Free Petition to Revoke Probation/Release - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Date: October 28, 2005
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State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 858 Words, 5,222 Characters
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Preview Petition to Revoke Probation/Release - District Court of Arizona
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DISTRICT OF ARIZONA crank u s oisrnicr count
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United States v. Armando Ulyese Espinoza Docket No. 02CR00454—001-PHX-ROS
Petition to Revoke Supervised Release I _
COMES NOW PROBATION OFFICER Michael G. Wimmer presenting an ofHciaI report on
Armando Uiyese Espinoza who was committed to the Bureau of Prisons January 16, 2003, for 12 months
by the Honorable Roslyn O. Silver presiding in the District Court of Arizona. A 3-year period of
supervised release was imposed, and supervision commenced upon the offender‘s discharge from
imprisonment August 5, 2005. In addition to the general terms and conditions adopted by the Court in
General Order O4-11, the offender was ordered to comply with the following special conditions:
1. You shall participate as instructed bythe probation officer in a program of substance abuse treatment
which may include testing for substance abuse. You shall contribute to the cost of treatment in an
amount to be determined by the probation officer.
2. You shall submit to search of person, property, vehicles, business, and residence to be conducted
in a reasonable manner and at a reasonable time by, or at the direction of, the probation officer.
3. You shall not be involved with gang activity, possess any gang paraphernalia or associate with any
person affiliated with a gang.
4. You shall abstain from all use of alcohol or alcoholic beverages.
5. You shall make reasonable child support payments pursuant to the direction of the Probation Office
based on your ability to pay.
6. Beginning six (6) months from today and continuing every (6) months, you shall write a letter
addressed to the Court, to be delivered to the probation office, dealing your efforts to get your GED,
the drug treatment programs and other programs you are involved in and your efforts at fathering
your child and how you are making arrangements for the care of your cl·§l;`d. _
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Armando Ulyese Espinoza was convicted of Possession of Stolen Mail, A Glass Drjelony.
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Case 2:02—cr—00454—ROS Document 24 Filed 10/26/2005 Page 1 of 3

Page 2 Q O
U.S.A. v. Armando Ulyese Es oza
Docket No. 02CR00454-001-PHX-ROS
October 13, 2005
Allegation A: Violation of Standard Condition #1: You shall report to the Probation Ofhce as directed by
the Court or probation ofltcer, and shall submit a truthful and complete written report within the Hrst tive
days of each month.
The defendant failed to submit a written report for the month of September 2005. A Grade C
Allegation B: Violation of Special Condition #1 : You shall participate as instructed by the probation ofiicer
in a program of substance abuse treatment which may include testing for substance abuse. You shall
contribute to the cost of treatment in an amount to be determined by the probation olticer.
Espinoza failed to submit urine samples as directed September 7; September 29; October
4; and October 13, 2005. A Grade C violation.
Allegation C: Violation of Standard Condition #7: You shall notify the probation oflicer at least ten days
prior to any change of residence or employment.
The defendant failed to notify the probation officer prior to his change of residence. A Grade C
Case 2:02—cr—00454—ROS Document 24 Filed 10/26/2005 Page 2 of 3

Page 3 % •
U.S.A. v. Armando Ulyese Esp. za
Docket No. 02CR00454-001-PHX-ROS
October 13, 2005
In conformance with the provision of 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the
foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Based on the information presented that the
offender has violated conditions of supervision, I am petitioning the Court to issue a warrant.
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Michael G. Wimmer Date
U.S. Probation Officer
Reviewed by
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Fred . Chllese Date
Supervisory U.S. Probation Officer
Reviewed by
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Richard .Mesh Date
Assistant U.S. Attorney
I find there is probable cause to believe the offe er has violated conditions of supervision, supported
by the above affirmation given under penalty rju . he Court orders the issuance of a warrant.
Consi · rn and ordered this B25; day of , 20;;6‘ and ordered filed and
·· de a pa of the rds inthe above case.
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The Ho rable oslyn • ilver
U.S. Distri - - ge
Defense Counsel:
Baltazar Iniguez (Appointed)
3030 North Central Avenue, Suite 509 i
Phoenix, Arizona 85012
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Case 2:02-cr-00454-ROS

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Filed 10/26/2005

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Case 2:02-cr-00454-ROS

Document 24

Filed 10/26/2005

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Case 2:02-cr-00454-ROS

Document 24

Filed 10/26/2005

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