Free Complaint - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 4
Date: April 9, 2008
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,285 Words, 7,691 Characters
Page Size: 610 x 792 pts

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Case 1:08-mj-00079-UNA Document 1 Filed O4/O9/2008 Page 1 of 4
AD 91 (Rev. 12/93) Criminal Complaint I
In United States District Court
For the District of Delaware
Criminal Complaint
CASE NUMBER: 08- 79` M
I, the undersigned complainant, being duly sworn, state the following is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. On or about April 8, 2008, in the District of Delaware, Defendant TEDDY COPPEDGE, after
having been convicted of a felony crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, did knowingly
possess in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce a firearm, in violation of Title Q, United States Code,
Section(s) 922{ gl; l 3 and 924g all 2 3.
I further state that I am sworn as a Special Deputy U.S. Marshal and am assiged to the ATF
and that this complaint is based on the following facts:
S_e_e attached Affidavit
Continued on the attached sheet and made a part hereof: Yes
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Steven Parrott
Special Deputy U.S. Marshal assigned to the ATF
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence,
April 9, 2008 at Wilmington, DE
Date City and State
Honorable Mary Pat Thynge {
United States Magistrate Judge _ ___ 4(/ ,y , F ,
Name & rate Oriuaiciai omcer riuaictai ornc

Case 1 :08-mj-00079-UNA Document 1 Filed O4/O9/2008 Page 2 of 4
l. Your affiant is Steven Parrott. Your affiant is a Special Deputy U.S. Marshal and is
currently assigned as a Task Force Officer to the Wilmington, Delaware office of
the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Your affiant has
been a police officer for the city of Wilmington, Delaware for ten years. Prior to
your affiant’s employment with the city of Wilmington, Delaware, your affiant was
a sworn police officer for ten years working in other states. In all your affiant has
twenty years of experience as a sworn police officer. Your affiant has attended and
completed training in police/law enforcement academies in the states of Florida,
Wyoming and Delaware. Your affiant has received training in the recognition of
firearms and the investigation of firearms offenses at all three of these academies as
well as regularly attending in-service training throughout your affiant’s career. Your
affiant has participated in the seizures of over fifty firearms and the investigation of
a substantial number of firearm—related offenses. ln addition your affiant has
participated in discussions about the facts and circumstances of firearms offenses
with other police officers, including but not limited to local, state and federal
officers, specific to their own knowledge, experience and training of such offenses.
2. Unless otherwise noted, the information in this affidavit is based on your affiant’s
personal knowledge and conversations with officers of the Wilmington, Delaware
Police Department and/or a Special Agent of the ATF who is specially trained in
the investigation of firearms-related incidents and the interstate nexus of firearms.
3. The seizure of all the below listed evidence took place on April Sth, 2008, in the
city of Wilmington, state and District of Delaware, as stated below to me by one or
more Wilmington Police Officers.
4. Your affiant reviewed the criminal history infomation for the Defendant TEDDY
COPPEDGE from the Delaware Justice information System and learned that the
defendant has three felony convictions for which he faced incarceration for more
than one year. Those felonies are as follows. Carrying a Concealed Deadly Weapon,
sentencing date on or about ll/01/2004, Possession With intent to Deliver a
Narcotic Schedule l Controlled Substance, sentencing date on or about 04/04/2006,
and Delivery of a Narcotic Schedule l Controlled Substance within 1,000 feet of a
School, sentencing date on or about 04/04/2006. All of these convictions were in
the Superior Court of New Castle County, Delaware.
5. Yom affiant spoke to a Wilmington Police Officer hereinafter referred to as Officer
l and leamed the following. Officer l conducted a search of a vehicle at a specific
location in the city of Wilmington, Delaware. Officer 1 found what he believed,
based on his training and experience, to be marijuana in the console and glove
compartment ofthe vehicle. Officer l also found a firearm in the glove
compartment of the vehicle. The firearm was a Sig Sauer 9mm semi-automatic

Case 1 :08-mj-00079-UNA Document 1 Filed O4/O9/2008 Page 3 of 4
6. Officer I told your affiant the following. Officer l had seen the defendant driving
the vehicle within two minutes of the officer’s contact with the defendant. The
defendant was found to have the keys to the car in his possession. .
7. Your affiant and Officer l interviewed the defendant on video in an interview room
in the Detective Division of WPD. Officer 1 read the defendant his Miranda
warnings from a form. The defendant stated that he understood his rights and
waived his right to remain silent. He was given the form, which he appeared to
read, and he then signed the form. The defendant stated that the marijuana found in
the glove compartment was his and that it was for smoking but that sometimes he
sold it. He also stated that the firearm found in the glove compartment was his. He
stated that earlier in the day he met up with a male subject who he has dealt with in
the past but who he refused to identify. He stated that the male got into his car to
buy marijuana from the defendant. At some point the male subject produced a
handgun in a black plastic bag and asked the defendant if he wanted to buy it. The
defendant stated that he paid the subject three hrmdred dollars in cash and one
hundred dollars worth of crack cocaine for the gun.
8. Your affiant viewed the seized firearm and found it to be a Sig Sauer brand 9mm
semi-automatic handgun, model P228, serial # Bl24507. Based on your affiant’s
personal observation of the seized firearm your affiant believes the firearm:
l)contains the frame and receiver of a firearm, 2) appears to be capable of expelling
a projectile by action of an explosive, and 3) is a firearm under 18 U.S.C. 92l(a)(3).
9. Your affiant spoke with an ATF agent expertly trained in the interstate nexus of
firearms. That agent stated that the seized firearm was manufactured in a country
other than the United States, meaning the seized firearm would have had to cross
national and state lines prior to its possession in Delaware, thereby affecting foreign
and interstate commerce.
10. This affidavit has been prepared for the purpose of establishing probable cause.
Further information regarding this incident is known by your affiant.

Case 1 :08-mj-00079-UNA Document 1 Filed O4/O9/2008 Page 4 of 4
Wherefore, based upon your affiant’s training and experience, your affiant believes that
there is probable cause to believe that the defendant did possess in and affecting interstate
and foreign commerce, a firearm after having been convicted of a felony crime
punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year in violation of Title 18
U.S.C., Section(s) 922(g)(l) and (924)(a)(2).
Steven P. Parrott
Task Force Officer, ATF
Special Deputy U.S. Marshal
Sworn to and subscribed in my presence
this _€_ day of 2008.
7 .-.... ____ 4 I1.f4._
" e able Mary Pat ,*1 ge
Unit tes Magistrate Judge

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