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Date: May 19, 2008
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Category: District
Author: unknown
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Case 1:96-cv-00408-LAS

Document 172

Filed 05/19/2008

Page 1 of 6


No. 96-408C (Judge Smith)

DEFENDANT'S NOTICE OF ERRORS IN ITS POST-TRIAL BRIEF Defendant respectfully submits its notice of errors that were contained in Defendant's Post-Trial Brief and Appendices to Defendant's Post-Trial Brief, which were filed on March 3, 2008. These errors just recently came to the attention of the Government's counsel in the course of preparing for the parties' post-trial oral argument, which occurred on May 13, 2008. These errors primarily resulted from some last-minute confusion concerning the appropriate appendix page numbers, i.e., "A_", that corresponded to some of the trial exhibits the Government's relied upon in its post-trial brief, the transformation of the Government's post-trial brief from a WordPerfect document to a PDF document, and other inadvertent typographical errors. By separate motion, the Government will seek leave of the Court to file a corrected post-trial brief and two additional pages to the appendix that were cited in the Government's brief but mistakenly omitted from the appendix that the Government filed.1


In order to identify the correct line reference, please count all lines of text, including


Case 1:96-cv-00408-LAS

Document 172

Filed 05/19/2008

Page 2 of 6

Page reference p. 6, l. 20 p. 7, l. 18 p. 8, l. 10 p. 10, l. 17 p. 12, l. 24 p. 14, l. 13 p. 15, l. 14 p. 16, l. 18 p. 16, fn. 6, l. 2 p. 17, l. 15 p. 17, l. 18 p. 18, l. 17 p. 19, l. 9 p. 19, l. 11 p. 19, fn. 9, l. 1 p. 22, l. 11 p. 24, l. 16 p. 25, l. 2 p. 25, fn. 13, l. 3 p. 25, fn. 13, l. 6 p. 25, fn. 13, l. 6 p. 26, fn. 16, l. 7 p. 27, l. 3 p. 28, fn. 17, l. 6 p. 30, fn. 19, l. 2

Original DX323/34-3 War-wick A0953 A0778-80 A0769 1472:24-1473:15 1109:3-112:3 A0774 A1225-26, 1227 A0598 JX68/4, A0403 A0784-88 ex-pressly Bas-lers wold A0842-50 ". . . the contractual . . ." A0537-47, A1227 A0537-47, A1227 174:4-11 A1228 JX41/6, A0196 358:20-260:9; A1223 Mali A0769

Correction (Replace with) DX323/34-35 Warwick A0953-55 A0784-85 A0773 1472:24-1473:18 1109:3-1112:3 A0776 A1227-30 A0598-99 JX68/3, A0402 A0789-93 expressly Baslers would A0852-60 ". . . the current contractual . . ." A0536-47, A1229 A0536-47, A1229 174:2-11 A1230 JX34/7; A0186 358:20-360:11; A1224 Thai A0773


Case 1:96-cv-00408-LAS

Document 172

Filed 05/19/2008

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p. 32, l. 21 p. 32, l. 21 p. 32, l. 25 p. 33, l. 7 p. 37, l. 24 p. 38, l. 15 p. 38, l. 19 p. 39, fn 22, l. 3 p. 40, l. 3 p. 40, l. 5 p. 41, l. 12 p. 41, l. 15 p. 41, l. 16 p. 41, l. 16 p. 41, l. 20 p. 42, l. 12 p. 43, l. 4 p. 43, l. 11 p. 43, l. 15 p. 44, l. 3 p. 44, l. 19 p. 45, l. 2 p. 45, l. 2 p. 45, l. 4 p. 45, l. 8 p. 45, l. 9

Tr. 173:4-175:13 A0896-97 Inno-vair com-mence A1057 A0528-31 A1222 A0936 A0822-27 A0177 A0779-80 depend-ing infla-tion A0786 A0788 A0777 A1226, A1229, A1230-31 A0781-85 A0775-77 A0205, A0210 A0790-815 A0802-03 A0805-07 A0805-06 A0806 A0802-03

PX313A II, 173:4-175:13 A1230 Innovair commence A1058 A0532 A1223 A0931 A0829-35 A1077 A0784-85 depending inflation A0791 A0793 A0782 A1228, A1231, A1232-33 A0786-90 A0780-82 A0200, A0205 A0795-815 A0808-09 A8011-13 A0811-12 A0812 A0808-09


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Document 172

Filed 05/19/2008

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p. 45, l. 14 p. 45, l. 19 p. 45, l. 24 p. 46, l. 14 p. 47, fn. 28, l. 3 p. 48, l. 16 p. 49, l. 6 p. 49, l. 14 p. 49, l. 15 p. 49, l. 16 p. 50, l. 3 p. 50, l. 10 p. 51, l. 3 p. 51, l. 10 p. 51, l. 22 p. 52, l. 9 p. 52, l. 10 p. 52, l. 20 p. 52, l. 21 p. 53, l. 1 p. 53, fn. 31, l. 5 p. 54, l.

A0803-03 A0801 A0807 A062 555:56:11 A0770 1156:1-11 A0945-46 riski-ness demonstra-tion A1231 A09047 INNOVAIR A SIGNIFICANTLY A1243-44

A0808-09 A0807 A0813 A0962 555:5-556:11 A0773A (to be added to appendix) 1156:1-9 A0945-47 riskiness demonstration A1233 A0947 INNOVAIR SIGNIFICANTLY A0907-08 add "the winch," prior to "and"

PX313-27 A1251-59 specu-lated

PX313-37 A1260-62 speculated A0905 (to be added to appendix)

A0167 A0167 A0800-01

A1067 A1067 A0806-07 Respectfully submitted,

GREGORY G. KATSAS Acting Assistant Attorney General


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Filed 05/19/2008

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/s/ Jeanne E. Davidson JEANNE E. DAVIDSON Director /s/ Sheryl L. Floyd SHERYL L. FLOYD Senior Trial Counsel Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division Department of Justice Attn: Classification Unit, 8th Floor 1100 L Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 Tele: (202) 616-8278 Attorneys for Defendant MAY 19, 2008


Case 1:96-cv-00408-LAS

Document 172

Filed 05/19/2008

Page 6 of 6

CERTIFICATE OF FILING I hereby certify that on this 19th day of MAY, 2008, a copy of this "DEFENDANT'S NOTICE OF ERRORS IN ITS POST-TRIAL BRIEF" was filed e1ectronically. I understand that notice of this filing will be sent to all parties by operation of the Court's electronic filing system. Parties may access this filing, through the Court's system. /s/ Sheryl L. Floyd