Free Order - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 53.1 kB
Pages: 2
Date: November 23, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 451 Words, 2,964 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 792 pts

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Preview Order - District Court of Arizona
Securities and Exchange Commission, g
Plaintiff, )
v. g Cause No. CV03-1862 PHX FJM
Millennium Capital Hedge Fund, L.P.; )
Millennium Capital Group, LLC; and g ORDER RE: PETITION NO. 4
Andreas F. Zybell, )
Defendants. g
The Rect-:iver’s Petition No. 4, Petition for Order Approving Final Accounting and
Final Tax Returns, Exonerating the Court’s Disbursing Agent and His Agents, and
Authorizing the Retention and Destruction of Records, having been filed with the Court
and all parties entitled to notice having been notified by service of the Petition in
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accordance with this Court’s Order Re: Petznon N0. 2, and it appearmg to the Court that
the relief requested
l. Approving the Disbursing Agent’s final accounting attached as Exhibit l to
Petition No. 4;
Case 2:03-cv-01862-FJIVI Document 86 Filed 11/23/2005 Page 1 of 2

2. he rnal fiduciary tax returns attached as Exhibits 2 and 3 to
Petition No. 4 and authorizing the Disbursing Agent to file same with the appropriate
federal and state taxing authorities;
3. Authorizing the Disbursing Agent to retain the books and records necessary
to support the tax returns filed by the Disbursing Agent for a period of 4 years and
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4. A Authorrggrg the Drsbursr g Agent to de troy all books and records obtained
or created by the Court’s Disbursing Agent and not necessary to support the tax returns
filed by the Disbursing Agent after 90 days from the date of this order;
5. Exonerating the Disbursing Agent and his employees, agents, attorneys and
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assistants from any and all further li/zfljility trhthelfjarties orlfhe creditors, clac-it/iantfs, K?
beneticiaries, or owners of the funds entrusted to the Disbursing Agent;
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6. Enjoining all personifrom commencing or prosecuting, without leave of
this Court, any action against the Court’s Disbursing Agent or his agents in connection
with or arising out of the Agent’s service to this Court; and
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Case 2:03-cv-01862-FJM

Document 86

Filed 11/23/2005

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Case 2:03-cv-01862-FJM

Document 86

Filed 11/23/2005

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