Free Employee Absence Report Form
This Employee Absence Report is a record of an employee’s work absences. This report includes employee’s name, department, ID number, dates and reason for absence and comments. This Employee Absence Report also includes an area for a supervisor’s report.
Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.
Date: ______________________________________
Department: ________________________________
Employee: __________________________________
Employee ID: ________________________________
Date(s) of absence:
Reason for absence: _______________________________________________________
COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________
______________________ ________________________________________________
Employee Signature
This report is correct, to the best of my knowledge.
COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________
______________________ _______________________________________________
Supervisor’s Signature
The forms on this site are provided "As-Is." By using these forms you agree that you are using them at your own risk. Most of the free forms are not prepared by an attorney and may need substantial modification. Additional disclaimers can be found in our Terms of Use.