Free Stipulation - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 877 Words, 5,520 Characters
Page Size: 620.64 x 789.84 pts

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Preview Stipulation - District Court of Arizona
§ Rohert L. Storrs, P.C.
Robert {4. Storrs Q
2 45 W. Jet`fe’rson,, Suite 303
Phoe1i=.ix,A21 S5{}U3—2317
3 Attomey for Plaintiff t
¥g flSYGH`3p‘*$€@JN.i"lE»`e!.t€T9.H€{ l ’
fl- .
Terry Goddard, Attorney Genera} -
5 l Cathadoe Mt i:3e-hiattti, Bar Ne. 822124 ¤
l Assistextt Attomey {ieoora] -
.5 E 1235 W. Waehiaogttm .
F P}me¤i>t,_,»=*tri2on2tS5G€}’f—-299}` .
7 lffhoae: {602) 542-4951
l*`a‘:<: {@12) 5··42·'§·’U·‘0
8 Catherine.}3ohlm1dt§@azag.gev ‘
Attorneys for Defendants
lf . ;
Mark E. Hampton, N0; CVB3- i'?{}6-P}{X—NVW {WMM) t
12 . t
i’laém;i.ff, STH?'ULA’FI()i*€ Ti} ENLARGE TIME
13 . FGR FELING- GF i)§SF{)S¥’FI\»’E
V. 5 mefrxowe
E Charles Ryzm, et 211,, l
15 ¤
l De-Fetwdants, l
U Plaiutiil', Mark E. Hampton] ami Defendants, Dora Sehrim, Co—m“e:1l Lum. and t
13 3%-atlmaxa Shearer, hereby} stipulate and jointly move for an order enlarging the time for the
r F} EE . I A _
l parties; to file their dispositive motions for ninety {Qt!} daye frcrxn Ap:11 28, 2656, or tmttl =
QU July 23, Zféijlfet This motion is supported by good cause and is not made to cause tmtltte
5 ¤
M; delay- ·
22 'fhe parties; request an ertlaegemem of the dispositive motion demiline for several
23 reasons. First, Plaintiff-ie a. validated member of a Se:.:‘urity Threat Group {"S"1*G"] ami is
2 QE? .
é currently housed in the Arizona State Prison Complex {“A.SPC")~.Hytuan, Special
25 .
gg ’ lT’1aim;ii?i"s counsel has 1·revl,ewedth.Ee proposed stipulation and agrees to the placement. of Z
his eiwature on the electronically filed motion. 2
Case 2:O3—cv-O1706—NVW Document 58 Filed O4/14/2006 Page 1 of 3

I lv*£a¤agam¤:nllUni.&("SivlU") li. {DM. 49.) Plainti1*I’*sAmc::1c£cé C0m.plai:1ta1lagcs multiple
2- vialaiiczrris uf his subai.amiva and p-mccsduzal dm: process rights for his glaccmanl ami
3 maximal canfinmmcmt in SMU H {Count ll), and an Eighth Axncndmcnt violatian
4 prohibiting craal ami wmsual pxmlshmcm, atwmming from his canditious af cunfinuzmcnl in
5 SME} ll amid lack. af medical tmatmcnl {Baum li}. (`D`l»:!;. 49*.}
6 Efiltctiva M`a.1=ch 15, 2*9*36, thc zlwizmma Bcpaxmzcm of Carwaciims ("ADC")
3* implem S STG mcn1l2ara to secure. their rfalaassz- from SMU ll mhzvugh a Sac;p—§3am1.ll’s0gram which is
9 ¤u·zilm>d in mviaad Daparamaut Order {"1}O”’} 596. 'flw mviscd {IG $(36 pcm1i.¤:s inmates,
EG wha have been vali:.l:u;c_d aa STG mcmbars, to remove llmmnaclvca ilcmm STG activity and
ll »:.l¢m.0-n.sl1*ata in Ecpazmxent ataff that thay am my langar inwlivcd with STG activity.
1.2 _ Should the STG member succassfully complete thc program, they aw cligiblc for rcicaaa
13 intu tlw Ganraral Pupulallcxm.
14 Plaintiff has. applied far thas: ‘“pil0t" Slap-Hawn Pmgam. Counsel for Dafendarzta
E5 has cauaultcci with thc.-supervisor af the STG Unit, who siatcs that Flaintlff mczcba the
I6 raquiscmnmts far eligibility in participate in tha $tap·lD¤w:1 Program. if Piai11t.i£T is
Yi accepted iam tha "p£l0l"’ Slap-Down pragralu, all uf Caum I and a sv..1bs‘liami&l partiau Of
lS Cmml {I 0i`i;lxc;le.:d Complaint am mam. As such,. undersigned atmmcys agcc that
19 am. anlargczxmnt uf time for tiling cliapaaitiva maxima is xwcaasaxy ta c:0m”i·rm wlw-they or
ZG a1c>tPl.aintiff`will particigzmtcz in lhs: Step-U<.wm`Pragrax¤a.
.21 Sccam·:l.Ey, PEair¤t.§l`i"s. vamai;1i11g elalm related tc: medical tma£.m¤:n’a ixwolvas over
2.2. l;,GG& pages of medical records. As such, a thorough. reivlavv afPlain1lff’s medical like by Z
2.3 bath D¢iEméa¤ts’ and ?£aimi.f?s medical xautlwriltias is aacdad as- éatarmina thc mlavamzy Q
24 <1f’Plai11.t.%fFs claim.
‘2:°“:¥ liecauaa of the mean; nmmliilcaltim;. af ADC policy and thc potential benefit ta
.26 Plaimif`§§ as wall as the xwccl uf bath parties to main-sw Plalritifth. cxt.cns.ivc medical. file, daz:
Casa 2:O3—cv-O1706—NVW Document 58 Filed O4/14/2006 Page 2 of 3

i peniee egme that me me wili be prejuciieeé by the extension, A. prepesed. erder .
2 eeeernpemiee this szipuletien. I
3 RESPEC'I`FULL`Y SUHMf'¥`“f”ED this iilih dey of Aphé}, 2306*
4 Robert L, Stems, RC. 'l"em·y Geddz1r 5 .. 0 - e. ,
6 BY ‘ ‘-‘- : ' - .. 0 By ..
? Mm y0 or l mm I At1;qr§e3*3ge¤cmi ‘· E
3 ‘ Attemey fer Defendants
9 0
10 eeseess-we
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12 Q
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18 0 I .
24 I
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Case 2:03-cv—01706-NVW Document 58 Filed O4/14/2006 Page 3 of 3

Case 2:03-cv-01706-NVW

Document 58

Filed 04/14/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01706-NVW

Document 58

Filed 04/14/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01706-NVW

Document 58

Filed 04/14/2006

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