Free Statement - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 154.4 kB
Pages: 4
Date: August 22, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 942 Words, 6,326 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 790.92 pts

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Case 2:03-cv-01997-ROS Document 75-3 Filed 08/22/2005 Page10f4

mrmcsireczuraiicoucrar _ - Dscimbg mm
CONTACT: Tennifcr Medina Corporate Comrrzunicerions
TELEPHONE: 800:453.32t.B or §.5Q.6?'3r2i6?
ERIMTQ: jennifer rneclina tiiqcconpriodieorn
QC Co;coaJiece"‘-E — Enomnirseo Concnere Cocos Tncrmotoores r
QC CoronTncrr·’“-Qtr...trrrr Comcaern Cot ora T_ecvar¤or,oetes
QC Construction Products announces the iauocii of a new Total systemsi approach to
integra] coloring cr eatcd for the ready mixed market- Designed to reinforce the i
corrrpan}/’s position as the single industry source with the widest range of architectural Q
` concrete coioring products, QC Construction Products introduces QC CotoRIetiH»E1
Engineered Concrete Color Iechnoiogies, and QC COI.OR.TECI·1, Quaiity Concrete Color
Preniueting as the Flagship product for the new integral coioringwstem, QC COLORIECH-
E is 51 premium integral coioiiirig product for ready rniytd concrete. Engineered to
provide exceptional pigment dispersion for enhanced color, QC COLOR IECH-{E delivers
supeoot concrete finishing performance from a blend of dispersernerurs, conditioners and .
crater--reducing agents that offset water demand caused by pigments. QC COLDRIECH _ l
contains engineered colored admijrrures that do not require mix adjustments at the reads g.
uuxcd plant ideal for ready mixed concrete and ai? hoozontai and vertical appiicaoons,
QC COLURTECH--E can be utilized for concrete tiarwork applications diat feature `
broom or rotaw finishes as wei! as a of other arcnitecrsrai concre te instaiiauons. {
suengtn pigments jzieid arr·ve palette or t>eau*;i?i_i colors. QC CGLORTEQE
Ft which replaces QC? Integra] Coior, is packrxged for eric cubic yard or ready mixed / I
ii-T - concrete in disintegratiug bags for exact dosing. - (/
’ _ · K ' Q
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Case 2:03-cv-01997-ROS Docurqent 75-3 Filed 08/22/2005 Page 2 ok-e/(
Q r Poooooso. r r

Page .i`iv.:> — QC CO.;ORF 5:)»s;·e:rr
As an altematiye, QC COLORTECH takes the systems approach ta the next step by
pr·ov‘lding an economical apti-an for calaring ready rnixed and precast concrete. QC U
C`©LOR.I;-ears yields an expansive palette of rticlr,_ vibrant colors, providing better value
than liquid coloring systems and euqoetfanrning the cornpelitian- Designed for the high
volumes in ready mix: QC Cot 0Rl`i-ici; delivers high-performance color without die
hidden casts or variability found in liquid calaring systems. Ready mix companies that Q
purchase liquid coloring systems end up paying for pigment and water:. Likewise, they
also pay l`Te.igl1t for pigment and water The introduction of QC QOLORTECH reatiirrns
{ QC Construction Pr·oducrs’ carnniitirtoent to developing coloring systems based en pure
colar—~-not water; The end result is a l ewer cast per pound of celer and increased pre-nts
for ready mer customers QC COl'.QRl'E.CH, available in l-, 5- and 25-pound
disintegtating bags, replaces Bayr“err·ax°° by QC, `
__ Russ Ingersoll, President of QC Construction Products, explained the timing behind the
launch at the QC C.OLORl-`ECH product line tar integral celery "We’re leaking at a ready
rnix market that is starting te embrace color as a larger part of their business and also I
learning new color can improve profit margins- QC Construcdon Produ cts is the besiw
pesitiencd cenipany to help the ready rnix indusnry develop Lreir celor business. Our color .
built for ready 1nix—engincered tor performance and profit "
Both Froducts Packaged tert Convenience l ..
Eirorn die warehouse door te the mixer, the QC? C©LORZl`ECI—I coloring systems are
packaged for clean, easy handling and inst batcning in disinte@ting bags An exclusive
removable batch label systern tracks due color riorn the rnanefactnring site to inejae site l
P i fe? quttlitgr cendol. QC CTOLQRTECH--E is batched for one cubic yard at concrete and QC
Cotes is available in i-, 5- and 25-pound dlsinregranng paclcagingis ` E
gm w%a§ Document 75-3 Filed 08/22/2005 Page 3 of 4

— QC C`O.LOr’€’FEC;E‘Sylrrem.
lvlacle io Orcler .
Wlrerlrer the oeccl ia lor QC CTOLoR.TECH—lE or QC CDKORTECH, both products utilize -
lirjglwquallty pigments- char yield an expansive palette of rich, beautiful colors Custom
colors and color moarchirrg are also available, with no extra charges
Reputation Based ou Zlechoologir arrcl Service ·`
QC Comscucrioo Proclucrs offers rlre moat corupreheosive lime of arcluirecmral concrete
color and associated products for concrete, along with Superior customer service and
technical support The product lime includes colors for ready ruix—QC Cfoiordfecrr and
.5 _ QC COl.ORlECH~E; auromarecl co_l_oring system for ready ETl,lX·—BE1w€I`l`GX C by QC.; color
l produces that complement imprinting--QC Color Harcleuer and QC? Release Powder;
restorative mrface sysl;er;os——QC Tlurz-.Pave and QC Concrete Rcsurfacerg claeroical
coloring sj/srem&—-QCI Patina Stain and QC. Cemlinrg along wich a full llue of cures, .
seaelers. and accessory products A complete company lliSTOIY, 3 pTOj€<3‘€ §·?~ll€TY E
showcasing iosrallarioosu color claarrs and reclmical ioarroecioos, as well as corupaoy
cooracr inrormaooo can `oc Found oulirle at www qccorrsrrucrionprloomrcrscorn.
5OYj-CETTU-Tw l·l5` U 7€gl$Z:ZFBCll i'J72£f€!?'].rTL"JC BEYEY (S G»f?}"I'72!2`}7.jl E
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Case 2:03-cv-01997-ROS

Document 75-3

Filed 08/22/2005

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