Free Subpoena Returned Executed - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 292.8 kB
Pages: 5
Date: April 10, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 693 Words, 4,388 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Preview Subpoena Returned Executed - District Court of Delaware
Case 1:04-cv-00960-SLR

Document 112

Filed 04/10/2006

Page 1 of 5

Case 1:04-cv-00960-SLR

Document 112

Filed 04/10/2006

Page 2 of 5


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Centra Case 1:04-cv-00960-SLRl


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(SERVICEBY PRIVATE PROCESS$ER\ruR) Centrel Vlryinir Prmccs$erverc' LL'C.
I, the underslgned
Alan Jrcknon

In the UnitcdStrtcrDtutdctCourt Ersten Dbtrict of Vlryinle

do hCarbycgrytfy that I am over elghtem ytars of age md an not s patty to

and matterin Gontrovfi8y' findlr attest: intorosEd the zubjcct in or sthsrwise Thgron lngnlftl at , At l0:Z! AM , I servd the Regtrhrcd Agentfor, GE IAFruC AUJOMATION

At 4?01 Cox Rord, $ulte 301, Glen Allen, Vlrglnte 231160 Thc aTaChCd: USDCSUBPOENAIN A CIYIL CASE

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GEF{-NPE AVreMATIqN*MGLawftll sarvisc was madeinthe followitrg mfimff:

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$ervice: Fcrsonal Agcnt Rcgistcred Chrlrtopher Ssvar (Authorbed to Acccpt) CT Ccrporetbn Syrteut

Beiug urrableto mske PerEonalSrvice, I copy urm delivered in the following tawfirll manner: n or Dolivered to E porsonfound in charge of tlre urrul plece of br-rsiness employmentdrrring hours and having given information of ifs putport to:


overfto agnof 16,atthe usualplace mjourneror guest, not O Dolivcred a frnily memberr, f, tcrnporury
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tn postcd, Sacrrrcd Affixcd a Ttu Copyof the dmumen{s)to thc tont doorqr othersuchentemneffi EpPEsrs be themain thcrcatpcrEon suitable utd discrEtion agc of or to Deponrnt rrnablcwith DueDilligence frndservec a was cntg.snsc. ofthc Conmonwcotfr. onthe Sccretary Servcd

Addltlonal Info:

Pt'oco$s Server Alan Jackson of In theConxno1weclth Virginia , In the Countyof Chesbcrfisld, 30tlt 200? ExpirerScpt+rnbet, mc gp fris 3n9ll0{H My Conuniseion

@ CeotrelVlrginis Prmfr Senterr'LLC. 2437KrorsridgeRord Vlrylnla 23lild Rlchmond, Fsr (ttl4) 21d*4.456 Tet (s{t4)27693t1

Centrsl o O E 1:04-cv-00960-SLR H P r 0 i + eCase l l : 4 9 H 1 ' l


Pro Document 112 - c = g = Filed 04/10/2006

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Page 4 of 5


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Case 1:04-cv-00960-SLR

Document 112

Filed 04/10/2006

Page 5 of 5

IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE J-SQUARED TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Canadian corporation, and J-SQUARE TECHNOLOGIES (OREGON) INC., an Oregon corporation, Plaintiffs, v. MOTOROLA, INC., a Delaware corporation. Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

C.A. No. 04-CV-960-SLR

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, William W. Bowser, Esquire, hereby certify that on this 10th day of April 2006, I electronically filed a true and correct copy of the foregoing Subpoena in a Civil Case with the Clerk of the Court using CM/ECF, which will send notification that such filing is available for viewing and downloading to the following counsel of record: David Allan Felice Cozen O'Connor Chase Manhattan Centre, 1201 North Market, Suite 1400 Wilmington, DE 19801 I further certify that on this 10th day of March 2006, I mailed by United States Postal Service the foregoing Subpoena in a Civil Case to the following nonregistered participant: Kevin F. Berry Cozen O'Connor 1900 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 YOUNG CONAWAY STARGATT & TAYLOR, LLP /s/ William W. Bowser William W. Bowser, Esquire (Bar I.D. 2239) 1000 West Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801 Telephone: (302) 571-6601 Facsimile: (302) 576-3282 Email: [email protected]

