Free Motion to Continue - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Date: August 10, 2006
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State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 463 Words, 2,372 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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ANN E M . W ILL IAM S, P.C. ANNE M . WILLIAMS # 012414 amw illiams@ Attorney at Law 1833 East Baseline Road - PMB 265 Gilbert, Arizona 85233-1545 (T) 480.892.7177 (F) 480.471.6652 Attorney for Charles Tyrone Harris


United States of America, 2:04-cr-01058-002-PHX-FJM Plaintiff, v. MO TION TO CO NTINUE SETTLEM ENT CON FERENCE

CH AR LES T YRON E H AR RIS , (First Req ues t) Defendan t.

Charles Tyrone Harris, through undersigned counsel, moves this Court to continue the Settlem ent C onferen ce o f Augus t 24, 20 06. Counsel re quests th is continu ance for the rea son that C ounsel has a conflict with a trial In the Matter of Ke ller Children, JD 505 572 , before H ono rable M. Jean Hoag, M aricopa C oun ty Superior C ourt. The trial is scheduled from 9:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m. that date. Although Federal Court matters take

23 24 25 26 27 28 prec ede nce over Superior Co urt m atters , the trial wa s se t on M ay 18, 2 006 . Assistant U.S. Attorney, Kurt Altman, has been contacted regarding this motion and has no obje ction to the reque sted con tinuan ce. Counsel for Mr. Anthony Jamal Rooks, Mr. Brandon Cotto, who joined in the request for settlem ent co nference, has been contac ted reg arding this re quest. He re quests th at th is C ourt still hold

Case 2:04-cr-01058-FJM

Document 112

Filed 08/10/2006

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the S ettlem ent C onferen ce o n Au gus t 24, 20 06, as to his client. For the Court's convenience, it is respectfully requested that the mornings of September 4, 6, 13, 15, and 2 1 be con sidered for re-setting of the se ttlem ent conferen ce.

Respectfully submitted: August 10, 2006. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Courtesy copy with pro posed order pro vided via e-mail attachment to: Magistrate David K. Duncan [email protected] M s. An ne M. W illia m s amw illiams@ Counsel for Mr. Harris M r. Brando n Co tto [email protected] Mr. Kurt Altman [email protected] As sistan t U.S. Attorney Copy of the foregoing served this date via transmittal of Notice of Electronic Filing to CM /ECF reg istrant(s): /S/ ANNE M. W ILLIAMS AN NE M. W ILLIA MS , P.C.


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Filed 08/10/2006

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