Free Cover Letter

This Cover Letter is used by an individual submitting a resume for a job. This cover letter sets out the applicant’s experience and the name of the company to which the applicant is applying. This Cover Letter can be tailored for use when applying for any type of employment.

Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.


Date: _______________________
To: _________________________

Dear __________________,
I am submitting the enclosed resume for consideration of the ___________________ position, which appeared in _____________________________, on _____________________.
My background includes extensive experience in __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I am enthusiastic about exploring opportunities with ___________________________________ and look forward to meeting you.
Thank you for your consideration.
The forms on this site are provided "As-Is." By using these forms you agree that you are using them at your own risk. Most of the free forms are not prepared by an attorney and may need substantial modification. Additional disclaimers can be found in our Terms of Use.