Free Reply Memorandum - District Court of California - California

File Size: 1,287.5 kB
Pages: 19
Date: April 9, 2008
File Format: PDF
State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
Word Count: 8,995 Words, 48,390 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Preview Reply Memorandum - District Court of California
Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH

Document 51-2

Filed 04/09/2008

~ f\ \0 f

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Optec Limite
13/F Silver Fortune Plaza
One Wellington Street Central
Hong Kong

US ServIce Center (Veridia Solutions)
One Poston Roadi Suite 120 Charleson, SC 29407


_ ~~o¡~

TeI1-B43-72S-1120 Fax 1-843-725-1121

Fax 011-8S2-2S3G-9100




Orlolnal Valuation:
Hedged Value Shares Remaining Hedged Value Per Sha re to be Hedg ed

Shares Hedged

Proiected Loan Amount:

6/21/2005 UTI



Interest Rate:

Total Hedged Value of Loan Collateral Actual Loan Amount at 90% of Hedged Value

$100,577.16 $90,519.44

Loan Term:
40 years

Amount advanced to Client to date:

Net due Client as a result of hedging activities to date:
Distribution by broker/dealer to aient's broker/dealer account:
Distribution by Lender to Client's designated destination:



Date scheduled for transfer of amount due



Thi sttement re th stus of yo loa trnscton as of th date abov. An dipa betwn this stament and your record or your unrs of th
provisor of th relate Masr loan Rnancing an Security Agrment, Loan Sculrs) anor Rier(s) gorning your lon trnsn sh be repo ti Optech in

wrng as soon as tJæ;sib/e, ilnd no litertfn five days frm th døte oftm sttemen. lfyotive any Que regaing t1is documnt¡ pleas contOpteh US
Servce Cener (Vrlia Solut) at 1-843-725-1120.


Rug 22 07 as: 29p

Quik Mai 1 E'tc
Document 51-2

Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH

Filed 04/09/2008


Page 2 of 19


Jl~i;;C ',) ( ¡

Yuri Debevc
From: cn3rlesr,sira22;
Sent: Thursoc:y, Ji)ly 28. 20GS 3:41 PM

To: YlJri De~ev('

Subject: New Owner of Optcdi
'furi, Effec~iv:~ ~l1ly 27, 201)5, I 21m the new (j\Inc-r of OptCGl Li1.iIC~;d, Hong Kor,g. I:ì order to f;:cllit3l(,.

Chp. busin~~;s corresp,)ndcnc-2, pleù'se open 3; P.O. Gox on bchJlr or- tlie compôny and z:dvise me tili,:
number of Che Box. -;-hz:nks.
Charl",s ¡,Sin

Optech L;mited



Rug 22 07 05:29p Quik Hail Etc
\::'-~'"- i'i JIt: j'i troJI';

Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH

Document 51-2

Filed 04/09/2008


Page 3 of 19


Si.ilicuf 'j \ ir-' ì ;.,"(.~..(:-:c

County of ( /-"1 M,-" )1-- )

On ¡i.i /~~u.¡l- .1007, before ind,c)!c¿'.A"- L_ c¿.~('; notar public. pcrsonuHy

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i:p¡:~l'e i ,', i 1 I J ri,-i 1 1---;1 'i ,"" i;, i 1J. ¡:C r' ~: proved lO me on the basis of S-tísfuctury evidence

10 be thc pef1on whose n;un~ is subscribed 10 ihe within instn,ment or:d acknowledged to me that
l¡t eXecute" the same in hislher authorizoo capacity, and that by his sjgna1Ur~ On the instruem
the peSQn. ùr the cnt.iy upon behalf of which Ù1C person 3CTP",;--, executed the instnuent.

-T ",iirr.,i ,..4.\ L I~"

WITNESS my hand ûld official seaL.

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Rug 22 07 05: 28p

Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH

QUik Ma,¡ Etc Document 51-2

Uniled States post~i Service(l1

Apol¡caí;on for Deiivery of Mail Through Agent
See privacv Ac~ St3temenl on Reverse

/10~ ~-j

Filed 04/09/2008 o
-ö - (.~:: "



Page 4 of 19
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In con::ídcr.tiori ot oAlivery ,ìf my Of our (rirmì m::il In tne agent named b910v.r, th0 3d.d!"S.';p'(; ;Jric a,ÇenL ::çimc: (1 ì thto ;iddrfJ~see or !hf: ,:ioem mu~l r.o~ lile ;: chanQ(, oj addre~s cirde~.with the POçt:i ServlcpTM upon jUmiri-"'!ion of the ~Çl8n2V rol,:tion.hip: (2) tho trcn;:~r of
mail to ~r'o!he¡ addres~; j:: tli!; re.spon5)ibility of lhf' ;;daressee ant. the 3gerJ: 13'1 :ill n1.'il de::vered to tne agencv under th:~, auihoriuIion rnusÎ be prepr:ia wiiri new ri):;i:;:ge when reOElflo£.íted in the rn'iii:: (4) UfJorl r8Quü:;.tne ôqf!ni mu~t proVlc!ü to the F'ostul Ser,icc 01:
;Jddre$se~-: to WhICI-i the C'Qcncy trar:sters mo.i, ::nl' :5) whcr, :::iy Inrotr~llDn reQuire~¡ on this torm cnJnpos. or becomfJ:; ob.solel~:, ihf-'

addre~Sec-(s) rnu:;t ~IIH;: r6\'lstld ;:PPlfC;:lio:i wì:ti tno Commercia, ~ij Receiving A9~ncy (c:rÆRA'¡

NOTE: The lìpplic;int must iixecuie thi~ form in duplicate in tho presencf\ot the 2.p~nl, his or he~ c.UlhorizccJ emoloyoc, or:: notary flub~JC
TtH; .açicnt PrDvidC~ th.. originai complet:d signs(l PS ¡:omi 1583 IcilhiO Po~t~! Sl;r/lC&; .8nc rot3in:.: "J dunl¡C3lE: com('lflimJ :;igned copy ::',

tne. ::MRA nu!;ines~; 100\101 i The CMRA COPy cf P,:, ;:orm PS ~5l.J mu:;f a~ al! time:; be .3vail;:b!p: for c:camlna\ion bìr the DOsrm::,Stcr (or designeD) ::nd thf. Po~i:Ðlln:;p~clton Seric.e_ The ;JddreS5ÐH .:nd the 3gHr,t ;:ç:ac:o comely wi:h ;:l, 3DDiicabio Poó;t3i rul~. ¿me: rC9uJ.:tions rfbtive t(i dcii\Jí-y' OT mail througn ari ;i~ent. failure tú comply will subjeci th£ .;Çlcncy tC' v~ithholdinçi of- mai: trom deiiv~r.v until corrective ;:ctiofl iS t;ken_
Thi:c. applic;tiori m3Y be SL1I,iccl to venfiC3Ilon procedure!" by the ¡:o~t:1 SerJI¡¡~ to confirT tnat thf- 2lpriilc:nt resi(jer~ or conduct.; bu::ir-c::.s 31 tho home orbu~'inesr. address ll.ed in boxO::"7 or 10, and that the idenljfic:tion !i~ted in box Ü i:; v;:ljd. -::, Nemlin Wnicr Appllc;:mr'Y, M'-II Will Sf' Rccerverl tDr úclrvery lu Agen~ I j.Adore;;~ to bi_- Used Îùr DeINer',' (Ne wee:, spUs:i-. no,)

_J)pr C(; II j i,t i 7 F: /~
Applic;Jni 8utnorl2e~ rlelivci y ü; Ðnrlin wre ct:

bOX.) ! ?,t. Cit\1__ .._ _ ' ,i i
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(:0 N:)m~ ai Appiic:m _j/ /1,' il4,¿L' I-I... APoIi:;nt Hc.'l Addru.: (Ñr...
i..i-wotyper, of idcn'llia:tinn nn: fCaUlrec 1"0 rm¡ contain.. Drito~rapri Oi 17LJ. ~iiy
-'rc Unacp18hj~! ÐS Idcntifc.lian. The. ßpet mus: IJtc in ic!cntlyinp

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22 07 05: 28p Quik Mail Etc Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH Document 51-2 '£"D::Ú::3lKr.::m --"";,L'
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~\I. r'::ñff¡"niV -";:-u~::rii

Filed 04/09/2008


Page 5 of 19


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rsnr;a.rr:::r r::Bír~C,: ie

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,:me:: sr.a¡: nOT be OJpii::.=ISd O~ modiri£c: :J~/ aDDii.:z:nt Th:: 1\9:,1 O£;::)S!' snail b~:, reIUnQ8C~ uP:Jr ,: í.::iun-; c/ tnf'
j(9V .vitniri ::S'li ('J()) dav~, 0, Í'2tTir;alJ:r, 0: ssirvi:s. ,;:ql!::3.:l, un e:rs-:.n::::, t~a.~ tn( r:::.:T1Gr:snn::1 01 Tí!:- warÌ~s:

herstr, !,f. (Jn~. of bciiimsri: ano n:¡T tandior8 Zln~ ts,an~"

. b" .' L"- r , d .

... On::c: ri'iail Servic::, h2.~ :J:i:::sc! 2;:Di:::3ír:'::. maii iri the 2~si9nf:j i:x;ìc::::, ~n~, liëlI:' sr,ùll be. je::ni~::;' E ;-;av:: ~9í¡ oeiiv(;r~~, 8rid l'ai! Ssrvi::(: Si1311 n~~ be.' re~~:)nzb¡f Tor 10:::, thst C.- Gdma;i:" b./;a:! ~e;"V;::~ !: LO;
:=n:;&pC'c: in tn£ a9ilve~1 o'l mail anD =ann:J~ b~ rss::::nSii:l= TO:" 73ìlur:; O~ tr~ ~)ni~cJ ~~2:9: =-::::~r S3rv:::C. Ie
O::jiV-:ï maii or tr-, 6';¡)IVSí r in ¿ Ì1m~i\,' T.:njofl 0:- un::amë:fJ:;C:! :.:m:J:¡ari.

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repuJations, 2:: wel e: 1:i.:a1. S~I=' anc: fe:Js;-ùl SIEtut9::, di'C: rS-;iUL:1IJon2.. :=aiiur~ 1e,i de- sr' rric~V re~ur. Jr' ':81-

::sJ:ai:iori 0: s'::rvi:::;: without n:ii::-s, refund 0:- maji iarVvarLlinp.
=i, informan,:m :Jrovios'rJ riy a:pi:=ant wi!1 0-' I(S::~ ::anT):ien¡;::i1 ;:me! will r:D~ lç18V'/in;:lv bS :.1:::J:i::SC," wjrnClu.: ë::J:J::
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C!~!: or th9F' rc:p:9S: ')n;:~:riiv9S.

'-" !víair wi)! ri:J": ti~" ë:.::::::ii:;c! ls:- mo,¡: tnari (3) D8;S::n::. 0:" argùm.::21ron:, If' ~ sjripi~' j::::ic~-;c;, ~m( ~'¿;::i',' mLZ",
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1),' m::rc rTiaii tn.:ri :.a.ri 0:-' n::.::sc. Jr, c. sinÇJl~, i'::::¡(:;::~:; h./;êli! Servi::~' r~3S'rvs:, tn? n;m: lc rSCLlrJ'¿: 2:JpJi::u:l\ :~, r;:ir~ 2 iarÇle¡ s;::~; D.:::: 0; emsi cr m':r-:. ~Ddjtior,a; ;:Q)(.2~. '::narçc:, i'o~ 29rvi::,:: a;-~ 02E::C: L!:::J;.1 3.\!s;-¿i;.,,; Ci:Ui',
v:i!um-: ë.m~' 4::T1vÏl\' 30S':;2! C¡:-::UiT!S'i2r::.CJ;. s",;., hJpr, rium:i2" cf D¡:r:-:::., ::'1':. m2j' r-:aui:~. 2.':~~::srrsrl~ c:

3.o::m:mzil T!?~:,. An ur:L!sualJy ni;:n \lolurr::. c; rr3:ì will issuli: jr sjtne; ¿.. nion::',. i9~: :ì-2:r.ç: ::ìî:.:'p',:c., 8;" ::ermi¡-;;-"110;1 S';' thr: mD.ii rs.::E..¡vrnç; s~rv::~ .LC.:i¡::2n:1urth~:" cipr::::~, tn:L' p:ií::S'!!:; ::2ii\!s':~~,' ::¡:, tnt". ;:cor2::;: T'::" tn:: 38DI"-

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I C, - AM~:: ~o::norr.D"~.. :'001.:

Rug 22 07 05: 29p

Ouik i E'tc
Document 51-2

Filed 04/09/2008 Page 6 of 19

Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH


Pri..acy Act Stdtenien~: Your information wil! DC used to authoriz!. tiie aelivery of your mail fo the de:;ignaled 300reSSeE- 2!: your ;¡genL Collection is authorized by 39 use 401. 403, 8nd 40A. Providing the mformzitiOí1 1;.
voluntary, bu~ ii- not provided, we ~nnot provide thi!. service to you Wf' de not di::CJO!:~ your inIDmi~tior: witnOUL your

corucnt to third parlie.s. except ro; th(' loUowins limited circumst3ncc:;: to 2congresS10niJi office on your beh3F; to
Ýinancial E-ntitics refJardrng f:ri=:ncia! tr;.n:;aclion issues; to ;; USPSQ~J ~udjlDi: to entjlie~, in.:udiriç¡ bw enforccmen.:, ::r,.

reourred by law or ir. IsgGl: proceeding.:: to contr;:clDrs ;;nd other entjties aiding us tD fulfilJ the servlC;::nd for the Durpose of identifyin£ ar: address as ;iri addm~s. of an a9cnt who receives mail on behalf o~ other perSOn~ lniorm;:tian

con::emino an individuai who tia~, fiiet 3n 8ppropnatc Drotectivc courl ordr.r with the PD3tm3ster will r,ot bf.' dlsrJosed
c:xcep~ Dursuan: to court ordei. ;:0;- m:n' miorrn3iion ori Our priv;:::y POIACICS-, :;-eE: Our priva:.y iink or: usp::.corr(B)

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Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH

E'tc Document 51-2

Filed 04/09/2008


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Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH

Document 51-2

Filed 04/09/2008

Page 8 of 19

Kev G. Haase
Vice President - Investments
Jmney Montgomery SCOll

Monarch Plaza

3414 PEACHTRE Road, NE, Suite 1560 Amnta, GA 30346-2104
Via Facsime: (404) 233-5580

March 18. 2005

RE: OPTCH LIMITED Acct. No. to be delermed

Tradig Authoriation

Dear Kevi;
Confimi our conversation md pursuant to the authority granted to me by the Wrillen Consent in
Lieu of a Meetig of the Board of Direclors of Optech Lited, a copy of which you have in your

fies, I am hereby config the lit of curent authoried individuas empowered 10 enter orders

and to transfer funds for the above captioned account to now read as follows:
Patrick Kelley

Ronald Krauskopf Carol Loii
Catherie Sandier

Walter Maikovich Yurij Debevc

In the same resolution daled Januar 31, 2005 Optech Lited has granted me the authority to add or remove individuas authoried 10 enler orders and to transfer funds for the above captioned account. Using ths authority effective immeditely, we wanl to remove Carol Lott from the lisl of
authorized individuals and add Diane Valentine 10 the list of authorized individuals to enter orders

and transfer fund for the above referenced accounl.

Should you have any questions regadig ths maller please feel free 10 contact me at your
convenience at 843-725-1120.

Iv d 711

/ ~ -;J;j)o5
FAXIB43~72!5" 1 ZL
TOLL FREE IS77! 272.9700



Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH

Document 51-2

Filed 04/09/2008

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¡¡1í liil1iii¡m 11í111 1111, ili i~ 1~l\im1i11lI1fl1fflÍll 11fI'lTi1li'I1fl'lm i1 l'iiiiii¡¡17ll1~

~ The State of South Carolina 2 -I f"~-~ f ~11 I ~ B ~ ~ ~ "' 8 F 'l ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~~ 4 ~ ~.j i~ ~ f ~ -1 ~~'.,1 f.i.~.. ~ A 3 ~~ ~ ~~. -. ". ~~~ ~ - ~l ~ ~ ~ ?1 ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~,p ~..' N ~ :1"'1 l~~ .~ t¡; p F ~ ,," ~Ecl~' ~ "~4 p",.;' F ~ ~i ~ ;:' ~ ~1
Office Of

~r iflcate"'f existence

,,\etcretarv of State Jim Miles

I, Jim Miles, Secretary of State of South Carolina Hereby certify that:

VERIDIA SOLUTIONS, LLC, A Limited Liability Company duly organized under the laws of the State of South Carolina on November 27th, 2002, with a duration that is

at wil, has as of this date fied all reports due this office, including its most recent

annual report as required by section 33-44-211, paid all fees, taxes and penalties

owed to the Secretary of State, that the Secretary of State has not mailed notice to the company that it is subject to being dissolved by administrative action pursuant
filed articles of termination as of the date hereof.

to section 33-44-809 of the South Carolina Code, and that the company has not

Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State of South Carolina this 4th day of December, 2002.

Jim Miles, Secet of



. .1..'

.l I 1



Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH

Document 51-2

Filed 04/09/2008

Page 10 of 19

. . ~-l1 ~'lI\~ll~wm- I ~,~::~1'1N1l0f
~O\) 2.1, ?()\11


!ii Mil

" FilED
NOV 27.200

/I;--l,# ,~ ~. ."'..""~
~~),.Ji. 1/ ,~


The undersigned delivers the following articles of organization 10 form a South Carolina limited liability

company pursuant 10 Sections 33-44-202 and 33-44-203 of the 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws, as amended.

The name of lha limited liabilty companv which compiies with Section 33-44-105 of the Soulh

Carolina Code of 1976. as amended is YQl-l!~",!:,:_nDAl~ ¿L_(________
The address of the Initial designated office of the Limiled Liability Company in South Carolina is


_____~--------.L-'---------~~-. ._-----------------------O;.F ¡:'$TI d P();4(': Address Street .."nr¡¡ 12~'-

e ¡(l'U~ 'fÆ(____----$c; _____-------dfCft---3.

c~ ~p ~de

Thi~~::~~1fl£~~~~oce:~~~-lhe Limited Liebility ;?n~~

Na Signature
The name and address of each organizer is

and the street address in South Carolina for this initial agent for service of process is

tP/(£ m.5~1 ;fall, ~tì-e Û-\r-________------- streetÁ¿dre~-----------------_________City__________,_________~------------__Pt5xj~------

C#Íf'!J5t2(/ ~e- Z "9t'¿J 1
( Name


ÝuÆ¡ lt6iV~
VStreet Address ?ff"( p lj . 3 #tifß

L ///¡?LE 5.r- ßY?
Zip Code





Street Addre3s

lip Code
(Add add1tonallines jf necessary)



Check this box only tf the company is to be a term company. If so, provIde the term specifl~d:


Case 3:07-cv-04762-PJH

Document 51-2

Filed 04/09/2008

Page 11 of 19

Jli ~-lr1- __.$ó-lU'ÍirJn./. ac. Name of Limited LIabilty Company




Check this box only if management of the limited liabilty company ls vested in a manager or managers. If this company is to be managed by managers, specifY the name and address of each Initial manager:

~ ~ 75EII'-


((?, rf~ i1 ß (;tlI (
Street Address



2'/ fC(O ¡Zip Co

lf !;l)Vl-r+ C;t ROtiliM



Street Address

Zip Gode




Stre Address

Zì;: Code




Street Address
Zip Code

(Add additional

lines If necessary)


( I

Check this box only if one or more of the members of the company are to be liable for its

dabts and obligations undar section 33-44-303(c). If one or more ""mbers are so liable,
specify which members. and for which debts, obligations or liabilties such members are liable in their capacity as members.


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Document 51-2

Filed 04/09/2008

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Vf~!.!! ~l-lylO!!,S _ L ¿. ~N.ame of limite Liabilty cJmpany

8. UnleSS a delayed effective date is specified, these articles wil be effectve when endorsed for

filing by the Secretary of State. Spacify any delayed effective date and time:

¡iO¡)l'P-I"$'" L 2 ~ :2 QCOZ9. Set forth any other provisions not inconsistent with law which the organizers determine 10 include.

including any provisions that are requIred or are permitted to be set forth in the limited liabilty

company operating agreement.

(Add Additional lines ìf necessary)

¡f!Í) 2. té. ¿Qoi(

File two copies of this fow, the anginal and eiter a duplicate original or a conformed copy
2. If spcn,;e on this form is not sufflclent, please attach aditional sheets containing a reference to the appropriate paragrapt

in thIs form, or prepare thIs using a computer disk which wil allow for expam~ion of the space en the form.

3 This form must be accompanied by the filing fee of $110.00 payable \0 the secretary of State.
Return to: Secretary of State

P.O. Box 11350 Columbia, SC 29211

4 The first annual report for a Limited liablity Company must be delivere to the Secretary of Sta between January first
and April first of the calender year after which the LimIted Liability Company was organized or

th foreign company was

first authorized to trnsact business In South Carolina. Subsequent annual report must be delivered to the Secretary of State on or befo the fìfteenth day of the fourt month foiiowing ttie close of the lImited liabIlity company's taxable year


(803) 734-1728.


Form Revised by South Caroline. Secretary of State, January 2000


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. ~~-i~~~



This Referral Fee Agrement ("RFA" or -Agreement" dated April 25, 2005 Is between Optech Umited ("OL ")

and rAdvlsol.

WHERE, OL offers accss to certin loan trnsactons and/or Introductions to lender serviæs and produc1
(collecively "OL Servæs'l, which transactons, servæs and prouc1 are made available frm one or more thlrdpart lenders to appropriate dients In approve stte in the United States of America, and in other approved

geographies around the world.

WHERE, Advisor has a sophistcate undersnding of the OL Seices offre and has dients and other cont
("Advsor's Contacl") which may benefit frm the OL Servæs.
WHERE, Advisor desires to enter Into this RFA with OL, which specfies the terms under which OL will: I) permit
Advisor to communica details of OL Serves to Advisor's Contacl; ii) accpt the reistation of Int and

pre-qualified Advisor Contac1 who, upon acæptance, then will each become a Registre Contact rRC"); and ii) pay, or cause to be paid, fe to Advisor during term of this RFA or a succsor RFA as RCs condude loans or

trnsactions through lenders intruæd by OL
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and agrements herein contained, it is agreed by and between the partes as follows:
Arcle 1

Terms and Produre for Determining Registere Contact
1.1 Terms. To be accpte by OL as an RC of Adsor: i) the entity(s) or persn(s) being submittd to OL by
Advso as a pontial RC must not have been previously contact by OL or have previously contacted OL

direcy or be reistered by OL as a "Registre Conta of any other advsor; and ii) Advisor must provide a

signed affdavit to OL confrming that the propose RC has ben contct at least once by Advisor in person,
by phone, or in writing, and that the propose RC Is a bona fide prospe for one or more OL Servce in
terms of asst holdings and objecve. Once accpt and reistre, a RC wil be maintained as such by OL
as long as Advsor Is In exstnc and has a current RFA in place with OL.

1.2 Proure. For each prose RC, Advisor must provide OL with a signed affdavit confirming Advisor's
compliance within the terms of Secon 1. In order to reistr the contact with OL ("ubmission"). Within two business days after reipt of the signed affdavit, OL will notfy Advisor that th Contact has been

accpte as an RC of Advisor, or proide resons for disqualification of the Submission.


Advisor ~
TEL: (852) 2530.9007 FAX: (852) 2530.9100 info(




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Artlde 2

Compensaion. Vesng Dutes

2.1 Fee. OL will remit or cause th lenders or transacton partes to remit directy to Advisor a referrl fee for
each transaction oonduded through OL by Advisor's RCs during the term of this RFA, and subsequent to the exiration of this RFA as long as a valid succssr RFA exst, as follows:

a) Except as provided in subparagraphs (d) and (e) below, for st loan transactions with US-base
RCs funded through or in oonnecon with OL Servces, a fe shall be paid to Advisor equal to one
half pernt (SO basis point) of the net loan proceds disburs to the RC ("Fee'1. The Fee shall be

due and payable witin thirt (30) days of th remitnce of loan proces to the RC, If Advisor, in

tur, uses the seces of other Intrdudng entties, It wil be the responsibility of Adsor to
ccmpensate these entitis out of such Fe, and OL shall have no rensibility for payment of
additional fes or th distibuton of partl fe to these entitl.

b) Except as provided in subparagraphs (d) and (e) below, for floating rate note (FRN) ioan transctions wit US-basd RCs funded through OL Services, a fe shall be paid to Advisor equal to one quarter

percent (25 basis points) of the net loan pros disburs to the RC ("Fe'1. The Fe shall be due and payable witin thirt (30) days of the remittnce of loan proces to RC. If Advisor, in turn, use the services of other intrucing entities, it will be th rensibilit of Advisor to oompensate these
entities out of such Fee, and OL shall have no responsibilty for payment of additional fees or the
distrlbution of partal fees to these entitis.

c) Expt as provided In subpararaphs (d) and (e) below, for stck loan transactions with non-US
base RCs funded through or in ccnnecon wit OL Servces, a fee shall be paid to Advisor equal to

one pencnt (100 basis points) of the ne lon proceds disbursd to th RC ("Fee'1. The Fe shall
be due and payable within thirt (30) days of the remittnc of loan proceeds to the RC. If Advisor,

In turn, uses the sece of other intrdudng entities, It wil be the responsibilty of Adisor to
oompensate thes enttles out of such Fe, and OL shall have no responsibility for payment of

additional fe or the distbuton of partal fes to these entities.
d) Fes payable through OL or the lender(s) to Advisor wil be reuce by any fes paid dire by

Advisos RCs to Advsor. In the event Advisor charges Adisor's RCs a fee for a stk loan or floating
rate note loan trnscton equal to or exceing fes due from or through OL, OL will be under no
obligation to pay any fe to Advisor In ccnnecon wit that specfic trnsaction.

e) Fe will be paid at the funding of each indMdualloan trnsacton. There wil be no fe paid at the
point of renewal of any previously estblished trnsacton, reardless of whether or not there is an

Inaease In the loan amount at renewal.

f) Advisor undersnds and agres that no part of any referrl fes paid to Advisor by or through OL or
condudlng a trnsacton(s) through OL.

any lender will be share with or divert to any RC, either direy or Indirecly, as a result of


Advisor L
TEL: (852) 2530.9007 FAX: (852) 2530.9100 Infoi!



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2.2 Duties of Advisor.

a) Advisor, as an independent contrctr as to both OL and any lender(s) refered by Ot. wil be
responsble for its own cost and exnse. Adsor is responsible for paying when due all taxes, induding without limitation pall and Income ta, e5mate taxes and any othr taxes iOOme as a result of any fe paid throh OL or any lender(s) to Adsor. Adsor agres to Indemnify OL
and any lender(s) in a trnsactn with Adsor's RCs for any claims, cost, loss, fe, penaltes,

Intest, or damages suffered by OL relting from Advisor's failure to comply with this provision.

b) Other thn materials published by OL or any lenders) refeme by OL and prode to Advisor
specically fo the purpse of disbuton to Advisor's Contact, Advisr agrees to reuest and

reive prior writn approval frm OL bere publishing, discosing, distributing or using any public
and/or prite markting materials relate to OL and/or any OL Services and/or any other prouct or servæs similar or relate to those offred by OL. Advisor undersnds that no advertsing or markting materials published by Advisor may refer by name to OL or to any of the OL Services, without Ols prior writtn cosent. The consent reuire pursuant to this prOvision may be granted
or withheld In Ols sole and absolute disction.

c) Advisor will provide writtn notice to each RC of all fes due to Advisor related to that RC's loan(s), and Advisor will provide writtn notice to OL of all fees due from Advsos RCs to Advsor as the
relt of esblishing a loan transacton(s) through OL Services.

d) Advisor understnds that If any of Adsor's RCs would like Advisor to instuct OL and/or the lender(s)
wit reard to the RC's loan transactn(s), said RC must submit to OL a Limited Power of Attrney

assigning such authority to Adiso, In form and subsnce accptable to OL and its counsl.
e) Advisor undeinds that, In the absnce of a limited Power of Attorney, each RC must provide OL

wit appropriate wrtt authorition to release information regarding the sttus and details of said
RC's loan trnsaction(s) before OL wil release this Information to Advisor.
t) Upon notification by OL tht a loan has been funded to an RC, Advisor must submit a wrtt invoice

to OL to request remittnce of the fees payble. Invoices must Identify: i) the RC; i1) the loan

amount; iii) the loan number; Iv) th loan type and fes payable; and v) any and all fe cotractually payable, direy or indirey, to Advsor (or a relate entity) by that RC as a result of
the loan transacton through OL Servces (or stte none If there are no such fees payable).
g) Advisor represents and warrnts to OL tht Advisor is in complianc, In ea place where It does
business, with any and all stte, feerl and locl

license, reulatory reuirements, rules, reulations,

sttus and laws that are applicble to Advisor's business related to this Agreement.




13/F SILVER FOTUNE PL ONE WENGTON STEE CENTL HON KONG TEL: (852) 2530.9007 FAX: (852) 2530.9100 Infol/


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2.3 Duties of OL. OL will be responsible to remit to Adiso the appropriate fee for each transacton when due,
subsequent to reivlng an Invoice frm Advisor In accrdance with Secton 2.2(f).
Arcle 3

Indemnification and Liabilty
3.1 Indemnification. Advisor agrees to indemnify OL and its owners, offcers, managers, employees, members,
direcrs, prindpals, partrs, shareholders, beeficiaries, agents, successrs and assigns (the "Indemnified

Persns) frm and against any and all Judgment, settements, penaltes, cost and exenss, which shall
include resonable attrney' fe, arising out of or relate to Advisor's miscnduct, malfesance,

misrepresnt~on or brech of this Agrement. Furtermore, Advisor will indemnify and hold each
Indemnifed Persn harmless frm and against any and all exnses, daims, los, damages, lIabii~es or
actions in respe thereof (Incuding cost of defens and atrnes fee), induding any of the foregoing

incurre in settement of any litiation or proceeding, commenCe or threteed, arising out of, reating to or
base upon any aspec of any RC's loan trnsactn(s).

3.2 Limitation of Liabilty. Expt for an acton in breach of this Agrement, neitr part will be liable to the other for any indire, exemplary, inådental or conseuental damages, however cause, wheter by
neligenc or otherwise, even if such part has ben advsed of the possibilit of such damages.
Article 4
Intellecal Pl'pIrt Rights

4.1 Copyrghts. Advso ackowledges tht OL or another lender for the trnsactons own all copyrights in any

and all websites and pUblic andlor private wrin materials ("Markting Materials) used by OL and/or

another lender In th trnsactons with RCs to marke th OL Serces. Advisor agre that it will not
reproduce, in whole or In part, any of the Marketing Materials In any form or medium whaever (evn in temporary digitl file) at any time or for any purpse whatsever without the prior writtn permission of OL, reardles of wheer OL or another lender has applied for or obtaine reistered copyrights fb such works.

4.2 Trademarks Adsor ackowledes that OL or another lender for the trnsactions is/are th owner(s) of ali right and intere in and to OPTCH, OPTCH UMITD, OPTCHUMITD.COM, 90% STOCK LOAN, OPTON
CONVERSION LOAN, ESOP QRP LOAN, th Opteh Umited logos, and any othr worn, name, symboi or

device, or any cobinaton therf, use by OL to identify or distnguish the OL Serces or the prouct it offrs or to indicate sorc or origin, induding without limitation ali trdemark and/or servce mark
designate by OL or another lender wit th symbol sm, tm, or 00. Advisor agrees that It will not use any such trdemark or service mark without the express prior writtn consent of OL.

4.3 Immediate Termination. Advisor undersnds that any viola~on of It obligations under this Artcle 4 shall
be grounds for Immediate tenmination of this RFA by OL, and tht any such violation may be cause for OL to

OL 9: Advisor """"'-0
TEL: (852) 2530.9007 FAX: (852) 2530.9100 info(¡hk-opte,com

pursue appropriate legai remedies. Advisor ackwledge and agrees that any violation or breach of this

Aride 4 will caus irreparable injury to OL and would caus damages to OL that would be diffcult or


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impossble to ascrtin or quantify. Aardingly, withut limiting any otr remedies that may be available

with repe to any brech of this Artcle or Agrement and notwithstnding that all other disput between
th partes must be submitted to arbitrtion as provided heren, Advisor hereby consents to the entry of an

injunction to restrain any breach or thretened breach of this Arde 4. Advisor furter agrees that, in any
acton or proceing relating to a brech of this Arle 4, OL and/or the othr owner(s) of the infrnged

propert shall recver all resonable attrneys fes and cost tht are inairr in connecon with the enforcment of this Arle, Including witut limitation, cost of invegation, witnes fe, court cost,

attrneys' fees and eiense
Artlde 5

5.1 Relationship. Th partes acXoWledge that Advsor is entering into this Agreement as, and shall contnue
to be, an independent cotrr. Under no drcumstnce shall Advisor becme an employee, partr, agent

or prinCipal of OL while this Agrement is In ef. Advsor undersnds and agres that Advisor is not
entitied to the rights or benefts affrded to OL's employes, Including disabilty or unemployment insurance,
wOrXers compensatin, medical insranæ, Sick leave, or any other employment beneft. Adsor is

responsible for providing, at its own expense, disability, works compensation, unemployment and other
Insuranæ, as well as all licese and permits usual or neæssry for Advisor and its employees andlor subcontrctrs to perfnm Advlsors obligations and business under this Agrement. The parties furter

acXowlede that any and all rights not eiresly grante pursant to this Agreement are reserved to the
respeve part and that neither will have any right power or authority to obligate th other to any contract,

term or condition not expressly authorized herein. This Agreement is not to be construed as crng in any
wayan agent!prindpal or emplOYeeemployer relatonship beeen Advisr and OL.

5.2 No Third Part Intere Neithr this Agrement, nor any prosion set fort herein, expt as expressly
stte, is intended to or shall crete any rights in or conf any benefits upon any person other than the

partes hereto; provided, however, tht lender(s) In transaons with RCs may enforæ rights grant to them
5.3 Notices. All notiæs, reuest and other communicatins hereunder shall be delivered in witing and shall be

deeme to have be duly given at the time of reæipt if delivere by hand or by electonic transmission ("Facsimile"), or, if mailed, thre (3) days aftr mailing reister or ærtfied mail, retum relpt reuested, with postge prepaid to the names and addres In the contact.
5.4 Written Modifications. This Agreement may only be amended wit the writtn cosent of the partes, and

no oral waiver or amendment shall be effive under any drcumstnæs whatsver.

5.5 Succors and Asigns. This Agrement may not be asgne by Advisor witout OL's prior written

OL ,11

Advisor ~
13/F Sn.VER FORTUNE Pl ONE WEWNGTN STREET CENl HONG KONG TEL: (852) 2530.9007 FAX: (852) 2530.9100 infoC!



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5.6 Tenninatlon and Survivability of Certin CoVlllint.

a) This Agreement wil terminate autmatically, without notice frm OL, six months from the date of this
Agrement if none of Advisor's Res has dose a loan trnsaon through OL or with one of the lenders referrd by OL during that six-month period. Prde that one or more of Advisor's Res

close one or more loan trnsactons in the inital six month term, this Agreemen shall be renewable,
upon executon of a new Agreement between OL and Adsor, for a subseuent six month term at

OL's preilng terms and c:nditons at the time of reewal. The Agrement shall be eligible for
renewal for subseuent six-month tenms thereftr at OL's previlng terms and c:nditions at th time of the subseuent renewals, so long as Adsor's Res have clos at leas one loan trnsacton

in each six-month tenm immediatey pneing each such renewal, unless either part cancels th
Agreement by providing writtn notce of such cancellation to the other part.
b) OL rese the right to terminate this Agreent at any time for cause (as detenmlned by OL in its

disation), at its sole discetion. In the evnt of termination for caus, OL shall not be obligate to pay Advso on any fure busine frm any RC prevously referr to OL by Advisor.
c) The provisions of Artdes 2.2, 3, 4 and S of this Agrement shall survve the expiration or termination hereof.
5.7 Conndentlallty. The partes wil hold the terms and c:ndltions of this Agrement in confidence, and, with

the exception of the provions under Seon 2.2(c), neither part wil, without the prior c:nsent of the other part, disclose any of such tenms and conditions to other persns excet as may be necry in order for a
part to enforc it rights hereunder or as may be reuire by law or order of a c:urt of competent

5.8 exlusivit. During the tenm of ths Agrement, Advisor shall not direy or Indirey engage in, be
employed by, c:nsult for, perfrm servce fo or refer any of Advisor's Contacts or Registered Contact to

any organizaon or persn, whether as lender, agent, broker, independent contractr, finder or other, that

makes, markts, offers, provides, or is otherwise Involv in making, marketing, offring, or proding any
service similar to OL Services, Incuding but not limite to making, marketing, offering, or providing non-

reoours stock loans and/or floating rate note lons.

5.9 Applicable Law. This Agrement wil be govemed by and ainstued in accrdance wit the internal
substntie laws of the St of New York without givng eff to its c:nftict of law rules.
5.10 Arbitraton. Th partes to this Agrement, and their respeive owners, employees, offcers, principals,

direcors, members, partners, attmey and agents hereby agre to submit to final and binding arbitration

any and all ciaims, dispute and cotrerses beeen thm in any way relating to this Agrement or the
transactons contemplated hereby. It Is furter agre that such arbtration shall take plac In New York

OL ~ - Advisor ,,,,,,,.,,-0
Rules of JAMS. Each part shall bear its own cost and expeses and an equal ~he arbitrtors fes

New York, Unite Slate of America, and shall be c:nduc In aa:nce with the Commerdal Arbitration Rules of JAMS Endispute ("JAMS"). Arbitrtion herender shall be before a singie neutral arbitrtor, who shall be an attrney who has prace In the are of commercal law for at least ten years or a rere judge at the U.S. Distict Court or Appellate Court level, selec In aanrdnce with the rules of the Commerdal

TEL: (852) 2530.9007 FAX: (852) 2530.9100 infO(,com

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and administie fe of arbitrtion. The award of the arbitrtor hereunder shall be in writing, shall be
binding on tle partes named in tle proæeing, and may be entere for enforcement with a court of
competent jurisdiction.
5.11 Severabilty. If any prision of this Agrement shall be detenmlned finally to be unenforceable, then sud

provision shall be demed to be severed from this Agreement and every otler provision of this Agrement

shall remain in full fora and eff
5.12 Signature. Signatures of this Agreement via facsimile shll be accptable, but must be foliowed by an original sent by reistere mail. This Agrement may be exd in two (2) or more conterpart, each of
which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same insrument.

5.13 Complete Agreement. This Agreement se forth the entre agreement and undersnding of lhe partes

here wit respect to tle subjec mattr hereof and superses all prior discssions, leters of intent,
relating thereto.

agreements, ooenants, arrngements, communications, representtions, undersndings or warranties, of
any kind beeen tlem whether oral or writtn, by any offcer, employee, or represntative of either part

IN WINESS WHEREOF, each part cause tlls Agrement to be exuted by its duly authorized
representatle(s). The duly autorized rerentatives of th partes acknowlege and agre tley have carefully
read and undersnd all of the foregoing and have exte this Agrement efcte as of the date firs writtn


FOR: Optech Limite FOR:
cfo Vendia Solutions, LLC

One Postn Road, Suit 120

Charlestn, SC 29407
Tel: 843 725 1120

Fax: 843 72S 1121

30 May 7005

Autlorize Signatory


13lF 5ILVER FORWNE PlA ONE WEWNGTON STREE æNTRAL HONG KONG TEL: (852) 2530.9007 FAX: (852) 2530.9100 inforghk~ptech,com
