Free Response to Motion - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
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State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,051 Words, 6,769 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 2:O3—cv—O1892—ROS Document 229-2 Filed O1/O5/2007 Page 1 of 3

TERESAAAUGUST, a aingle woman, )
husband and-wife,·f0f themselves and ) `
as parents and guardians for their _ ) _
' - . - n J
. . Plaintiff, ) ` _
‘ vs, . - ·} Cv03_—1a9.2` Pax Res
._ . ` cI·1*-Y OE @1102-N.Ix-, _a body politic of )· .
. the State 0f Arizona; OFFICER LYLE _ _)
. MONSON ja-nd_ JANET DOE MONSOH, husband. 3.
and wife; OFFICER NICHOLAS LYNDE and ) ·
1, ‘ JANE _ DOE LYNDE, husband- at-ncl wife; - ) _
0FF1cER. Tom DUNN and- JANE: nee mmm, 1 `
1 husbarld and wife; OFFICER T. )
uaueecexsz and JANE- nazi: _HE:DjGECOKE, 3.
husband and wife; and R, GRIFFIN- and )_
JANE DOE GRIFFIN, hue-band and wife, ) ·
n . )
-Y _ ` Defendants; . }
_ 0 v nnvmmdmsemzyptbesxmxdii 02-sm nxemi A
l -_ .. . Phoenix, Afizcna .·· .. · _
I " _ -000011001 0, 2004 _/-Q OWE
- ‘ 1:10.-;>';<;J.bek p.m. - ” · pguyjz eparting
I . . _ CA ...Ecd.C0m_R¤p¤ I. I
_ . · ° _ 2702 Hnx*l:I1`3Y'l Suite 3050
’ , Mary E. 1510-01110;;,- `R.`P1;R. I I
_ A Ceri;if5.e‘d Court RE-.p¤1—0.0; 00 .1 501-02 <‘92m°·*°3” F¤1<“”m’*H°““
AI`- A . 1 A I I
"» Cenden-seq Copy` Prepared Fei: . ..
Kathleen Ia. Wieneke-, E-sq-. ‘
` Case 2:O3—cv—O1892—ROS Document 229-2 Filed O1/O5/2007 Page 2 of 3

_ D - osition ofSarn Hicl; —12/O9/O4
llll 103
SAMPHCKEY- l21'll9l04 SAMHIOKEY- 12l09fl}Â¥l
‘ I A. Ibeliere Iwas. At ttratmomeutin time, I I Monson of-yourgraudrnoilier, In the interview, on Pagell,
2 believe I was honest. _ ‘2. sbewas asked by Ollieer Monson, "Okay, how didhe come.
3 Q. Earlreryou described forus howit wasthat 3 .alteryou’Z' `
4 was ableto bile your.-knuckles. Was thatwhile you 4 Then Oliicer Monson says: "Olray. Whatdid he
2 neregrabbing onto her shoulders? .5. do'?'
A. Yeah. Pm elty sure, yes. _ 6 _ "-Theresa August: ua grabbed my arm. This arm.
T Q. Okay. Coubryou dernonstrateen me bow it`is_t|1at 7 This arm; `
8 you were able todo that? I'm going to_ take oif my _ `8 ilrlenson: He grabbed Il18`I'l~glll·lll'II'l?
. 9 microphone and goover there. lfyou canjuststandup for -.9 ”T. August Yes. `
‘ lll. nre. Godhead and stand up. 10 . "Monson: And what did he-doto it'?
il A. Oliay. Initially, lsuppuse Igfililtsd ber about 1.1 "'T. August And he started-beating me Beat me-
12 rigbtheree And then she started moving hor arms, so.I got I-2 in tbemouth
13 lrer arms like that .13 'Mcuscn: anu you'ie holding up in the air
` l4 Qt Howwas she moving herarrns? 14 or- ·
· I5 A. Just all over the place. 15 'TQAugust:. Yeah Hegrabbed this
· .16 Q. Flailing them? 16 "Monson: . Your·rigbt·arm?
l'? A. Yeah, llailiugtbeur. And then - lll "T. August Yes"
_ _ · - 18 Q. How|1ard.a gripdid you hayeon ber? Gould she . 18 Did you eyergrab herriglrtann as shedescribes
. 1.9 still rnoveherarurs‘around?·` 19 in herinlewie*.v·_wilirQEic¤t ‘
20 A. Not 20 _F0l`l]l. Foundation. _ `
-21 Howwas it that she was able to bite-you then'? 2.1 Tl-IE WITNESS: What- this isrneaning the arm.
22 Sheyusttnmed and do this._(indicaiing)?` 22 This partright here Her upperaurt. I thinlrl might'-have
_ - 23 A. Yeah. Righttbere. 23- grabbed berupperarrn. Inught--have grabbed berlowerarm
24 Q. Can you describe the bitefor me? was it a $24 at one point,‘bu`twbatI remember rnostis grabbing her by -
25 hanging·on bite? Was it alittle bite? More bites? How 25 the shouldersanil whateverl could to restrain her.
_ 102 _ __ 104
·· SAM 17HCi(EY— l2lD9l'04 . SAM I·llCKEY_- I2f09lll4
-1 would you’l I Q. BY MS. WIENEKE: lfwe-go back to Exhibit Number
2 MR. TREON: Form. 2 6 on Page 7, do you see where Theresa August says,. THe come
‘ 3 THE WITNESS: It wasn bite where sI1e.tried to 3 up and grabbed me — I gnessthats not a good-example;
4 hang on as much as slrecould, and I justgother utf as 4 it doemh reellyexplain it
. _ 5 much as Ioould. ` 5 Let rnego. baolr bosoruetlring else. You said-when
6 QQ BY MS.WlEblEKE: Earlierinyoarrespohsetra .6 youiuereaslredvrhcllreryou were-searedwhenshedirew the.
. 'I Mr. 'l`reon's questions you- were asked whelhcrat any 7 remote control at you, and I thibk your Was, "No,
ll you her Other drau theuroveurent 8 Iwasn't seared} Do. you remember that? Lets take.
9- that you just demonstrated for-ns on the camera, atany 9 a loolr--atwhatyob told the 911 operator that night
. IU other time did you grab her right arm? 10 A. Yes. , _
Il A. No. _ ‘ ` . 1.1 Q. Startingon Page 2of Exhibit Number 6, halfway
12 MS. WIENEKE: goingte bare-this 12 down., you say, 'Sbe got up andhit me the remote
13 marked as Exhibit Number 7. 13 control. [was seared." Do you recall telliirg that to the
I4 [Exhibit Number? marked for idmtibcalioa.) I4 .9l1..oper·aror’l
[S MS. WIENEKE: For the record, Exhibit-Nrimbcr-T.-is I-5 A. Yes. _ ‘
16 the reyi-intl tape recording of Ollinsr Lliltt Mtmnu conducted 16 Q. Wasthat tiuewbeu you said it? ·
_ _ ·l'l on 6-19-02. Whatwe did, nejust subslittrted thenarnes for 17 A. I dnn"t think so. Iwouldult characterize it as
.` 18 tiiespealners, endl we- already disclosed thisin the 18 being seared. Scared ·· I guessnot scared for my injury,.
19 December 4th disclosrre statement The Bates labels are 19 but seired that this would get into an ngiierseene than 1
.20 2257 through 2269. And the only cbamwerewitlr respect 20 mated it to be. I guess] was correct in that sense.
2l tothe‘apeakers,t1ying‘toidentii§rvrho ‘ . 2i Q. Take a lookatPage-10 of Exhibit Nrinrberti.
` _ 22 MIL TREON: Ohy. _ - 22 Abouta fourth-·ofl:l1e-way down the page:. .
__ ‘ 23 Q. BYMS. WIENEQ Go ahead and look at . 23 "Sam Hidrey: Yeah, so you dorfthang up. lfyon
1 24 Exhibit Number 7, ifyou worild,_Sam, on Page 1.1 of the 24 wantthe pI1one....I’m really seared you rnightbeatmeup."
‘ 25 transcript This is the interview conducted by-Oliiw -25 A. There [was sircastic. .
_ 602-230-1030
Case 2 :03-cv-O1 892-ROS Document 229-2 Filed O1/O5/2007 Page 3 of 3

Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 229-2

Filed 01/05/2007

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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 229-2

Filed 01/05/2007

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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 229-2

Filed 01/05/2007

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