Free Order Setting Conditions of Release - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Date: July 18, 2005
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State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
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Preview Order Setting Conditions of Release - District Court of Arizona
" ` "* - United States District Court--District of Arizona — Phoenix
Order Setting Conditions of Release r
DATE: 6/21/2005 CASE NUMBER: CR04-50151-001-PHX-FJM —-—— FEED ___ LUDGED
USA vs. Fermin Ortiz __" RECEIVED ——— COPY
El sncunan nY D|STH{g?§g2§;;gr€AJm
NEXT APPEARANCE or as directed through counsel _
El 401 west Washington si., rnnenrn, Az, Courtroom #¢, + Floor
U Goodwin & Cortez, US Post Office Bldg., Prescott, AZ, 2nd Floor
E appear at all proceedings as required and to surrender for service of any sentence imposed.
E not commit any federal, state or local crime. ‘
E imrngdiately advise the court, defense counsel and U.S. Attomey in writing of change in address/telephone
num er.
I;] maintain or actively seek verifiable employment if defendant is physically or medically able and provide proof pil
such to Pretrral Services. `
EI not travel outside of:
except Defendant may travel Hireclly io THe prosecuiirig district, and ffiiougli all sGles and counties in Eeiween llie
District of Arizona and the prosecuting district, for Court purposes and awyer conferences only unless express
PRIOR Court or Pretrial Services pemiission rs granted to do so.
CI avoid all direct or indirect contact with E/ersons who are considered alleged victim§s),dpotential wit11ess(es),
‘ members of v1ct1m(sl)/witness(es), an or ( ) the custodial parent, except De en ant may communicate wi
custodial parent sole y for visitation purposes with his/her minor child(dren):

El report as directed to the U.S. PRETRIAL SERVICES l-800-769-7609 or 602-322-7350. `
% report as directed to the U.S. PROBATION OFFICE 602-322-7400 and abide by all terms of conditions of
Supervised Release/Probation.
El execultpy an agreement to forfeit upon failing to appear as required, the bond or designated
prope :
El Defendant is placed in the third party custody of
El refrain from EI arg E1 excessive use of alcohol and not use or possess ang narcotic_ or other controlled substance
defined by2l US SO2 unless prescribed for defendant by a hcensedme cal practitioner in the course of his/her
legitimate medical practice.
El participate in drug! alcohol counseling/treatment and submit to alcohol testing, including breathalyzer testing
and make copaymcnt toward the cost as directed by U. S. Pretrra Services.
El surrender any passport to the Clerk of the Court by
Ei obtain no passport.
D not possess or attempt to acquire any tirearm, destructive device, or other dangerous weapon or ammunition.
IE maintain weekly contact with his/her counsel by Friday, noon of each week with Robe;-l- Mc lU¤`f`f¢*`·
EI shall timegy pay his/her monthly child support payments as previously ordered by the subject state court in the total
amount o S ·
El The defendant shall actively participate in any mental health treatment pwam as directed _by Pretrial Services.
The defendant shall comp y with al treatment requirements including ing all medication as prescribed by
his/her mental health care provider.

Case 2:04-cr-50151-NVW Document 7 Filed 06/21 /2005 Page 1 of 2

The commission of any offense while on pretrial release may result in an additional sentence upon conyiction for such
offense to a term of imprisonment of not more tl1an ten years if the offense is a felony or a term of nnprieonment of not
more than one year 1f the offense is amisdemeanor. This sentence shall be consecutive to any other term of imprisonment.
Title 18 U.S.C; §l503 makes it a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for life or by death, or, depending
upon the specific provrsions of the section not more than twenty years or by not more than ten years, and a $250, 00 fine
to mtirmdate a juror or officer of the court; Title 18 U.S.C. §l5 0 makes it a criminal offense punishable by up to five
years rmpneonment and a $250,000 fine to obstruct a criminal investigation; Title IS U.S.C. _§_ 512 makes it e criminal
l offense punishable by imprisonment for life or by death, or, depending ulpon the specific provisions ofthe sect1on by not
more than twenty yeare or by not more than ten years and a $250, 0 fine for tampering with a witness, VIQUIH or
p mfonnant; or by intentionally harassing another person and thereby hindering ldelaying iplreventing or dissuading any
j person from attending or testifying in an official proceeding or otherwise violating e section is punisheb e by
l imprisonment for not more than one year and a $250,0 0 fine; and_ l 8 U.S.C. § 15 13 makes it a criminal offense punishable
by imprisonment for life or by death, or, depending upon the epecific provisions ofthe section not more than twenty years
or by not more than ten years of imprisonment, a fine of 250,00 , or both, to retaliate against a witness, victim or
informant, or threaten or attempt to do so.
It is a eriminal offense nnder 18 U.S.C. §3l46, if after having been released, the defendant knowingly fails to
eippear as required by the conditions of release, or to surrender for the service of sentence (pursuant to a court order. Ifthe
e endant was released in conneotion with a charge of] or while awaiting sentence, surren er for the service of a sentence,
or appeal or certiorari after conviction, for:(l) an offense (punishable by death, life imprisonnient, or imprisonment for a
tenn of fifteen gears or more, the defendant shell be fine not more than $250,000 or implnsoned for not more than ten
years, or both;% ) an offense punishable by imprisonment for a tenn of five years or more, e defendant shall be fined not
more than $25 ,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years or both;(3) any other felony, the defendant shall be fmed
not more than $250,000 or nnprisoned not more than two years, or both;(4) a misdemeanor, the defendant shall be lined
not more than $100,000 or impnsoned not more than one year, or both.
_ _ A tenn of imprisomncnt imposed for failure to appear or surrender shall be consecutive to the sentence of
imprisonment for any other offense. In addition, a failure to appear may result in the forfeiture of any bail posted.
If the person was released for appearance as a material witness, a fine as provided bylaw or imprisonment for not
more than one year, or both.
I acknowledge that I am the defendant in this case and that I am aware of the conditions of release. Ipromise to
obey all conditions of release, to appear as directed, and to surrender for service of any sentence imposed. I am aware of
the penalties and sanctions set forth above.
O 5 2I as /4 uu;. 01. L`
Custodian agrees to (a) supervise the defendant in accordance with all conditions _of release, (b) to use every effort to
assure the appearance ofthe defendant at all scheduled court proceedings, and to notify the court immediately in the event
the defendant violates_ any condition of release or disappears. We, the undersigned, _have read and understand the terms
of this bond and conditions of release and acknowledge that we are bound by it until duly exonerated. _
Directions to United States Marshal:
E The defendant is ORDERED released after processing. I
U The United States Marshal is ORDERED to keep the ·. ‘·¤h` · . eody until _notified by the clerk or judicial
officer that the defendant has posted bond and/or comph ~· H,}. · conditions of release.
DATE: 6/2l/2005 /W-I I """' ._.
United States Magistrate Judge
Case 2:04-cr—50151-NVW Document 7 Filed 06/21/2005 Page 2 of 2

Case 2:04-cr-50151-NVW

Document 7

Filed 06/21/2005

Page 1 of 2

Case 2:04-cr-50151-NVW

Document 7

Filed 06/21/2005

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