Free Sample Full and Final Release Form

Full and Final Releases are used to release another party from all claims, current or future, arising or resulting from a specific event or circumstance.

Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.

Full and Final Release
__________________________________, herein referred to as (“Releaser”), located at: ______________________________ and ____________________, herein referred to as (“Releasee”), located at: ______________________________________________ hereby execute this Full and Final Release.

WHEREAS, certain disputes and financial transactions have occurred between the parties hereto.

WHEREAS, they have amicably resolved any and all disputes and acknowledge the extinguishment of any and all debts, obligations, and liabilities of any kind between the parties.

IN CONSIDERATION THEREOF, the parties herein hereby duly execute this Full and Final Release and comply with the terms and conditions set forth below.


1.  Releaser hereby acknowledges Releasee’s payment in full in the amount of $________.

2.  Releaser acknowledges and agrees that Releaser’s full payment is satisfactory and there are no other remaining debts and/or liability owed to Releaser.

3.  Releaser hereby releases and forever discharges Releasee from any liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action (collectively the "Claims") in respect the parties certain disputes and financial transaction.

4. This Full and Final Release shall be valid and binding and insure for the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of both parties.

The parties herein hereby acknowledge, understanding and agree to the foregoing terms and conditions and executed this Full and Final Release.

___________________________                  _______________________

Releasor                                                          Date

___________________________                  _______________________

Releasee                                                          Date

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