Free Motion to Strike - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 4
Date: March 31, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 944 Words, 6,881 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Preview Motion to Strike - District Court of Delaware
-· ’Cese1fO4-cv-00583-GMS. 4D0curheht14O-4 Filed O3/31/2006 ` Page 1.0f-4 I - I .

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_ Case 1~:04rcv-0O583—G|V|·S D0cumerN_140 F']9. V. V _ 1
4 ni. it A Il . ‘ _ UNITED·STATE5 DISTRICT coURT 1 A · - V 1
_ y ` _ . I DISTRICT OE DELAWARE‘ » " _ A
.__‘ _ i 2 _ I _ _ CASB.N0..04—CV—583 §
‘ ‘ ‘ - _ ‘ » DEPOSITION or WILLIAM A. SCHUETTE _ _ ¤ I _· ‘ _
*a III· r5."""*‘Y I"—1 _ ,·
*:· .‘. ` INA£0M_CQRPa on behalf of ali » .. .. PLAINTIFF _
‘ I - F. ..¤zffi?i¤¥¢<2 I4._ . - `N7 »§,I _ ` ‘I·- _}b` ` I Q —_.¤.` j T‘Q A j
‘_ _ . a 7 LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL,. INC; . I ·~ l I ` ;D*$F$N¥’ANT T
. , _ __ ‘. . ·_ · _ . . · - - 'IPLAINTIFF U _ -z.°
" J I -`11` cot~1i>AQ-c0MPUTz3‘c”0RP.; IIS! c0R‘b.; _ . . THIR¤·PARTY` `_
. "__ ` _* _ · and C-UsT0M Emu-;E:,_ mc. . A _ · - ~_ DEE'E¥?¤‘¤ANT-S »
-; ·... i ··_‘13· _ - . jfhe deposition df WILLIAM-_A. SCHUETTH _wasi _ · » _ _
` ` , 14 taken on Ioehalfl- of the plaintiff, Tmaoom co::poz:a‘ti6n»,` ‘ ,
‘ · Ann; Hl1`béhj.S01’1, 'R€g£i,»StéIGd .PI_Of€S·Sj.Q1’lH·l Breportlelib . I
. _ , 16 and _Ncyii·a1· _:Ln__and for the state of K9H`C11CkY` at at {
_- `_ ·A 17 Largo; at tho law officaof Stoll; Keenbnl & Palfkw 300 · - A
# I 18; Véweét Vim; street}, suite 2111-0,i Lexington} Ke;11:uc_ky,¥~Q¤ ‘ T . - N
- ` ‘ 19 Tuesday, Fabxqany Q, _zU0s,' beg:LTTn§.ng_a1: thle hour qf 1=55 _
. U n, - -' 20" }_5.m.· £·`.;éid."I¤:Le;positj.on was igakaapur-suanf 1:0 Bule 30'cf . '
A ' _ [ - _ 21 the §‘éd<;»2:al· .Ru1és4 of` P·I`k)CEdL1I;€` ahd }i11°l€‘ Qf_ the - M _ _ f
-22 E`1§CI&1‘él Bénkruptqy Procedig-fg; _ . i _ I ‘ A, . _, ·· » ·-_V
- — 24. ·· · ‘ V .- ACTION comgr Rupoawzgs . - · . »
` _ _ ` -‘ _ J;84 `Ncrth Mill Street _ _ ` _ V
·-.I 25. ·· "I.e:c:i.ngi:¤¤, Kentucky 49507 ‘ _ g _ . . 2
V __ . · ‘ .· _ (359) "25'2-4004 . _ _ _ . ‘_

. . · " ‘ _ · O6_P&1 e30f4. _ -
. O Case1:04-¤v<00583·GMS. D°°Um€“H4°.4- med Q3/31(20 eg , O O O
` l 1. _ _ ’ Appzmwczs l ‘ L
_ - * A·4‘ -_ ·. AJeff;ey P. Nolan — .°i.. e { ,
... _, . - __ . Pachulski, Stang, -z1g1;1, »Y¤u¤g_ & Jones _·__ ·
.·;" ` 5 _ I `10100 Sanba.Mo¤ica Boulevard, llth El00I· , ` V Z
`* - V ,· _ ~· ‘ Les Angeles, Celiibxnia 99067-4100 "
. -6 · ‘ - ` ° f ·
‘ . ` . -- 7: éCOUN$EI· 'FOR T§IRD—PARTY 'DEEENDZKNT. COMRAQ= - ” I _-
· ‘.' y , ` ·$ _ -* 'Ceeily`A.'D&mée U- i? _· _v l _". »· -
· · °·y " ·· _Fxiedman; Dumas & Sp;ingwatex, LLP * ? _ ».
P . ‘· 9 A ‘ .0ne Maritime Plaza, Seite 24?5· 4.‘ ‘ __ ; ·
‘ ‘ ` . -_ ` 4 _ San F1:a*¤cj.s_c0,- Califoxxqngfa 94111 O · - v_
,; _Q O· 11 i· ‘ Odvuszh FQ# DEEENDA§T Aug izxgn-pinmx PLAINTIFF- ‘ · ._'
· I _.·,‘ - ".LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.? " °`— ‘ -,
‘Q _ -·_‘ ' . »- » Qulver-V. Hal1iday·_ ` _ . _ __
T _ ` f j13 . , _ St011·,.‘_Keengm ·& Eark, LI.“ -
»_ ;,-z ‘ _ 2650_Aegbn Centex - ·— _ _' ~ · " ·
__ ~ . 14 .;_, 400 West_Ma:ket Street` · — _ ‘ ·` Z __ _
` A V -· _. L0uisvi11e,.Kentucky 40202-3377 _ · ° ~
5 . ‘.15. ‘ __ _·· · · ·- . -n N
l ‘ V ` é16 l use rgssmzimi `_ _ .h ` " ‘ _ I _ . »
1 _ ·- - ‘ l E7" T _ ‘ Kevirr Saxiciésian l · . ` · - · — `_i
· _' 24_ - _ . A ev '·“ ‘ \ ~ · _` I. , _
‘ O- " . Ac1*10u ci>;m·.p ·R;=;15éR·1·;:1§s- _Y »` “ r F2 __ .

n .Gase1:O4-cv-00583-GIV|S_` D0cument`140-4 Filedl)3/31/2006 _F#agé40f4. -
_ -Vi ·ll_·with and what the soecific convexaations ware, l.donFt ‘ ‘» T
i l _ nnn. 3 _» l_ 'Q{_ _f Okayl But·y0u fecall —- you do rccall tha· i _y§
_ .o" ‘4_.fact.that you continued to try to collact the account . nv" ,§
xl l lx -15 that waa owed by Ioacoh to Lexmark?-l ‘I t _· " ll
_ ”` ·` i { , Q; nv _That still was-a.Huty? l n- j ‘ - IA ·
‘w·4 ·- 8w_ l *€;T*”iiiggat-at e‘check*cauo i
:_o --·` M ll _ i A.Q.t t OkayQ jApd what about Mt.lFuhl? Was ho’ __i:' ·
lf ·l` A ·12 'doinc the sacc thing?; in Q" ·-· y G, Q- ;· V 'y4c
- ~ l [ ‘_ .1 rdgnf`1; —e 11oQ - Huh-uh. No, I_was}‘A__ I `..'— I- l l
* " ,14 basically told to get that.o I meao} I would ask him -_ " l _
- ` l ·’1st·wu§¤ you'xc out theta, you know, see if you cat fiud out `l
-· , 16N_anything. But ln tarma of him c¥ no xeally.didnlt have; y F
· l Al7.yin‘uy opinlonylany"gooé.conta6ts_0u_tha;finaucc side of-l ·-'
‘· ‘l y °l8` the busineas,·and that seamad'to be where all the" · t·_· .
_2, · lu. conttol was bclng held at._ l ."l i_ _ U.l 5 .M
» I y t "2O · Q_ Q. jokayl Xou hentioned p;eVlduslY thai a. W ,
V Ml A- 2l slow @ayient_was anythiug_ovcx 60 days?‘l‘_ _ U nu h U
_ _ 22 I ‘ A. _ ° Uh—1mh. ll _ ll " . . if
._ 23_.l -QQl'_l Was there_any.te:mlnol¤gy¤Y¤¤ W¤¤l@ ¤S¤ to ` ·.l
'··-;`l _é4· invoices that were in aacass of 60 daya ln agé?; · V
MV at __ 25_ _ I A. U l'd say.thcy were aged ox old or way pact; ;» _
I __ at _~ Q · 1 ` ·-ACTION C0§lRE¢·RE§QRfIERS- ~’‘` _. . 56.2 yl

Case 1:04-cv-00583-GMS

Document 140-4

Filed 03/31/2006

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Case 1:04-cv-00583-GMS

Document 140-4

Filed 03/31/2006

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Case 1:04-cv-00583-GMS

Document 140-4

Filed 03/31/2006

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Case 1:04-cv-00583-GMS

Document 140-4

Filed 03/31/2006

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