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Case 1:04-cr-00103-REB

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NORMAN SCHMIDT, GEORGE ALAN WEED, CHARLES LEWIS, MICHAEL D. SMITH, Defendants. _______________________________________________________________ REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT TRIAL TO JURY - VOLUME XXIX _______________________________________________________________ Proceedings before the HONORABLE ROBERT E. BLACKBURN, Judge, United States District Court for the District of Colorado, commencing at 4:05 p.m., on the 17th day of May, 2007, in Courtroom A701, Alfred A. Arraj United States Courthouse, 901 19th Street, Denver, Colorado. APPEARANCES WYATT B. ANGELO, MATTHEW KIRSCH, Assistant United States Attorneys, 1225 Seventeenth Street, #700, Denver, Colorado, appearing for the Government. Suzanne M. Claar, Official Reporter 901 19th St. Denver, Colorado, 80294-3589 (303)825-8874 PROCEEDINGS REPORTED BY MECHANICAL STENOGRAPHY TRANSCRIPTION PRODUCED BY COMPUTER

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APPEARANCES (Continued) PETER R. BORNSTEIN, 1600 Broadway, #2350, Denver, Colorado, THOMAS J. HAMMOND, 1544 Race Street, Denver, Colorado, appearing with Defendant Schmidt. THOMAS E. GOODREID, 1801 Broadway, #1100, Denver, Colorado, appearing with Defendant Weed. RONALD GAINOR, 6414 Fairways Drive, Longmont, Colorado, appearing with Defendant Lewis. DECLAN J. O'DONNELL, 777 Fifth Street, Castle Rock, Colorado, RICHARD N. STUCKEY, 2150 West 29th Avenue, #500, Denver, Colorado, appearing with Defendant Smith.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 seated.

P R O C E E D I N G S (Proceedings resumed at 4:05 p.m.) THE COURT: Thank you, and good afternoon. Please be

To the parties and counsel, good afternoon. MR. BORNSTEIN: THE COURT: Good afternoon, your Honor.

We convene on the record in open court

deliberately outside the presence and hearing of the jury, who are ensconced and sequestered in the jury deliberation suite embroiled in deliberations. We have received a second question or interrogatory from the jury. Copies of that question have been served on all

counsel for the parties in this matter. Again, two questions are implicated immediately. No. 1, should we answer the question propounded by the jury, and No. 2, if so, how. Let me canvass the parties as to the first question. Should we answer this question. MR. ANGELO: The government.

The government believes the court should

answer the question, your Honor. THE COURT: Mr. Schmidt. Excuse us, your Honor, if we could have


a moment or pass us for somebody else. THE COURT: Mr. Weed. I would similarly request a moment, your


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Honor. THE COURT: MR. GAINOR: Mr. Lewis. Your Honor, I am almost there but I would

also respectfully request another moment. THE COURT: Mr. Smith. MR. STUCKEY: heard him. THE COURT: He needs more time. Do you need more time? Yes. We agree with Mr. Goodreid, if I You need a smaller moment. All right.

Do you need more time than he does? MR. STUCKEY: THE COURT: We think you should answer. Mr. Schmidt's position.

All right.


Our position is that either you don't

answer at all or you simply say that you have sufficient instructions already to decide this matter. any further instructions. THE COURT: question. Mr. Weed. I would join Mr. Bornstein's response, The answer is yes, I should answer the And you don't need


Mr. Lewis. I think the court should answer the

How should we answer the question.


government's position, please.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Honor. Honor.


Your Honor, the government's position is Yes, period. You

that the answer should read as follows:

should refer specifically to Instruction No. 42 and generally to all of the instructions. THE COURT: the question. I know how Mr. Schmidt proposes to answer

Mr. Weed. Your Honor, I have discussed this with


counsel for Mr. Lewis, and I am going to join his position as I understand he is going to subsequently articulate it. THE COURT: MR. GAINOR: Mr. Lewis. Let me make sure I get this right, your If

We would ask that the jury be instructed as follows:

the basis for an acquittal on Count 1 the conspiracy charge is a -- is either a lack of knowledge or lack of intent proven beyond a reasonable doubt by the government, then you should be consistent in your ruling and make the same finding for the other counts. THE COURT: Mr. Smith. We join in Mr. Gainor's suggestion, your



Madam clerk, if you will circulate the

court's proposed answer, please. MR. HAMMOND: THE COURT: Thank you.

You will find it is my practice to start as That will either answer the jury's

general as I possibly can.

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question or provoke another more specific and refined question. And that's why I respectfully reject Mr. Gainor's proposed response, because in my view it presumes too much too soon about the complexity vel non of the jury's inquiry. The court's response is essentially, please review Instruction No. 42. no. It doesn't even answer the question yes or

It directs them to what I believe to be the appropriate and

propitious instruction. And then it instructs them again that the response is in no way intended to replace any jury instruction, and it reminds them that this instruction should be read and considered together with all other jury instructions. So, having conferred with counsel, it is the court's position, and thus order, that I shall respond to the second question propounded by this jury in the manner proposed by the court. Therefore, madam clerk, you are now authorized and directed to deliver to the bailiff for delivery to the jury the court's response to their second question. THE COURTROOM DEPUTY: THE COURT: Yes, your Honor.

Mr. Bornstein. In that light, your Honor, the record


should reflect that Mr. Schmidt objects to the court's instruction. THE COURT: I presumed that from your proposed

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response. MR. BORNSTEIN: I appreciate that. I just think to be

clear, I needed to just make that simple statement. THE COURT: MR. GAINOR: Instruction 42 is. THE COURT: Certainly. Mr. Gainor.

Your Honor, I don't recall what

I apologize. But what you have just learned is that you

should never be without your copy of the jury instructions and verdict forms. MR. GAINOR: THE COURT: That won't happen again. And I assume hereafter you will not. A separate crime is

Instruction No. 42 reads as follows:

charged against one or more of the defendants now on trial in each count of the indictment. evidence, and so forth. I skip to paragraph 3, which is particularly relevant in the court's view. Your verdict as to any one defendant or You must consider separately the

count, whether it is guilty or not guilty, should not influence your verdict as to any other defendants or counts, except as described in Instruction No. 28. of Instruction No. 42. MR. GAINOR: THE COURT: Thank you, your Honor. You are welcome. That is the meat and substance

Very well, pending further proceedings we are in recess until 4:45 p.m. Thank you.

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(Recess at 4:10 p.m., until 4:45 p.m.) THE COURT: Thank you, and again please be seated.

Again, counsel, and the parties, good afternoon. MR. ANGELO: THE COURT: Good afternoon, Judge. Late on a Thursday afternoon, I propose

that we escort the jury into the courtroom and jury box, suspend their deliberations until Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. Any objection by the government? MR. ANGELO: THE COURT: None, your Honor. Or by any one or more of the defendants?

Hearing none, we shall proceed now on that basis. Accordingly, madam clerk, if you would please escort the jury into the courtroom and jury box. THE COURTROOM DEPUTY: (Jury in at 4:50 p.m.) THE COURT: All rise for the jury, please. Good afternoon, And thank you.

Yes, your Honor.

Thank you, and please be seated. ladies and gentlemen of the jury. THE JURY: THE COURT: Good afternoon.

This brings us to a conclusion of this day I am going to

of trial and your deliberations in this case.

place you in a state of recess until Monday, that's May 21, at 8:30 a.m., at which time I respectfully request and require that you return and report for further duty and deliberations in the trial of this case.

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But let me inquire.

Is that unreasonable or

unreasonably inconvenient for any one or more of you? Very well. We shall proceed on that basis. You have

heard me say many times, you know the drill and you do, but importantly, in preparation for this extended weekend recess in your deliberations, please store and leave behind in your jury deliberation suite your note-taking materials, and of course, the originals and copies of jury instructions and general and Special Verdict Forms. And then, of course, please again read and heed the critically important rules, especially now, that continue to govern your deportment, conduct, and communication as jurors in the trial of this case. Once again, you may not discuss this case, this trial, these parties, this issue, this evidence with anyone, period. Make no effort, stay away from dictionaries, stay away from any books or magazines, or any self-help articles, stay off of the Internet and stay out of your computers. You must not do

anything to educate or background yourselves any further about this case or trial in any way factually, legally, or otherwise. Stay away from Uncle Fred the kibitzer. This is no You

time for friendly advice about he or what she might do.

must avoid those circumstances absolutely without qualification and condition. Again, you must not visit or inspect, or attempt to

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visit or inspect, any of the places or scenes, some of them very interesting during the course of these trial proceedings, by any means, again through your personal computer or the Internet. Avoid contact or communication with any of us, myself, the lawyers, these men on trial, witnesses, advisory witnesses, and court personnel, with the continuing exception of Mrs. Kramer, who continues to serve as one of your bailiffs in the trial of this case. And again you must suspend all deliberations concerning this case until you are all together in that jury room bright and early on Monday morning, May 21. Now, again, if you encounter compromising circumstances, remember the two seminal rules; get out of that place, that situation, that TV program, that newspaper, that magazine, stat, which is Latin for statim, which means instantly. And then No. 2, report any such circumstance as soon

as practicable either to Mrs. Kramer or directly to me. With those critically important matters in place and in mind, as concerns you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you are in recess until Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. Good evening.

All rise pending the exit of this jury. (Jury out at 4:55 p.m.) THE COURT: Please be seated as we proceed deliberately

outside the presence and hearing of these jurors. Very well. Unless verdicts are sooner received, we

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shall proceed on the record in open court this Monday, May 21, at 4:45 p.m. Pending further proceedings in the trial of this case, we are in recess. Good evening.

(Proceedings adjourned at 4:55 p.m.)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 20 21 22 23 24 Offered 536 540 542 545 548 Item Volume IV OPENING STATEMENTS By Mr. Angelo By Mr. Hammond By Mr. Goodreid By Mr. Gainor By Mr. O'Donnell WITNESSES Boyd Brown


484 499 506 520 524

Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Received 537 540 542 545 548 Refused Reserved

533 568 572 575 577 584


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 25 26 26 27 28 29 Volume V WITNESSES

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 549 555 556 559 563 566 559 564 566 Received 549 556 555 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Joseph Roy Christian Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Scott Bailey Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo 683 713 727 599 633 645 651 652 681

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WITNESSES Andrew Wragg Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Lawrence Forgione Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Gordon Hulbert Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Sandra Woodbury Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 70 71 73 Offered 615 622 626 Received 615 622 627 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 842 848 862 765 810 818 820 821 838 743 755 729 737 738 740

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 1 2 3 5 4 40 41 42 43 44 47 46 45 48 49 50 51 52 12030 87

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 696 700 703 706 707 769 773 775 780 782 786 788 790 793 795 795 800 803 841 853 854 706 707 769 774 776 780 782 786 788 791 793 795 797 800 804 Received 696 701 704 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 68 18 6 Volume VI WITNESSES Jerry Landsman

DEFENDANT WEED'S EXHIBITS Offered 717 721 857 Received 717 722 857 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Gary Bell Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch

882 911 918 919 935 937

940 986 994 996 1000 1023

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WITNESSES Mary Gough Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Kenneth Podeschi Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch John Hyland Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 12030 60 61 62 64 Offered 874 891 901 904 908 891 902 904 908 Received Refused Reserved Withdrawn 1117 1142 1147 1154 1093 1107 1112 1113 1115 1028 1057 1063 1064 1089

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 63 100 101 102 102 104 103 105 130 131 132 134 136 86 180 181 12023 140 140 140 141 143 144

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 910 949 957 963 967 973 974 977 1032 1038 1040 1044 1048 1090 1095 1098 1102 1120 1122 1124 1129 1135 1137 1130 1136 1137 1096 1098 1102 1125 1121 1123 979 1034 1039 1041 1044 1049 1091 973 975 Received 910 951 958 969 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 146 Volume VII WITNESSES

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 1140 Received 1140 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Michael Brudwick Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Cynthia Lange Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Warren Peterson Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Thomas Sindelar Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Linden Markham Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo 1320 1281 1298 1306 1310 1315 1240 1268 1272 1279 1198 1227 1230 1179 1193

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JUROR No. 7 ISSUE JUROR No. 7 ISSUE GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 12022 150 151 152 12025 - 12027 12002 - 12004 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 3 12001 12005 200 201 Offered 1177 1183 1184 1186 1189 1196 1201 1201 1202 1203 1203 1204 1211 1214 1216 1217 1221 1226 1239 1239 1245 1248 Received 1178 1183 1185 1186 1192 1196 1201 1202 1202 1203 1203 1204 1211 1214 1216 1217 1222 1226 1239 1239 1245 1248 Refused

1167 1337 Reserved Withdrawn

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 202 202 203 204 206 205, p.1 210 211 12024 212 214 213 Volume VIII

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 1252 1255 1261 1262 1266 1267 1286 1288 1290 1292 1293 1296 1261 1262 1266 1267 1286 1288 1290 1292 1293 1297 Received 1255 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 1253

JUROR NO. 3 ISSUE GIGLIO DOCUMENT PRODUCTION Volume IX WITNESSES Linden Markham Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Recross-examination By Mr. Bornstein

1357 1373

1397 1437 1458 1464 1472 1474

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WITNESSES Wendy Delaney Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Donna Walker Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Tammie Goulet Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch COURT'S RULING ON GIGLIO ISSUE GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 220 221 222 223 223 225 226 Offered 1400 1409 1415 1415 1418 1422 1426 1423 1429 1417 1419 Received 1400 1409 1423 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 1394 1583 1628 1653 1655 1578 1477 1528 1548 1559 1560 1573

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 227 223 231 230 236 232 233 234 235 237 237 238 239 240 241 290 330 2018 510

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 1433 1475 1493 1495 1498 1501 1505 1508 1508 1493 1496 1499 1501 1505 1508 1509 1511 1511 1513 1518 1520 1522 1580 1596 1599 1608 1517 1518 1520 1522 1580 1596 1599 1609 Received Refused 1434 1476 Reserved Withdrawn

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Volume X WITNESSES Donald Hoener Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch David Trotter Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Carol Hendrikson Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Val Bough Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo 1841 1902 1922 1935 1941 1962 1808 1825 1832 1746 1780 1796 1805 1680 1717 1738 1744

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit Offered 1678 1689 1696 1696 1700 1704 1709 1712 1761 1765 1767 1771 1775 1811 1816 1818 1820 1823 1851 1851 1851 1851 1865

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Received 1678 1689 1698 1698 1701 1706 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

12006 - 12008 331 332 334 333 336 335 335 340 341 342 344 345 370 371 372 375 376 310 311 312 313 314

1763 1765 1767 1773 1775 1811 1817 1818 1820 1823 1851 1851 1851 1851 1865

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 315 317 316 320 321 323 326 325 Volume XI WITNESSES

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 1865 1869 1873 1885 1889 1893 1898 1901 Received 1865 1869 1874 1885 1891 1893 1899 1901 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Paetra Donegan Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Ben Ortize Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch 2010 2037 2040 2045 2048 1984 2002 2006

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WITNESSES Cory Kirkham Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond George Beros Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 270 271 271 271 360 361 362 364 365 363 350 Offered 1987 1992 1994 1998 2021 2023 2025 2030 2033 2036 2061 2021 2023 2025 2031 2033 2036 2063 Received 1989 1998 1992 1995 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 2085 2162 2208 2212 2220 2242 2051 2081 2082

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 351 352 354 12009 6000, p. 1 6001 3011 Volume XII WITNESSES Nancy Balfe

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 2065 2067 2074 2120 2129 2132 2135 2121 2130 2133 2135 Received 2065 2068 2078 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Timothy Wicker Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Recross-examination By Mr. Goodreid

2275 2284 2285 2286

2291 2311 2314 2317 2327 2328

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WITNESSES Dawn Leget Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid William DellaPenna Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Michael Jones Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Jeffrey Stan Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Gregory Hector Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor JUROR NO. 15 ISSUE 2270 2466 2519 2531 2441 2457 2412 2433 2438 2439 2348 2385 2398 2408 2333 2345

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 304 5013 300 301 302 303 380 381 386 385 387 382 384 388 389 400 402 408 409 430 431 432 433 Offered 2277 2281 2295 2301 2304 2306 2353 2364 2368 2370 2371 2373 2376 2378 2381 2423 2428 2429 2431 2449 2453 2454 2455

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Received 2278 2282 2295 2301 2304 2307 2353 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

2368 2370 2371 2374 2377 2379 2382 2424 2428 2429 2431 2451 2453 2454 2455

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 11 Volume XIII WITNESSES Exhibit 253 254 252 250 256 257 258 259 260 255 251

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 2478 2482 2489 2493 2499 2503 2504 2506 2508 2513 2527 Received 2480 2483 2490 2494 2499 2503 2504 2506 2508 2515 2528 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

DEFENDANT SMITH'S EXHIBITS Offered 2391 Received 2392 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Gregory Hector Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo 2566 2576 2598

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WITNESSES Susan Veik Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor RULE 403 MOTION MOTION FOR MISTRIAL GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 263 12030 - 12031 272 273 227 223 401 410 1003 1021 1040 5002 1035 1009 1007 1008 1033 Offered 2594 2603 2616 2618 2624 2624 2626 2631 2634 2642 2645 2657 2665 2681 2689 2696 2698 Received 2594 2604 2617 2618 2624 2625 2626 2631 2639 2642 2646 2657 2671 2681 2690 2696 2698 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 2558 2723 2606 2745 2772

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 1036 1037 1038 1050 5020 1013 1014 1011 1012 1010 1043 Volume XIV WITNESSES Susan Veik

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 2702 2704 2705 2707 2711 2714 2722 2728 2732 2735 2739 Received 2703 2704 2705 2707 2712 2720 2726 2729 2733 2737 2741 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Recross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Recross-examination By Mr. Gainor

2818 2881 2906 2917 2920

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WITNESSES Richard Gray Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Recross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Robert Wommack Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Kathryn Mills Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Larry Seastrom Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Deposition of Gary Herbert Played DEFENDANT LEWIS'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 17 Offered 2837 Received 2838 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 3049 3035 3045 3023 3032 2973 3000 3020 3021 2923 2947 2954 2963 2969 2970

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 229 9000A Exhibit 5018 5019 460 461 462 463 540 541 542 543 544 9000 9001 9000A 86 3043 Offered 2852 2855 2930 2936 2940 2943 2986 2989 2991 2991 2998 3036 3036

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Received 2853 2857 2931 2937 2941 2944 2986 2989 2991 2991 2998 3037 3037 3038 3044 DEFENDANT WEED'S EXHIBITS Offered 2956 3038 Received 2957 Refused Reserved Withdrawn Refused Reserved Withdrawn

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Volume XV WITNESSES Deposition of Gary Herbert Played Stephen Brittain Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo STIPULATIONS DEFENDANT SMITH'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 3 4 33 34 Offered 3094 3095 3098 3101 GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 530 531 Volume XVI WITNESSES Leo Durkacz Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein 3174 3186 Offered 3107 3115 Received 3108 3115 Refused Reserved Withdrawn Received 3095 3097 3135 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 3078 3102 3116 3129 3132 3087

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WITNESSES Leonard Zawistowski Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Stephen DiRito Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Mark Bienstock Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Connie Gummadi Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Ted Wilburn Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Isaac Bratcher Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Recross-examination By Mr. Goodreid 3275 3289 3294 3299 3300 3257 3252 3224 3236 3244 3250 3217 3190 3204 3210 3213 3215

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WITNESSES Daniel Lee Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Marion Pettee Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Leslie Kopper Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Miles Gooderham Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Gary Rademacher Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein DEFENDANT SMITH'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 34 Offered Received 3168 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 3373 3384 3385 3358 3370 3372 3348 3354 3312 3333 3345 3302 3308 3309

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 521 520A 520B 440 4003 4005 4006 283 283, p.1 5002 5004 5005 5009 5010 5012 5014 5015 5016 5017 5021 Exhibit 228

DEFENDANT WEED'S EXHIBITS Offered 3169 Received 3393 GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Offered 3177 3185 3185 3201 3219 3220 3221 3232 3233 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3264 3266 3267 3267 3268 3270 3233 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3267 3268 3270 Received 3179 3186 3186 3201 3219 3221 3221 Refused Reserved Withdrawn Refused Reserved Withdrawn

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 5024 5025 5035 7004 7006 450 451 452 3000 3001 3004 3007 3009 3003 2002 2003 2004 2006 2008 2013 2014 2015 2016

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 3271 3272 3272 3304 3307 3318 3323 3325 3350 3351 3352 3353 3353 3356 3359 3360 3361 3362 3362 3364 3365 3366 3367 3307 3320 3324 3325 3350 3351 3352 3353 3353 3356 3360 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 Received 3271 3272 3272 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 2019 2020 191 192 12010 Volume XVII WITNESSES

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 3368 3369 3377 3379 3391 Received 3368 3369 3377 3380 3391 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Lambros Gianos Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Michael Huffman Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch 3482 3504 3508 3522 3428 3446 3449 3471 3479

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WITNESSES Carol Hall Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Recross-examination By Mr. Hammond Eric Black Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Philip Feigin Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo Recross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 420 421 422 423 424 425 12013 12015 Offered 3434 3434 3436 3437 3441 3442 3489 3491 Received 3435 3438 3436 3437 3441 3442 3489 3492 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 3588 3611 3621 3641 3644 3581 3525 3565 3567 3577 3578

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 570 571 581 572 573 574 575 577 578 579 580 5030, p. 2-3 5031, p. 2-10 5031, p. 2-10 Volume XVIII WITNESSES Darren McGee

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 3532 3533 3537 3541 3542 3546 3551 3556 3558 3560 3564 3583 Received 3532 3535 3538 3541 3542 3547 3551 3556 3558 3561 3564 3583 3584 3584 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond

3691 3709 3710 3711

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WITNESSES Gina Silletto-Russo Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Wayne Stockley Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cliff Seigneur Direct Examination By Mr. Angelo Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Redirect Examination By Mr. Angelo GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 560 561 563 564 565 566 12012 9040 9002 9003 9020-9032 9050 Offered 3693 3696 3700 3703 3705 3708 3719 3723 3741 3741 3767 3776 Received 3693 3696 3700 3703 3706 3708 3719 3723 3766 3766 3773 3777 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 3863 3886 3896 3734 3721 3728 3731

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 9060-9070 9080 9090 9091 9100 9101 9110 9120 9121 9130 9140-9142 9150 9160 9180 9190-9215 9217-9276 9190-9203 9205 9210 9211 9213 9214 9217

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 3778 3781 3782 3782 3784 3784 3785 3787 3787 3788 3790 3791 3791 3793 3795 3795 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3803 3803 3803 3803 3801 3801 3801 Received 3780 3782 3783 3783 3785 3785 3787 3788 3788 3789 3791 3792 3792 3793 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 9220 9222 9227-9229 9233 9236 9238 9240 9241 9243 9244 9248 9251 9255 9256 9258 9259 9264 9265 9267 9268 9272 9273 9205

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3802 Received 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3801 3803 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 9300 9301 9310 9311 9320 9330-9356 9401 12000 9500B-9514B 590 591 592 593 593 595

GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered Received 3804 3803 3805 3805 3806 3808 3809 3815 3824 3870 3873 3877 3879 3881 3884 3804 3806 3806 3807 3809 3814 3820 3828 3870 3873 3877 3879 3882 3885 3742 3843 Refused Reserved Withdrawn


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Volume XIX WITNESSES Wayne Stockley Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Bornstein Cross-examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Recross-examination By Mr. Gainor Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch DEFENDANT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 10 Offered Received 4082 3937 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 3955 4008 4054 4070 4092 4096 4106 4111

ARGUMENT ON GOVERNMENT'S SUMMARY EXHIBITS GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 9500A-9514A 384 12011 12016-12019 4125 4126 4126 4125 4127 4127 Offered Received Refused 3953



DEFENDANT LEWIS'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 10 Offered 4082 Received Refused Reserved Withdrawn

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Volume XXI WITNESSES Mark Perreault Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Angelo Michael Smith Direct Examination By Mr. O'Donnell Bly Haugen Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Angelo GOVERNMENT'S REPLY BY MR. REPLY BY MR. REPLY BY MR. REPLY BY MR. RESPONSE TO RULE 29 MOTIONS O'DONNELL STUCKEY GOODREID BORNSTEIN DEFENDANT SMITH'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 35 44 1 1 2 Offered 4335 4338 4346 4404 4415 4416 Received 4337 4342 4405 4348 Refused Reserved Withdrawn 4279 4304 4306 4307 4309 4466 4472 4391 4314 4349 4362

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 4 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 Volume XXII WITNESSES

DEFENDANT SMITH'S EXHIBITS (Cont'd.) Offered 4421 4433 4443 4443 4448 4448 4450 4450 4452 4456 4459 4453 4457 Received 4421 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

Jeffrey Mitchell Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Angelo Redirect Examination By Mr. Stuckey Eric Weare Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Angelo Redirect Examination By Mr. Stuckey David Dodd Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Kirsch 4557 4564 4540 4547 4549 4555 4521 4528 4537

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WITNESSES Paula Galley Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Hammond Cross-examination By Mr. Angelo Brian Hamond Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Angelo David Peckham Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Angelo Dennis McConkey Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Kirsch Jim Brown Direct Examination By Mr. Kirsch Cross-examination By Mr. Kirsch Redirect Examination By Mr. Stuckey Redirect Examination By Mr. Kirsch Michael Smith Direct Examination By Mr. O'Donnell Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor Cross-examination By Mr. Kirsch 4621 4726 4730 4603 success stuck 4610 4617 4619 4598 4601 4591 4595 4580 4584 4570 4575 4576

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 14 15 16 19 20 22 22 23 24 28 30 31 32 36 36 39 41 44 45

DEFENDANT SMITH'S EXHIBITS Offered 4625 4627 4632 4636 4639 4641 4643 4644 4648 4653 4659 4663 4666 4679 4684 4690 4698 4704 4713 4699 4706 4714 4653 4659 4663 4666 4681 4684 4691 4644 4650 4637 4640 4643 4642 4634 Received Refused Reserved Withdrawn

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Volume XXIII WITNESSES Michael Smith Cross-examination By Mr. Kirsch Redirect Examination By Mr. O'Donnell Jan Frederickson Direct Examination By Mr. Stuckey Stephanie Hahn Direct Examination By Mr. Goodreid George Alan Weed Direct Examination By Mr. Goodreid Cross-examination By Mr. Stuckey Cross-examination By Mr. Gainor DEFENDANT SMITH'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 37 Offered 4906 Received Refused 4908 GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 5000 Offered 4982 Received 4982 DEFENDANT WEED'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 76 Offered 5039 Received 5040 Refused Reserved Withdrawn Refused Reserved Withdrawn Reserved Withdrawn 4931 5050 5053 4925 4916 4792 4902

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Volume XXIV WITNESSES George Alan Weed Cross-examination By Mr. Angelo Redirect Examination By Mr. Goodreid GOVERNMENT'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 5034 5001 9402 Offered 5111 5187 5227 Received 5112 5187 5227 DEFENDANT WEED'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 27 30 33 53 61 60 Offered 5133 5138 5144 5159 5222 5224 Received 5133 5138 5144 5159 5222 5224 5265 5281 5283 5287 5287 5290 5294 Refused Reserved Withdrawn Refused Reserved Withdrawn 5103 5238


5343 5346

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Volume XXVI CLOSING ARGUMENTS By Mr. Angelo By Mr. O'Donnell By Mr. Gainor 5520 5580 5607

FINAL JURY INSTRUCTION CONFERENCE 5482 DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATE JURORS 5493 DEFENDANT SMITH'S EXHIBITS Exhibit 14 15 Volume XXVII CLOSING ARGUMENTS By Mr. Goodreid By Mr. Bornstein By Mr. Kirsch JURY QUESTION Volume XXVIII EXCUSE JURY Volume XXIX JURY QUESTION 5888 5839 5676 5714 5742 5785 Offered 5487 5487 Received 5488 5488 Refused Reserved Withdrawn

REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE I certify that the foregoing is a correct transcript from the record of proceedings in the above-entitled matter. Dated at Denver, Colorado, this 16th day of June, 2008. s/Suzanne M. Claar