Free Motion for Miscellaneous Relief - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 3
Date: November 1, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 641 Words, 3,923 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC Document 474-6 Filed 11/O2/2006 Page 1 0f3 I

Vanessa Braeley I
From: Clay Townsend
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:36 PM · _
To: 'Saia Anand'
Cc: Vanessa Braeley ·
Subject: · RE: Lemon
Ira lgpothesiqed that the garments were either illegal or trans-shunped Which is it? He suggested that thy} were a licensee hut I thought you had V
previousy disclosed all suhlicensees and Alanila store was not disclosed The store was cleary not closed It merits some more discooegw or
supplementalr don ’t you think? ’ I
----— Original Message ——-—-
From: Xenia Anand [mailto:.S`[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, Septemher 29, 2005 4:27 PM
To: Cley Townsend V;
Cer Vanessa Braeley,·jlorence@hruemmerlaw. com; [email protected]· Ira 5 acks; joel@/oelherq. com
Sumeeu RE: Lemon
U you send us something that details what you sent us and the date you sent it to us, we will return the goods to you with a similar document which
will preserve the chain q' custody hetweenyour and ours. We will also agree not to take the merchandise outside q' our @’ices. We have done
this gcpe of thing numerous times in the past and the chain dcustoey hetween your jirm and ours will remain secure.
As jbr the Phillcpines, Ira emailed you on Seat. 79 regarding this issue, hut we can discuss it with the ]udge you prrfen
.S`eg‘ia ‘ ·
—-—-— O rzginal M essezge ——--- _ _ '
From: Cley Townsend [mailto:CT ownsend@]%n‘hepeqt>le. com]
.S`ent· Thursday, Sebtemher 29, 2005 3:33 PIVI I
To: Seyia Anand , Q
Cc: Vanessa Brezelry; j7orence@hruemmerlaw. com'; 'avrlr@cox. net'
Sulyect: Lemon
Yes.- How do you recommend we do this without hearing ahout chain ofcustocy issues later? Mayhe you guys should come here as thgt are secure.
We could get judges input at the coryrence today. We are asking jbr some more hmited discovegw relative to the Phillzpines issue. Ira emailed
seging he was looking into the store and sales hut I didn't hear any more. The investigator produced the garments, receipts and photos at his demo.
----- Original Message ——--— `
From: .S`@’iez Anand [mailto:.SAnand@dreierllp. com] _ ` `
Sena IVednesday, 5`eptemher 28, 2005 70:45 AM
To: Clay Townsend? Heather Fischer I
Cer ]oel@; ,
Sumem Lemon `
]oel I*Ierq sent us ez list q' garments that your investigators purchased and sezid that you oferecl to send them to us to photograph. Please send us all
@’ the garments and include a summagx of where they were purchased and @» whom. You can send them to my attention at: Dreier LLP, 7350
Broadwcg/, 77th Floor; NY, NY 70078. Thankyou. ,
Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC Document 474-6 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 2 of 3

"V€O/ tméz)·onm·,
Scja g
Sigia A. Ananaf Esq. A
Dreier LLP . V
Enzazf J`dHdHd@dV6i6T/@.60%
nn:»w.dreier/bacon: ”
Tbir trazzyinimion ik intended on@r_;%r tbe nee q’tbe addreuee and may contain izwrnzation tbat i.r_prioi/egeaf eoiyidential and exempt from dzlvdoyare
under cpp/icab/e /an/. U)/on are not tbe intended reapient, or tbe ernp/gzee or agent regbonyib/ejbr delivering tbe meuage to tbe intended recébiengyon
are bere@z notgied tbat ary; disxeinination, dixtribation or eopying aftbzlr cominnniezztion ix xtrietbxprobibited
yyoa bazze received tbzk communication in error; p/eaye noti@ ine inirnediateb oia e-n2ai/ at .ranand@dreier/{boom. Tbankyon.
Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC Documergwt 474-6 Filed 11/O2/2006 Page 3 of 3

Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC

Document 474-6

Filed 11/02/2006

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Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC

Document 474-6

Filed 11/02/2006

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Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC

Document 474-6

Filed 11/02/2006

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