Free Waiver of Service Executed - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 566.7 kB
Pages: 2
Date: July 11, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,441 Words, 9,725 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 1:04-cv—00954—SLR Document 55 Filed 07/11/2005 Page1 of2
I i I acknowledge receipt ofthe request that t can waive service o t` summons in thc matter ot`
(IA. No.(I4-954 in the Linited States District ot` Delaware. I have also received a copy ot`the
Ctiliipiililli ll`| ii`lC IIC-li()l`l.. i\\’O COIUCS Oi.i.iiliS ibl`lU. il COIIY {)i_liIC ()l'(iCl` Oiililtl COLIN Lllll.iIOI`lZil1Q
service and a means by which t can return the signed waiver without cost to inc.
i E1gl`CC to SLIVC ti`lC cost Oi`SCl'\’iCC ol`a S|.lli`ll`l`tUI`tS lIl"l(i ill`! il(i(iiil()`|Iili COl)_`)’ Oiiiiitf CUI`lll}illil`ll
in this lawsuit by not requiring that l be served with judicial process in the manner provided by
Rule 4. l will retain all defenses or objections to the lawsuit or to tliejurisdietion or venue ottltc
Court, except for objections based on a detect in the summons or in the service ol` the summons.
I understand that ajudgetncnt may be entered against the party on whose hehaltl um
cting it`a response is not served and tiled within 60 days after: Mav 4. 2005.
i as/by ié -26/at
'-_ ' »-·T"" ` i .
Signatur t`D Printed or Typed i`· ne
Rule 4 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure requires certain parties to cooperate in saving
unnecessary cost ofservice ofthe summons and the complaint. A dcfentlant located in the
United States, who., after being notified ofau action and asked to waive service ofsumnions
on beltalfof a plaintiff` located in the US, fails to do so will be required to bear the cost ot'
such service unless good cause he shown for that det`endant's failure to sign and return the
lt is not good cause for a tiiilure to waive service that a party believes that the complaint is _
unt"ounded. or that the action has been brought in an improper place or in a court that lacks
_iurisdiction over the subject matter ofthe action or over detendant's person or property. A
defendant who waives service otsununons retains all defenses and objections. except any
relating to the summons or the service ofsummons, and may later object to thc_iurisdiction ot` the
Court or to the place to where the action has been brought. ‘ V
A defendant who waives service must within the time specitied on the "Return ol"Waiver"
tortn served on plaintitt`. it`unrepresented or on ptaintit`t`s attorney, it response to the tTonipl;tint
and mttst also tile a signed copy ot`the response with the (`ourt. lt`the answer or at motion is not
@rvetl within this time. a delattlt may be t:ii<¥it°rt.s%@gpgg,.t|i:tt Hy t@t‘ing
@rvice. ;s i& atllou ed n to ttnstver ;tt·t§@l}
>Cl`\·'Uti \‘» lCL}llC5l iititl \\’1ll\`t.3l` Oi`SCl'\"l(LC \\’iIS l`CCL‘i\`LJti.
13;; f‘ "}

Case 1:04-cv—00954—SLR Document 55 ned- /11/2005 Pa e 2 of 2
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