Free Reply in Support of Motion - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 79.9 kB
Pages: 2
Date: October 18, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 567 Words, 3,810 Characters
Page Size: 604.32 x 790.08 pts

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mso mourn rmsr Avenue
JOSEPH C DOLU vuossix, Anizom ssoos (su:) :66.7667
‘ ` mx (coz) zvv-asso
4 ' ¢·malIj0¢@jcd01an.c0m
October 3, 2005
Scott Humble, Esq. J
3101 North Central, Suite 1300 _ `
Phoenix, Arizona 85012 ·
William Phillips, Esq.
l 122 East Jefferson
Phoenix, Arizona 85036 ‘ e
Re: J Simms v McDougall et al; Simms v State Farm 0 r J A A
Dear Scott and Bill: t
A Enclosed-please find a copy of the recent report from Rimkus Consulting. I think that
with our disclosures we may have provided black and white copies of the photographs. The
color photographs are more informative. You can see better the heat damage to the EIFS in the V
i color photographs. e . · I e · I 1 A
The heat damage to the EIFS poses a problem for us all. pI advised Scott Humble the V
other daythat I am t1·ying to get a contractor lined up to go back out andstan repairing the heat
damaged_EIFS. I told Scott that I would give him notice so that he can have someone observe. I
trust that you two would want someone there while the exterior cladding is being pulled off
Frankly, I am hoping that the damage is isolated although there is certainly the possibility
that we will find more heat damaged areas. · j »
As soon as I have a contractor lined up I will be giving you guys notice so that you can
have someone available. I
With regard to the upcoming mediation, Mr. Simms would like to have an agreement that
your two companies will pay the cost ol` mediation. Actually, since Warren Brown will also be
involved, it will be your three companies. Please advise on this latter point.
Also, pay attention to page 87 from a standard fire investigation manual entitled "Kirk’s
Fire Investigation 5m edition." Author John Dehaan writes,
Case 2:03—cv—01415—ROS Document 223-3 Filed 10/18/2006 Page1 of2

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Case 2:03—cv—01415—ROS Document 223-3 Filed 10/18/2006 Page2of2

Case 2:03-cv-01415-ROS

Document 223-3

Filed 10/18/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01415-ROS

Document 223-3

Filed 10/18/2006

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