Free Michigan Non-disclosure Legal Forms
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- Non-disclosure Agreements
- These non-disclosure agreements have been drafted by attorneys for a variaty of situations.
- Long-form Non-disclosure Agreement
- This Non-Disclosure Agreement, also known as a Confidentiality Agreement, states that the recipient of classified information will not disclose this information to another party. The Long Form provides additional terms.
- Short-form Non-disclosure Agreement
- This Non-Disclosure Agreement, also known as a Confidentiality Agreement, states that the recipient of classified information will not disclose this information to another party. The Short Form does not include as many conditions as the Long Form.
- Mutual Non-disclosure Agreement
- The Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement states that both parties agree not to share any confidential information they receive from the other party with any third party.
- Non-disclosure Forms Combo Package
- The Non-Disclosure Forms Combo Packages includes all of our non-disclosure agreement forms.
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