Free Other Notice - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 4
Date: December 31, 1969
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State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,442 Words, 9,219 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 2:03—cv—01892-ROS Document 203-2 Filed 12/15/2006 Page1 0f4

Taeon & Snooa, P.L.L.C.
SESLIK 2700Noa1u CENTRAL Avenue
,@j,¤;#·,E— .S·1~a~·~·* Pl·}OENIX,U,¤;-l1iZ0NA`850_U4‘
Telephone: (.002) 265-7100
Facsimile: {602} 265-7400
December 6, 2006
VIA FACSIl¥I[L‘E ONLY (928) 774-1725
Steve J. A. August, Esq'.
August Law Ofnce, P-LLC
401 North S-an Fransico Street, Suite A
Flags-tail;. AZ 86001-0001
Re; Az;gu.srv. Ci-zy of Phoerzne ez ci
US District Court District 0fAr;h*0rm Case No. CV03-1892 PHKROS
Dear Steve:
You have been served with a subpoena in zz Civil -Case to as a witness at the trial
of the above-referenced matter, which is set for a six_(6) day jury trial, begimiing on January 9,
2007. P-lease take notice ofthe time and place for which your appearance is required. However,
there is- no way to guarantee the exact time- or day that you will be called to the witness stand.
Consequently, I that you contact myofflee- at (602) 265-7100 and speak to either myself or
my legal assistant, Aly Shorn-ar-Esparza, a week in advance, and then again 48- hours in advance,
ofthe time you are scheduled to appear.
At the time you contact my office, I-should be .b.ett_er prepared to provide you with a more
accurate estimate concerning when your appearance at trial will- be needed,.
It is our desire to make. your appearance at the trial as convenient as pos-sible, and,
therefore, by contacting our office, we should be able to keep any inconveniences to a minimum.
Daniel B. Trecn
cc: Jennifer Holsrnan (with copy of S-ubpcena only) RE CEI VE D
Case 2:03—cv—01892—ROS Document 203-2 Filed 12/15/2006 Page

. ]; :.,1n r ; - .. -__. - ._ ,
Issued by the
T°'°5t‘ August °* E" sunrosnn IN A own, crass
City oi Phoenix. Gt at Cm Numbers ·cvosa1oe2 PHX HDS
TQ; Steven JA. August. _ _
401 North San Franisco-Street, Suite A
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
lj YOU OOMMANDED to appear in the United States ‘District·co.urt atthe place, date, and time speeitied belowto
testify in the above case.
PLACE·"OF`TESTHdDNY cousrsoosi
United States District Court _ No. .624
Sandra Day O'Connor U.S. Courthouse __
401 West Washington Street DATE AND TIME _
Phoenix, Arizona #9/200-7 B=0¤ em
K1 YOU-ARE COMMANDED to appear at the place, date, and time specified below to testify at the takingof a deposition
in the above case.
mics or DEPOSITION t oars Ann mis
El YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce and permit inspection and copying ofthe following documents or objects at the
place, date, and time specified below (list documents- or objects):
r-·i..».cn. t on-TE Ann 1f1ME‘
I] YOU COMIVIANDED to- permit inspection of the following, premises at the date and time specified below.
vanish-ses t one Ann mrs
.¥\.ny‘organization nots party to this suit that is subpoenaed for .the taking of a deposition shall designaneone or more- officers,
directors, or managing.-agents, or other persons who consent to testify on itsbehalij may-set forth, foreach person designated, the
matters on which the perse `ll testify. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 30(b)(6).
issumo instr si .ATUR.E A-no ima; anorcars I-it Awonnsir-.Fos PLAINTIFF on oaisnohnrg one
1ssuING oPFiceit·‘s NAME. A-Donsss-ann Pi-ions numsss
Daniel B. Treon, Attorney for Plaintiffs _ _
Troon &- Shook, P.l.L.C., 2700 North Central Avenue, Suite 1000, Phoenix, Arizona 85004 (602) 265-7100
(Shocks}; 955, Federal Rules ¤f`€iv·ll Ptocedum, Parts Cd D on next page}
' lf action is- pending in- district-other than district of isstianoe, state disU‘it:l.1.tt1det‘ ‘G3S¢ riumber.
Case 2 :03-cv-01 892-ROS Document 203-2 Filed 12/15/2006 Page 3 of 4

‘ ZE [ -1 L ai . • •,•.‘ 2 rt : r v . : ·

- -

[declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws ofthe United States of America thatthe -forogo`ing.·informntion oontnincd
in the Proof of `Service B true and correct.
Executed on

Rule: 45, Federal Rules of Civ-il Procedure, Parts C & DJ:
(I·) A party or nn attorney responsible for the issuance and service of ta
subpoena shall take reasonable atepsnoavoid imp¤sing_1.¤1dueBurden or-expense triaf be commanded to travel Rom anysuch plaoe within thej-stme in which the
on-a person-subjleot to that subpoena. The court on behalfofwhieh the subpoena trial is held, or.
wits isiiuedshall. enforoethis duty and impose upon the pany or attorney-in breach _
of this-deity an-appropriate sanction wich rnay irtclutie, but isrtot limited tot lost (iii) requires diselostue of priviieged or other protected matter and
eaniingsand reasonable attome_y’s fee. no exception or waiver applies, or
(iv) subjects a person to.undue.burden.
{2) {A} A person comrmmded to produce and p‘er1uit_i¤;spectio¤ah;{copjting
of designated books, papers,,_.doc1,tme¤1ts or tangible thing. or inspection of {B} If a‘ subpoena
premises need not- appear iitpetson at the. plane of production or inspection unless
comrnanded tnappeer for deposition, hettring ortrial. (5) requires disclosure of at trade; secret or other -oonB`dep:1t2i§l
research, development, or tzomiriereiel infomation, or
[B)¤$i1i>}¤¤i M piwgriph (G) (Z) 0f this wk; 3 P€|'$¤¤`¤0mHTB¤d€d to (i‘i}__ requires disclosure of Zan unretained experfs- opinion or
pmduoe. and permit inspection and copying may, within I4 day$ni1er·s_er\ti`ce of infomation not describing speeihr; eventsorooéunenoesiin dispute andresuliing
subpoena or before the time specified for t:ompIiaur:e`ifsuch·tirne·i_s less than I4 from the enperfs study made not at me requut of any perry, nr
days atlas service, serve upon the party or attorney -·designated in the subpoena (HQ requires rn peraonwbo is nota party orao·o1“iTcer of a party to
written objection to inspection oreopying ofanyor all oithedesignated materials incursubsbmtial expense to travel more than 100 miles. to attend trial,.-the court
or ofthe lt‘obj‘ect_inn is made, the party serving:¤1¤.subpo¤n¤·sh¤|1 not m‘ay.‘1¤·1¤¤¢>¤·¤. qwh ¤f modifif
be-entitled to inspect-_and copy nraterialsor inspect ihe premises-except pumuant the subpoena,.-or, ii`"tl1e·pa11y in whose behalf the subpoena is issuedshows a
loan order‘ot'the coun whiph the aubp¤enawas_iasuad. Ifobjeerion has-been substantial need for the testimony or material that cannot be otherwise mer
made, theparty serving the subpoena nay; upon notioeto the person commanded without undue hardship and assures- that the person to whom- the sub-poerui is
to pro41nce,.moye at-any time-for an order to compel the production. Such-an addressed will be reasonably compensated. the _c¤_un may order appeetanoezor
order to oompiy production shall protect any persortwho is- nots party or on production only upon specified oonditions,
oftieer of it party from significar1t·-expe11se resulting from the inspection and _ _ _ _
copying cotmnanded. (tl) 'DUTIES IN RESPONDING TO SLTBPOENA.
(3-)- [A-)·Un timely motion, the court by which a subpoena was issued shall- {1) A person responding to a subpoena to produce doeuments shall produee
quash or modify thesubpoenra if it them-os they-·are kept in the usoaltburse ofbosinesa or shall organize and label
_ _ them to correspond with tliie-categories in the demand.
ti) fails to allow·-reasonable time for compliance,
(ii) requires it person vrho_is‘not e patty or an-officer of a party to {2) When infomation ‘s_ubjet=t to a subpoena is-withheid on a claimthat it is
tome} tos plane more than ltlt) mites from the place where that person resides, is priyilegod or subject-to protectiones trial preparation n1ateriaIs,the.c[aim shall be
employed or regularly transaors business in pawn, exoept t1;au.subjectto`the made-mrprusly and shall be supported by a description of t11e nature ofnthe
pro1rEaion*s‘.ol` clause {tz} (3) {Bjjiii) of this rule;-such xt- person-muy·in order to. ·do·curnenls,_oommi.¤1i¤ations,_.or.thit3gsuotproduced that issufiioierutn enable the
attend deronnding party to contest the claim;
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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 203-2

Filed 12/15/2006

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Document 203-2

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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 203-2

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