Free Response to Motion - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 4
Date: October 28, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,434 Words, 10,797 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 792 pts

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Preview Response to Motion - District Court of Arizona
_ mw"' [ L; [ODGED
hm Q M_,5e_mm OCT 2 6 ZODB
Arizona Pr‘i$¤n··E~{m¤»·•x DESTH!CTOF}\FiE}ZONA
m¢,qa.¤...$ um B*»»»»~»—---»-·-~w=*—- DEPUW
9.0- Bn! 3300
F\<>reJ·.¢,o,, Af"{?..¤n¤· °ES3.’:5‘1··33¤¤
Plqinhq`, P22;
IN ‘\`\-\E u\J\TED STHTES D\5"\'R\C.’\’ C»¤u.\2`\`
F0? THE D\$T1l\C.T OF F\Q\Z¤NP¤
Vx?~\5TOFE?— M. SENELA, N0. Qv D'5··\350—?Rk-SRE
Pxaanwf, _
v_ Mcnou To wrmbkhw Mccrrucss
AP-G·\J.M‘é.N'Y HS \T PER-TFuN•.a To
$`\'¤°¤TE OF &2.w.0M%, e;\—¤,\., BO¤V— Ll M\TP•"\’\0\J
D€·§·k!\dqn‘\'S. _
P\».:n{nN‘\-W, \Cr2s."`·¤-Far H- 5€h€.C¤&, pip §§_.., karB\¤3 raspgqdg ·\-, {)g$enc\-
0.n—\-s` Mc\-ion ¥¤ w§-\~hdr¤w Madness I\r3uman-\- as is Pgr+q€.··.s ·\·¤
Bod'- L2mi·\·. ns -‘:¤\\¤ws:
\N\¤2\2 P\ca•}n+’\·n docs no-\— c,¤n·\-¢5‘\· ·H¤ ` d€S€.(“v€$ Cn. FQSQOGSB. C.¤u·hS€\ ASV-S was C¤•.ar·`· ·`-p
ignore. -\-Me. `cuad and ·Fac\·S_ qa:} su\¤5·\-%·\·•.r`·<’. ker qe_r5{·¤n ··H»·¤¤··\·
{S n¤·\· 9;-J3 unSupp<¤v‘\€A \°“‘\' C-»°•‘\`\-"¤I`j *0 +Wn€. \O·~N Qhd ragpré
in ·\-has c.¤.sa.
P\a·?¤¥\·q has n¤·¥ rcpca-\-e¤\\3 c.\¤\med C¤u~\* YK i¢w¤\uecl
r&\Z5i¤v.$ `¤¤¤¥-*5. Quik ·`·¤ We con-\-·rc.r_j, ·\'\n¥$ C0ur‘¥ $¤n|`€L
We Bowl- Fssuc remains under -H·.¤. P.\..\A\PB. (SQ?. Grdar
Dm., No, GO cd- Bx
Case2:O3—cv-O1350—SRB_ D0cument116 FiIed10/26/2005 Page10f4

while, -H·`t5' Cm¤¢—+ 5·\·¤»-\—Qé -¥\·•cr\· H- be.\{e.vad H P\¤M·\·\·W me,r·2\5
cJn¤,\\e,n%c·.d Mw, p¤\t¤5 \\m1·\·7r·•j in·M¤~·\-Es ·\¤=» Seven \·;¤¤\¢s. M ‘Ywa cabs-]-r¤.¤+.
. . . Cc»¤A`S Ava. nc} a+\er•··~p¥ -\—¤ appem -\-vw. de,¤a¤\ A- cmg spear-Pre
\¤¤c•¥·{$)," (Oréerl Doc. No. `T5 cH- *0 {MES C¤¤u·+ drd no-\· ·{·`·?¤d A
·(`¤.i\u..»e. im ¤».»\»w..».s+ ygqr dsa A- Ammvss. we ¢,\¤.r-.. In £¤c», +ms.
€.»¤·.»r+ arma M was be.\:a£ as ‘\‘\rxc. ewdum ¤\rc\-¤=·-les -H`¤, ¤Pp¤¤.c-\—¢=..
'N¤ \€¥ij¤m-\· \’»¤·5 ‘5¥¤n==}T··~g ‘\‘¤ C\c·N—¤ cx {frac, cx\·;-5-\·¢—¤.¢;+ ri·3k·\·
g it ${,..3-i·»,,;,-.3, \-ks, mms-\· é$zm¤.··»s+r¤.-R. How ¤·. pq:-·\-r¤v.\c¤· prc¤<;·\·¤’c€ w$&`§
has qtniq-\-ed hrs r—?j\¤·\·s. 6%% .\£L$.....·..? v' .C·¢¤. $*23, Nb $.G·\·.J.\'M_Q..\%0
09%) Ye.-¥, an +x.:5 mae, Piaem-FF dna M4- ¤·ss¤¢-\- Q $.42,
Qb5"\’fd.C"' "`°° YWOFE S€v€.n {-€%\.»\€S'\'€.A SPQQ"-pig
$u\¤3e,c.-\·s, ca—`;h: num bar, 5-X-4-\e,d w\,,¤-}» Akai wane, used {Lp,
cmd wha he named +k¤·.m. (_Se cd- \-EL).
c»OLA('I5€\ \’Y\G•.¥-cs QN U•i\$\»\PPOr"’€&] GAA
-\+»¤.—\¢ 'P\q:¤M—W ·Y¤.:\eA ·\¤ e¤e\m...s~¥. Y6, De-Ymdcm-ks. —\+»eMse\»es,
-\·x.,,,,3», -H-.ear ¤3e,»·•+, ·5·\-¤.-Ré -\M¤¥ V\¤·;».¤-K-iqt has "ezalnqus-¥e¤¥ qu q¤¤.:\-
a\¤\q ¤.é•M1¤rs+m-\—i~»e remedies,] on Mhz buck. issue,. (Doc. Nos, TG , Ex.
**3 Nw W ¤~* 3*%)- Coun s·a\ qc-\—uq\\3 \·.¤> -H»¤. ¤¤d¤¢:+3-\-»¤sv. —\+.:$
Cow-} ·\-Q Riinorc -\-\».¤. cadence.
Evin s.’u\\, C¤¤.·»se\ appenrs -\¤ ca.-¤.,.-e.»+ ~H~¤». \.¤.,J, \¤e\c¤.»:n3
+\»¤+ Jew. udes do m-A app; -\~¤ —*:\·.¤.m. Indeed, ·\-he N¤¤·¥\¤ (L¤r—¢».c-\—
Bqs \ne\<:\ +¥~¤~·\· +\w. ¤¤\j was Jm rutse Q -p¤1\¤.re. ·}¤ e.x\¤¤.¤.s+ rs B1
waj cr`: an unenumeruifd Rude VJ. (Wo.} ·····•¤·H~¤n, no chu. $4aa _\rjég·_·|i
Case 2:03-cv-01350-SRB D0cument116 FiIed10/26/2005 Page20f4

w, `Terkome, sis F·3¤\ \\¤B, W9 *10 (9-% Cov, 9.003). 1-\· rs +\·»eAr burden
·\·o p\e¤.d aaa prove ¤ ·E¤¤\~+rc J•¤ e:s\na~·~5·\—» Ei- N¤ M¤*W€-F [¤°w
wen Q,ra·c-Rc`, p\e¤d2n5 never ¤•moo.n·\·s ·¥~¤ pr¤¤·{··
Pa—\·H»·.3 hors asade, ·H¤e, Ge-teqanec was ==.ppea\e¤\ ¤.\\ -\’L··¤. wcmj
-\1·.»-wg, Dzredor, ·\+»e SMGX s.\·a·3e. The Sdevanoe qnd Hrs appeals
are in -\rh¤. regooci. (See Do;. Nos. 3%, Ex. Cp; No, QL, `Es, A), A
Pxain reaching c-Y ·H¤ese c»\emons*\·v¤—\-e {\· was n¤·\— an t°a\os·\-cose.-¥"¢_}c·i»¤~,
Desp·H€. ·\-Mts, De¥€.nda¤·YiS`a\$o wan-\— ·‘r\¤zs Com--\· +o {Snare, ah +\¤e
eases dealmg w€+\¤ es Maashon and boot wssoes. C¤¢·\—ed Cn ¤¤c,,No,\\<]
¤·* 3%) end so -·‘+\~ —\+~e··r eneosporm asser-\-ions, me rseoe wc.;
€n\»»aes·\ed, and ·H~rs Coar-¥ ~.ooa\& \»»ooe·\==· ¢·5~·~¤re ·\·\···e -Xiao-\—s a·-aol \o~·:
"¤ ko\c\ ·\¤ ·\*\·»e con ·\·rar·;.
F§v»a\\$, w\»;\e &e·Qe¤d.¤¤-\·s ¢;\axm -H¤e.$ kaue no \·»rs·\~or..5 VT-
Ckangmg po\\¤'ies Ng response -\·¤ \a.u $o.:‘\s, -\·\·»¢s ·\—o¤ ?s ais Mgenaoas,
Pina Coanl-5 Superior Coa·~·\· Iaége `Boj& T- `Iovmscm ·R>·md·\‘\~e3 drd
Us Van Ocaen v. 5-¥ewar-\-, No. CV Sl0¤0—041&.04 (E><.\··;\¤£·¥ PO. Mos}
{n-\-eres-Hng , is +\»·»o.+ De-Fend<=·.r~·\· Wanda E- Ro-Cmann Gipresen-¥ed DDC
M+»»o.+ case and On appea\. (@.3 Ex\n£\¤;·¥ B)
W\a·¥ is 21;-\··rgme.\5 worpigqmg) is -\-1,·,a-\- ·H·»c. ?\ai¤·¥i·¤; in ·\·\¤c¤·’t-
case was recbudred ’r¤ Pwduce G \c·\\-er -\o change his re\r3io·».:. pre-
(jerenca, `Thc -Can.-»5+\¤t¤5 ¥5, ·\*\n¤-\» he was ‘\’ke €x¤»c-\- same P\,a'€n-—
+c-YS ;“ vom mam V. L¤....:$ ex- ok., ws.—·m;- Aon
wkerein whack ·H»e -Qe¢\era\ cow-+ ordered De$e»—.d¤.,·`—\—s +c·s+oP re-
ci_).,;t»;.·§ \e+¥ers, 7}+ i5 ¤buH·¤ ¤•P9¤~·'€¤·\· ·\’i¤a-I- De·ce¤¤\a»-r¥s ¤»¤¤>\"Hn€§r‘
Case 2:03-cv-01350-SRB D0cument116 FiIed10/26/2005 Page30f4

€.o·.msz\ wsxi -\*e\\'¤. c¤w—+ w\·`¤¥·¤*·*€’ ·"" W°*"‘\'$ “"° ""'a°*'* °“"d ‘\°
$°Ma.H_;h5 cbu;.\£_ .\·\M2_ °pP°5g—\·e, 0-K; wha-\·· {Maj $n5 ‘HAQ.j w€\\ dc,
Given Weir ve,rq¢;H-3 is w<=m·'H¤%, -\“\¤¢*w— p¤\¢ cmd. pr¤¢·\—rc.e,S
cm; £u\\ ¤-Y vicfssihdes and awe. v¤\¤-\-Ha}; +\¤ts C¤ur-\- c,cm.¤¤%· ¤ccq>+
JT"\€H" Wbfd "POU" ;""· wi {-SS\•\€S QVC ‘f\G"' f*\¤O"" GOA "H'\2 EOQK (`S$\.A€
was ¢.x`n¤u-xs-\cd, based on F-PxC.'T n¤·\· -F¤J\cL<‘.·$.
"*¤<»¤·` °$'\+\Q bBU¥~ €$5\•\€ as \'V\•·A$"' éenj '\'\f\Q, °'\°"`i¤•‘\ `-\`O drsndrss
·\*\¤e, CQSE. qs, m¤>¤-\~ based on -·\*\¤2, +¢w2. ·(-`0.c·\·s qnd. \¤-··.
P-Es9Ecr Puu.\\ 5uE>M\‘¥\E.D &·\·»=s.£& dmj ¤¥ Or.-\—¤b2r, @005.
¥~R\ST¤PE& M10-\RE it-u€c.A_ f__?:_0 E
y \¢.¢·¥s M- Banana`, P\¤i\¤-\-NPP
OR\G.mP•\. and 0vJE c,oP~t ol? Jrhe
£¤·’<¢g¤`·n5 ¤·•··•¤;\o.d hasggqj
¤¥ Oc-\·<»bu—, 9.005, ·\~o:
_“\& \"0n¤r~0·b]€ 5uSG.f\ 2. Bt>\'\‘¤n
Unakd S-hécs 'Dis-+n`c\· 3'qdgc
I cmd ONE COPY 5%+
%u5¤mn¤n C. Rncdq
Priibrncj {Br Déendan
EN; /0/
·- d‘ WE-kk ·\‘\¤c. ?.\€m'€na·H¤n cr; {hc €>ge,»»`p’H¤n "pvr ¤v&r‘5i2¢ad n’·¥¤.r-»$ (5ce
Dm;. wm no Jax A 4+ M5), cxmrnj Marne w.-wah, -\+.:S a\:~.;..¤+¤.
¤5s.qs5\·=>n ea-? cx ‘J.a\¤v··¥¤r~ c>.nc\ 1¤·$»». Tke. new p¤\:¢5 S·\-•:»—\as ¤»\\ I-\·eMS
‘?nus+ c¤\\¤c·\*w¤\·j -YI-\·°` €¤·\<> ·\‘¤e. box, ·\·\»ese. €·‘re~¤s c1o.¤¤¤+. Them-Era, ·\·k¤.
De-(}.>,,A¤¤·\5 me. once. again in véolahcq o-? a. c¤¤.».•—-\— order, '5·\m¤g¤..
(°n5;dE_r—;q5 `oo·¥\q Lindlfvwnn and H¤·cm¤nn VAGMJ ¤•\¤¤v~‘\* P`-.
Case 2:03-cv-01350-SRB D0cument116 FiIed10/26/2005 Page40f4

Case 2:03-cv-01350-SRB

Document 116

Filed 10/26/2005

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Case 2:03-cv-01350-SRB

Document 116

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Case 2:03-cv-01350-SRB

Document 116

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Case 2:03-cv-01350-SRB

Document 116

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