Free Reply - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 1,902.2 kB
Pages: 3
Date: December 15, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 2,085 Words, 18,652 Characters
Page Size: 610.56 x 789.12 pts

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Qjjdy IIQCII] 1 IJLUOJOOL KDIIUB ....17 IUI.] " LIULU L\.D_y \4Uu.u\.»' Lxcunvun. axvuvuvuviu u 1 , I; ; L us`, r vs. ,.·
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A `° A`* ”’” " I ````' 5 A q Key a re- arlem grobet orte #7, vs I *A* P W A I g ¥
p g 1 G g p g V Item #1152685682 p
I I P Qol_h;gtibles:Pop Culture;_Comics;Bronze Age gl970~l979):Other Bronze Age
· * ¤§"“' C¤¤'¤1¥lY $3.00 First bid $3.00
g Quantity 1 # of bids 0 @_prSrO¤»
Desai n Time lert 3 days, 20 hours + Location Johnstown, PA
` ·· e Country/RegionlJSA/Pittsburgh
“ "';;,.`"" Started Jun-05-Ol 0839:19 PDT rgajl_tlris_a_rrgiorr ro a frigid
l 3 Ends ]UIl—l2·Ol 0823919 PDT & U
in Selle (R¤ti¤s)s_elu.riharé2 (il)
' comments in sehgrfs Feedback Pgmlg | | yiew seller; other arrctigl
an seiienanrrestm
· High bid ...
Payment ivioney Qkrdcr/Cashiers Checks. Personal Checks, See item description for payment
methods accepted
Shipping Buyer pays tired shipping charges? Seller ships iruemationally {uorlduide). See item
description ibr shipping charges
Update item Seller: Ifthis item has received no bids, you may regis; it.
Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item You should contact the seller to resolve any
questions before bidding. Auction currency is U.S. dollars ($) unless otherwise noted.
. i .i fi if Y i`i I S 5 IT ii. i i cer t iiii`i L ii i L it Q .... QQ iiii - r
Welcome to my auction This auction is for a Gold Key Comic- Harlem globetrotters #3, 1973. It is in
very good to line condition Please see the picture for more information.
Payment Options: I accept the following forms of payment: Money Order, Personal Check and cash,
NO PAYPAL. Personal checks require clearing time of 10 days. I expect payment within 10 days of
auction for US customers, 15 for international customers. I do business monday through iiiday, 8-4
pm. lf your auction ends on a friday, chances are, i will not be avaliable to respond until monday
Shipping: Buyer to pay 2.00 shipping for comics, magazines, and most books and other smaller items;
1.00 for cards. Buyer to Pay actual Priority Mail shipping costs for ligures and other bigger items.
($3.50 up to one lb..,$3.95 between one and two lbs...$5.l5 between 2 and 3 lbs...$6.35 between 3
and 4 lbs and $7.15 between 4 and 5 lbs.) Insurance is extra if requested. W`mners of rnultipe auctions
can combine items to save on shipping. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR UNINSURED ITEMS.
***SPEClAL NOTE TO INTERNATIONAL BIDDERS*** The US Postal Service has discontinued
"Air Mail Small Packet" shipping as of l—7—01. Almost all of my overseas packages were shipped
using this service and the price for shipping was usually reasonable. Now the options are Air Letter
Post and Economy letter post, Global Priority and Express mail The ALP and ELP rates are a bit
higher than "Air Mail Small packet" rates used to be, and Global Priority is a lot higher...Sometimes 2’?ViewItem&itern=1 152685682 A 6/8/01
Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC Document 349-7 Filed 12/19/2005 Page 3 of 3

Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC

Document 349-7

Filed 12/19/2005

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Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC

Document 349-7

Filed 12/19/2005

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Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC

Document 349-7

Filed 12/19/2005

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