Free Memorandum in Support of Motion - District Court of Connecticut - Connecticut

File Size: 369.9 kB
Pages: 2
Date: June 1, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Connecticut
Category: District Court of Connecticut
Author: unknown
Word Count: 710 Words, 5,852 Characters
Page Size: 611 x 791 pts

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Preview Memorandum in Support of Motion - District Court of Connecticut
A I , L Case 3:00-cv-00052-RNC .Document 112-2 Filed 06/O1/2005 Page1 0f2
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make the following statement, without fear. threat, or promise. I have been advised that any .statement(s) made herein which l do not believe to
be true, and which statement is intended to mislead a public servant in the performance of his/her official function, is a crime under C.G.S.
section 53a·1 57. ·
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Bv affixing my signature to this statement, I acknowledge that I have read it and! ve had it read to m and it is e to the best of my f
I idge and belief.
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Personally appeared the signer ofthe foregoing statement and made oath before me to the truth of the matters contained therein. "
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I _ L Case 3:OO—cv-00052-RNC D0cument112-2 Filed 06/O1/2005 Page2of2
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By afiixing my signature to this statement, I acknowledge that I have read it and! Ave had it read to m tis true o e best ot n
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Personally appeared the signer of the foregoing statement and made oath before me to the truth of the matters contained therein. `
lf notarized. endorse here: