Free Statement - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 257.5 kB
Pages: 4
Date: August 19, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 783 Words, 5,150 Characters
Page Size: 610.56 x 789.12 pts

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i‘. 1 A
c Cl)l~lSlQLlCTlON vpoouciv »

uinvmcazrzciuali come; _
Decenicer 6, QOO2
Mi. Colwill
Ccliill:5 Building Specialties, lnc.
3825 E. Ann Street
Phoenix, S50$C=
Deer Mike,
Tliie letter shell rccomdmz our agreement for QC Consmiclzion Products, LLC.
{hereinafter reierved To ns °“QC") to provide QC Colorlecln. lmegzel Colon; amd CBS
Synthetic iron Oxide Pigmcnis exclusively to Cocnlls Building Specialties, Incl
lhereinzllier referyed to “Coliille”), begnoing December SW7 2002 and commuing in ei
pefjod often Yeori.
lE}€R.l’TOR Y
The state of Arizona.
QC will continue to provide exclusive snppoit and product soles io Cohills in
development of the nweqket for QC ColorTecli l megrel Colors and CBS Syntlienc Iron
Oxide Pigmenis tlnouglioui the state of Arizona. Pricing for CBS Synthetic lion Oxide
Pigzncnts shell be according to the attached Exhibit A. Pricing for QC Colorlech
kitegral Colors shell. be according to the attached Exhibit B.
QC shall provide Coliills primeiy support for the balance cfij·»e QC Construction
Products menuiectnrcd lnie o concrete coloring and lsextindng syetende.
Pricing for ubc QC Coioencuczion Products concrete colonng System shell. be according to
the attached Exhibit C price list with the following pxice discounts applying;
» QC Cuxes end QC Sealere at Exln"bit C list pzice less 5%
— QC Release Powders at Exhibit C list price lees l3% Q
» other QC Products listed on Exhibit C et Exlzsibit C list prices less lO%
- - O l
Case 2.03-cv-01997-ROS Document 63 Filed 08/19/2005 Peggmlxialill?

Psyzriemt terms are met 60 clsjvs. Price increases can only occur once per year ori
lq or each year, hegiorjrig lsrrusry l, ZOO4 sod must he accompanied by 60—dsjy· prior
writteri notice doom QC CODSUUCHOU Products to Cohills. c
QC Construction Products will prepay all freight tot QC CclorTech Lritegral Colors, QC Q
Colorleeh-E lntegrsl Colors sud CES SYDlll€CC lrorl Orcde Pigmerits for purchased. or C
eoosigoed orders of 24,000 pounds or greater. l
C All other orders will he PCB lvlsde.ris, CA ria Cohills request carriers All applicable QC C
Cottsmtctlorr Products freight discounts be applied. ‘
Colctftls shell purchase from QC lO0% of their requirements for all synthetic ucoro oxide
pigments and QC Colorlech Pigrleguts products.
Cohjlls shall corrtlouc their best efforts to purchase lOO% or their requirements for the
fell of QC Corrstzegietlom Products concrete coloring and tezrturlog systems ss outlined
ori the attached exlubits C D, unless enodnrcr oompetirrg product is specied aod
carmot he switched overs
Colulls shall use its best efoits ss the exclusive distributor of CES Synthetic lroo Oxide
Pigmcots and QC Colorlcch lotegrsl Color sod prlrnsry distributor of QC Coostructiori
Products coloring sod tezrturmg systems lo the State ofémzome.
Mike please iridicste your agreement by signing both originals sod retumlrig one to my
attention Q
Agreed: Q_
L- Russell Ingersoll B/use Coltlill
Pmsidcnt Cohills Building Specialties, ln cz. _
, Attachments: Exhibit A [Pricing for CES Synthetic lroo Oxide Plgtnemfil
Exhibit B {Pricing for QC Colorlecb Integral Color)
Exhibit C [Pricing I°UT_ QC Coloring and Tezrturirrg systems, less stated discounts)
. _ _ . — 2
Case 2.03 cv 01997-ROS Document 63 Filed 08/19/2005 4

CBS Smthatic {mm Oxide Piggems
*‘ _ 1
_ M cg; Im I . .74 `
case I:-.0 :4 __» ·_!_I
GBS mum I I
.5..% . M"; 0... . .. ... /7*-.--. I

‘ @@2 420 , I _ W I

gm casizgy I I
@5 MG
___________ I .... M »
I aaa _ Mig; I
CBS mr;. _ ` "“
I cas; 6241 I
__W___ cas 2574 _____
_ cas 2855 .#_______,._mJQ‘L_,..._d.w-
gag mm I _
I cas GYOBL [___ _ 14 (
c:&§Tsw@L .741 .
‘ @5.2 ZZZVFM W _ki
was gzm .74 _ _
cas wzegjga .72
I cgs 3253X _ I
` @53 I
· All QC Colcffach Pigmmams will be packaged 51; 251b. »:Esh¤1@g;ratimg bag;
Case 2:03-cv—01997-ROS D0cumentW~63 Filed 08/19/2005 PaggOI9%(12%3

GC C0I0rTech Pigmcnts
V Product - F5 Erme per pound ___
All Simdatrd CC Colors cxcamt COIG .73 ;
l_"""`—··—:2 { 0
. L.L— 1 O A A0) |
LM l M · M __:
~· AM QL] L.0.l©1·T@c,¤1 ,P],gDfl£If;`CS wml bc: Ap&c_k&g@cl m Znllm msmnmcganzmng bags.
¤ Above pricing does mt hxcludc blue amd grsam calms;
I - 9989%*
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