Free Reply to Response to Motion - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 281.5 kB
Pages: 4
Date: August 9, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,092 Words, 6,492 Characters
Page Size: 611 x 792 pts

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Preview Reply to Response to Motion - District Court of Arizona
S'1`A`]`l1Z ·I]·F ARIZONA ]
] ss.
County uf Ttrlnricttpu l}
I THUMA5 EES`I`A u|:¤»:·n my hath ststr: ss thllnwsc
1- That I am at msmlzsar nfths htsts Hat uf Arianna in gmud standing und ltuvn htm I1
T|'|I2]'|'|l2•·I2f in E_t1··t1·t1 siandinjé sim-tu my tId|IIt5Sl·D·fI ID tht: HEt1'itI EDU2-
2. That I am ism: uf thru: utttsrrttqrs raprsssntttng dctlsttdants iu LT'•v'-[]1Z|·-15S'E¥'{1-F'T·l}*€-
3- `1`hat im August 3. E·|.|··[H5. I 4:¤:¤ntact»:··tl thc Gila River Indian Gumirtg Easittn and 1
spake with Ruhcrt Janus, ·lZ'11l·s1` 1.t1.sps»:t·:a·. Acting Pnsitinn. sm cntpiugrcc ni lh:
Ulla I·1.1i·»::-r -1-`aslnu far cl•:s·r:tt greats-
4_ That Mr, Janes injhni-pant rm; that tha (iila I?-i·.·sr Lia-thtu recyclss their vidcntapcs,
taping t_w•;r ];m::·..·ir.1u5 rusiurdings tt·r.·'E1·j.· EE"¤'EI'I days-
5. `I`I1at uu August: 3- 21.11.1+3, 1 spults with th-: uwnst uf thc T-E1+:s‘t:n Iuuawtl at Mill
Asmnus and Basclinc Ftciad in Temps:. Ari mus.
6- That th: ·;m·r•ar tsl` mis 7-Etsvsn tntbrmsscl ms that this f']'$I1'lChl5E was punshnsnd
ana mtiht-li asrliar-
1. that the sscurity aquipmcnt that thugs us: is th: sums Equipment used nxwinusly.
Case 2:03-cv-01990-PGR Document 170-2 Filed 08/O9/2006 Page 1 of 4

S. `lhat this Ieeatien reeyeles its vieleelapetr. 1a|·ringrrt··ri=r‘ t'rrE'·'ir2·tl5 1trt·¤·¤ItlZli-HES. ¤‘·'¤1']·'
30 tlava.
El, Tltat l have enntaeted the Marieepa Ceunly ·l]l`lir;r: ·tr|`1|:1E lvladital Ettamiftaf
t'r{lrlt·Ilil, aaai I apelre with ltfieele Btteeer. Shr: inlirnnad me 1l1t'rTTl‘rE1'·B are Ut11T¤a1¤d
l;t·lt_:·tj:·t,i hlata fer beth tieeetiertte, as well as bleed anti liaauatr alerted in Hrrdiwtl
Ilaaritle- Shi: htlinrrneai me that. ifthe eettrt erclera thr: DME ta n=|a·aar: lla: atultpltra
liar healing, that they will ee1:apl;r,·-
10, '1`hat I ]-tavt; em-ttaetizd twtzr l'Jl~iI.¤t. Iaherateriea te determine pricing and thr: emrruni
ef time the testing will Ialtr:-
l I. That l apelce with Erie ¤.]`eft`men in the Ftrnanair: lrsaling. laizaan-1Lr:rr_t-' lbf UNH
Diagrteatie Center.
ll- Tltat lvlt- rl.Zr:rt'l“ iitfermed me that DNA Dia grteatie Center is ar;r:rt:·r.iila·r.i hy
ftitteriean ftaaeeiatien efhlle-e-t:l Banks, and alan by li`li.ttieal l.~al:r Imprevement
tfrtmantimanta, thntuah Ilealth a.nt:l llutttatt Servieea, ameng ethe ra.
IPI, That |'rt,tm tht: mttment that wt: prttvitle the lah·araterg,· with the eeurt ertier and a
tlepnait ef $200 tetei, that the eelieetien materials will he trent lr.: the UMR and Ihr.:
eelleetien faeilitiea where the plaintiff? aarnplett will he aet.1r.tirr:ri, and eheulri
arrive in 4E htruttr-
I4, That ualleetittn Iheilitiea are available in Fhnenia: and Sierra vista. .·'trizer1a 3l'I'IClIIZI._I;_
ttlher places-
15- ‘|`Itat the hear aarapla Ln tear ia the hlaacl hint, but the aa.1-aplea ate;-er] in aediurn
I`Iurtrltl.e enultl alan he uaetl.
Case 2:O3—cv-01990-PGR Document 170-2 Filed 08/O9/2006 Page 2 of 4

lp. `l`hat a viability tast an this iiziraasia samplas will talta nina i[*?]· days-
li'. `I`hat this DHA tasting will talsa 5 da;.-s atiar tha viability is annlirrnad. ana: ilu:
sam piss frizim tits plaititiilis ars rsasivscl. Tlias, tits taital Lima tn acimplists this
tasting is I4 lsusinass izliays, unt aaatitiag a.a;·.· dalay aaussd by this plainiills in
pi-·a·.·ii.1irig a sam]:i-
IE. That tha lulal ansi lis- Lusling Javiisr aga.instl·sst1:i nfliis parants is SEED, plus $35
i:i:illsi:t:i¤;i11 fan: Far sash piarcnt.
]ts_ `1`lnn rh; mal ansi nftasiii-ig Jnsi; against sash nt'his altildrssi is Qliil lil, plus this
·i,a;:·Ilai:tinn fsss.
Et], TI-isi I slsa anmaaiail Ganalas, ·i.¤.·i1.ii:l·i is alsp is ascrsditsd by .'i't.]'|'I|Z]'lCE|.l'I
j'\;s;imii;i|1 i;if`B]·t;tit;:•t;l Bsuilss, and spthka with Jim 'Lii·tZl·tZliI1g5·.
21, Thai Ii-nm this- mamant that wa pravitls tlta Ia|:=·i:·tatsr1‘·;r ·i···‘itJ‘i lin: csrurl ¤¤1·2»1‘,lhHl1l1iS
Cl:I]ll:I:`l;i|Q`l`l`l mstaiials will his sasl tn tha LlI!°·.··lE and thi: cpllaciiun fauililica i=··‘lr¤rH lhs
p]aimit`1`s' sampjas will l;s; aaalainail, and. sliciuld a.ri·it·‘i:: iii 43 hiriurs.
ll That aallaptinn faailiiins an: in Phnanis, sasl Blasts ‘·.·':ista. Pirirnna.
amarig sithcr plasma.
13, Thai this hast sarapls tp ssst is thi: l:i·l¤i:·ii:| bint. |:·uL ihcy will rail lrial Tha SHINIDECS
sscirisd in s·:ii:li11m flusiri cli:-
2--1, That ais tntal tima in aamplma thc tasting is 14 hmiiisss days, zusit ciziumins sms
ijslay izausssl ln}.: thc plaintiffs in pruvitling it silmpls.
25- That this tatsl cast t`i:i1·i4:sti11g,.lsi·i·itér agaimt bizitlt nf his pai·==¤L—i is $*921 plus $25
anllatztinri fiss far paranl if Lhi: sampltt is iZ·2¤ll·3·;I·Z·j in $i•21Ti*~ "·"l$—l¤-
Case 2:03-cv-01990-PGR Document 170-2 Filed 08/O9/2006 Page 3 of 4

E6. `|`hal lh: tcJ1a] wat uftcstlng Jusa against aach ¤t`his children is $| [25, plug. 5.3]*
YM lhé +Zn‘¤TlE·$li·:Zrn I3:•: il` thr: aamplc is 1:¤I]c»:tc·:I in Phoenix.
FURTHER AFFIAHT SA.‘t'|£.`[`H I'•H'.]'I`;
Th-u·rn:-.|.·~a lT'¤:·5t.u.
. . . . . . -5}
fel b·I.|I$b·LH.1I$]1.I} AND EWURN 1.ttr hEFr.1r•: mn: by Thumaua Cuatu lht:4. Q clay mf`
. a EDGE-
.}»;sg,¤.t£_» F? _'
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Ta-{ |;'c11·nmiasi:mFxpirua:
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Case 2:03-cv-01990-PGR

Document 170-2

Filed 08/09/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01990-PGR

Document 170-2

Filed 08/09/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01990-PGR

Document 170-2

Filed 08/09/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01990-PGR

Document 170-2

Filed 08/09/2006

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