Free Reply to Response to Motion - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Date: April 15, 2005
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 518 Words, 2,823 Characters
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Case 1:04-cv-00617-SLR D0cume]qt)8§;—tC·E_ BI|5l}.e;:| O4/18/2005 Page 1 of 2
l subpoenaed the Federal -— the Federal Trade Commission
. 2 and the —— I subpoenaed a whole lot of people.
3 But, anyway, people who are in the industry
4 who know that these are blatant violations that they
5 have used in this here bogus appraisal of properties
6 containing of 6,985 square feet, to tell me that you're
7 going to appraise —- I paid $2,500 and you‘re only
8 going to appraise 975 square feet and tell me the other
9 two properties are utilities, I mean that's like, you
I0 know, a man buying a farm with a house on it and you
II have appraised the house and then you call the land a
I2 utility and charge —— how much are you going to charge
I3 for the house? Why would you do that? That really ——
I4 See, Stacy Buckwalter, he never dreamed that
I5 this would be here. We will be doing this for the next
I6 20 years for what he did to me, took my money and then
I7 Legreca & Quinn.
l8 And you ought to heard the way they talked
I9 to me. Oh, it was an insult. It was like he slapped
20 me in my face. I have been doing this since I972.
2l Q Okay. But the question that I'm not sure
22 that I understood your answer to was, have you
23 consulted with any licensed appraiser who has told you
24 that ——
Registered Professional Reporrers

Case 1:O4—cv—OO617-SLR }§§6vC§m Filed O4/18/2005 Page 2 of 2
1 A I don't need them to tell me. What I'm
2 saying is, I am experienced in purchasing and selling
3 of real estate. I have been in real estate longer than
4 most realtors.
5 Q I understand that, that you're an
6 experienced business person.
7 A I'm saying, I don‘t need -— and then I got
8 this term expert. I have a problem with that. I don't
9 know anyone in the field that is any smarter than I am.
1O Really. I mean seriously.
11 Q So your answer is, no, that you haven't
12 consulted a licensed appraiser?
13 A I have not found a need to have to rely on
14 anyone other than my own experiences and knowledge at
15 this time. I repeat, at this time. *
16 MS. ANTOFF: Mr. Brown, those are the only
17 questions that I have for you. I appreciate your time.
18 Thank you.
19 THE WITNESS: I appreciate being here. And
2O I think we went and got it over with. Yeah. Is that
21 it? Do we conclude?
22 MS. ANTOFF: Yes. Don‘t turn it off.
23 You have a right —~ if you have been deposed
24 before, you probably know this. But you have a right
Registered P»~¤r¤$sa¤¤ae Reporters

Case 1:04-cv-00617-SLR

Document 83-3

Filed 04/18/2005

Page 1 of 2

Case 1:04-cv-00617-SLR

Document 83-3

Filed 04/18/2005

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