear, Am. Jour. Otol. vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 644-651. Ketten, D.R. Functional Analyses of Whale Ears: Adaptations for Underwater Hearing, I.E.E.E Underwater Acoustics, vol. 1, pp. 264 - 270. Ketten, D. R. The Role of temporal bone imaging in cochlear implants, Curr. Opn. Otol. & HN Surg., Otology-Neurotology, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 401-408. Ketten, D.R. Estimates of blast injury and acoustic trauma zones for marine mammals from underwater explosions. In: Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals, R. Kastelein, J. Thomas, and P. Nachtigall (eds.), De Spil Publishers, pp. 391-408. Todd, S., S. Stevick, J. Lien, F. Marques, and D. Ketten Behavioural effects of exposure to underwater explosions in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 74(9):16611672. Wang, G., Vannier, M., Skinner, M., Kalender, W., Polacin, A., and Ketten, D. Unwrapping cochlear implants by spiral CT, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 891-900. Mass, A.M., D. K. Odell, D.R. Ketten, and A. Ya. Supin Ganglion layer topography and retinal resolution of the Caribbean Manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris. Dokl. Akad. Nauk 355(3): 427430 [In Russian]. English translation: Doklady Biological Sciences 355: 392-394. Ketten, D.R. Structure and Function in Whale Ears, Bioacoustics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 103-136. André, M., C. Kamminga, and D. Ketten Are Low Frequency Sounds a Marine Hearing Hazard: A Case Study in the Canary Islands. Proc. of the Inst. of Acoustics, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 35-43. Ketten, D.R. Marine mammal ears: An Anatomical perspective on underwater hearing. Proc. Int. Cong. on Acoust., vol. 3, pp. 1657-1660. Ketten, D.R., Skinner, M., Wang, G., Vannier, M., Gates, and Neely, G. In vivo Measures of Cochlear Length and Insertion Depths of Nucleus® Cochlear Implant Electrode Arrays. Annals of Otology and Laryngology, vol. 107, no. 11, pp. 1-16. Nadol, J.B., Jr., J.Y. Shiao, B.J. Burgess, D.R. Ketten, D.K. Eddington, B.J. Gantz, I. Kos, P. Montandon, N.J. Coker, J.T. Roland, Jr., and J.K. Shallop Histopathology of Cochlear Implants in humans. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology. 110(9):883-91. Webb, J.F., Smith, W.L. and Ketten, The Laterophysic Connection, A Unique Swim Bladder-Lateral Line Connection in Butterflyfishes: An Evolutionary Novelty with Implications for Sensory Function. J. Morphol. 248(3): 298-299. de Muizon, C., D.P. Domning, and D.R. Ketten Odobenocetops peruvianus, the walrus-convergent delphinoid from the lower Pliocene of Peru. Smithsonian Cont. Paleobiol., no. 93:223-261. Skinner, M.W., D.R. Ketten, L.K. Holden, B.R. Whiting, K.T. Bae, L.T. Cohen, J.G. Neely, G.A. Gates, P.G. Smith, G.R. Kletzker Is there a relation between speech recognition and the position of cochlear implant electrodes in the inner ear? Seminars in Hearing, vol. 23(1):97-98. Skinner, M.W., D.R. Ketten, L.K. Holden, P.G. Smith, G.A. Gates, J.G. Neely, B. Brunsden, and B. Blocker CT Derived Estimation of Cochlear Morphology and Electrode Array Position in Relation to Word Recognition in Nucleus-22 Recipients. JARO, 03: 332-350. Mountain, D.C., Hubbard, A.E., Ketten, D.R. and O'Malley, J. The helicotrema: Measurements and models In: Biophysics of the Cochlea: from Molecules to Models. A.W. Gummer, E. Dalhoff, M. Nowotny, M. Scherer (eds.). World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 393-399. Ketten, D.R., T. Rowles, S. Cramer, J. O'Malley, J. Arruda, and P. Evans. Cranial Trauma in Beaked Whales. Proceedings of the Workshop on Active Sonar and Cetaceans, ECSN, no. 42, pp. 21-27. Ramcharitar, J.U, Deng, X., Ketten, D., and Popper, A. N. Form and Function in the Unique Inner Ear of a Teleost: The Silver Perch (Bairdiella chrysoura). J. Comparative Neurology, 475(4), pp. 531-539. Ketten, D.R. Marine Mammal Auditory Systems: A Summary of Audiometric and Anatomical Data and Implications for Underwater Acoustic Impacts. Polarforschung, 72. Jahrgung, Nr. 2/3, pp. 79-92. Horowitz, S., Smmons, A.M., and Ketten, D.R Optical and tomographic imaging of a middle ear malformation in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), Jour. Acous. Soc. of Amer., Vol. 118, No. 2, pp. 1166­ 1171, August 2005 Cox, T.M., T.J. Ragen, A.J. Read, E. Vos, R.W. Baird, K. Balcomb, J. Barlow, J. Caldwell, T. Cranford, L. Crum, A. D'Amico, G. D'Spain, A. Fernández, J. Finneran, R. Gentry, W. Gerth, F. Gulland, J. Hildebrand, D. Houser, T. Hullar, P.D. Jepson, D. Ketten, C.D. MacLeod, P. Miller, S. Moore, D. Mountain, D. Palka, P. Ponganis, S. Rommel, T. Rowles, B. Taylor, P. Tyack, D. Wartzok, R. Gisiner, J. Mead, L. Benner. Understanding the Impacts of Anthropogenic Sound on Beaked Whales, Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, vol. 7(3), pp. 177-187. 190}


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2006 2006

2006 2007

2007 2007

Miller, B.S., Zosuls, A.L., Ketten, D.R.and Mountain, D.A. Middle ear stiffness of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus ) IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 31(1), pp. 87-94 Koopman, H.N., S.M. Budge, D.R. Ketten, and S.J. Iverson. The topographical distribution of lipids inside the mandibular fat bodies of odontocetes: Remarkable complexity and consistency. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 31(1), pp. 95-106. Webb, J.F., Smith, W.L., Ketten, D.R. The laterophysic connection and swim bladder in butterflyfishes in the genus Chaetodon (Perciformes: Chaetodontidae). Journal of Morphology. 267:1338­1355. Montie, E, Schneider, G., Ketten, D., Marino, L., Touhey, K., and Hahn, M. Neuroanatomy of the subadult and fetal brain of the Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) from in situ magnetic resonance images. The Anatomical Recor]. Parks, S. E., Ketten, D. R,, O'Malley, J.T., and J. Arruda. Anatomical Predictions of Hearing in the North Atlantic Right Whale The Anatomical Record. 290:734­744 Fish, F.E., Beneski, J.T., and D.R. Ketten Examination of the Three-Dimensional Geometry of Cetacean Flukes Using Computed Tomography Scans: Hydrodynamic Implications. The Anatomical Record. 290:614­623.

In Press 2007 Webb, J.F., Shearman, E., Walsh, R.. Ketten, D.R., and Herman, J.L. Inner Ear and Swim Bladder Morphology Associated with a Novel Sensory Specialization in Chaetodontid Fishes. Comp. Integr. Biol. (in press). 2007 Popper, A.N. and D.R. Ketten, Underwater Hearing. In: Handbook of the Senses, Elsevier Press, Oxford, England (in press) 2007 Chadwick, R.S, Manoussaki, D., Dimitriadis, E.K., Shoelson, B., Ketten, D.R., Arruda, J., O'Malley, J.T. Cochlear coiling and low-frequency hearing. (Passive and Active Structural Acoustic Filtering in Cochlear Mechanics, in press) 2007 Southall, BL, AE Bowles, WT Ellison, JJ Finneran, RL Gentry, CR Greene Jr., D Kastak, DR Ketten, JH Miller, PE Nachtigall, WJ Richardson, JA Thomas, and PL Tyack. Recommendations Marine Mammal Noise Exposure Criteria: Initial Scientific, 276 pp. (Aquatic Mammals, in press) 2007 Montie, E, Schneider, G., Ketten, D., Marino, L., Touhey, K., and Hahn, M Volumetric Neuroimaging of the Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin (Submitted) Book Chapters/Technical Reports 1996 Ketten, D.R. Estimates of Explosive Impacts on Marine Mammals. Report to East Coast Ecosystems, Government of Canada, Canadian Office of Naval Operations. 1997 Ketten, D.R. Assessments and Calculations of Acoustic Impacts from Subsurface Blasts. NMFS and Mass. Water Resources Authority Report. 1998 Ketten, D.R. Marine mammal Hearing and Acoustic Trauma: Basic Mechanisms, Marine Adaptations, and Beaked Whale Anomalies. In: Report of the Bioacoustics Panel, NATO/SACLANT, A. D'Amico and W. Verboom (eds.), pp. 2/21, 2/63-78. 1998 Ketten, D.R. Marine Mammal Auditory Systems: A Summary of Audiometric and Anatomical Data and Its Implications for Underwater Acoustic Impacts. NOAA Tech. Memor. NMFS, NOAA-TM-NMFSSWFSC-256, 74 pp. 1999 Wartzok, D. and D.R. Ketten Marine Mammal Sensory Systems. In: Biology of Marine Mammals. J. Reynolds and S. Rommel (eds.), Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 117-175 1999 Popper, A., Ketten, D.R., Dooling, R., Yost, W., Brill, R., Ridgway, S., and Shusterman, R. Effects of Anthropogenic Sounds on Hearing in Marine Animals. ONR Tech. Rpt., pp. 52-89. 2000 Ketten, D.R. Cetacean Ears. In: Hearing by Whales and Dolphins. W. Au, R. Fay, and A. Popper (eds.), SHAR Series for Auditory Research, Springer-Verlag, pp. 43-108. 2003 Committee on Potential Impacts of Ambient Noise in the Ocean on Marine Mammals, Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals. National Research Council, 204 pages. 2004 International Whaling Commission,Scientific Committee Report Annex K: Report of the Standing Working Group on Environmental Concerns, Marine Mammal Hearing and Evidence for Hearing Loss,Appendix 4 (pp 27-31). 2005 Norman, S.A., S. Raverty, B. McLellan, A. Pabst, D.R. Ketten, M. Fleetwood, J.K. Gaydos, B. Norberg, L. Barre, T. Cox, B. Hanson, and S. Jeffries Multidisciplinary Investigation of Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Stranded in Washington State from 2 May ­ 2 June 2003 Coinciding with the MidRange Sonar Exercises of the USS SHOUP. NOAA Northwest Fisheries. U.S. Department of Commerce, DECLARATION OF DARLENE R. KETTEN Case No. 07-04771 EDL 200}

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWR-34. Ketten, D.R. Beaked Whale Necropsy Findings for Strandings in the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and Madeira, 1999-2002 , Woods Hole Oceanonographic Institution Technical Publication WHOI-2005-09. 36 pp. Ketten, D.R. , I. Fischer, S. Cramer, S.M. Bartol, and J. OMalley Water, Fats, and Acoustic Impedance: Soft tissue adaptations for underwater hearing in turtles, seabirds and marine mammals. 23rd International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Living with Sea Turtles, NOAA Technical Report, p. 162. Arruda, J., Costidis, A., Cramer, S., Ketten, D.R., McLellan, W., Montie, E.W., Moore, M., and Rommel, S., Odontocete salvage, necropsy, ear extraction, and imaging protocols. Young, N. (ed) A ONR/NOAFisheries, 157 pp.

Theses 1979 Ketten, D.R. Development of Planktonic Foraminifera: Oceanic Distributions and Growth in Culture. M.S. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 128 pp. 1984 Ketten, D.R. Correlations of Morphology with Frequency for Odontocete Cochlea: Systematics and Topology. Ph.D. thesis, The Johns Hopkins University, 335 pp. Short Communications: Refereed Meetings 1975 Bishop, J.K.B., J.M. Edmond, D.R. Ketten, M. Bacon, and W. Silker The chemistry of particulate matter collected by large volume in-situ filtration of the surface 400 m. at 2'N, 9'W in the Atlantic Ocean. American Geophysical Union. 1975 Bishop, J.K.B., J.M. Edmond, and D.R. Ketten The chemistry and vertical flux of particulate matter collected by large volume in situ filtration of the surface 400 m. at stations in the S.E. Atlantic Ocean. Amer. Geophys. Union. 1979 Ketten, D.R., J.K.B. Bishop, and J.M. Edmond Reproductive stages of planktonic Foraminifera in culture and open ocean. Amer. Geophys. Union. 1979 Ketten, D.R., J.M. Edmond, and B. Grant Correlations of plankton distributions in the Amazon estuary with salinity, silicate, and particulate concentrations. Amer. Geophys. Union. 1981 Ketten, D.R. and D. Wartzok Comparative anatomy of the peripheral auditory system of odontocetes. Fourth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. 1983 Ketten, D.R., D. Shirazian, and D. Wartzok Nematode infestations of the acoustic sinuses of Phocoena. Fifth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. 1983 Ketten, D.R., F. Starr, and D. Wartzok Comparative cochlear morphology of odontocetes. Fifth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. 1983 Ketten. D.R., F. Starr, and D. Wartzok Comparative cochlear morphology in echolocating cetaceans. Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., S1. 1983 Ketten, D.R., E. May, D. Meyers, and D. Wartzok Histological analyses of stranded cetacean cochlea. Fifth Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals. 1988 Rosowski, J.J., D.R. Ketten, and W.T. Peake Allometric correlations of middle-ear structure in one species, the alligator lizard. Assoc. Rsch. Otolaryn. 1989 Northrup, C. , D.R. Ketten, and R. Eavey A Consistent mesenchymal fold in the newborn middle ear. Conference on the Eustachian Tube and Middle Ear Disease, Geneva, Switzerland. 1990 Ketten. D.R., J. B. Nadol, Jr., and B.J. Burgess In situ sectioning of multiple electrode implants: Techniques for histology, morphometry, and reconstruction. Second International Cochlear Implant Symposium. 1990 Ketten, D.R. and J. B. Nadol, Jr. Imaging and Temporal Bone Diagnostics in Cochlear Implantation. Second International Cochlear Implant Symposium, Iowa City, Iowa. 1990 Ketten, D.R., A. Weber, and J.B. Nadol, Jr. Enhanced CT techniques for temporal bone diagnostics in cochlear implantation. 76th Scientific Assembly, Radiological Society of North America. 1991 Ketten. D.R., J. B. Nadol, Jr., and B.J. Burgess Short-term effects of multiple electrode implants. Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 1992 Nadol, J. B., Jr., Ketten. D.R., and B.J. Burgess Histopathology of the Spiral Ganglion Following Shortterm Cochlear Implantation, Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 1993 Ketten, D.R. and D.K. Odell Anatomical evidence for poor sound localization in manatees, Association for Research in Otolaryngology. DECLARATION OF DARLENE R. KETTEN Case No. 07-04771 EDL 210}

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Ketten, D.R., J. Vandevenne, and J.B. Nadol, Jr. Differences in post-meningitis occlusions of the inner ear in children vs. adults. Third International Cochlear Implant Conference, Innsbruck, Austria. Ketten, D.R., J.B. Nadol, Jr., and S.D. Rauch In vivo measures of post-meningitic inner ear occlusions in children vs. adults, Amer. Acad. of Otol.-Head and Neck Surg.. Ketten, D.R. 3-D Reconstruction of Temporal Bones, Satellite Course, Amer. Acad. of Otol.-Head and Neck Surg.. Ketten, D.R. In situ sectioning of cochlear implants, Satellite Course, Amer. Acad. of Otol.-Head and Neck Surg.. Ketten, D.R., D.K. Odell, and D.R. Domning An Anatomical model of manatee hearing, Tenth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Ketten, D.R. Whale ears: Structural analyses and implications for acoustic trauma. J. Acous. Soc. Am., Vol. 96, no. 5, pt. 2, pp. 3269-3270. Tzinas, G., D.R. Ketten, H. Krum, R. Cooper, P. Sylvia, S. Belle and L. Kaufman A preliminary study of pathologies associated with the maintenance of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in captivity, 25th Annual IAAAM Conference. Matassa, K., G. Early, D.R. Ketten, B. Wyman, H. Krum, R. Cooper, G. Tzinas and R. Prescott Frequencies of live Atlantic Ridley (Lepidochelys kempi) and Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtle strandings in the Northeast Stranding Network region; associated clinical techniques and pathologies, 25th Annual IAAAM Conference. Ketten, D.R., M.W. Skinner, M.W. Vannier, and G. Wang In vivo measures of patient cochlear anatomy and electrode placement, 4th International Cochlear Implant Symposium, Melbourne, Australia. Ketten, D.R., S. Ridgway, and G. Early Apocalyptic Hearing: Aging, Injury, Disease, and Noise in Marine Mammal Ears. Eleventh Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Ketten, D.R. The Cetacean Ear: Adaptations for Infra to Ultrasonic Underwater Hearing, International Congress on Secondary Adaptation to Life in Water, Poitiers, France. Roitblat, H.L., D. R. Ketten, W.W.L. Au, and P.E. Nachtigall A Computational model of the early stages of dolphin hearing, Joint Meeting, Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, J. Acous. Soc. Am., p. 2643. Meng, J., J. Shoshani, and D. Ketten Evolutionary Evidence for Infrasonic Sound and Hearing in Elephants, Society for Vertebrate Paleontology. André, M., C. Kamminga, and D. Ketten Are Low Frequency Sounds a Marine Hearing Hazard: A Case Study in the Canary Islands. Underwater Bio-Sonar and Bioacoustics Symposium, Loughborough University, England. Ketten, D.R., Dolphin, W.F., Chittick, E.J., Krum, H.N., and Merigo, C. In vivo imaging correlated with otoacoustic emissions as a metric for ear disease in seals, World Marine Mammal Conference; joint meeting., European Cetacean Society and the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Monaco. Ketten, D.R. Dolphin and Bat Sonar: Convergence, Divergence, or Parallelism. Fourth International Biosonar Conference, Algarve, Portugal. Brill, R.L., P. W. B. Moore, L. A. Dankiewicz, and D.R. Ketten Specialized sound sites in the dolphin's peripheral hearing system. Fourth International Biosonar Conference, Algarve, Portugal. Ketten, D.R. and J. R. Potter Anthropogenic ocean noise: Can we quantify the impact? joint meeting, Acoustical Society of America/European Acoustics Association. Ketten, D.R. Water, Fat, and Acoustic Impedance Matching: Soft Tissues Adaptations for Underwater Hearing in Turtles, Seabirds, and Marine Mammals. 1st International Conference on Sensory Processing of the Aquatic Environment, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marsh, S. E., J. Hammock, D. R. Ketten, and Frazao, P., Morphometric analyses of ears in two families of pinnipeds, Twelfth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Ketten, D.R., Krum, H.N., Chittick, E.J., Merigo, C., and Gulland, F. Acoustic Fatheads: Soft Tissue Adaptations for Underwater Hearing. Twelfth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Webb, J.F., Smith, W.L. and Ketten, D.R. CT (Computerized Tomography) provides new views of the swimbladder in butterflyfishes (Chaetodon) with a novel specialization of the mechanosensory lateral line system. Amer. Zool. Soc., Amer. Zool. 39: 16A Ketten, D.R., J.Y. Shiao, and J.B. Nadol, Jr. In vivo Imaging of Cochlear Implants: Spiral Ganglion Populations vs. Electrode Penetration Depths. Assoc. for Rsch. in Otolaryngology. Ketten, D.R., W. Dolphin, A. Quick, S. Mumford, E. Chittick, and E. F. Melvin Parallel evolution of underwater sound reception mechanisms in dolphins, seals, turtles, and sea birds. Assoc. for Rsch. in Otolaryngology. 220}


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Webb, J.F., Smith, W.L. and Ketten, D.R. The Laterophysic Connection, A Unique Swim BladderLateral Line Connection in Butterflyfishes: Morphological Variation and Putative Sensory Function. International Congress of Neuroethology, Bonn, Germany. Reidenberg, J.S., D.R. Ketten, S. Marquez, and J.T. Laitman Is there a clinical price in deviating from the norm? An investigation of structural and functional asymmetry in the upper respiratory tract. Assoc.