Free Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 3
Date: July 15, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 991 Words, 6,099 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 792 pts

Download Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis - District Court of Arizona ( 125.8 kB)

Preview Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis - District Court of Arizona
Is I Rodney Allen KelIIey, ‘ I- CV 04-‘I034PHX—SRBI (MS) I `
9 I I Plaintiff, . ‘ I . I
10 vs. I I I I I F I ORDER I I
11 Glenn Kelley, et ai., _ . _
_. 12 I Defendants. I I
13 Before the Court is Plaintiffs "Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis" —‘(lJoc. # 23). v I
14 Pursuant to Plaintiffs response filed vviththe Court on July 7, 2005, the Courtwill grant _
I 15 Plaintiffs request to proceed in forma pauperis; 28 U.S.C. § 191 5(a)(1 ). Accordingly,
. 16 I - . I IT IS ORDERED that: . I
. . 17 I · 1 ; Plaintiffs "Motion toProceed In Forma Pauperis" (Doc. #-23) is GRANTED. `
IB 2. The-Clerk of Court shall send Plai-ntifta service packet including this Order ,
I- _ 19 I ‘ the Complaint, and both a summons an_d·IIrequ-est for waiver form for I
- 20 I Defendant Glenn Kelley. _ . I I I _I.
_ 2 III 3[ Plaintiff shall oomplete and return the senrioe packet to me Clerk of Court ’·I I I
. I 22 within-20 days ofthe date of the ·liIiIn.g Order. _The United States
I 23 I . Marshal vvill·I_notI provide service ofproeessrif Plaintiff fails to gcomply with
nf III4 I i this_Order. I I I I I I II
I I 25 I I I 4. That if Plaintiff does not either obtain a vvaiver of service the summons II
I26 or complete service of the Surnmons and ‘Co-mplaint on Defendant Glenn I _
jg I Kelley within -60 days of the filingof this Order the action may be dismissed I .
_` Case 2:04-cv-00103-SBB-ECVI Document 28 I Filed 07/19/2005 I Page 1 of 3 · ·

1 y C pursuant to Ru-le 4(m)jof.tlne-·Federal Rules ofCivil Procedure and Local 4
2 I 7 Rule (Civil) ‘l¤6.2(t>)(2)(B)(i) of the Rules of Practice of- the United States 1
2 l District Court for the District of Arizona (*l·Local Rules"); y 4 a 7
. 4 5. That the United States Marshal -shallit‘etain the Surnmons, a copy of the l
7 s Complaintgand a copy of this Order fer future use. 7 1 7
e 6 6. That the United- States Marshal shallnetlfy Defendant Glenn Kelley ofthe. - _
.. 7 I _ ` - commencement of) this action and request waiver of service of the I
( e 1 summons pursu-antto Rule 4(d) of the Federal Rules of Civil. Procedure. ` 7
- 9 _ The notice to Defendant Kelley shalt include a copy of this Order. The
( 10 Marshal shall me the waiver of service er summons or. request for waiver,
11 \ if returned asundelitrerable, as soon aslt is received. lf a waiver of service l ’
‘ 12 - of summons is not returned by Defendant Kelley within 30,days from the 2
l 13 ! date the request forwaiver was sent by the Qtvlarshal, the Marshalshall: ` `
14 a. Personally serve. copies of the`_§Summons, Corn_piaint,_.and this
·' 15 Orderiupon Defendant Kelley pursuant to Rule 4(e)(2-) of the Federal
16 ` Rules of ·Civil_Prece·dure. ` l ‘ ‘ l l
17 H _ b. Within 10 days after personal. service _is effected, nie the return of
18 -_ · . service of the Defendant, alongiwith evidence ofthe attempt to
7 19 K 7 secure ..a waiver of service of the summons- and of the costs
20 i subsequentlyilncurred in upon the--Defendant; _ I l
_ 21 ` costs ofiservicetshall be enumerated-on- the return of service form- = I
_ 22 1 _ (US-M and shall include _·the‘coets‘ incurredby the Marshal of
4 r 23 H c ( photocopylngadditional copies of summons. Complaint or this
‘ 24 1 ` Order-.and·for preparing·new_ `receipt and return forms (USM _
25 ( 4 285), if ( required. Costs lor service will be taxed at y T
26 l _ personally serviced defendant pursr.rant to RuIe·¢t(d)(2)and(5.).‘ofti‘ie —
27 . Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; unless otherwise ordered by the l l -
- l Case`2:O4—cv—OO1OS—SRB-lECV It Document -”Fl_Ied C7/19/2005 _Page 2 of 3 l l -

v cill 7 i l r i
1 C 7. That if Defendant Kelley agrees to waive service- ef the Surnrnons and 'C r e
2 l l Complaint, he-—=shal·l return the signedlvvaiiver form to the United States - ‘
2 _ C Marshal, netthe-'Plai·ntlff.“ e C _- ‘- C C t
C e 4 8._ Th-at Defendant: Kelley shall answer the -Comp·lai_nt_. or otherwise respond C
r 5 [ byqappropriate meticn within the time provided by- the applicable provisions
i 6 l of Rule 124;; _o{_`the9.F.ederal Rulesof Civil Procedure. i e t
7 g . 9. That Plaintlffeha-ll-¤·eerve upon Defendant Kelley,-orif appearencehes been I
` V 8 entered by counsel, upon couneekacppy ofeveryfurther pleading brother C l
9 ` _ . _ document eubmitted-for consideration by the Court. Plaintiffshall include
l0 e with the original document and copyito be flied with the Clerk ofthe Court, C
11 I a certiticate statlngi-the date a true- and? correct copy of the pleading or r C
12 document-was mailed-te Defendant counsel. -‘Any paper received by a_ _ —
`13 District Court Jiidge cr Magistrate Judge whichhae not been filedwith-the l l`
e 14 l Clerk of-Court may-be disregarded bythe Court. r y C
V" i 15 10. All other previsionsiof the Court's Septernber 1‘5C,_ 2004,Sc'reening Order
16 shall remain--in -_ - -· _ l 1 C " l
~ . 17- ‘ - DATED thie l f 7L%ayofJu|y,2O05. _' l -. C· l· ‘- l _
° C19 . _" - e _- C l C. C I- · 4 C. . in
20 C . dj g ‘- C `- -· C _
21 l W e e C. .C .-_- _C ..-_ · I. l
23- ‘ _ _ ·;C r United States Magistrate- tludge _ C ‘ · ·
l -26 · _ l- . ‘ `¤
U 27 l an i
I- Case 2:04-cv-.001035SRB-ECV ·l `Document Filed. O7/19-/2005 _ Page 3 of 3 l ‘

Case 2:04-cv-00103-SRB-ECV

Document 28

Filed 07/19/2005

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Case 2:04-cv-00103-SRB-ECV

Document 28

Filed 07/19/2005

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Case 2:04-cv-00103-SRB-ECV

Document 28

Filed 07/19/2005

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