Free Motion in Limine - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Date: December 31, 1969
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State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,470 Words, 9,294 Characters
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Preview Motion in Limine - District Court of Arizona
(Plaintiffs- Subpoena)
Case 2:O3—cv—O1892-ROS Document.216-3 Filed O1/O4/2007 Page1 0f4

Tnaon Sz SHOCK, 1¤.L.L..C. .
M mass
Rgsgok 2700 Norm: ‘Cei~tn·cu,_Avnsuz·-
.- - `·.· · . =‘si 100o
§§[i;s§i0E. sitvaaiusn i>nosnn;_,liiiri5rzona 8-5004
Telephone: (692) 265-7100
F-a€;sim.iIe: {6t1‘2)265-race
December `1` 3 ,_ 2006
Stephen Brown, MD.
1616 East.l\/iaryland
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
Re: August rr, City 0fP}10emb€. et rz!
US District Court Dzlsttrict 0fA-iizon-o Case No. CV03-1892 PHX ROS
Dear Dr. Brown;
This office- represents Plaintiffi Teresa August, in the -.above#captioned lawsuit, which is
set for a six (6) day jury trial, beginning on January 9, 2007.
You have been served with a. Subpoem- in ez Civil Case, as well as a Forty-Five Dollar
($45.00) witness fee, to appear as a witness at the-trial ofthe above-referenced matter. Please
take notice ofthe time and pl-ace for which your appearance is required. However, there is- no
way to guarantee the exact time or day that you will be called to the witness stand-
Consequently, I ask that you contact my office at (602) 265-7100 and gspeak to either myself or
my legal assistant, Aly Shomar—Esparza, za week in advance, and then-again 48 hours in advance,
- of the time you are scheduled to appear.
At the time you contact my office, I should be better prepared to provide you with a more
accurate estimate concerning when your epliearance at trial will beneeded.
I-t is our desire to make your appearance at the trial as- convenient as possible, and,
therefore, by contact`ing-o.ur-officio, we should be able to keep any inconveniences to a minimum.
li) niel B. Treon _
_ ae;-.=&CiatsiED
ec: Jennifer Holsman (with- copy of Subpoena only) H lllilllli
Case 2:O3—cv—O1892-ROS Document 216-3 Filed O1/O4/2007 Page 2 of 4

Issued by the
UNITED STATES Disrsior Couafr
T°'°Sa "*’~‘g“$‘· M susrosna in A crm cass-
GW ‘°l` *°h°‘°’"l*· Bl a' Cm Numbcni CV'03·1 sez Pnx sos
TG; Stephen Brown, MD.
161.6 East Maryland
Phoenix, AZ 85016
I] YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the United States District court at the.plac.e, este, and time spet:i‘H.od below to
testify in the ab.ove_case..
mics or rssnuowr counrrtoom
pnireu States District Court No-. 624
Sandra Day O'Con_n‘or U.S. Courthouse _ Tl
401 west washington street Dm AND ME _ _
Phoe‘nix,_ Arizona U104'20Q7 8100 Bm-
C] YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear-at the place, date; andtime specihed below to testify at the-taking-ofa deposition
in the above ca-SC.
ptr.-rss or osvosmon I oars me rama;
Cl YOU ARE COMMANDED to produoe and permit inspection and copying ofthe follow-ittg documents or objects at the
-plaee‘, date, and time speciied below (list documents or objects):
mics I oars sun Time
EI YOU ARE COMMAN DBD to permit inspection of the following premises at the date and time specified below.
_ Any organization not aparty to this suit that is- subpoertaed for the taking ofa deposition shall designate one or more o`i`fie.s,
directors, or managing agents, or other persons who consent to testify on its beh_a!t§ and may set forth, foreach person ·desi,gnated, the
matters on which the person willtestify. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 30(b}{6),
issuing: · i -s- · r - s Aran-nrts rrnoioxrs rr srronnsv so‘n.v:ssni1·r1rn= on osrsnosnr} mrs
r· Ai — ‘”‘3"’°°"’
rssunio orrrcews- mus, oomass- mo rnous mousse
Daniel B. Troon. Attorney for Plaintiffs _
Treoo &-Shook, PLLC. 2700 North Central Avenue, Suite 1000, Phoenix.--Arizona 850.04 {602) 285+7.100

(Sm Rule-45, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. l‘¤rts;'C & |}¤¤_n¤M twigs}
" It":1¢:tion is pending in district other than district of issuance, state disu·iet·_1,1nd`er ease number.
Case 2 :03-cv-O1 892-ROS Document 216-3 Filed O1/O4/2007 Page 3 of 4 '




ldeclare under penalty of perjury under the laws-sofihc United States·of’America that the-forego‘il1_g information contained
in the Proof of Service is truozmd correct,
Executed on


R;ule 45, Federal Rules.-of Civil Procedure, Parts C S-: D:
(I) kparty .or an attorney responsible for the and service- of at
subpoena shall take reasonable steps to·-avoid imposingumlue burden or expense- trial br: commandctl to travel from any such place within the mu: in -whi¢;l1 the
on-a person subject tothstsubpoetta. Theeourt on behalfofwhich the subpoena-- trial is held, or
was issued shall-en foroe.t1·il.·a duty and impose upon the party tic attorney in breach
of this-dutyhan appropriate sanction which may includei but is no`t`limit<::l to, lost- [iii) requires disclosure ofprwileged or other proteetetl matter and
Y niittgs and reiaomblc ¤rt¤rncy’s fee. no execptitm-or waiver applies, or
l _ [lv) subjects a person to undue burden.
(2) [A) A pemonoonmtanded-to produce 8H_d`pCI'I'l'|lI inspection amd copying
of déignated books, papers, d.c•oumerua= or tangible things, or inspection of (B) lf a subpoena
premises need not appear in person inthe place ofproductiorior inspection unless
. t-commanded to appear For deposition, hearing or trial. .(i) requires aiiscloettrc of .a Izittide sem: or other oonttrtentiat
_ reseavch, development, oreommercial information, or _ _
{B). Subject to paragraph [dl {2} of this rule, a person commniniled to [ii) roguirea- disclosure of an uoretsined expert'; opinion or
produce and permit insperitiori and copying may; witltih l 4 days alter service of infomation -rtmdescribiog-spccitic events or ooeurrenees in dispute and pesulting
subpoena or before-the time specrlied for compliance ifsucti-time is less than 14 from the expert‘s study made not at- the requegt ofany pany, or
days alter service, servo upon the party or attorney designated in the subpoena [iii} requiresa person who is more party tartan officer ofa partyto
written objection to-inapeetion oreopying ofarry or all of the designated materials iocur substzuttlaloxpense to-travel more than 100 miles tofattend trial, the coun
or ofthe premlses. Ifobieotion is r11gcl.o,-thcparty serving theaubpoena shall not may; to protect :1 pemon subject to or atTee_ted_by the subpoena, quash or modify
beentitled to inspectaoé copy-materials or irtapectt11e·pt·e11iises eqroeptpuraumit . the subpoena. or,.il"the pany in whose behalf the subpoena is issued shows a
to an order ¤f_tl1¤ court by the subpoena was- issued. Ilbbjoctionghas been substantial med for the testimony or material that cannot be otherwise met
p1ade,diep;anysenringtlt`e subpoena may,.upon notice to the personoommamletl without undue ha:“tlship_‘and asmres that the person to whom the subpoertu is
to proidtwo, move at any time foran order toeompel the pro;iuctio_n. Suchian addreased will be reasonably compensated, the court may order appearance or
order to oornpiy production shall protectlany person who is not a partytoran production only upon speeifxed co‘nditioos1.
oflioer of a party -l`rot·h significant expense resulting from thc inspection and _ _
(3)§ (A) 011 timely motion, the court by which a· subpoena was issued shall {I }. A person reaponl‘li‘ng._to a ‘s_ubpoena`to produée doc-umenteishall produce-
tpaash ormotlify the subpoena if it them as- they are kept in the usual rtortrse of business or shall organiane and labcl
them m`co_rrc$pontl with the categories in the demand.
(t) fail:. to allow reasonable time for oontpliancc,
(ii} reqtums spastm who is not a party or‘an-ofticer of a party to (2) When information subject to arsobpoena is withlteI`d`oo an elaim that it is
travel to a place more than 1.00 miles from the place tvheretlwt person reaidesjs-‘ privileged orsubject to protection as trial preparation nmterlala, the_.clair:i;;11‘aIlbe
employed zor regularly transatcts business in person, except that,. subject to the. madeexpressly and shall he supported by a d·csoriptio‘n of the nature of the
provisions of clauselé} {3) (B} {iii) of this mln; ‘suc!1"a person may- in order to ·d0cumenta.comlntmioationgiortl·i‘ingsnot=producod"t_hatls·sul”liei¤ntt¤enab_lethe
attend demanding patty LD contest the claim
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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 216-3

Filed 01/04/2007

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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 216-3

Filed 01/04/2007

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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 216-3

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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 216-3

Filed 01/04/2007

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