Free Memorandum - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 2
Date: December 11, 2007
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State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 486 Words, 3,035 Characters
Page Size: 613.208 x 794.416 pts

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Case 2:04-cr-00404-JAT

Document 95-2

Filed 12/11/2007

Page 1 of 2

Tuesday 2 nd October 2007

Zoloft Withdrawal
The symptoms of Zoloft withdrawal are in many cases worse than tbe side effects. Zoloft belongs to a category of drugs called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) that are used primarily to treat depression~ and which ean cause severe withdrawal once the patient stops taking them. The symptoms of Zolaft withdrawal are the same as for many 88Rl3. although generally not so bad as those for Pax.i! withdrawaL Zalaft withdrawal can cause jolting electric "zaps", dizziness, motor instability, extreme nausea, vomiting, high fever, abdominal discomfort, flu symptoms, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, aggression, nightmares, tremor, seizures, and confusion. In some persons, Zoloft withdrnwal has become so painful that it lead them to commit suicide rather than face the agony any longer. The reason tbat Zolaft withdrawal is worse than that of many SSRls is that Zoloft has a relatively short half-life,
meaning that the drug does not remain in the body for very long after the patient ceases to take it. Zoloft
withdrawal can begin as soon as the day after a patient ceases to take the drug, and in some cases, se-vere Zoloft
withdrawal occurs when the patient merely decreases the dosage.
The public only became aware of the reality of Zoloft withdrawal within the past few years, and there are indieations that drug manufacturers were aware of the possibility of Zoloft withdrawal, as well as withdrawal problems for other SSRls, but omitted that information from drug paekaging and instructions to physicians. Because Zoloft withdrawal was not appropriately understood for so long, doctors and patients sometimes thing that the symptoms of Zoloft withdrawal are actually signs of regression, and resume use of the drug, or begin treatment with an alternate SSRl rather than allowing the Zoloft withdrawal to ron it<; course. lfyou or a lo-ved one has had to undergo wloft withdrawal. then you know how painful the symptoms can be. Patient<; who are currently taking Zoloft may wish to discontinue its use in order to reduce the potential symptoms of Zoloft withdrawal, mther than waiting until the body has become even more addicted. Under no circumstances should patient<; taking wloft discontinue or scale back it<; use without consulting a physician. Patient<; who have endured Zoloft withdrawal may be entitled to finaneial compensation from the drug's manufacturers and distributors. To learn more about lawsuits relating to Zoloft withdrawal, you may wish to contact an attorney who represent<; client<; affected by Zoloft withdrnwal. For more Zoloft information, please con~UJ] to speak with a lawyer.

More Zoloft Resources
Z..9IQft - Official site the manufacturer, Pfizer,

http://www.adrugrecall.comlzoloftiwithdrawaLhtml 10/2/2007

Case 2:04-cr-00404-JAT

Document 95-2

Filed 12/11/2007

Page 2 of 2