Free Motion to Vacate (2255) - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 4
Date: August 18, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,040 Words, 7,535 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 792 pts

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Preview Motion to Vacate (2255) - District Court of Arizona
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n ‘ CLEHKU S DISTRMJT COL·.£F{T -. g _ __
I P I an Z. _ I BY DlS·?H1CTQA== §» I
··;» S;-_ . _ . ___ __; ; ____ T _.,. _ ·_ _ S _ __ _ _ _ _P 5 °v __ .
` in I l case. No. AL -9 `?\\`7~·-· ·· `lll ) -S
V A - g mlou Fon- · Q1, ._ A· - .--4-
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@¤ $"§'§°3T;.c. ; ms,
; _ Qggegdant, ) v
COMES ]IOW, the oerenaant. I
reqnesting this Honorable Court, a tine reduction on grounds ‘
of the following issues., illemorandum of Points and Authorities .
in ' establis this motion factualitbasis. · - . ‘ l
I. Defendant is presently incarcerated at C.C.A./C-.A.D.C.
I .Fl0rence.. AZ. 85232., And soon to be transferedto B._`Q.P. ‘ -
· - 2- Defendant plead guilty to C9#)$§S‘{§) 'P?$§§ H _ E éi#'s’H\
____ S Vg _ _‘·.· 3 ~:‘ ~ ··. _ __ } t ‘ r _ L ._
` - The defendant is seeking relief to the following: `
‘ _ 1. Equalirights protection: I. VI. VII and XIV Amendments. Z ‘
_A person should not be discriminated regardless of race, re- ' .
ligion, color, origin or nationality. etc. l.
I 2. A, U.S.A. citizen is entitled to 1 (one) year reduction _,.--
of-sentence througligdrug program during his incarceration, I
· Case 2éO4—cr—OO328—NVW Document 189 FiIed.O8/16/2005 Page:1 0f4 n S.

.·' W . l e ‘ 2
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.... and being an alien should not deprived- him of his time .
reduction, due to, that from prisoner to prisoner there is-_' ‘‘_=-- ¤- ·` `` ‘
n no differences, I Q j
Both live and conport, by, the same rules, policies., privi- ‘
ledges and standards of such intitution.
3. A, U.S.§. citizen is entitled to half-way house super- · ·
,-.? .,;_ __ - release ,, pursuant -»·( 118 U·S-4C»`§a· #:5-} -‘`_ Q —·_, ;_ _»_4, ; 3;-;.}
_ _, .. . r:e;Q;;,};§.}..·i,·»·=e__ Ty M- *1-, ` " ` ‘ V “‘ ` ' _ ,.;_;,,,Y._r_
And beingan alien should not deprive defendant- of»»s·ngb.,r_g_; We ____4__A____w ____
lief for the reasons mention above, I l- I
‘ I · :1*1-IBRKFORE, defendant, respectfully requestrelief- to I I I 1
‘_ be g:ranted,”doing otherwise, will be discrinninative.
This motion is submitted in good faith, and pursuant to I, . ‘
_ VI, VII and XIV Amendments, guaranteed Rights Protection of I ` . ‘ I
the United` States Constitution of America. U 8
_ Respectfully submitted this A6`- day ofggg¤,§§ 20·6§ _ Z
-7 ..__r . 4
Case 2:04—cr—00328—NVW Document 189 Filed 08/16/2005 Page 2 of 4 - _

* .· n Hint -¤¥ -··¤'y1>9 -¥-enibly e c
{I Relief Sought: (check one) I I I ‘ I_ _- In
u [ ] Reduction of Prison- Sentence Only- [- ] Reduction of Prison Bien-teigee .
[ ] Remission of Pine Only and Remisséog of Eine ·
-_ ‘ _ {OH Other @j~\•»I sg 5 MEE nib
PBTITIOHBR: "'\A . {60099*0 I , a Federal Prisoner
First Name Middle Last '
. 1zeg._}Io.`°·: O- ‘ # - 1 confined in the . _o ,
I·--‘f - ‘·- - ` . - . ` -¤:.--- ·’.‘ r *··I ` .··- · ‘O ‘
-w-#`?"·. $3* 7 geek of sentence, states that he was born" ` ' I
¤n 19_]’_Land has Social Security lIo· ..n_- -_ I_ ._.I T
United States Citizen. indicate Country of citizenship: Lgag .0 I - I `
Petitioner was convicted on a plea of QQ ggjgyjggxl in the United States
District Court for the {jh District of Q ‘of the criiue I I
sezccw a . ‘ . Ix ·»J\· »$\~!1°e¤5<. n
(Describe t e offense s) of which you were condemned)
@9 Ijg¤&.>¤.»Jgg 5 e - n
nvolving the following circumstances: ` ‘ I
_ F (Describe accurate]. what ou_ d-id
Vue, .06 n -_ ‘ _ .-J
ncluding y rj __r. r Ile in th offense O
__- . A · U . ·¤€- QE _ __ _ in é;,_ .y r.__ Wi. - _ _ e_ » 7- : 3;. ;-,. .. _
.,_. . . - · ~ ‘ ‘ ` ` ‘ _ _ kg-§;:?e_g: ¤. - ¤1s:., ··. »- -;;>;*‘# =-j_-f···· -‘-= A- · - ·
, . .,. ·Lo¤El" I I I ` I
.6 was sentenced on BOJQK, to imprisonment for 7`IIOAJ
dies-Ipa_y"a [ ] fine [ ] restitution of$ and/or to supervised - . ·
e lease or special parole for and/or to probation for
"f] fine [ ] restitution [ ]has [ lhas not been paid: the balance owed ·
I _ • l
. Case2:O4—cr—OO328—NVW D0cument189 Filed 08/16/2005 .Fiage30T4 ‘

. retitioner began the service on He will be I
-; released fron confinement ¤n ¤l¥d hi? 3¥§PU¢¤*=_i¤¤
‘ for parole was ( [1 granted [ I denied )· - - d _ _ .4·_
If your conviction or sentence was appealed- or otherwise challenced; I
complete the following paragraph: ‘ -
I P1t’1'1’l‘IDlIB1R appealed to the United States Court of Appeals, where the I
judgement was affirmed on . A petition for a writ of
-n. . , **9** n.‘‘
granted I[ ] denied o l e - I ·II PetiItlIoInIeIrI
challenge-This conviction or sentence under 28 ·l.I·_$·¤3,I
{Provide e:l,tae.t`ion-s to court oplnions. if known:- II ` I III I I
I*ITI’.t10iIKR•S criminal record, other than the instant offense, isas follower
{ 7 v n n u
PBTITIONBR respectfully prays that he be granted clemency for the following
reasons: V 4, g.; ZY.- ` ;.,_,‘ — §#.r,..__ ¢ I 2- · W`v¤¥·\
.nT.e,m,;_ —¤.».;‘a~ "";I_III _- v af I II ` . j L fY k I e·-— _ _ Y _E.n‘‘ - : .;· = ·-..
M~¤I\-»»e,/ Q, . 4, _ ‘I I - `
" · $@ 300- - dd
Ize statements contained herein are true to the best of nyknowledge and · I
sliefr and I understand that any misstatenents of material fact contained
erein nay. subject me to criminal prosecution an/or ause adverse action
s my petition for executive clemency. . - ` __ ·
§E;W·`@S' ‘ ·\Ir mt =¤ t b. so
Date _ I Signature f Petit oner
I. I Case2;O4—cr—OO328—NVW D0cument189 Filed 08/16/2005. F’&g940T4 · r I

Case 2:04-cr-00328-NVW

Document 189

Filed 08/16/2005

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Case 2:04-cr-00328-NVW

Document 189

Filed 08/16/2005

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Case 2:04-cr-00328-NVW

Document 189

Filed 08/16/2005

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Case 2:04-cr-00328-NVW

Document 189

Filed 08/16/2005

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