Free Declaration - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Date: March 17, 2006
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State: federal
Category: District
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Preview Declaration - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:89-cv-00218-EJD

Document 144-12

Filed 03/20/2006

Page 1 of 1

rÈH*S$:¡ GffiE;E;]ãET ffi


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JIIIIE â0' 1938.

lr!ßb.snsrloyå, tp' asreeJuent6 hsretofOre or

JoIN'r nEgûLUTIo* wlth coûtr&ÐÈs Indi*n t¡lbee. the I'o deñ¡re hrn of c+rtsin of ard Eesol,t¡eúbvtlæ ßeyta.te Eoase of EeweêrùüaÍ'dues tht Anit'pd' 9ta,l,etof Ãinar{ca,-itt tmgreæ-ry*ern$l+;$ T\at anq contr-ñÆtË.or ooútrscr-s
gpprOÏed þy the Ðecr,etåXT ol nhe ln[ðnof


band, or groùp of India4¡ and bst*eon the authorities of'any tæibõ, their attÐrncvs for the prosäcutionof cl¡ímð as'ainsLriho United Ststes. whicli pmvide th-süsuch coutra,ttÉ or egttemerÌts shall n¡n fçr e'period of ve¿rs therein specified,and ss long there¿fter as may bâ roquired'in completetbê businr*s therein provjded-for, or words of líke imoort ot'vhich pruvids thaù compensnfiurfor 6erva ioee rendered shall bb ou o quå¡tum-m*ruit baoÏs not to exceæd. shall be deerneda aufficient compliaûcê rYith 4'È.gàe.srqLp-sorDsrcentâgè. u'ð'u"Þ'YR¡' sps4ffi6dl ç'*¿ion21bSof'thã ReçisedStstutçs (or seetion81, titJã 95, United


and hea¡ius ili¿ for propsr causssËown,to caneel eny sttch eontragú 'ft|i.Út¡dsltdúûrtrsott or ssrernönt: Prav{ furth¿r. ThEü'thg þrovisioira of this .{.et r¡Fl n'rû* aholftot be construedto irvive ány coutract-whic,hhss beenterminat¿d heretofore by lsps* of úímeroperotion of law, or by ae.tsof ths lrmtien tbsreto. Ê. SÉG. r{.ny exisËÍngvalìd conüraetheretofore made â,ndo,pprov+d ,ffî *Hgîåìm ror tsrrûr Gmnlr&ro' nursuanùto äny ¿{ct*of Çons¡Es by cny t¡ibe. band* or ffup of olss.rlcseo0ú.4'ro'tod' with ¿ir ¿ttorney or-sttorne.ysfõr the ienditiôn of serûicas Ïndiarls præecution of claíms rgainst fhe ïlnitd Êta.test¿nde¡auûhorin tJ,¡o itv of which zuit or suits ha.velesnfilsd. and rchich oontainsa limit¿tiË,noï fime for the cornpÌetionof tho áerviccsto he nerformed mav a contraËtde¿linE with be continued ín fult fore? unlc*ss sutrsequent the samesubjectmntter has be¿nmodeand approned. i{.pproved,Juns it, 198S.
JOIÞFT ITESOLIITTON tl¡ne within which Âuorlcs.u clÊim¿nts for rterdlnq fsr two yea¡c ßxtendlrg IOr tF yeag the tþe yitþi4 yhiah .Àusrlcsu*clÊimanterû¡y m&ke JiÍtBülDg apnllcû,Eon appllcoBon for payment, under the SettlemenÈ of [Var Clsü¡¡å á.øt of iS?8. of TFEE.EsFAl6]1silå¡ds sË the lvlixed Õl*Ime Commineion end the Trluartlto Gtsl¡r¡e Oóms4ühltrwl¡Ith tlunßs*inn ¡¡rlssloûn extendfng uutil lrfnrcÞ 10, l&98, the time Í4ü-hhì wl¡hh H u nne*inn aud al*iffiÈn.t ruay ros,kr-spÞUsailon for po¡rment, uuder tl¡s Setületnont of W'ar GlpÌms Àct of 1928, of owa¡ds of the IVer Çlsl¡¡e Á'rbller.
¡MóS It¡S. E, BÁ8,0¡E.l IE, J, Bds, +iË,1 rÉälffi, $¡F -

e qt*.ff{ c-od_c rouid )t P mf üi, toc¡¡¡cúr liJnit ùhepower of d,,jçry"f r_l\*l- I gti$- _hl-jT-duet3p-d I notice the Secr*tarvof the Int+rior, after ".1_ slr*¡l

[qs,ffiTB3, 852.1

Es*ølø¿dbtt tfu ße¡øt¿ ffii Ew¿s of Eaprøaø,tatíaedof the a+søtÌLïIÆú, Thnt eubsó¡tion ^'*fltl*i$t or Far Uníied f;tøtes of Am¿ríw, in Cm..q¡vaa

hff"#' )'Ë' 3i-t îf f Ë"u f*iiffii d#i'i fÄ ($ "%*¡J,î,' -iïff#*#.ruå'"i# 1-8,1.98ú, tS,,Seventy-¿hild.Ccngresqr.g.ppruved J-une nre

6ï*ffi*ü**Ëtotril $nmbered ¡.¡¡sr *rnerided, respectively,by etriträn* out_tþe wqids o'disht "tffiJ*#Ëiglft thereñr rud inserling in fieu Te¿rsr rrhorever'such-words_-rippärr -yê&rg". i'tre¡ecf the wortls r.Èeü Yol'{5.D'6{' of Snc. Ê. The first senfnce subÈecfiùq(h) of seclion 6 of the 'TtJ'¿r Çlaims Àct of 1S$8, ns rmended bv FublÍs Ëettlement of Resolutian Numbcmd S8, $eventy;thÍrd_Congress, approüed Jura to is 1& 193+, firrther amenderl reud as follows: i'No this section unlçss applicetion -åsp-gEf:Elgf^P.gDan$iurn*rl¡arrnu*' ftyment shall be made u,nde,r ¿ceorden.--*iúh;i';h-;"g"in the"çfoi i!,m¿ds b¡ lfare-h-1tL.1938, l¡tions så the Secrdtaryof the Tteatury may preseúbe." llpproved, June 26, l9BÊ.
