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Case 1:89-cv-00218-EJD

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IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS THE CHEROKEE NATION OF OKLAHOMA, Plaintiff, v. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Defendant. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Case No. 218-89





PATTON BOGGS, LLP Intervenor Plaintiff, v. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Defendant. * *

Chief Judge Edward J. Damich











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TABLE OF CONTENTS EXHIBIT A CHEROKEE, CHOCTAW, AND CHICKASAW NATIONS CLAIMS SETTLEMENT ACT, 25 U.S.C. §§ 1779, ET SEQ....................................................... A-1 25 U.S.C. § 81........................................................................... A-19 H.R. Rep. No. 107-632 ............................................................ A-22 S.J. Res. 177, 74th Cong. (1936) .............................................. A-33 SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 WILCOXEN-NIEBELL ATTORNEY'S CONTRACT............................................................................ A-34 APRIL 17, 1989 PATTON BOGGS ATTORNEYS' CONTRACT............................................................................ A-39 OCTOBER 30, 1995 LETTER FROM JOE BYRD TO KATE BOYCE .................................................................................... A-43 OCTOBER 6, 2003 MEMORANDUM FROM JULIAN FITE TO CHAD SMITH, JIM WILCOXEN, AND JOE REEDER REGARDING ATTORNEY FEES FOR WORK ON ARKANSAS RIVERBED ISSUES........................................ A-44 MARCH 31, 2005 LETTER FROM JAMES WILCOXEN AND MARGARET SWIMMER TO CHAD SMITH AND COUNCIL OF THE CHEROKEE NATION ...................... A-50 OCTOBER 13, 2005 LETTER FROM JAMES CASON TO CHAD SMITH ........................................................................ A-53 DECLARATION OF DAVID S. PANZER .......................... A-56






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2suscA $ 81

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25 U.S.C.A. 8l S


Effective: March 14. 2000

United StatesCode Annotated Currentness Title 25. Indians ÑEI Chapter 3. Agreementswith Indians ÑB SubchapterII. Contractswith Indians +S 81. Contracts and agreementswith Indian tribes (a) Definitions In this section: (1) The term "Indian lands" means lands the title to which is held by the United States in trust for an Indian tribe or lands the title to which is held by an Indian tribe subject to a restriction by the United Statesagainst alienation. (2) The term "Indian tribe" hasthe meaning given that term in section 450b(e) of this title. (3) The term "Secretary" meansthe Secretaryof the Interior. (b) Approval No agreementor contract with an Indian tribe that encumbersIndian lands for a period of 7 or more years shall be valid unless that agreement or contract bears the approval of the Secretary of the Interior or a desigree of the Secretary. (c) Exception Subsection(b) of this section shall not apply to any agreementor contract that the Secretary(or a designeeof the Secretary)determinesis not covered under that subsection. (d) Unapproved agreements The Secretary(or a designeeofthe Secretary)shall refuse to approve an agreementor contractthat is coveredunder subsection (b) of this section if the Secretary (or a designee of the Secretary)determines that the agreementor confract-(1) violatesFederallaw; or (2) does not include a provision that-(A) provides for remediesin the caseof a breach of the agreementor contract; (B) referencesa tribal code, ordinance, or ruling of a court of competentjurisdiction that discloses the right of the Indian tribe to assertsovereign immunþ as a defensein an action brought against the Indian tribe; or (C) includes an express waiver of the right of the Indian tribe to assertsovereign immunþ as a defensein an action brought against the Indian tribe (including a waiver that limits the nature of relief that may be provided or the jurisdiction of a court with respectto such an action). (e) Regulations O 2006 Thomson/West. Claim to Orig. U.S. GoW,Vy'orks. No


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2su,s.c.A.8r $

Not later than 180 days after March 14, 2000, the Secretary shall issueregulationsfor identi$ing types of (b) agreements contracts arenot covered or that undersubsection ofthis section. (f) Construction Nothingin this section shallbe construed to-(1) requirethe Secretary approve contract legalservices an attorney; to a for by (2) amend or repeal the authority of the National Indian Gaming Commissionunder the Indian Gaming Regulatory (25U.S.C. Act 2701et seq.);or (3) alteror amend ordinance, any resolution, charter or ofan Indiantribethatrequires approval the Secretary by of anyactionby thatIndiantribe.

(R.S.$2103;Pub.L.85-770,Au}.27,1958,725tat.927; 106-179. 2. ll4ar.14,2000,ll4Stat.46.) Pub.L. { HISTORICALAND STATUTORYNOTES Revision NotesandLegislative Reports 1958 Acts.House ReportNo.2449, 1958 see U.S.CodeCong. Adm.News, 3961. p. and 2000Acts.House Report No. 106-501, 2000U.S.CodeCong. see p. andAdm.News, 69. Codifrcations R . S . $2 1 0 3 w a s f r o m A c t s M a r . 3 , l 8 7 l , c . l 2 01$ S t a t . 5 7I0 4 a y 2 l , 1 8 7 2 , c . l 7 7 , $ g2 , 1 7 t a t1 3 6 . 3, , 6 i; 1, S . Amendments 2000Amendments. Pub.L.106-179. 2. rewrote section, the whichread: Q "No agreement shall be madeby any personwith any tribe of Indians,or individual Indiansnot citizensof the United States, the payment deliveryof anymoneyor otherthing of value,in present in prospective, for for or or or the grantingor procuringany privilegeto him, or any otherpersonin consideration services saidIndians for of relativeto their lands,or to any claimsgrowingout of, or in reference annuities, to, installments, othermoneys, or claims,demands, thing, underlawsor treaties or with the UnitedStates, ofücial actsof anyoffîcersthereof, in or or arryway connected with or duefrom the UnitedStates, unless suchcontractor agreement executed approved be and asfollows: "First. Suchagreement shallbe in writing, anda duplicate it delivered each party. of to "Second. shallbearthe approval the Secretary the Interiorand the Commissioner IndianAffairs indorsed It of of of uponit. of "Third. It shallcontainthe names all parties interest, in theirresidence occupation;andif madewith a tribe, and by their tribal authorities, scope of authorityand the reasonfor exercisingthat authority,shall be given the specifically. "Fourth. It shallstate time whenandplacewheremade, particularpurpose whichmade, special the the for the thing or thingsto be doneunderit, and,if for the collection money, basisof theclaim,the source of the from whichit is to be collected, disposition be madeof it whencollected, amountor rateper centumof the fee in all cases; the to the @ 2006Thomson/West. Claimto Orig. U.S.Govt.Works. No


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and if any contingent matteror conditionconstitutes part of the contractor agreement, shallbe specifrcally a it set forth. "Fifth. It shallhavea fixed limitedtime to run,which shallbe distinctlystated. or madein violationof this section "All contracts agreements shallbe null andvoid, andall moneyor otherthing of valuepaid to any personby any Indian or tribe, or any one else,for or on his or theil behalf,on account such of services, excess the amount in of approved the Commissioner Secretary suchservices, by and for may be recovered by suit in the nameof the United States any court of the United States, in regardless the amountin controversy; of andone-half thereofshallbe paidto the person suingfor the same, the otherhalf shallbe paid into theTreasury and for theuseof theIndianor tribeby or for whomit wassopaid." 1958Amendments. Second.Pub.L.85-770 Par. deleted requirement contracts that with Indiantribesbe executed beforeajudge of a courtof record, Par.Sixth.Pub.L.85-770deleted Sixthenumerating par. contractual elements be certifiedto by thejudge. to Transfer ofFunctions For transferof functionsof otherofftcers,employees, agencies the Depar.tment the Interior, with certain and of of exceptions, the Secretary the Interior,with powerto delegate, Reorg.Plan 3 of 1950,$ $ l, 2, eff. May to of see No. 24,1950,15F.R.3774,64StaI.1262, out in theAppendix Title 5, Government set to Organization Employees. and CROSS REFERENCES Forfeiture moneyreceived of contraryto this sectionandpunishment flineor imprisonment, l8 USCA by see Q 438. Necessityof previousconsentof United Statesto validatecontracts regardingtribal funds or properfyin hands UnitedStates, 25 USCA $ 85. of see Tribal self-governance fundingagreements civil actions, 25 USCA{ 458cc. and see CODEOF FEDERALREGULATIONS Attorneycontracts with Indiantribesnot organized underIndianReorganization see25 CFR $ $ 89.7to Act, 89.26. LAW REVIEW COMMENTARIES Cooperative agreements: Government-to-government relationsto fosterreservation business development. JoelH. MackandGwynGoodson Timms, Pepp.L.Rev. 20 1295(1993). Doing business with Indiansand the three "S"es: Secretarial approval.sovereign immunity. and subject jurisdiction.WilliamV. Vetter. Ariz.L.Rev. (1994). matter 36 169 Your placeor mine? Commercial transactions between Indian tribesand non-Indians Oklahoma--New in rulesfor tribalsovereign immunity.Mike McBrideIII, 67 Okla.B.J. 3lg3 (1996). LIBRARY REFERENCES Corpus JurisSecundum CJSIudians 31,Contracts. $ CJSIndians 38,General Considerations. S @ 2006Thomson/West. Claimto Orig.U.S.Gow.Works. No


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rÈH*S$:¡ GffiE;E;]ãET ffi


tËË. ö1'8ls

JIIIIE â0' 1938.

lr!ßb.snsrloyå, tp' asreeJuent6 hsretofOre or

JoIN'r nEgûLUTIo* wlth coûtr&ÐÈs Indi*n t¡lbee. the I'o deñ¡re hrn of c+rtsin of ard Eesol,t¡eúbvtlæ ßeyta.te Eoase of EeweêrùüaÍ'dues tht Anit'pd' 9ta,l,etof Ãinar{ca,-itt tmgreæ-ry*ern$l+;$ T\at anq contr-ñÆtË.or ooútrscr-s
gpprOÏed þy the Ðecr,etåXT ol nhe ln[ðnof


band, or groùp of India4¡ and bst*eon the authorities of'any tæibõ, their attÐrncvs for the prosäcutionof cl¡ímð as'ainsLriho United Ststes. whicli pmvide th-süsuch coutra,ttÉ or egttemerÌts shall n¡n fçr e'period of ve¿rs therein specified,and ss long there¿fter as may bâ roquired'in completetbê businr*s therein provjded-for, or words of líke imoort ot'vhich pruvids thaù compensnfiurfor 6erva ioee rendered shall bb ou o quå¡tum-m*ruit baoÏs not to exceæd. shall be deerneda aufficient compliaûcê rYith 4'È.gàe.srqLp-sorDsrcentâgè. u'ð'u"Þ'YR¡' sps4ffi6dl ç'*¿ion21bSof'thã ReçisedStstutçs (or seetion81, titJã 95, United


and hea¡ius ili¿ for propsr causssËown,to caneel eny sttch eontragú 'ft|i.Út¡dsltdúûrtrsott or ssrernönt: Prav{ furth¿r. ThEü'thg þrovisioira of this .{.et r¡Fl n'rû* aholftot be construedto irvive ány coutract-whic,hhss beenterminat¿d heretofore by lsps* of úímeroperotion of law, or by ae.tsof ths lrmtien tbsreto. Ê. SÉG. r{.ny exisËÍngvalìd conüraetheretofore made â,ndo,pprov+d ,ffî *Hgîåìm ror tsrrûr Gmnlr&ro' nursuanùto äny ¿{ct*of Çons¡Es by cny t¡ibe. band* or ffup of olss.rlcseo0ú.4'ro'tod' with ¿ir ¿ttorney or-sttorne.ysfõr the ienditiôn of serûicas Ïndiarls præecution of claíms rgainst fhe ïlnitd Êta.test¿nde¡auûhorin tJ,¡o itv of which zuit or suits ha.velesnfilsd. and rchich oontainsa limit¿tiË,noï fime for the cornpÌetionof tho áerviccsto he nerformed mav a contraËtde¿linE with be continued ín fult fore? unlc*ss sutrsequent the samesubjectmntter has be¿nmodeand approned. i{.pproved,Juns it, 198S.
JOIÞFT ITESOLIITTON tl¡ne within which Âuorlcs.u clÊim¿nts for rterdlnq fsr two yea¡c ßxtendlrg IOr tF yeag the tþe yitþi4 yhiah .Àusrlcsu*clÊimanterû¡y m&ke JiÍtBülDg apnllcû,Eon appllcoBon for payment, under the SettlemenÈ of [Var Clsü¡¡å á.øt of iS?8. of TFEE.EsFAl6]1silå¡ds sË the lvlixed Õl*Ime Commineion end the Trluartlto Gtsl¡r¡e Oóms4ühltrwl¡Ith tlunßs*inn ¡¡rlssloûn extendfng uutil lrfnrcÞ 10, l&98, the time Í4ü-hhì wl¡hh H u nne*inn aud al*iffiÈn.t ruay ros,kr-spÞUsailon for po¡rment, uuder tl¡s Setületnont of W'ar GlpÌms Àct of 1928, of owa¡ds of the IVer Çlsl¡¡e Á'rbller.
¡MóS It¡S. E, BÁ8,0¡E.l IE, J, Bds, +iË,1 rÉälffi, $¡F -

e qt*.ff{ c-od_c rouid )t P mf üi, toc¡¡¡cúr liJnit ùhepower of d,,jçry"f r_l\*l- I gti$- _hl-jT-duet3p-d I notice the Secr*tarvof the Int+rior, after ".1_ slr*¡l

[qs,ffiTB3, 852.1

Es*ølø¿dbtt tfu ße¡øt¿ ffii Ew¿s of Eaprøaø,tatíaedof the a+søtÌLïIÆú, Thnt eubsó¡tion ^'*fltl*i$t or Far Uníied f;tøtes of Am¿ríw, in Cm..q¡vaa

hff"#' )'Ë' 3i-t îf f Ë"u f*iiffii d#i'i fÄ ($ "%*¡J,î,' -iïff#*#.ruå'"i# 1-8,1.98ú, tS,,Seventy-¿hild.Ccngresqr.g.ppruved J-une nre

6ï*ffi*ü**Ëtotril $nmbered ¡.¡¡sr *rnerided, respectively,by etriträn* out_tþe wqids o'disht "tffiJ*#Ëiglft thereñr rud inserling in fieu Te¿rsr rrhorever'such-words_-rippärr -yê&rg". i'tre¡ecf the wortls r.Èeü Yol'{5.D'6{' of Snc. Ê. The first senfnce subÈecfiùq(h) of seclion 6 of the 'TtJ'¿r Çlaims Àct of 1S$8, ns rmended bv FublÍs Ëettlement of Resolutian Numbcmd S8, $eventy;thÍrd_Congress, approüed Jura to is 1& 193+, firrther amenderl reud as follows: i'No this section unlçss applicetion -åsp-gEf:Elgf^P.gDan$iurn*rl¡arrnu*' ftyment shall be made u,nde,r ¿ceorden.--*iúh;i';h-;"g"in the"çfoi i!,m¿ds b¡ lfare-h-1tL.1938, l¡tions så the Secrdtaryof the Tteatury may preseúbe." llpproved, June 26, l9BÊ.


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No. Case 218-89

t t

lntervenor Plaintiff.

* *

Chief JudeeEdward J. Damich

* * *

{ . * * * { . *


{. *

DECLARATION OF DAVID S. PANZER pursuant 28 U.S.C.ç 1746 says: DAVID S. PANZER, ESQ.,declares to and 1. I am an attorney associated the law firm of Greenberg with TraurigLLP at

800 ConnecticutAvenue, N.W., Washington,DC 20006, and I am counselfor the IntervenorPlaintiff, PattonBoggsLLP. I submit this Declaration supportof Patton in Boggs'sCross-Motion Summary (the for Judgment $1,247,501.80 "Motion") in the for above captioned case. 2. Exhibit I in the Appendixto the Motion is a true andaccurate copyof the

1988attorney contract fee between Cherokee the Nation on the onehand,andMr. James WilcoxenandMr. PaulNiebell.on the otherhand.


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Exhibit 2 in the Appendix to the Motion is a true and accuratecopy of the

1989 attorney fee contract betweenthe CherokeeNation and Patton Boggs. 4. Exhibit 3 in the Appendix to the Motion is a true and accuratecopy of a

letter from CherokeeNation Principal Chief Joe Byrd to Ms. Katharine Boyce of Patton Boggs,datedOctober30,1995. 5. Exhibit 4 in the Appendix to the Motion is a true and accuratecopy of a

Nation GeneralCounselJulianFite, datedOctober6,2003. letter from Cherokee 6. Exhibit 5 in the Appendix to the Motion is a true and accuratecopy of a 'Wilcoxen and Ms. Margaret Swimmer to the CherokeeNation,

letter from Mr. James datedMarch 3I,2005. 7.

Exhibit 6 in the Appendix to the Motion is a true and accuratecopy of a

letter from Assistant Secretary James Cason, of the Department of the Interior, to the October 13,2005. Nation's Principal Chief, Chad Smith, date-stamped Cherokee 8. All of these above-mentionedexhibits were provided to Patton Boggs by

the CherokeeNation or the governmentduring the courseof Patton Boggs' representation dispute involving Patton of the CherokeeNation, or during the course of the subsequent Boggs' attorneys fees at issue in this litigation. All of these exhibits are what they purport to be.

Dated:March20.2006 DAVID S.
