Free CJA 20 - Appointment - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 1
Date: July 14, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 772 Words, 5,551 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 792 pts

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Preview CJA 20 - Appointment - District Court of Arizona
_ can zo nrroinmsnr or ann nurnoam ro my couar nvroxnrao io FILE;) my LODGED
1. oiannswnrv. conn 1. mason aarnosmrron VOUCHRESENE COPY
AZX Joaqum, Jalen
a. nine. oawosr. numana 4. mst. nxrrosr. nunasa s. aromas oicwosii. no asa J _ E oiapa pgggumasa
2:04-006048-001 2:04-000176-001 A
1. in cnsnmrroa or ann. nnnn s. ravmsnr carscoav s. was mason aspaas rép HK _ gag · __ A B aye =
U. S. v. Joaquin Felony Adult Defendant F %|§ I ‘ L Ee _·
ll. 0FFE.NSE{S) CHARGED (Cite U.S. Code, Title & Section) lf more than one offense, list (up lu tive) major offenses ch
I) 8 1324.1: -- BRINGING IN AND HARBORING CERTAIN ALIENS ""······*···r·~*··——~·~~—~ ~-·~——~————-——·
I2. A'I'l`ORNEY‘S NAME éliirst Name, M.I., Last Name, including any sufhs) I3. COURT ORDER
A-ND MAILING ADDR SS B O Appointing Counsel D C C0·Couusel
INIGUEZ BALTAZAR D F sion no- mimi Defender EI It snin an annnns nnnmsy
3 N I] P Subs For P&nelAttnrney El Y Standby Counsel
PHOENIX AZ 8 5016 ""*°' ·“‘”°""°l"' ""'“‘
Appointmnt Date: ,_,,,___,_,________
I;] Because the above-named person represented has testitied under oath or has
otherwise satistiad this oourt that he or she (I} ls flnaoelally nnahle to employ counsel and
Tcmpnm Numhm E (2) dau not wish to waive counsel, and because the interests otjnstice so require, the
attorney whose name app ’ 1 ·. ri represent this in this ease,
14. NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF LAW FIRM(only provide per instructions) or .·
El Other (See Ins ons) {
Signature ¤fI’residing Judicial Oflicer or By Order ofthe Court
Date of Order Nun: Pro Tune Date
Repayment or partial repayment ordued from the person repruentaed for this service at
time of appointment. D YES I] NO
ron:. ninmrracn Mnrmiocn
cnrscomes (Attach itemlzation nrsmnns woo ones) C§§§§I§D Ainounr Aowsrsn sosusrno A}{g{,%Q{,"A'~
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16. n. Interviews and Conferences -"j`il§`2f'i’§i?i;;?€f’F*?E?Ei?E·§E_
Q? n. onnnnang and reviewing records ‘__- ; -e¤i
.. ·—. nesii iwiii mi brief wiiiins ii. ; i¤=_i .-.. 5 iii-§¥@2i1?‘¥.€ §.T¤Ii§2j;§i_. igéiil _
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22. CLAIM STATUS El Flnal Payment D Interim Payment Number I] Supplemental Payment
Have you previously applied tothe court for compensation aadlor resnluthnraesnent for thla case? I:] YES [I NO Ifyes, were you paid? I] YES I] N0
Other than from the court, have yon, or to yo r lcnowled e has anyone else, received payment (compensation or anything or value} from any other source In eonneetion with this
representation? El YES I] N0 Ify ». gE·e details on additional sheets. V
I swear or aflirm the truth or correctness of the above statements.
Signature ofA¤0l1l8}'t _ .,.,.,,,_ - ` ,,.,1.- _,_. _, Date:
za. 1N sonar com. 24. our or couar conn-. z . T 1. exon s I I if a n I t sa lllllvnl H s H a n L I-
zs. sronnruas or ros aassnnno ruoicnn. omcsa one nn. Jones I ono. Juncn conn
zo. in couar com. ao. our or couar com-. ai. ranvsi. nxt-snsss sz. onnza nxrsnsss ss. mm. nm. nrrnovno
si. szennrpas or cnisr moor;. couar or Aransas (oa nonsonraypnntnt oars sn. woes coun
approved In excess ofthe statutory threshold amount.
Case 2 :04-cr-001 76-RGS Document 65 Filed O7/14/2006 Page 1 of 1

Case 2:04-cr-00176-RGS

Document 65

Filed 07/14/2006

Page 1 of 1