Free Additional Attachments to Main Document - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 582.7 kB
Pages: 4
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 2,876 Words, 22,450 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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” V V .. ».. , _k-*;=- g-VV ` ‘ V Welcome to the fifth annual induction ceremony of the African American
, I; V I V Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame. Established to broaden the public’s
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V . V5; V understanding of African-American history, and the role of diversity and
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I, V VVVV g cultural tolerance in the growth of professional sports, the AAESHOF V
· ‘ ,. gives the world the opportunity to better understand the impact African
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’ V - Americans and other ethnic groups have had on professional sports _
V; and society. Our theme, Harlem Renaissance: Looking Back . ; . Moving V
.¤-~V_,,;gVVVVV _V,_ Forward. Our Heroes Too Long·Overlooked is certainly a fitting tribute
— ae .V I-V ..·» - . :¤;-e¤r;- V..- _.,-.. ·. ;t.,.e, ·. . . . .
{TT V _g‘jg£i’»s:< -a-E to the inductees and other honorees being recognized tonight. V
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A · V‘V` Ii — Harlem has a rich history in sports, which is known throughout the
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/ . world for Harlem Globetrotters’ Marques Haynes, Goose Tatum, and
V:V— 4.- s *.‘. ,· * *,._ .. . · · -
V Bunny Levitt. (who made 499 consecutive free throws in 1935). Tonight
uz · r - ' `fi-F '..I»";,=:=.-· "¤ —‘ -2:; "J·* .·~;'? V·· f a ·; =--' ·
F I V3 ·‘ VI Iykiay 1;, we celebrate the many players from the Globetrotters’ past, and three V
IF ‘ . II? people who contributed largely to the team’s success.
V gf! V, Although the Hall of Fame was established five years ago, it has- carved
3;,,; ‘.V. ·—§iI%=’ . ‘ out a niche for itself in many ways. - With tonight s class, 85 retired
-§ I- 122.2 -V-i‘·¢-"‘?--..“%-a2“5?*‘ .>i· · ·
E · V athletes and coaches have been inducted, and 82 community leaders
{ ` `‘’~Vl=· · · have been honored. The Hall of Fame has more than 100 sports legends =
V _ . and more than 80 current players in support of its youth programs, and
AQ V ·".¤·=T ii? ..; 3%**1 . jj,} ‘=-§.fj‘;2,_V _ -j-I? . . . . . .
Vg-‘ V ._ ‘;5;i_: §l§§ _. ··-· ;._. has facilitated the awarding of nine college scholarships to deserving
< . *??Â¥=" 5 ' students who attend historically Black colleges These scholarships give
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many students an opportunity for an education they otherwise may not
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i2:gVg gi.; `gi V - have had. This event is our major scholarship fundraiser.
Eg; ‘··_- , S. V While we are honoring our inductees and other notables tonight, it
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gg. .. · T"l‘Z"?§;§§,_§. is our ultimate goal and intentto draw attention to our academic-
Q -I , intervention programs. We address the dismal academic performance
•-___- ' ;!{.§H§“*: · f F . h d ·t· l th·
- - _, ,5:-fg . -V.,-. ._-.- ·- of our children. The Ha o ame as a resse cn ica in ing
7*- 2*%: ie ‘ " " V- ·-=- »·’- . · · · · · - I .
- Q _.VV ,___V V _V-V E- and self directing skills to more than 300 students in its after schoo
r *;.3, - ,. . ·_ ‘... ;,.:§§.&¤IIs· ..»‘ ri,. seminars and workshops, It s not about career wins . . . It s about real V
·.,- V "' me victories . i
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`‘`-_ Q ;.-§T‘ ` 5% §§§j¤=§§S* - `The AAESHOF is well aware of the contributions of each of its inductees
1-.. · -- Ph I and honorees tonight. Each athlete and honoree exemplifies the _ I
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ik S-·_ V gem attributes of loyalty and generosity, modesty in victory, serenity in
i zagiz ` ·i`;;i.ife-;‘.§;.;-V defeat, respect for the rules, and esteem for the opponent, all of which I
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= . _ ii,. V ___® . 2;;,, -‘_·V 25,;;;, I: is the basic behavior for fair playin sports. V ·
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FE?- Fq .·‘._- __,. I§ The AAESHOF now has chapters in Houston, Puerto Rico, Seattle, the
` _ ¢=°’ · `S - T. Virgin Islands, and the Bay Area. It soon will have a chapter in Addis -
· · -:‘¢= == ""’ Iii -». ‘ .¤ u. : t . .1 . . V
· V- "F§H!!‘§IE‘ **253 iiéggte i, Ababa EtI“°P'aV- - I
V we tgii · V- 1;. - V V
. -Y,-;..:§°”fj V`iV§§??f.1fa`§ is _ ‘ I would like to thank Ethiopian Airlines, Jet Blue Airways, Southwest
. ‘ Fig ¤’-QT.? ‘ Airlines, Just Ask Miranda, Lila Polite, Lisa Dixon, our table sponsors,
. **3}% ``i· V§f§*I.V§; -§r_ our MCs, entertainment, volunteers, our inductees and other honorees,
_ _ and others acknowledged else where in this program. Without you, -this j
fl ‘i·l { _} ’ -. could not have happened. . . `
. =i= n - ·V--. Magi; V And, of course, I would like to thank _you all who are present here this ,
__ M - evening. Welook forward to_seeing you at some of our future events. W I
I ’ `_ V - · ’’-; V I
-_ -· »,-- - · --. .?i;é=1I ‘·S=.Fi·iI::"i`.·{;= `’’` ; igiifiéii Stay well, ‘
I -.n_ 3; .I-V- I ·‘ V · ¤ _.
__V. Q .’V:- · V ‘ - I `_‘__· ; igviiié (Duff .7£F¢at¢£€ V ,
‘-`‘i it;. ·*·i.--‘V ;¤ .-‘V;V ..V..VV. ‘ · Founder and President I
V` V-._l’ CE l.`‘ $ .5 . . Email: afros [email protected] ·
?* .V"-· - I ~‘`‘ I ‘ °' p tshal I I I
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i playing career with the Globetrotters, he played in more .
. S j, _ than 12,500 basketball games, and holds the record
_ _ F-f,i—»5· ’ for scoring the most points (250,000). In all, he was a
-' A- member of the team’s starting five for 14 years, and a
·_·· QV gi , player! coach for 15. ~ *
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_ .ii,Z · In a career that spanned four decades, Haynes
. lg~ii% _..j ‘_=_ 'i:=§§,:fg· [ played in more than 12,000 games, and entertained
_,-_ _iy _i=__ . lg; ·_,. Q ‘ fans--in 97 countries. As his dribbling style confused » ,
— ‘‘i,· t--a ,, ··—-= : ‘- __ and confounded opponents, he became one of the ‘
_=»`. g ` Globetrotters’_most potent offensive weapons. He and
. I ._,1 ,,-_;,,. __ . if J_ g his teammates- appeared in The Harlem Globetrotters in ‘
_ ____ l, 1951, and Go Man Go, anotherteam film, in 1953.
‘-=· - ..·, 1 ‘
if s Haynes has been honored on numerous occassions, and
E; __ ` . enshrined in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of
‘» · ‘ · _ ,_ · _ Fame (1997); the National Association of Intercollegiate
``_- ’ "l°j·"g;`i ‘·‘'`` - Athletics Conference Hall of Fame (1985-), the Jim
- ‘ ‘ ‘·‘ i n “` ` ‘— ° *" Thorpe.Hall of Fame (1953), and the Langston University _
Marques Haynes had a storied career at Langston ‘ A Athletic Hall of Fame (1995). Although the the Naismith
Univergity in Oklahgma during the early 1l)4(`)5_ l-le led Memorial Basketball_ Hall of Fame has elected persons
the Ligng in gcgring and was an A|_|_-Qgnf€rgnC€ guard ` affiliated with {hi? Harlem GlOb€U`OlZ[€I'S - lI`lClUdlI’1g
tnrougnout his collegiate years. The four-year starter Saperstein, Will Chamberlain, Connie Hawkins, and Pop
also led his team toiback-to-back undefeated seasons G¤l€‘$ · H3)/0€‘5 is Chl? l:lV$t Gl¤b€tF0€'€€*F Dl¤V€F to h¤V€* `
(e1943-·44 and 1944-’45)’ and a 112·3 reeerd Overall been elected into the Hall of Fame. He was inducted _
- into the African American Ethnic '
In 1945, Haynes and his teammates would defeat the ` 2()O3_ V Sports Hall Of Fame m
A Kansas City Stars - a professional all-black team, l · -
one of many sponsored by Black businesses. (Still lll 1997, El $acti¤n Of Okl€lh0m¤'$ $'C¤C€ highway WHS
other professional and semi-professional teams were F€‘¤éliTl€d lll hl$ h0¤0F-
sponsored social clubs, or affiliated with Black churches
- or "Colored" YMCAs.) During the next season, Haynes F . A
` - would catch the attention of Abe Saperstein, the . (
· owner of the Harlem Globetrotters. Haynes led the , A
Lions in scoring enroute to a 74-70 vi.ctory over the · . . ,
Globetrotters. Following graduation, he joined the . _ ·
squad, and starred in its 61-59»victory over the George 1 _ `
Mikan and the Minneapolis Lakers ini 1948, and its 49-45 ‘ ` 1
— win in 1949. . A -
But by the season’s end in ’53, Haynes left the team l -
over a contractual disagreement with Saperstein. He ‘ A » ` e l
started his own team, the Harlem Magicians. He toured _ A ,
with the Magicians for 18 years, before rejoining the , <
‘ Globetrotters as player/coach in 1972. Throughout his ‘ ‘ 1
‘ Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC Document 471 -6 Filed 11/O1/2006 Page 2 of 4 1

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12 distinguished nominees for- the Archbishop Desmond
Tutu Award for Human Rights in recognition of his work
i in South Africa. In May 2005 during the Kentucky Derby
weekend celebration, Jackson was named 2005’s Man-
ig of-the-Year by the Winner’s Circle for Children Inc. in ‘
’ · · Louisville, Ky. Recognizing years of promoting human it
· i , _ gs 1 rights throughout the world, the National Civil Rights
‘ P ‘ Museum_in Memphis, Tenn. presented their inaugural
I ‘ International Award to Jackson in January 2006. -
' _ - ·
. Jackson is a founding member and former president of
s I the Executive Leadership Council, providing African- _
__ American executives with a network and leadership
gah _ ia ·_·- forum to promote excellence in business. In 2002,
_ Jackson and the Globetrotters were inducted into the
- 1 Black Sports and Entertainment`Hall of Fame. This
‘ "“ recognition was followed by the National Conference of
iii, ._,_ i ;;,j,1.;_ _._._ Community and Justice’s (NCCJ) Arizona region honored
‘ ·· ‘ = i ·I Jackson with the 50th Annual Humanitarian of the Year
i . - Award.- Later ·that year, the Rainbow! Push Coalition
f`/i;§:§rj§2il2S;lr:aag§;\gdl;adF;;§glCigarbizagara’ awarded Jackson the prestigious Effa Manley Sports
. . p Executive-of-the-Year Award, for his work with the
turnaround restoring the Hall of Fame basketball team Giobetmttei, Organization in the Spring Of 2003 Lincoln
la lla alalua as a global lam" A farmer Glabalmllar University in PennsylvaniaI the nation’s oldest historical I
player, Jackson purchased tha laam in *993 and ravlvaa black college founded in 854 recognized Jackson with
Ilha naaabaakmpl argaalzallaa lata aaa Of lha mast Ian honorary doctorate degree in Humane Letters for his
admlraa and publlclzad teams ln the Y"°.’*dI¥I Whlla I. I work within the business community. Jackson was also
‘“°""aS‘“g ""’€““'€ ':"’€‘f.°*d amd '€b““dT“?· the fa",. _ presented the achievement award from the Executive
base to near record levels. Before a national television Leadership Council in 2003
audience, the team confirmed its status as one of the ~ ` ` .
best and most-influential basketball teams ih the world Prior to taking the reins of the Globetrotters in 1993,
when Jackson and the Globetrotters were the fifth team Jackson gerved 35 President and General Managay gf
inducted i¤t0_ thi? NaiSmith Memorial BaSk€tbf:\U Hall .Honeywell’s Telecommunications Business before retiring -
of Fame on September 27, 2002. ln fact, the team haS I as a corporate Officer and Senior Vice President of
been recognized six times in thi? past S€V€¤ YEGFS by Honeywell,Ilnc. Jackson has been recognized in various
baSk€tball’S m0St prestigious barometer of SUCCESS- S ~ prominent financial publications throughout his career,
. . . a — including being named one of the Nation’s 30 Most
Jacksaa Slappaa mm, lha hlalary baalls Whaa he Powerful and Influential Black Corporate Executives; .
pursessd its team ·¤_19‘?3· as the its A"·¤¤¤· z 2 » S ofthe Nation’s Top so Corporate seeegee and
American to own a major international sports and _ in 1992 was named one of the 20 AfriCan_Am€riCan _
entertainment organization. The conclusion of the High Neft Worth Entrepreneurs in the Spring Of 2001 -
team’s 2005 North American Tour in April 2005, marked ,,Han/ard Business R9/i€w,, published 6 Hrsbperson ’ `
lz Caasacullva years Ofaaublaaalgll growth Jackson account of Jackson’s business principles that turned A I I
amassed an lmpraaalva list af nallanal Spansarai the Globetrotters into a market leader and the most
expanded countries visited to 118 with attendance of iemwned team in the world · _
r over two million annually, and topped the Sports Q ' `I
, ratings as the most liked and recognized team in the During the 1996 and 1997 gggggn, Jackson and tha
world in 1999, 2000 and 2002. Globetrotters were instrumental in securing over »
_ I S2 million to the Nelson Mandela African Children-’s
éailjgg iirgiiglzgslaiggawrgsiliailaiggicggrihlg glggrd Foundation. Since 1993, the Globetrotters charitable
of Governors@&&@e?A Q2@9r&GGie isD1DQUfTl9I'll 47§§§(;biu£@%Sg£ ;a§F;%§_l§]iéi)j$V)Eg,l:€n' ln the

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of $100,000 to the Lincoln School Alumni Foundation of · `Born in a railway boxcar in Illmo, Mo., Jackson grew up
Edwardsville, Ill., helping provide youth with college _ in Edwardsville, Ill., earning the title of Illinois’ "Mr. »
scholarships and pledged $250,000 to the Globetrotters Basketball," and attended the University of Illinois,
Alumni Association. The NCCJ, which Jackson contributed becoming the first African-AmericanAll-American and
$125,000 to, recently named the Harlem Globetrotters captain of the Illini basketball team. He is also a charter
` Scholarship Fund, awarded to Arizona youth, allowing them member of the Illinois Basketball Hall of Fame, and a
to participate in the NCCJ’s leadership program, Anytown 2 member of the National Black Sports and Entertainment ,
USA. During the 2001-2002 season Jackson directly _ Hall of Fame, as well as, a charter member of the Black
contributed $100,000 to the American Red_ Cross for the _ Legends of Professional Basketball, and is an investor
Disaster Relief Fund to help victimsof Sept. 11th tragedy. . with a limited partnership interest in the Arizona ·
In 2003, Jackson presented the Basketball Hall of Fame Diamondbacks. Jackson and his wife, Cathy, reside in Las
with a quarter of a million dollar donation to continue Vegas, Nev., and have two adult daughters: Cassandra, a
basketball’s greatest legacy. In January 2005, Jackson graduate of DePaul University, who is currently studying to _
pledged $100,000 to UNICEF to aid victimsof the tsunami be a chef, and Candace, a graduate of New York University
in Southest Asia, as well as a $250,000 do_nation to the and Columbia University, who recently joined the Wall
‘ Edwardsville YMCA. In September 2005, Jackson donated Street Jo_urnal as an Associate Editor. 2 t
$200,000 to victims of Hurricaneskatrina and Rita -in the ,_ 2
Gulf Coast. - P t
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